The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 168: take the bait

  Chapter 168 Hooked

   Forest of Burial, twelve o'clock in the morning.

  Gu Jianlin leaned on an ancient tree to watch the night, playing with the Desert Eagle in his hand.

  He was sure that there was an insider in the team, and he would definitely launch another attack in a short time, so he decided to pretend that he didn't know anything, and deliberately lured the other party into the bait.

  This is the Ancient God Realm. Unlike the real world, he can display his fighting power more wantonly.

  The reason for vigil is to show a certain degree of vigilance.

   After all, this place is full of elites, if you are too lax, you will be seen as a problem.

  However, less than half an hour later, Tang Ling got out of her separate tent.

  That pair of black and white, awe-inspiring eyes stared straight at him.


   "Can't sleep."

   "Because nervous?"

   "No, I want to take a shower."

   "Hmm... what does it have to do with me?"

   "Don't you have a lock that doesn't exist? Do me a favor."

  Gu Jianlin finally understood that this woman really wants to make the best use of everything.

  Before he asked his ghost hand to help carry the bag.

   Now he will use his lock of inexistence to set up a barrier to prevent peeking.

I have to say that Tang Ling is a woman who really has a personality. Before going to bed, she goes to the river to remove her makeup, and her makeup is not very heavy. I applied eyeliner, curled my eyelashes, and painted vermilion lipstick, exquisite and proud.

   In the white-haired state, she is the kind of very cold and cool Yujie.

  In the state of red hair, she looks arrogant and domineering, and also has a hint of charm.

   If anyone marries her, it is like marrying two girlfriends.

  The silver-white chains frame the realm of nothingness.

  Gu Jianlin sat by the river, like a silent monk, motionless.

   "Are you really a man?"

  Tang Ling's voice sounded from behind, along with the sound of splashing water.

  Gu Jianlin said with a straight face, "What?"

  He has never had such a moment, so hated his own profiling ability.

  Just listening to the sound of clear running water, I can imagine the river flowing along the delicate and white skin, over the graceful and convex curves, washing the young and beautiful body of the girl.

  Tang Ling's voice sounded: "A gentleman like you is rarely seen in TV dramas."

  Gu Jianlin continued to keep a straight face: "You still ask someone to help you pass the wind?"

   Tang Ling snorted: "No. My popularity is actually similar to yours."

  Gu Jianlin insisted, "I don't think there is any problem with my popularity."

  Tang Ling snorted: "You can stop the baby crying at night, is it okay to keep crying?"

  Gu Jianlin: "..."

After a while, Tang Ling came out after taking a shower and changing clothes. Wiping her wet long white hair, she glanced at the boy, "You know what? After you became famous, many people checked your profile, including me. But Many people in the association believe that your information has been tampered with and is not true."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment: "Why?"

   "Because you live so pale, and your resume is as clean as a paper man."

   Tang Ling asked quietly: "Don't you have any hobbies?"

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a moment: "I have done it before, but it was too simple, and I got tired of it soon."

   "It's a bit like a scumbag's speech, throw it away when you get tired of playing."

   Tang Ling made a rare joke: "Have you never been in a relationship?"

  Gu Jianlin shook his head.

   "Why not talk?"

   "I have no idea, and I don't want to harm others."

   "Is there anyone who likes you?"

   "It seems to be."

  Gu Jianlin suddenly thought of someone, stroked the stone beads on his wrist, and fell silent.

   "What do you ask these for?"

   he asked curiously.


   Tang Ling pouted.

   "You asked me so much, why not talk about yourself."

  Gu Jianlin squinted at her: "This is only fair."

  In fact, he has now discovered that there is a reason why this woman is willing to talk to him more.

  The similar experience of the two of them.

  Gu Jianlin was treated unfairly because of his father, and was targeted by the trial court.

   Tang Ling's great-grandfather did worse things than his father.

   Back in the Ethereum Association, he definitely couldn't hold his head up.

   It's just that her background may be harder.

  Gu Jianlin has not yet officially become a teacher of the King of Youth, but he has won the respect of most people in the Ethereum Association with his own strength and actions, and his character of being kind to others has also been widely praised.

   "Don't inquire about girls' concerns."

   Tang Ling rolled his eyes at him: "The barrier can be removed."

  After speaking, she turned around and left, and got back into the tent.

  Gu Jianlin casually removed the barrier of the Unexisting Lock, but walked to the other side of the river.

  The opposite bank is the territory of Inoue Shuichi and others. This group of people are so frightened that they dare not sleep now.

  The old man was drinking a glass of sake, and when he saw him approaching, he visibly trembled.

   "You are here, please sit down."

  He quickly pulled out a small bench: "What can you do?"

  Gu Jianlin said blankly, "I want to know something about Youying Group."

  In the previous conversation, this group of people had already explained the specific location of the ancient ruins. It was probably in the deepest part of the Burial Forest. There was a deep canyon, and at the end was a prehistoric ruins of ancient **** civilization.

  But when they asked for more details, this group of people insisted that they didn't know.

   And Nightmare's divination found that they were not lying.

   "We really don't know."

   Inoue Hideichi sighed and said: "We are just little people."

  Gu Jianlin looked at him coldly, without saying a word.

At the same time, the imaginary Gu Ci'an leaned over and said in his ear: "My dear son, let me tell you another piece of common sense for my father. The Youying Group is the leader of the dark world, but it is too mixed. It is easy to be targeted, so they usually have alchemy weapons that interfere with divination."

  He said: "Or, the other party is also a psychic channel! So, you have to use a gold card!"

  Gu Jianlin didn't say anything, and directly photographed the gold card from Youying Group.

  Shuichi Inoue was shocked: "You, you are..."

  Gu Jianlin said concisely: "Say!"

  He didn't expect that this golden card could still play a role here.

  As for the risk of exposure, there is no need to consider it at all.

  Even if it ends up going to the Ethereum Association, at worst this gold card is a trophy.

  Psychic abilities have no effect on him.

  He is an ultimate boy with the power of an ancient god, so he is not afraid of such a thing.

   "You are also a candidate for Sanye's investment!"

Inoue Shuichi seemed to see his family members, with an excited expression on his face, he quickly lowered his voice: "Are you an undercover agent in the Ether Association? Your hands and eyes are open to the sky! But I really don't get much information here, I only know about the In that ancient ruins, there should be a fragment of a wedge!"


  Gu Jian didn't change his face, but his heart throbbed slightly.

  If he wants to further master his own power of the ancient gods, the wedge is what he must win.

   Moreover, if Venerable Qilin set a trap in the Asgard, the bait used was probably a wedge!

"It is said that in the battle 2,500 years ago, Venerable Candle Dragon personally shattered the Qilin Wedge, and at least one of them should have fallen near here. The fourth master of Youying Group was the first to discover The people here, and when they competed for the mining area, they had a fierce conflict with the people of the third master."

Inoue Hideichi said: "The two sides competed fiercely, and I don't know who the fourth master has reached a cooperation with. Suddenly, a group of quite powerful people appeared and injured the candidate for the third master's investment. Originally, the third master The order to retreat was issued, but one of his candidates refused to retreat and was almost hunted on the spot."

  Gu Jianlin had a bad feeling: "Who?"

   "It's the most powerful one under the third master, what's his name?"

Inoue Shuichi recalled: "Oh, Yue Ji! The fourth master had been trying to win Miss Yue Ji before, but he couldn't get it in the end. The fourth master is young and has a huge family background. He is the most powerful among the six directors. His character is also quite domineering. He only gives three chances for what he wants. After three times, he still doesn't know how to flatter him..."

  He made a gesture of wiping his neck.

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a second, not knowing what he was thinking.


   After a while, he raised his eyes and looked at the old man opposite him.

  Hideichi Inoue showed a flattering smile on his face: "Yes, that's all I know."


  Gu Jianlin picked up the gold card, turned around and left.

  Hideichi Inoue looked at his back, the smile on his face remained unchanged.

   The corners of the mouth are gradually expanding.



  In the dark tent, there was a cold light.

  Tang Ling tied her snow-white long hair into a double ponytail and lay down in her sleeping bag.

  The canopy is transparent, and you can see the sea water flowing above the sky, and fish swimming.

  It is beautiful, like a dream.

   "Have you softened your heart?"

  Suddenly, an arrogant yet charming voice sounded.

  I saw a strange light faintly glowing on her makeup mirror.

  The red-haired Tang Ling is in the mirror, her face is charming and enchanting, arrogant and arrogant: "However, you have a good eye for choosing people, and his profiling ability is very strong. Just relying on such a few clues, you can find the truth."

  Tang Ling put her hands behind her head, without any expression on her face, and said calmly: "I was just thinking, should I ask him for help? After all, this is my business alone."

  The red-haired Tang Ling chuckled lightly: "He also has something he wants to investigate, and you haven't let him down."

   Tang Ling said lightly: "But I did use him."

   "Then didn't you also benefit him? You think his experience is a bit similar to yours, can't you bear it?"

  The red-haired Tang Ling sneered and said, "Okay, okay, if it's really impossible, you let me out, and I'll do it. Make sure he stays out of the matter, so it's okay, right?"

  Tang Ling said coldly: "I hope you will do what you say, otherwise you won't be able to figure it out in the future."

  The red-haired Tang Ling snorted coldly, and disappeared in the vanity mirror in an instant.



   At the same time, deep in the dark jungle.

   "Have you got everything together?"

  In the silence, a hoarse and strange voice sounded: "He happens to be the commander of the third rank now. If he is promoted to the fourth rank Yun Zhongjun, then we can only do it when he is the sixth rank."

  A crooked black figure stood under the tree, with a gloomy light shining in his eyes.

   Someone handed him a wooden box, and said coldly: "This is his hair and blood, and there is only so much that can be collected during the battle. He is already suspecting that there is a ghost, you must hurry this time."

  Black Shadow smiled: "Don't worry, I never miss."

  (end of this chapter)

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