The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 176: Youzhu: Will we be beaten like this?

  Chapter 176 Youzhu: Will we be beaten like this?

   For a moment, the entire crypt seemed to have collapsed, thick black mist emerged from the pitch-black void, violent turbulence appeared in the dimension, and the killing intent was as deep as the sea!

  I saw a pair of hands with black scales, forcibly tearing apart the pitch-black hole, and the golden pupils were as brilliant as the sun.

  The moment when the seven vajra arhats burst out their final vigor.

  The moment Su Youzhu closed his eyes.

Gu Jianlin stepped into this dark cave, his forehead was burning with a red-gold will-o'-the-wisp, and his body was filled with hot power like lava, like a silent volcano about to erupt, even faintly leaking out of his body. Let the void tremble in trembling.

  When he took that step, the pitch-black void was smashed into pieces!


  Su Youzhu's black hair on his forehead was lifted by the strong wind, and he saw a turbulent space in front of him, filled with black mist.

   There is also a vaguely hideous silhouette in the black mist.

   Fiery golden pupils, burning in the darkness!

  The expressions of the seven Vajra Arhats suddenly changed. They did not expect that someone could come in at this time.

next moment.

  Terrifying power enveloped the audience!

   No matter the killing intent released by Su Youzhu.

   Or the tyranny and madness of the seven King Kong Arhats.

   All were forcibly suppressed.

  The whole world is silent, and it seems to be falling into the drumbeat of destruction, which is the oppressive feeling of the world falling apart.

  Gu Jianlin's eyes were indifferent, but his heart was boiling with murderous intent.

   This time, there is no ancient divine language.

  Because he has been promoted to the third level now, he has become especially powerful in the state of ancient deification.

  Facing seven enemies who are only one level higher than him, that kind of forbidden power is not needed.

   How can you kill a chicken with a butcher's knife.

  He just did one thing, he clenched his fist, he punched.

   A thunderous bang suddenly exploded.

  The seven vajra arhats only felt that the condensed energy was suddenly blown up, as if they were not facing a fist, but a world coming head-on, without any resistance at all!

   Frantic ripples appeared in the darkness, and the frenzied vigor exploded like flakes.


  Gu Jianlin didn't need any medium, and cast a ghost spell on the spot!

  The seven people wailed mournfully on the spot, and saw countless living creature-like pitch-black mantras crawling up their bodies, densely covering their bodies, and emitting strange thick smoke.

   Lost mental control, spiritual riots, flesh and blood melted, bones collapsed.

   There was a bang.

  The golden sacrificial fire ignited under their feet, like a vast expanse of scorched earth, engulfing them.

  Gu Jianlin suddenly dodged forward, held down the heads of the two men with both hands, and smashed them to the ground!


  Dark shock!

  Seeing that the pitch-black light burst suddenly, the two Vajra Arhats couldn't even scream, and died on the spot.

   At the same time, he disappeared in the same place in an instant.

  The two King Kong Arhats were terrified again. They could only feel the cold breath blowing from behind their necks, and they just forcibly released the energy in their bodies, covering their whole bodies.


  I saw a pair of hands, which forcibly tore their strength, and burst out from behind.

  Holding two **** hearts in **** hands.

  The two people lowered their heads blankly, looking at their beating hearts, their expressions froze.

  Gu Jianlin drew his hand decisively, threw away two hearts, and let them fall on their backs.

   It was at this moment that the berserk vigor rushed towards his face like a sea tide!


  Gu Jianlin raised his hand, and the dark particles condensed in his palm!

   There was a loud bang, and the two Vajra Arhats were blown away by the aftermath of the explosion, and hit the rock wall firmly.

  Gu Jianlin held the necks of the two of them with each hand, and twisted them hard!


  The necks of these two people were torn off abruptly, and the whole wall was stained red with blood!

   This is pure, absolute crushing power and speed!

  The weakest Supreme.

   is also supreme.

   It's easy to step up and hit six!

   And one last one!

  The only surviving Vajra Arhat, although he was a monk from the Xingjue Temple, logically speaking, his heart was as firm as a rock, but at this moment his fighting spirit had also collapsed, and he made the last decision in trembling.


  He turned around suddenly, and rushed towards the direction where he sensed breathing and breathing.

  Just for a moment, he was like a boiled shrimp, his whole body was hot and hot.

  The blood vessels are bulging, on the verge of exploding!

  Su Youzhu was horrified, and subconsciously wanted to activate the Speed ​​Force, but he swayed because of the collapse of his body. The spirituality in his mind was even a little out of control, and he could only watch the opponent bump into him.

  At the last moment, a ray of thick black light struck, suddenly piercing through the monk's heart!


   It was not his self-destruction, but the explosion of negative energy.

  The last Vajra Arhat was also blown into pieces of flesh and blood, and died without a place to bury him.

  The violent wind rushed towards Su Youzhu's face, and Su Youzhu was blown away like a fallen leaf. The blood-colored Tang knife in his hand was thrown out, drawing a sharp arc in mid-air, and fell to the ground.

  She coughed heavily again.

  However, this time, there was not much blood that could be coughed up.

  The dragon horns on the head gradually degenerated, the blood in the pupils of the eyes gradually faded, and the strange lines on the skin disappeared.

  In a state of extreme weakness, her brain even stopped thinking.

   Don't know who the other party is.

   Is it friend or foe.

  The moment she was about to fall to the ground, her consciousness was already vaguely blurred.


  She crashed into a cold embrace.

   There is no temperature, but it is inexplicably warm.

  That being embraced by the whole world.

   "Do you dare to act like this next time?"

  Gu Jianlin's cold voice sounded: "Su Youzhu."

  The last three words, he almost stuttered every word.

  The words are cold.

  When Su Youzhu heard her name and this familiar voice, her soft body suddenly tensed up.

   Yet when she turned around, she looked up in disbelief.

   What I saw was a familiar face, clearly so real, but as if in a dream.

   That was Gu Jianlin's face, as beautiful as ever, but there was no expression on his face, but the black and white eyes were no longer as blank as before.

  Because it reflects her face.

  She likes this feeling.

  His eyes were all about her.

   "How did you catch up?"

  Su Youzhu looked at his face blankly, and said softly.

  Gu Jianlin held the girl in his arms, and clearly wanted to say a lot. He felt sorry for her silent contribution behind her back, and wanted to reprimand her for her willful nonsense, but in the end he couldn't say anything.

   "Your expression is really awkward, are you infatuated with me?"

  Su Youzhu was already very pale, and became even paler in the state of severe blood loss, but she suddenly smiled, and there was an unprecedented anger in her smile.

  She seemed to feel that the atmosphere was brewing in place, she gently wrapped her arms around the boy's neck, and said softly: " you just want to hug me like this?"

  Gu Jianlin silently lowered his head and stared at her, motionless.

  Su Youzhu glanced at him reproachfully, tiptoed lightly, and raised her delicate pretty face.

  The red lips are getting closer and closer.

  However, at the last moment, she suddenly thought of something, and asked earnestly, "Gu Jianlin, do you think if my parents find out that I'm dating you, will we be beaten?"

   She was answered by silence.

  Gu Jianlin took a deep breath: "Who wants to fall in love with you? I haven't settled with you yet."

  Su Youzhu: "..."

   "It's controllable distortion again, it's also mythical weapons, and there's also a strategy intercepted by you."

  Gu Jianlin said coldly: "You are really good, Su Youzhu."

  【ps: So much for today, I will update it tomorrow. 】

  (end of this chapter)

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