The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 133: what do you want

  Chapter 133 What do you want to do

  This helicopter is engraved with a silver sword emblem and belongs to the Omega sequence silver faction.

  Mu Qingyou, codenamed Absolute Sword, is the leader of the Baiyin faction.

   At the same time, he is also the heir of Jianzhong.

A man with a sword box on his back said: "Yes, he saved Junior Sister Tang back then, and we owed him a favor in Jianzhong, but after the massacre in Heiyun City Walled, we have already paid it back. This is a descendant of the Gu family, Moreover, he is someone who is valued by the King of Green, and there is a high probability that he will become the King of Green's closed disciple."

  Mu Qingyou hugged a tablet computer, tapped it a few times, and the information popped up.

   "A second-level young commander? This combat power is not normal. If he is a student of the Green King, he may have learned breathing and forbidden spells. This is a rare talent."

  She said: "And he also has two mythical weapons."

   "More than that, now everyone in the association is wondering what Professor Gu Ci'an left for him before his death."

  The girl said weakly: "Although he is very strong, it will be very difficult for you, Senior Sister, to pull him into our faction. This is a lone wolf, very similar to Junior Sister Tang."

  Mu Qingyou thought of the arrogant tone in the communication channel before

   There is also the figure sitting upright in the wind and rain below.

   "Well, it's not realistic."

  She said helplessly: "However, as long as it is not snatched away by Ying Changsheng and Li Hanting, this action will probably be reported directly to the president. This is a great achievement."

   At the same time, Ying Changsheng was already sitting in the chariot, admiring the stormy night scene.

   "Your Highness, should we win over that person?"

  A beautiful maid asked respectfully: "With this level of talent, if nothing else happens, this person should be the strongest in the new generation of Omega sequences just like Thunder."

  Ying Changsheng waved his hand: "Don't worry, when I saw him, I felt like I saw someone of the same kind."

  The maids and guards were stunned for a moment.

   "People with the same path, don't need to deliberately recruit, sooner or later they will come together."

  He smiled lightly: "I just need to know that he will never go to Li Hanting's side."


  The most humiliated today is the Tribunal.

   This is not because of their lack of strength, but because of their courage and courage.

   The monster that Mrs. Yan mutated into is indeed terrifying.

   If no antidote is developed, then it will be difficult for anyone to go up and fight. There is a high probability that they will lose their lives in vain, and many people will be implicated, thus becoming a mother for the reproduction of Gu insects, further expanding the disaster.

  So it can only be filled with life.

   But the question is who will fill it out.

  The answer is the soldiers of the dawn battle sequence.

  Because these nano-warriors, in addition to guarding the stability of the world and defending the human territory.

  The biggest duty is to protect the geniuses of the Omega sequence.

  Li Hanting stroked the wolf cub in his arms, and sat silently in the cabin.

  He knew his plan was fine.

   However, there happened to be one who was not afraid of death to rush, and he did it.

   This is a slap in the face.

  Originally, he planned to take people from his faction to take a look.

  If the opponent has been seriously injured, then he can praise his bravery, and then show a certain degree of care, so that he will not appear so incompetent.

   However, the opponent was unharmed, and even encountered an attack later, and then killed the assassin.

   This makes Li Hanting very useless.

  Because he is the commander of the Westport battlefield and also represents the Tribunal.

  Suddenly, the roar of a helicopter came from a distance, and a strong coercion enveloped the audience.




  The helicopter was entrenched in mid-air, and someone was standing in front of the cabin, overlooking the storm.

   This is a burly and strong man, his whole body is burning with blood-colored flames, like a demon walking out of hell, a pair of hideous and terrifying pupils light up in the darkness, like blazing torches.

  The moment he appeared, the storm that filled the sky was burned up and turned into thick smoke.

  A strong smell of blood, accompanied by terrifying coercion, enveloped the audience.

  The helicopter faltered and issued a shrill siren.

  Mu Qingyou felt this coercion, the pupils in her beautiful eyes trembled, and the sword box behind her trembled wildly.

  Inadvertently, cold sweat drenched his whole body.

  Including other silver factions, they were also trembling and sweating under this coercion.

Ying Changsheng's chariot was also trembling violently. His hand holding the teacup suddenly let go, and the tea spilled all over his body. A huge coercion enveloped him like a dark cloud, almost crushing all the blood vessels and heart in his body. .

  The twelve guardians looked at each other, their pupils terrified and inexplicable.

  Even Li Hanting, who was leaning against the courtroom, groaned, his face flushed, and his whole body trembled.

  All the members of the Omega sequence present felt the horror of falling into hell.

   "Instructor Wan."

  Chen Bojun raised his head, looked at the burly demon in the sky, and said with a smile, "Come back from the city?"

  Lu Zijin raised his eyebrows, and said lightly: "You guys still know to come?"

   This is not an enemy attack, but a friendly army.

  The burly man on the helicopter was surnamed Wan, and his name was Tu.

  The name Wantu is very domineering, just like him.

  Dragon Slayer Path, quasi-sanctuary-level sublimator, and instructor of the Omega sequence.

  As soon as he came here, he directly gave all the Omega sequences present a blow.

"Speaking of this, I was so **** angry. When I came here, a building collapsed, and there were many ordinary people inside, so I helped it up. Then, by coincidence, the building on the other side was also **** It collapsed, and I helped it up again. As a result, many bugs came out of the ground! This is really terrible!"

  Wan Tu spoke slowly, with a hoarse voice: "I just helped clean it up, but I was late."

   What the **** is it to help the two buildings!

  Everyone was astonished and inexplicable, how much effort it took!

"Ha ha."

  Lu Zijin rolled his eyes.

  Chen Bojun smiled and said, "What do you think of the Omega sequence in Heiyun Walled City?"

Wantu stood in the cabin and gave a condescending sip: "A bunch of waste! It's useless! This Omega sequence is getting worse every year. Every one of them is pampered, delicate and tender, even my slaughter domain Couldn’t hold on anymore, and was so scared that he peed his pants? Is this still called an elite? This is the kind of elite I beat up!”

  He looked around and accurately identified every Omega sequence present.

   "Well, the quality of this wave of people is not bad. Fortunately, they didn't pee their pants in fright, but it's not enough!"

Wan Tu grinned and said, "In the future, all of you will fight against the ancient gods on behalf of the human race. The ancient gods are ten or a hundred times more powerful than me! I don't care how many honors and achievements you have had before. It doesn't matter who the family behind you is, even if you are the granddaughter of the president, or even a student of the Green King, as long as you are not strong enough, you have to keep your tail between your legs, do you understand?"


   Faint thunder.

  The terrifying power became even more violent, almost condensing into substance.

   No one spoke.

  Because under this huge coercion, their bodies were almost crushed, and they couldn't make a sound at all.

   "Why, all the soft bones, seeing Lao Tzu so scared that I can't even speak?"

Wan Tu grinned ferociously: "Boys, if you are facing the ancient gods, you are dead now! I know, you may be very upset now, thinking about how to revenge me in the future. It doesn't matter! I wish you all You can beat me violently, because it means that you have grown up and can kill the ancient gods."

He paused: "But now, you are still far behind. Remember my face well, I am the chief instructor of your Omega sequence. Before you can defeat me, call me Lord Wan honestly, understand?"

  How proud it is to be the leader of the three major factions.

  Even in the face of such coercion, Ying Changsheng still held his head up and forcibly controlled his expression.

  Mu Qingyou's eyes were full of sword intent, and she slowly straightened her waist.

  Li Hanting also snorted coldly, trying not to let himself fall down.

  Suddenly, I saw a black-haired young man taking the last sip of coffee, holding an empty cup in his hand, getting up and leaving calmly, strolling in the courtyard, elegant and indifferent, completely natural.

   completely ignored everyone.

  The terrifying coercion that fell from the sky seemed to have no effect on him.


   Wantu was shocked, his eyes widened like copper bells.

  He knew very well that his coercion also enveloped the boy just now.

   But the problem is, his Slaughter Domain doesn't work on this little brat!

   "Old Chen, Lao Lu, whose family's little brat is this?"

  He yelled loudly: "You don't take the old...don't take this instructor seriously?"

  Lu Zijin covered his face hard.

  Chen Bojun sighed: "How can this be explained?"



  At this moment, Gu Jianlin had already left the forbidden area of ​​Westport, and was walking on the side of the road holding an umbrella.

  Tonight there will be a violent storm, and there will be disasters from Gu insects.

  There is no one on the street, and it is impossible to get a taxi, or even a shared bicycle.

   Therefore, I can only go home on foot.

   "Why did you just leave?"

   Yue Ji hid under his umbrella and asked casually.

   "My senior brother is here, so there shouldn't be any problems, although he has a very special temperament."

   Gu Jianlin said seriously: "But he is a good man and has always taken care of me, so there will be no problems."

  Yueji thought for a while: "Is that so? Then you should get to know him."

  Gu Jianlin frowned: "What do you mean?"

Yue Ji explained lightly: "In this world, you are probably the only one who can say that he is a good person. As the first disciple of the King of Blue, his reputation is not very good. And his code name is, Devil. Even in the dark world, there are very few people with such a code name."

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a moment: "Really?"

  Actually, in the documents left by his father, the Blue King was also described as a lunatic.

  The reputations of both master and apprentice don't seem to be that kind of highly respected type.

never mind.

   Anyway, his own reputation is not much better.

   It's only been a while since his debut, and he's turned into a chair murderer.

  Gu Jianlin can't help it, it's just easier to hit people with a chair, and he doesn't know other fighting skills.

   You can only fight for strength, speed, and ferocity.

   Go for one-hit headshots.

"There is a problem."

  Gu Jianlin suddenly said, "What are you following me for?"

  Yueji glanced at him sideways, and asked: "I'm a clean freak, and I don't like to get in the rain. Besides, I just saved your life and led you to the secret room your father left behind. Why are you giving me away?"

  Gu Jianlin raised his eyebrows: "Where is your home?"

  Yueji's eyes became vigilant: "What do you mean? The effect of the lush stock solution hasn't passed yet?"

  Gu Jianlin wiped his face vigorously: "I mean, I'll take you home now. If you don't feel safe, then go to the hotel that Sanye Liu mentioned, and then I can go back to sleep."

   After tossing and tossing for so long, even he couldn't hide his exhaustion, and just wanted to go home and sleep.

  Yueji thought for a while: "I don't have a home, and I've been living in a forbidden area for the past few months, occasionally sleeping in a hotel."

  Gu Jianlin suddenly realized: "Because my father had an accident, so you have no place to live? But since you are not a fallen person, you should be able to live in the real world?"

  Yueji was silent for a second: "It was possible before, but not now."

  Gu Jianlin just wanted to ask why, but he suddenly realized: "Yes, since the trial court will want my father, then you, as his student, must also be on the wanted list."

  Yueji snorted softly: "I've said it all, I'm not your father's student."

  Gu Jianlin thought for a moment, no matter who this girl is, she is someone very important to him.

  He hesitated: "Why don't you go to my place?"

  Yueji looked up at him, her eyes suddenly sharpened.

   "What do you want?"

  【ps: This book is first published on Qidian Reading App, see you at 8:30 tomorrow night】

  (end of this chapter)

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