The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 139: I'm a barbarian too

  Chapter 139 I am also a barbarian

  The quaint temple is shrouded in twilight, the thousand-year-old dragon sandalwood burns silently, and the smoke is lingering.

  Three strands of twilight fell from the cracks in the dome.

   Light and dark delivery, criss-crossing.

  In front of the incomplete and tilted stone statue, Taihua raised his hands behind his back and stared silently, his phoenix robe fluttering in the wind.

  Her back is so lonely, and her golden robe is shining in the twilight.

  After a long time, alchemy formation patterns lit up on the floor tiles, complex and mysterious golden patterns rippled, and illusory figures condensed like shards of light, and finally took shape.

  A total of fifteen people.

  Thirteen of them are branch ministers of various jurisdictions.

   In addition to this, there are also leaders of two special departments.

  The leader of the night watchman department, code-named Winter.

  The first saint of the Tribunal, code-named Lihuo.

   This is not the real world, nor is it the Ancient God Realm.

  It is a space-type mythical weapon of the Ether Association, and its name is the Realm of Illusion.

   "Chairman, don't try to hide your coordinates with the illusory realm, I know where you are now! You went to Yingzhou!"

Chen Xingli stood in the rippling golden pattern, with a serious and deep face, rigid and dull: "I just received a call, and the Yingzhou branch expressed strong protests. Now is no longer the age of ignorance and barbarism. After our advocacy Now, the ascensionists from all over the world have signed the "Black Mamoni Soul Contract" to jointly maintain the peace and stability of the human world. How could you go to Yingzhou privately and kill Susanoo's sons?"

  The person who asked to be held accountable as soon as they met was the minister who belonged to the first branch and was also in charge of the headquarters.

  It is also the most powerful among the thirteen branch ministers.

  Lu Zijin curled his lips next to him, the president's prestige and murderous intentions have long been famous.

  Only the stunned senior brother dares to beep every time they meet.

  The rest of the high-level people are watching their noses, noses, noses, and hearts, completely pretending not to hear.

   "I didn't go to Yingzhou privately."

  Taihua said indifferently: "I went in an open and aboveboard manner."

  Okay, you are indeed the President!

  When everyone was silent, it was still Chen Xingli who stood up.

  He sternly criticized: "The contract you proposed to sign at the beginning, but you took the lead in violating it and killing wantonly. How could you do this? At least, you need to discuss with us first."

  Taihua didn't even look back, and killed him instantly with just one sentence: "I'm a barbarian."

   Dead silence.

  Chen Xingli was so angry that his face turned red and he was speechless.

  Everyone was looking at the head of the first branch, seeing his angry face, and smacking their tongues in their hearts.

   Obviously this is not the first time this has happened.

"The "Heimameni Soul Deed" was indeed proposed by me, but I am the supervisor, not the contractor. The East is a land of divine enlightenment, and Yingzhou is too close, but it still has a certain inheritance. Defend."

  Taihua said lightly: "If you are not of my race, their hearts must be different."

  When she said this, she snorted: "What's more, Susano's sons are disrespectful to me."

  Chen Xingli glanced at the high-level people around, and then asked in a deep voice: "How do you know? You are not from the Baize clan, nor from the Witch Way. Are you just trying to catch rumors after hearing rumors?"

  Taihua shook his head: "I dreamed about it."

   Inside the quaint temple, once again fell into dead silence.

  Chen Xingli took a deep breath, and the illusory figure flickered away.

  The high-level people present knew that the branch chief might be so angry that he would leave on the spot.

   Sure enough, Chen Xingli said with a straight face: "If there is nothing wrong, I will deal with your evil deeds. Now the Yingzhou branch has a lot of opinions. If it is not handled properly, problems may arise."

  At this time, Taihua said: "You don't need to worry about the affairs of Yingzhou. The key point is the land reclamation of the Qilin Immortal Palace. It is not yet known what is in the Immortal Palace."

   "It has been determined that there should be ancient gods of the Candle Dragon and Qilin clans in the Qilin Immortal Palace."

  She paused: "The ancestor of Kuilong is in the fairy palace."

  The high-level executives were shocked.

  There have been only a few ancient supreme beings since ancient times, and the number of appearances is not too many.

   On the contrary, it is the ancestor, the enemy of the human world.

   "Don't worry, two thousand years have passed, and the ancestor of Kuilong is planning something, but he is very weak now. Not long ago, Bo Jun has fought against him, and he is sure that he does not retain much strength."

   Taihua said calmly.

   This is true. If it is an ancestor in the heyday, it is impossible for a seventh-level sublimator to beat him.

  In the real world, you still have a chance to escape.

   If you are in the Ancient God Realm, you will definitely die.

   "You must pay attention, there is still a living Qilin clan in the Qilin Immortal Palace, at least the ancestor level."

  Taihua's voice was getting colder, and he said, "Maybe, it's still Venerable Qilin himself."

   For a moment, everyone in the temple held their breath, so quiet that they could almost hear each other's heartbeats.

"Although the Qilin Immortal Palace has not reached the standard of taboo-level super-ancient ruins, there are too many variables in it, and even divination masters and witches cannot accurately predict it. If it goes well, it will be a simple land reclamation. If it doesn't go well, It is very likely that we will face two supreme beings at once."

Taihua said indifferently: "Two thousand years ago, Venerable Zhulong did not hesitate to kill Venerable Qilin at the cost of serious injuries. It is very likely that something was left in the Qilin Immortal Palace. You guess he will Will you come back to get it?"

   Well, compared with this matter, if the people of Yingzhou want to make a fuss, let them go.

  There are too many variables in Qilin Asgard.

  If you are unlucky, the history of mankind may end within this year.

   "However, there is no need to worry too much. Even if Venerable Qilin is alive, his condition will not be very good. In recent years, Venerable Zhulong has also had problems. With Huaiyin sitting in Fengcheng, they may not come to reality."

  Taihua paused: "However, the Youying Group is still watching outside, which makes me very unhappy."

   "Understood, I'm going to prepare to activate the Wedge of Heaven and Man."

  Chen Xingli said seriously: "At that time, please cooperate with the teacher!"

   After speaking, his figure suddenly disappeared.

  Many ministers also bowed to salute, saying: "Let's prepare now."

   Following the disappearance of one after another figures, the temple fell into dead silence again.

  Finally, Lu Zijin just bent over to salute and was about to leave.

   "Zijin, you stay."

  Taihua said suddenly.

  Following the turbulence of light and shadow, Lu Zijin froze in place, pointing to himself: "Me?"

  She said sweetly: "Teacher, I haven't made any mistakes recently. You are not allowed to punish me at will."

  Taihua turned around, without any expression on his majestic and solemn face, looking down at her from above, with a majestic voice: "You are such an old man, why should I punish you?"

  Lu Zijin said delicately, "Then what are you leaving me for?"

  Among the thirteen ministers, she is a pure bastard, basically not doing anything.

   "That son of Gu Ci'an, you brought him out, right?"

  Taihua glanced at her.

  The smile on Lu Zijin's face was still strong, but his heart froze again.

  Damn bastard.

  You taunted me and let my old lady help you take the blame!

   "Well, to be precise, it was brought out by my brother."

  She smiled and said, "It has nothing to do with me."

Taihua raised his eyebrows: "Really? You have to know that this is someone Huaiyin values. Although I can't see the slightest possibility, Huaiyin wants him to be the king in this issue of the Omega sequence." of."

  Lu Zijin also thought it was a fantasy when he heard this: "What kind of king can he be named at his age? The king of chair murder?"

   This is really unlikely, because there is not enough time.

  The child's talent is indeed very good, but after reaching the super-dimensional level, promotion is no joke.

   No matter how talented you are, you have to pay attention to a rule.

  What a monster Gu Ci'an was back then, and he still didn't become king in the end.

  Taihua snorted coldly, with disdain in his eyes: "If you say that he has nothing to do with you, then if he is crowned the title of king in the future, it will be your younger brother who will make the most of the credit."


  Lu Zijin bit the bullet and said: "Okay, it's me. This kid has such a personality. He always likes to make fun of people when he sees him. He didn't even know that you were the old man's wife, the King of Green. Don't be as knowledgeable as him."

  Taihua snorted again: "Sorry, I'm a barbarian."

  Lu Zijin suddenly had a bad feeling.

   "The little guy in my family also arrived at Heiyun Walled City three days ago."

  Taihua said lightly: "This child lacks discipline. I, a mediocre lord, have nothing to do. Let our rookie king take it with him. Maybe there will be some chemical reaction."

   Lu Zijin's beautiful eyes trembled slightly: "Are you sure?"

  Tai Hua paused: "Sure."



  The red supercar drove into the cross-sea bridge.

  Lin Wanqiu was driving the car, wearing a pair of black sunglasses, her face was charming and delicate, her hair fluttering in the wind.

   Gu Jianlin glanced at her, and he understood.

   Now the identities of the group of five have been basically confirmed.

  The pharmacist and the scholar have nothing to say, both of them have already been dealt with, and their identities are ordinary.

  Although the butcher is his general, he is also an idle savage.

  The most curious ones are Yue Ji and Siren.

  The former is now living with him, although this statement is a bit ambiguous, but that is what it means.

  The identity of the last siren has now been revealed.

  But when Gu Jianlin released his life perception, what he heard was a graceful melody like a spring breeze.

  As a sublimator of the priest path, there will be no problems in terms of physical health.

  There is no genetic disease, no cancer, and there is no need to worry about the three highs, let alone gout.

   Eat Ma Ma Xiang.

  Basically choose the path of the priest, then you will not get sick, and you can live happily for the rest of your life.

"Uncle Mu once said, don't rely too much on profiling and life perception. This is an extraordinary world, and there are many unknown methods that cannot be deduced according to normal logic. I didn't feel the breath of the fallen in Lin Wanqiu's body. , does not mean that she is not polluted. Especially, she is a priest path."

   "If Lin Wanqiu is a siren, then everything makes sense, and she has a very close relationship with the trial court. Now she is anxious to find a new backer, probably because she is worried about being exposed."

   "Then, if this person uses it well, he may not be less valuable than a pharmacist."

   Gu Jianlin thought to himself.

  At this time, the sky suddenly dimmed, and the clouds rolled and gathered.

  The tone of the world becomes darker.

   They have entered the forbidden area of ​​Heiyun Walled City!

   "Would you like to visit Mu Feng and the others later?"

  Lin Wanqiu asked reservedly.

  Although the guardian's matter was rejected, she was still not discouraged.

  Being a driver was something she won with great difficulty from the branch chief, and she must not waste it.

   If it’s a big deal, just wear it out slowly, just like chasing after a little boyfriend, as long as you work hard and grind the iron pestle into a needle.


  Gu Jianlin nodded slightly.

   At this time, the sky above the sky shook violently.

   I saw that the sky seemed to be torn apart, and the golden light slurry poured down like a waterfall, flooding the dark world!

  The glorious golden realm descended from the sky, just like the gate of heaven opened, and the miracle covered the entire city!

   Celestial Realm!

  Gu Jianlin felt the roar of anger in his mind, and Hei Qilin felt extremely uncomfortable again, and fell into a deep sleep.

   At the same time, his breathing became freer.

  Breathing heaven and earth, heaven and man are one.

   "With such a large coverage area, is the association going to be serious this time?"

  Gu Jianlin said softly: "Are you going to kill Venerable Qilin, or the ancestor of Kuilong?"

  At this moment, in the glorious realm, there unexpectedly appeared a phantom figure of a majestic majesty who looked down on the world.

  It was a majestic woman wearing a phoenix crown and a phoenix robe.

  The indifferent and majestic pupils, like the burning sun, overlook the earth.

  【ps: The starting point reading app for this book, the next update will be at 11:30 tonight】

  (end of this chapter)

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