The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 156: Profile and Divination (5000)

  Chapter 156 Profile and Divination (5000)

  Gu Jianlin noticed the strange expressions of the three people opposite him, so he explained: "We are trying to coordinate, sit down."

   Tang Ling simply nodded, as a greeting to the others.

   "Oh, how embarrassing that is."

  Cheng Youyu was also thick-skinned, and immediately pulled his two companions to sit down, ready to eat melons.

   "Synhomology? What's going on here?"

  Gu Jianlin thought about it, and briefly summarized the matter.

Unexpectedly, the little fat man immediately waved his hand after listening to it: "Hey, I'm thinking about something big. Although I'm not an omega, it's not up to me to do rescue operations, but I'm good at keeping pace, and I'm a leader in the forum Don't worry, I'll go back and post tonight to ensure that no one dares to take on the task of the trial court."

   "In this regard, you can trust the little fat man, he can tell black into white."

  Zhang Cheng complained: "It will be useless even if the divination team judges that the risk is low."

  Nie Xiangsi said: "He has more than six hundred trumpets."

  Gu Jianlin was a little surprised, he began to suspect that the nickname of the chair murderer was given by the little fat man.

   But he has no proof.

"let's start."

   Tang Ling handed her thin white right hand in front of him.

  For some reason, there is always the elegance and nobility of a queen stretching out her hand and asking you to kiss her hand.

  Gu Jianlin stretched out his hand and interlocked her fingers again.

   "If you don't want me to see your memory, you can focus on thinking about something else."

   Tang Ling said lightly.

  Gu Jianlin hummed.

   For a moment, the spirituality of the two people began to exchange.

  Gu Jianlin obviously felt that his spirit was fluctuating, and a wave of strange memories flooded into his mind like a wave, and the fragmented scenes were fleeting, flashing out in the deepest part of his consciousness.

  The wilderness sunken on the seabed, the broken ridge, and the flowing lava.

  The sky is flowing sea water.

  A huge decaying ancient tree with countless ancient bronze coffins hanging from its branches.

   There was a loud bang, the coffin lids fell down, and the pale corpses opened their eyes. They were wrapped in shrouds, as if they had grown together with the skin, and there were ugly wrinkles all over their bodies.

  They opened their blood-red eyes, with weird smiles on their faces, and fell to the ground on all fours.

  The crawling posture of these living corpses is distorted and weird, but the speed is extremely fast.

   Gu Jianlin seemed to have turned into a white-haired girl. He thrust the giant sword of extreme lightning into the ground with his backhand, turned the blade with all his strength, and the criss-crossing sword energy suddenly burst out!

   "Run away! You can't stay here for long!"

   That was the roar of nano warriors, and more than 20 burly soldiers in steel armor supported the retreat.

  They were also carrying a pitch-black sarcophagus, which trembled violently.

   At the same time, there was a violent explosion in the distance, and it seemed that a fierce battle was taking place.

   Right at this moment, a strange red mist spread, drowning everything.

   There was silence, the whole world lost its sound.

   The red mist filled like blood, covering everything.

  However, in this red mist, Gu Jianlin seemed to feel that something flashed by.

  When the red mist dissipated, everything disappeared, only some clues remained on the ground.

  Memory suddenly interrupted!

  The cross-locked hands also parted at this moment.

   "Hoo, hoo."

  Gu Jianlin let out a long sigh of relief, although spying on other people's memories was like watching a movie.

  But the immersive feeling of depression is very real.

  It is easy to affect emotions.

   "Are you okay?"

   Tang Ling didn't ask about the result, but first handed him a glass of Coke, looking at him with strange eyes.

   It was clearly a simple concern, but the three people on the opposite side were a little surprised.

  Cheng Youyu and Zhang Cheng looked at each other with gossipy eyes.

  Especially Nie Xiangsi, as a girl, she has the most delicate thoughts, her eyes widened in surprise.

  Gu Jianlin took a few seconds to calm down.

  He shook his head and asked casually, "What did you see in that blood mist?"

  Tang Ling said calmly: "There is nothing, I just vaguely feel that there is something there, and that thing makes me very afraid. If you haven't seen it clearly, you can read it several times."

   "No, I've written down all the details."

   Gu Jianlin gulped down his Coke and said firmly, "That's a person."

  As soon as this remark came out, Tang Ling was taken aback: "Human?"

"Although I was peeping at your memory, I observed it from your first perspective, and I could feel your feelings. It was a feeling of being spied on, and someone was staring at you from the beginning to the end. That piece of red There should be someone in the fog, that person glanced at you in the fog, and then left."

  Gu Jianlin paused: "But I noticed the marks he left on the ground."

   Tang Ling took a deep look at him: "Can you profile more specific information about that person?"

   "Profiling is not as magical as you think. It is essentially deriving from clues. Sometimes it needs to be assisted by a strong intuition, which is the sixth sense. For example, a nano soldier passing by at this time."

Gu Jianlin raised his hand, looked at a group of soldiers running forward outside the restaurant, and said calmly: "The leader, you can see that he is muscular, his running posture is sharp and capable, and his facial lines, hair quality and volume .A little more detail, such as the eyes, the wrinkles around the eyes, the length of the nails, etc.”

"I need to see these external characteristics to deduce what kind of person this is. The simplest is age and occupation. Guess age from his external state, and judge occupation from external characteristics. Therefore, it is more difficult to profile ordinary people. Easy because they basically don't hide themselves, there's no misleading information."

  He said: "In the extraordinary world, some people will create a lot of misleading features in order to hide their identities. This is indeed a very troublesome thing for me, and it will affect my intuition."

   Tang Ling was silent for a second: "So, you can't profile?"

   "That's not true."

  Gu Jianlin said indifferently: "If you use extraordinary ability, it will be different."

  Since he entered the extraordinary world, or after he developed spirituality in his body, the profile is different.

   It's like expanding the scope of application of the ability, not just profiling personality portraits.

  It can also draw the extraordinary image of the other party.

   "Do you have paper and pen?"

   Gu Jianlin asked.

   Tang Ling was slightly taken aback: "Are you sure you want to draw now?"

  Gu Jianlin frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

   Tang Ling glanced at his face: "Your condition doesn't look that good."

  Gu Jianlin waved his hand: "It's a small matter."

   It’s just the sequelae of seeing beautiful women.

   "Hurry up, ask the waiter to get a piece of paper!"

  Cheng Youyu said excitedly.

   Without further ado, Zhang Cheng ran to the front desk to get a pen and paper.

  Nie Xiangsi's eyes are very bright.

  When she was a child, she had heard how amazing Professor Gu's profiling was.

   Now, she can witness it with her own eyes.

  Gu Jianlin took the paper and pen. He had studied sketching for a while to pass the time.

  With the rustling of the pencil on the paper, a simple sketch is completed.

   "Here, this is the person."

  He paused: "I drew his expression based on intuition. If you ask me the reason, I really can't tell you, but from the way he looks at you, I think he is smiling."

  Tang Ling took the sketch, her awe-inspiring eyes suddenly became sharp.

  It was a man in a white robe, with long pale hair, and the facial features on his face were rather blurred. It could only be seen that he was wearing a strange smile, but behind him was another gesture.

  It was a rusty iron sword with more than a dozen handles on its back, with awe-inspiring sword energy all over its body, and stern sword marks all over its body. It was so huge that it was unimaginable, and there was a pitch-black dragon wrapped around its body.

   "He only stares at you, wondering if he knows you."

  Gu Jianlin paused: "Jianzong path, at least the sixth level."

   Tang Ling stared at the sketch for a long time, then solemnly folded it and put it in her pocket.

   "I see, thanks."

She reminded: "If there are no accidents, the high-level executives of the Ethereum Association will give us an answer soon. At that time, they should be candidates during your second-echelon training. Um... You should pay more attention to the massacre of thousands of people." Instructor, that guy is terminally ill, and you should know why."

  Gu Jianlinxin said that of course he knew, otherwise he wouldn't have tossed himself like this.

   "By the way, I heard that you subdued the little princess."

  Tang Ling paused every word: "Good job."

  After speaking, she picked up the piano case, turned and left.

  Gu Jianlin turned his head to look at her back, thoughtful.

  The person in the painting, if nothing else happens, this woman knows her.

  So she didn't doubt the authenticity of the profile, but took this thing and left.

   "Brother Lin."

  Cheng Youyu gossiped: "You also said that you have no affair with Senior Sister Tang!"

  Gu Jianlin frowned: "What do you mean?"

  Cheng Youyu pouted: "Stop pretending! We've all seen it."

Zhang Cheng gave a thumbs up expression with admiration on his face: "This is the successor personally selected by the Lord of Calamity Silver. Although she is only at the fourth level now, it is because too much time was wasted by Ji Lei, but now it has been accumulated. It's time. Do you believe that you can be promoted to the fifth rank in three months?"

   "Senior Sister Tang is very cold, whether she is white-haired or red-haired, it is difficult to get in touch with. But she seems to treat you differently, and she doesn't even reject physical contact with you."

  Nie Xiangsi said quietly: "Besides, she almost never cares about people."

  Gu Jianlin looked at the cup of Coke that was pushed over in front of him, and fell into deep thought.



  That night, Tang Ling carried the piano case on her back and stood on the balcony of the apartment building looking at the sea.

   "The news has been reported to the teacher."

  Bai Simu sat on the sofa, watching the variety show channel at night, with a gentle and pleasant voice: "Junior Sister, you don't need to think about this matter, and you don't need to face him personally, he is not something you can deal with."

   Tang Ling hummed: "I know."

   "Well, as long as you control your emotions, you can bring Junior Sister Mu back."

  Bai Simu said softly: "Speaking of which, the teacher is very interested in that boy."

  Tang Ling turned her head, slightly startled.

Bai Simu glanced at her and said, "Gu Jianlin, like you, has already mastered the breathing technique, and he has been promoted to the third level in less than a month. This speed is very astonishing, and his profile is very useful. It's a pity that I can only live to be forty years old due to the curse of the Fuso Shrine."

   "But his talent is really amazing, even the teacher is a little moved."

  She paused: "If possible, the teacher allows you to have more contact with him."

   Tang Ling snorted, her plain and delicate face showed no expression: "Teacher wants to..."

   "After all, he happens to be in Tier 3, and this is the only chance to change jobs."

  Bai Simu said: "If he is willing to transfer to the Jianzong way, then the teacher can accept him as a closed student."

   Tang Ling looked suspiciously: "The teacher is also tempted."

  Although, when the teacher accepted her as a student, he said that she was a closed disciple.

   But she doesn't care if there are multiple juniors.

  The boy seemed to be three years younger than her.

   "If you know how long it took the boy to enter the meditation, it would not be surprising."

  Bai Simu said quietly: "Ten seconds."

  Tang Ling's hand gripping the iron railing of the balcony subconsciously tightened.

   "Can you dig it out?"

   she asked, frowning.

   "It may not be hopeless, after all, the King of Blue... is a well-known madman."

  Bai Simu said: "That young man probably still doesn't know what the Green King has done."

   Tang Ling was silent for a second, then hummed.

   "But we don't know much about the boy's character yet."

  Bai Simu said softly: "What did you see in his memory?"

   Tang Ling didn't speak, she recalled the scene she saw when she was co-tuned.

   Empty room.

  The cold moonlight cast a shadow on the bed.

  The boy was sitting by the bed, staring blankly out of the window.

   "Nothing, I'm leaving."

  Since the teacher has confirmed it, she will submit the sketch to the higher-ups.

  She left the apartment, passed all kinds of investigators and nano fighters, and came to the base office building.

   However, on the first floor of the base office building, she was stopped by someone.

  Member Zhang looked stern, wearing a white suit, sitting on the sofa, with sharp eyes.

  Deacon Nie stood by his side with a serious face.

  In addition, there is a slightly familiar member of the Omega sequence.

   It was a blond-haired, blue-eyed young man wearing a black wizard suit, holding a crystal ball in his hand.

  Omega sequence, code-named Nightmare, ranked twelfth.

   Behind him are three guardians, all of whom are psychic channels.

  One of them was Li Yijie who was tricked by a substitute Gu during the task of clearing up the Yan family.

   "Is there something wrong?"

   Tang Ling said blankly.

Councilor Zhang raised his head, looked at her coldly, and said, "Lei Ting, I only have one thing to tell you this time. The results of the divination team have come out. As you said, it is indeed dangerous, but it is not so dangerous. 100% will be killed. If you are willing to participate in the operation, we are willing to guarantee your safety to the greatest extent."

   "Including your request, after our discussion, we can also compromise."

  He said: "I can show you the strategy and the fate tablet, but only if you are alone."

Deacon Nie also said: "Don't try to get too close to Gu Jianlin, it will only delay your future. You have to know that his father was the one who caused the blood moon massacre. We still don't know that there is something wrong with him. What kind of secret is hidden? And with the protection of the King of Green, we have no way to continue the investigation. What's more, you are the descendant of Jianzhong, you should know who the King of Blue is, and how dangerous thoughts will be instilled in him. "

   In other words, the buff on that boy has been fully stacked.

   There was a snap.

  A painting unfolded in front of him, it was an oil painting painted with red paint.

  Red blood mist, looming black shadows, and vague gazes.

   Tang Ling looked familiar, it was the blood mist she saw in the Immortal Palace.

   "The result of the divination has come out."

  Nightmare smiled and said: "According to Taixu's rating, this mission has indeed reached the S-level danger level, but it is far from the point where we can't handle it, is it?"

   Tang Ling looked at the painting, and suddenly fell silent.

   "Gu Jianlin's words are quite correct."

  She said lightly: "Trash, you should do what a waste should do."

  As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Councilor Zhang and Deacon Nie suddenly changed.

  Nightmare was stunned: "What did you say?"

  Including the guardians behind him, all showed displeasure.


   "Level 6, the way of Jianzong, a **** attendant from the Zhulong clan."

Tang Ling casually slapped the copy of the sketch on the table, and said in a cold voice, "This is the result of Gu Jianlin's profiling. You tell me this is an S-level mission? Then who of you will deal with this person? What will protect my safety? Anyone can draw a cake, can it be done? Again, I only have one request."

  She said: "Among my teammates, there must be Gu Jianlin. Without him, I won't go."

   It's not how much she likes that boy.

   It was because, compared to that young man, the group of people in front of him were too unreliable.

   Well, it may also be because they are too reliable.

   In short, no harm without contrast.

  Member Zhang and Deacon Nie looked at the painting, and their pupils shrank violently for a moment.

Nightmare's eyes widened in disbelief: "Impossible, it's absolutely impossible! We can't even divination, how can we draw it with a mere profile? This is not true, this is forged! This is made up !"

  The guardians of the psychic pathways were also shocked and angry.

  The results of their forty-eight hours of sleepless divination only captured an afterimage.

  Now tell them that others have directly confirmed the other party's rank and race by using profile.

   This is literally insulting them.

   "If I were you, I wouldn't be here to continue to be so shameful."

Tang Ling pointed at the person in the sketch, and said indifferently: "The person in the painting is my great-grandfather. Gu Jianlin has never even met him, and he may not even know his existence. So what can you tell me?" Forged?"

  Member Zhang and Deacon Nie looked ugly.

  Because they also recognized this person in the painting.

  The key is that this is written in profile!

  That boy's profile is so accurate?



  The moonlight is bleak and the sea wind howls.

  Taihua stood on the shore, looking at the dark sea, silent.

  A sketch was blown away by the wind and flew in mid-air.

   "Meng Hebo, Tang Zijing... have all become the servants of the Zhulong clan."

  She said lightly: "It's really interesting. It seems that the original inference was correct. Eight years ago, the Nightmare Master defected, and someone was indeed helping him behind the scenes. If that's the case, then go and investigate."

  Chen Bojun said respectfully: "Understood, teacher."

  He asked again: "What about Xiao Tang and Xiao Gu's request?"

  Taihua sneered: "Allow them."

  【ps: After stumbling, I finally finished writing. There are some things to pave the way before entering the fairy palace, so the writing is very slow, sorry...】

  (end of this chapter)

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