The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 161: It's a gift, it's a curse

  Chapter 161 This is a gift, but also a curse

   Gu Jianlin never expected that Venerable Qilin's power is to devour.

  At this time, his mood is delicate, mainly because of his ability as the second-generation Qilin Venerable, and he has to be told through others, the key is that he himself has no idea how to use it.

Tang Ling put down the parchment and continued: "This is a fragment of an ancient scroll of the Han Dynasty, which records part of the information of Venerable Qilin. He appeared three times in history. The first time was during the Xia Dynasty. He Appeared in Minshan, under the pseudonym of Wu. According to legend, the establishment of the ancient Shu Kingdom was promoted by him alone."

"The second time it came to Chu in the pre-Qin period. According to legend, a war broke out between the Suzaku clan and the Zhulong clan, and in that war a unicorn wedge appeared, which forcibly devoured the vitality of all the surrounding tribes. It even led to continuous natural and man-made disasters in the following years."

She paused and explained: "The third time was during the Qin Dynasty. He appeared in the East China Sea. He devoured the life in the entire sea area with a wedge, and fought against Venerable Candle Dragon in his full glory. This is the closest once."

  Gu Jianlin thought to himself that this first-generation Qilin Venerable is really crazy, and it seems that his old age is unknown.

   No, it doesn't seem like it's not unknown in old age.

   This is so **** unknown.

   Originally thought that Venerable Qilin still had teammates.

   But now it seems that the relationship between Venerable Suzaku and him is also open to question.

  Well, the existence of Qilin Venerable almost makes all other supreme beings afraid of him.

   Even His own clan rebelled against Him.

   It is true that grandma does not love uncle and does not love.

  But the next moment, Gu Jianlin suddenly thought of himself.

   Venerable Qilin offended so many people in the first generation, didn't all these karma fall on him.

  Gu Jianlin suddenly felt that the top of his head sank, as if a **** pot had been dumped.

   This is not the weight he should bear at his age!

   And he was vaguely aware of one thing.

  Although his self-control is completely capable of maintaining reason, his reputation is now very bad.

   It has even been reduced to the point where children can stop crying at night.

   Can't go on like this anymore.

  Be kind to others!

   Remember to be kind to others!

   "Your face seems ugly."

   Tang Ling said suddenly.

  Gu Jianlin shook his head: "I have a question, what is a unicorn wedge?"

Tang Ling glanced at the contents of the parchment scroll again, and said: "Wedge, it is said that it is the companion tool of every ancient supreme being, and it is transformed by their flesh and soul. The personality of the ancient supreme is devoured. A whole planet was born, and each of them has a world, and they can make their world come into reality."

"I see."

  Gu Jianlin asked curiously, "How did these things get passed down? Is it reliable?"

   "It is basically reliable. Many legends have been passed down from the ancient tribal era, but in the long history, they will also be verified. Moreover, many secrets actually flowed from the ancient gods."

   Tang Ling thought of this, and said: "Not only are humans taking refuge in the ancient protoss, but even some ancient protoss chose to join the human camp. It is said that such a thing happened during the time of the first emperor."

   Gu Jianlin pondered for a moment, and he thought it was true.

  The ancient gods seem to be one race, but in fact different races fight back and forth, just like crazy.

   It's better to join the human camp and enjoy the happiness.

   "According to the president, they are all the shame of the ancient gods."

   Tang Ling looked strange, and said, "It's not very useful."


  Gu Jianlin asked: "Isn't it a good thing for the ancient gods to join the human camp?"

   Tang Ling replied concisely: "Because they don't listen to the President."

  Gu Jianlin suddenly realized that it was indeed the president's style.

   After all, the ancient gods also have their own distinctions.

   Supreme, ancestor, ancestor.

   This is not a concept.

  Senior brother once said that he didn’t know how many ancient gods he had killed.


  Gu Jianlin thought of a fatal thing: "The supreme authority must be used in conjunction with a wedge?"

Tang Ling shook her head: "That's not true. The authority of the ancient gods should be used in many ways. If it is combined with the wedge, it should be applied to the field or the world. According to scholars' speculation, the ultimate goal of the ancient gods is to use the wedge to implant the earth's interior." , and then completely transform this planet into the Ancient God Realm."

  Gu Jianlin frowned: "What if the wedge is lost?"

  He suddenly thought of something.

   Venerable Zhulong said, ask him to return something to her.

   Couldn’t it be a wedge?

However, Tang Ling's next sentence denied this guess: "This is impossible, wedge will not be lost, as long as the Supreme is willing, wedge can be returned at any time. If it is left in someone else's hands, there are only three possibilities. First, the Supreme has fallen into a deep sleep, or has been exiled into the turbulence of the dimension. Second, the Supreme has deliberately handed over the wedge to someone else. Third, the Supreme has died completely."

  She reminded: "The third possibility is just a guess, because no one has actually killed an ancient supreme so far. But in theory, if the supreme is really completely dead, then the wedge is useless."

   Gu Jianlin understood.

  Master Nightmare wanted to find the Qilin Wedge at the beginning, the purpose was to gamble.

  If it is the first possibility, it will make a lot of money.

   Then the question arises, how should he recover the Qilin Wedge.

   To be honest, this is the pain of not having a novice tutorial.

Tang Ling looked at the document again, pondered for a moment, and said, "Well, I have to say that your father is really capable. Although this strategy is not detailed, it does not cover many dangerous areas in the fairy palace. Overcoming method, but it is indeed very useful for those sublimated who have a chance to compete for supremacy."

   "If this is a trap, and Venerable Qilin is really not dead, it will be a huge crisis for mankind, and it is very likely that most of the top combat power in the human world will be lost."

   She whispered, "And his power is to devour."

   Gu Jianlinxin said that it would not be possible, because the power of Venerable Qilin is in my hands.

   "And this document just proves one point."

   Tang Ling glanced at him: "Your father either fell voluntarily, or he didn't."

  Gu Jianlin narrowed his eyes, thinking that it was true.

   Among other things, Lao Gu was already able to stay in the spiritual realm of Venerable Qilin and feel the emotions of the gods.

  This kind of person, you told me that he can be polluted.

   This is not pure bullshit.

  Most people who can fight against the ancient gods have the qualifications to resist pollution.

   "By the way, the person I drew yesterday is your great-grandfather?"

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a second: "I heard that his experience is similar to that of my father?"

  Tang Ling hummed, without much expression on her face: "He used to love me very much."

   "Then have you ever been excluded in the Ether Association because of this?"

   Gu Jianlin's heart moved and he asked.

Tang Ling thought for a while, a hint of arrogant scarlet flashed in her eyes, and said lightly: "At first there were, but after I cut down a few times, gradually no one dared. The president said, In this world full of Pride and Prejudice, you can't change someone's opinion, but you can stop them from speaking with your fist."

  Gu Jianlin thought this was wrong.

  Although this girl is a bit withdrawn, at least her reputation is normal.

  How did he come to be a chair killer.

   It's not that someone is deliberately blackmailing him, he really doesn't believe it.

  Tang Ling took a deep look at him, seeming to see what he was thinking, and said seriously: "That may be because you haven't acted cruelly enough, try to be more violent next time?"

  Gu Jianlin hesitated and said, "Do you want to be more violent?"

   "Anyway, the buffs on your body are full, what are you afraid of?"

   Tang Ling said quite seriously: "Next time you hit harder, maybe no one will dare to hack you. After all, black is white when you are black, and this is what the president taught me."

  Gu Jianlin felt that this woman was fooling him, but he had no proof.

   You can’t believe this kind of nonsense, you still have to be kind to others!

   "Okay, let's take a look at the clay tablet of fate."

Tang Ling turned around and looked at the mist: "According to legend, this tablet of destiny was handed down from the Qin Dynasty, and it was excavated by the human ancestors from the battlefield where Venerable Zhulong and Venerable Qilin fought. It is a precious relic. Many people have glimpsed the contents of the clay tablet of fate and mastered the forbidden knowledge."

  Gu Jianlin also raised his head. At this moment, he also felt that there was something kind behind the fog.

  It belonged to the ancient gods, and it recorded the secret things of the ancient times.

   "Concentrate, and see through the fog."

   Tang Ling's voice became serious.

  Gu Jianlin hummed, staring behind the fog.

  I saw that the mist was turbulent, and a simple and decayed clay tablet appeared vaguely. On it, there were engraved characters crawling like snakes, twisting like living creatures, and shining with a strange light.


   For a moment, there was a faint roar in Gu Jianlin's mind.


  In the extremely dense darkness, there was a faint ray of blood burning, illuminating the silent abyss.

  At this moment, he saw an ancient and majestic black unicorn.

  Like a sculpture, standing in the darkness.

  He trembled violently, and golden blood flowed from the cracks all over his body, shining brightly in the darkness.

  A horrible breath is brewing, as if some kind of transformation is being completed.

  However, when the roar reached its peak, the black unicorn collapsed and shattered, like a fortress on the beach, and debris fell like a waterfall, echoing an unwilling and angry roar.

  The darkness boiled up, and a boy wearing a unicorn mask emerged.

   There was a faint golden light in the dark pupils.

   Those golden vertical pupils burned up, reflecting his own appearance impressively!



   As if having a nightmare, Gu Jianlin suddenly woke up.

  In his mind, there seemed to be the lingering sound of the world collapsing, which made people feel palpitating.

  He came back to his senses and found himself sitting on the wasteland, sweating profusely.


   Tang Ling squatted in front of him and asked seriously, "What did you see just now?"

  Gu Jianlin fell into silence. What he saw just now must not be said.

  Because the real Venerable Qilin is very likely to be dead...

   At the end of that unwilling and angry roar, there was even a little more relief and satisfaction, and there was a faint echo of the ancient whisper.

  “—it is a gift and a curse.”

  (end of this chapter)

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