The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 170: oh sweetie

  Chapter 170 Oh, sweet and sweet

   "Do it!"

   Only a loud roar was heard, and the battle was about to start.

  Nightmare was originally the object of suspicion, but at this time he took the lead in showing his abilities. His eyes suddenly turned white, his whole body twitched as if he had epilepsy, and he muttered words.

   One of the few abilities of the fifth-level prophet that can be used in battle, sensory exchange!

   While doing this, Ji Xiaoyu squatted down, gathering a frenzied vigor, accumulating a wave fist!

  At this moment, Gu Jianlin and Tang Ling attacked without hesitation.

  But Shangui and Yaodao seemed to have a cerebral hemorrhage, and stayed where they were like a dementia.

  A sword edge lingering with fiery sword energy.

  Fingers with a strong black light shining.

   Staggered and rushed away.

   It was at this moment that Shangui and Yaodao reacted at the same time and pushed out the hostage in their hands. The former pulled back without hesitation, while the latter disappeared on the spot!

   "Leave the demon knife to me, and you go to deal with the mountain ghost!"

   Tang Ling shouted loudly.

   At the same time, a phantom like a ghost flashed behind her.

  Yao Dao is the way to slay ghosts, mastering the core ability of time and space. At the stage of fourth-order Shura, it can easily increase its own speed to more than ten times, and even freeze time and space directly!

  At that moment, the world seemed to have fallen into a quagmire of silence, time and space were forcibly frozen in an instant, and everything was silent in the dark dense forest, only a bleak knife light flickered, cutting across!


  However, at the critical moment, a strong sword intent shot up into the sky, and countless sword lights criss-crossed!

   With a bang, the frozen time and space was torn apart by the sword intent rising from the sky, and the noise of all things returned again.

In the ancient East, there was a group of extremely mysterious monks. Their earliest names were sword cultivators. They polished their spirit and mind through the practice methods handed down from the ancient times, and firmly believed that through this method, they could communicate with their favorite saber. , with kendo as the cornerstone, feel the rhythm of the avenue.

   Later, they also honed the most powerful killing technique, using Qi to control the sword, and using thoughts as the sword!

  This kind of practice. Going back to Venerable Bai Ze is the path of Jianzong!

   At the fourth-level sword spirit stage, one can use one's own thoughts to transform them into swords.

  Tang Ling prepared this move in advance to prevent time and space from freezing!

   Shura's time-space freeze is powerful and unbreakable from the inside, but it can be solved from the outside!

  When the cold light approached, Tang Ling turned around suddenly, and mercilessly slashed out with a sword, the sword energy burst out!

  Only hearing a loud noise, Yaodao turned back in time to block the long knife and suddenly broke, but his body turned into a blur again at the very moment, narrowly escaped the fatal blow, and retreated violently.

  Tang Ling's character is bound to kill them all, and she will make a surprise attack with an iron sword in her hand.

  Red hair flying, scarlet eyes full of murderous intent.

   On the other side, there is a battle between two priests.

   "It's really unwise for you to choose to face me, I'm not those parallel gods!"

  The mountain ghost suddenly exploded, and the burning lion spirit behind him roared: "You have no chance of defeating me!"

  The soil suddenly collapsed and flew out, and he swooped down like a mad devil.

  The will-o'-the-wisp on Gu Jianlin's forehead suddenly became pitch black, and four burning golden ghost hands appeared behind him.


   Fists and palms met, but there was a loud noise like steel.

"how is this possible?"

  Shan Gui looked at his fist in disbelief, never expecting to be caught so easily.

  The dark will-o'-the-wisp on the opponent's forehead did not make his heart tremble.

"keep going."

  Gu Jianlin tightened his palms, and made a crackling sound as he squeezed his fists.

  In the dual-core drive, and the ghost-like runaway state, the hard work is completely worthwhile.

   At the same time, the lion wrapped in flames roared towards the face, but was hammered back by the brazen fists of the four burning ghost hands, and the collision of the spirit bodies made a thunderous sound!

boom! boom! boom!

  The four flaming ghost hands let out howls like demons, and each punch contained majestic strength, bursting like an iron cannon, bursting out flames, and whistling and surging wind.

  No matter how fiercely the lion bites, it will be beaten to pieces in the end.

  Punches fell like rain, and the shadows of fists overlapped!

  At the same time, Gu Jianlin's palm suddenly ignited the fire of the **** sacrifice, burning!

  The mountain ghost did not show any weakness, the pale will-o'-the-wisp ignited in his hand, burning!

  The vitality is pulling each other between the two priests.

  In just a moment, the mountain ghost realized that his vitality was crazily passing away!

  This is simply against common sense.

   Who is Tier 3 and who is Tier 4!

  The most important thing is that the fourth-order Yun Zhongjun's ability to control life and death is now useless.

   If this is on the battlefield and there are enough corpses around, it can be solved with crowd tactics!


  The mountain ghost stomped on the ground and retreated, and the lion spirit body that was on the verge of being blown up also floated behind him.

  He stretched out his hands, and the lion spirit behind him was also roaring.

  The darkness is condensing, countless pitch-black particles gather, and the black air world is shining with light.

  At that moment, Gu Jianlin also raised his hands, and the four flaming ghost hands behind him condensed endless darkness, as if a pitch-black hole was propped up around, and countless black particles frantically gathered and trembled.

  The parrot hovered in mid-air, shouting: "Come on, face the wave!"


  The darkness exploded, countless ancient trees exploded on the spot, and even the living corpses that rushed from all directions were wiped out!

  The mountain ghost, the fourth-rank Yun Zhongjun, was blown out suddenly, his body was **** and bloody, and he was extremely miserable.

   This time, in the civil war confrontation of the Shensi route, the third-rank Da Si Ming actually won!

  The next moment, the berserk hordes of living corpses rushed towards us.

  Ji Xiaoyu had accumulated strength for a long time, and poured it out at this moment: "Adogen!"

  The turbulent qigong wave exploded, and countless living corpses were smashed to pieces on the spot!

   However, at this time, dense gunshots sounded in the dense forest.

  The mercenaries in the combat sequence have already dealt with the living corpses around them, and countless red dots are aimed at them.

  Eagle eyes shone sharply in the dark.

  The muzzle of the assault rifle roared, wrapped in arrogance, like a wild beast.


  Most of these mercenaries are second-tier hunters, who have already mastered Hawkeye and Domineering, plus the blessing of thermal weapons. As long as they are covered by their bullet rain, everyone present will die.

   Not to mention that there are third-tier wild hunters mixed in here, aiming at them with sniper rifles.

   Overlord path is always the first echelon path under the blessing of modern hot weapons.

   And on some occasions, they are the strongest!

  At that moment, Meng Yan looked at Shu Guang and Poison Master lying on the ground, her face extremely pale.

  Ji Xiaoyu took out the fire stick from before, planning to fight to the death.

  Tang Ling also stopped chasing, turned around and put the iron sword horizontally in front of her, her scarlet eyes were full of murderous intent.

   At this moment, the string of stone beads on Gu Jianlin's wrist suddenly stopped shaking.

  At this moment, the long-lost warmth and sense of security reappeared in his heart.

   She has come.

   There was a moment when time and space were frozen again, and the world seemed to be frozen into mottled black and white. I saw a stern cold light splitting from the darkness, like blood-colored lightning, fleeting.


   The silent space-time was broken.

  The muzzles of those mercenaries were all cut, and the cuts were as smooth as a mirror!


  Yue Ji's voice sounded like an elf in the dark night, agile and light.

  A sneering voice replied: "Got it, boss!"


  The huge black tire rolled down the hillside, and there was actually a burly man inside.

  The turbulent energy exploded, knocking all the mercenaries away along the way!

   "This trick is called, Meatball Impact!"


   There was another loud noise, and the tires were also burst by the violent energy.

  Those mercenaries were even blown into the sky, vomiting blood all over their bodies and falling apart.

  The butcher's burly and sturdy figure was bathed in the blood rain, pointing to the sky with one hand: "In the sky and the world, I am the only one..."

  Before he finished speaking, a group of living corpses rushed from behind and threw him to the ground, submerging him.

   Fortunately, this guy has rough skin and thick flesh, and he can blow up those living corpses with three or two punches, and get up in a mess!


  Yue Ji landed lightly. She was wearing a white down jacket and a scarf, which made her slender figure completely invisible. Only a pair of long black silk legs under the pink skirt were still so seductive.

  She looked around in the crowd, saw the figure she was thinking about, and was about to approach happily.

  At that moment, her footsteps paused slightly, and she froze in place.

  The bright and clear pupils suddenly shrank.

  Because Shangui and Yaodao were still alive, they attacked from the left and right again.

   Of course, that's not the point.

  The point is.

  The boy with the black will-o'-the-wisp burning on his forehead was stuck back to back with a red-haired Yujie, and the two of them knew each other's meaning without even saying a word.

  The blood-stained iron sword trembled, brewing with fiery sword energy.

  A slender index finger condensed black light.


  The lion spirit body of the mountain ghost was suddenly pierced by a fleeting black glow, corrupting and collapsing.

   Even his shoulders were pierced, and the black spell spread like a living thing.

  He let out a miserable scream, in pain.

  The broken blade of Yaodao was blown to pieces again, his right arm was cut off by the blazing sword energy, and blood spilled out!

   At this moment, the butcher violently shot, and he circled behind the woman with the broken arm, and suddenly blasted out his right fist!

   A punch pierced through the chest.

  The internal organs were all blown up.

  Yao Dao, killed on the spot.

  The mountain ghost was crawling on the ground and was about to escape, but saw a black shadow falling from the sky!

  The **** long knife pierced through the air, nailing him to the ground with one blow!

  Blood splashed out, as if dyed the night red.

  At that moment, the mountain ghost's eyes widened, and he couldn't rest in peace!

  At this moment, Tang Ling raised her head and looked at the petite black figure leaping down from the hillside.


  Gu Jianlin raised his hands, and firmly caught the girl who fell from the sky, and was hugged by a princess.

  Cool body fragrance, familiar warm body temperature.

   "Why do you wear so many clothes?"

   he asked in astonishment.


  Yue Ji was wearing a cat face mask, so she couldn't see her expression clearly, but her eyes were cold.

   He snorted aggrievedly.

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment, and the parrot immediately yelled strangely: "Oh, the master is so sweet and sweet!"



   Without warning.

   There were bursts of intense gunfire in the distance.

   And the sound of ground explosions.

Liu Sanye's extremely angry voice sounded: "Okay, Si Wei'an, everyone is the director of the Youying Group, it's fine if you don't want me to take a share of the pie, as for bringing so many living corpses to attack me? Almost My **** was bitten off! I tell you, you wait for me, and I will settle the score with you now!"

  He roared: "Brothers, rush into the ruins for me! Kill them!"

  For a while, the sound of gunfire roared like a torrential rain.

  The sound of uniform footsteps sounded at the same time.

  It seems that there is an army marching towards the hillside!

  At the same time, there are two towering rock walls at the top of the hillside, as if forming a canyon.

  A huge ancient stone statue stood between the rock walls. It was an ancient monk with his head bowed down. He was actually wearing a scarlet tattered robe, with his back facing the dim skylight.

   No hair, no facial features, and an inverted triangle red cloth on his face.

   And on the head of this sculpture, squatting a man in a suit and leather shoes.

  He overlooked the forest, but the corners of his mouth were gradually expanding, like a clown, even grinning to the ears.

  (end of this chapter)

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