The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 181: I am stronger than the gods

  Chapter 181 I am stronger than gods

  The ancient underground grottoes trembled wildly, the ash was shaking off, and the gravel was rolling.

  Scarlet **** light rose into the sky like a revolving waterfall, only a cold ray of light tore through the **** red.

"This is the fragment of the Qilin Wedge, a companion of an ancient supreme. According to legend, 2,500 years ago, the Qilin Venerable swallowed the vitality of the entire East China Sea with a wedge, turning the vast sea into a dead sea. Waiting for the power to push forward all the history, there are only a few people."

  Hideichi Inoue cheered enthusiastically, with a pious expression on his face: "Now Venerable Qilin is trapped in the depths of the fairy palace, unable to communicate with the outside world. The Qilin wedge has become a thing without an owner."

  In the **** light, his face was sickly and distorted, full of fanaticism.

  The ten withered corpses suddenly weathered and collapsed, as if they had been drained of their last strength.

   In the end, only charred keels were left.

  If there are archaeologists here, they must be extremely shocked and sigh.

  Because these ten corpses are all corpses of ancient gods!

  An ancient **** species from the Candle Dragon Clan!

   Even if it is just a corpse, it is extremely precious.

   Don't even know where to get it.

   Summoned by this old man with Yingzhou's unique alchemy method, that is, psychic secret art.

   Construct the framework of the alchemy matrix.

   There is also a pitch-black dragon scale, which is placed in the very center of the matrix.

   That is a dragon scale left by Venerable Candle Dragon from 2,500 years ago!

  It has been eight years since they have been exploring and researching the underground ruins of the Burial Forest, searching through countless ancient documents. Only then have they determined that the body of the ruins is the corpse of an ancient god, and they also know the seal of time and space in the depths.

   This alchemy matrix was built with great effort by them.

  Especially that dragon scale.

   This is the most critical key to unlock the seal!

   Without this dragon scale, no one can unlock the space-time seal here.

  —It is impossible for the Qilin Wedge to reappear in the world!

   "I'm even more curious about why Venerable Zhulong took so much trouble to bury Wei here."

  The smile on Si Wei'an's face became more and more frenzied, and a pale bewitchment ignited on his forehead, and a huge skull-headed spirit body emerged from behind, slowly walking towards the overwhelming **** light.

  However, at this time, Inoue Shuichi took the first step and walked into the turbulent blood.

  He stretched out his vigorous, trembling hands, and held the wedge.

   "Thank you, Venerable Candle Dragon."

  The old man showed a row of yellow teeth, and smiled strangely: "I found the wedge for us."

  Si Wei'an squinted his eyes, thinking of finding an opportunity to make a violent move and **** the wedge.

   It is at this moment.

  The fragments of the Qilin Wedge trembled, and there was a voice without warmth, echoing out of thin air:

   "Okay, I will convey it to her for you."

  It is like a drop of water suddenly falling from a deep silent pool.

  Like a ghost appearing out of thin air in a thriller.

  It is also like the thunder that explodes in the dark night.


  It makes people... out of their wits!

  Si Wei'an's hair seemed to explode, but in his perception of life, there was no living thing!

  The voice in Hideichi Inoue's throat stopped abruptly.

  The cloudy pupils suddenly enlarged.

  Because of the jet-black broken hilt, a face emerged.

  The face of a god.

   The overwhelming coercion of heaven and earth seems to be able to come to reality through the mirror-like sword body!

   "I also want to thank you for breaking the wedge seal for me."

  It was a **** wearing a black jade mask, with ferocious and noble pitch-black horns, and blazing golden pupils, deep in the pupils seemed to be flashing a thunderbolt of divine anger, majestic and indifferent: "Then please, die."


   Inoue Shuichi was horrified to find that he was being gradually swallowed!

   With a plop, he knelt down on the ground.

   Not just life force.

  Including soul, including spirit, including will, including memory, including body.

  The authority of Qilin Venerable.


  In an instant, it seemed to be in hell, and the endless darkness filled the air like a tide.





   There seemed to be howling from the abyss in the ears of the old man, as if a bottomless black hole opened in front of him, swallowing everything in him like a vortex, pulling him into endless darkness!

   No, there is no black hole there.

   That is clearly a black unicorn!

He is so ancient and majestic, with blazing golden pupils like the sun, dripping black blood all over his body, broken dragon scales exuding a mysterious beauty, half of his body is decayed like dead wood, but the other half has protruding ferocious blood vessels, The perfect combination of life and death.

   And behind this black unicorn, there is actually a human face!

  The indifferent and tough boy, with fiery golden pupils, looked down on him from a height.

  It seems to be overlooking the ants!

  This is... the ancient supreme!

   "Venerable Qilin! He is actually awake!"

  Hideichi Inoue let out a silent roar of horror, his body and soul were suddenly swallowed by the dark black hole vortex, and he was buried in the black hole.

  With all his fear and trembling, he was wiped out.

   And in the end, he seemed to see the appearance of that person clearly.

   That was Gu Jianlin's face.

  This is a shocking secret, but he has no chance to pass it on to anyone.

   Inoue Shuichi disappeared from this world.

  As if it never appeared.


  The entire underground ruins are trembling, on the verge of collapse.

  This scene is so horrifying, the shards of the unicorn wedge devoured the old man in kimono in just an instant.

   Not even a trace left.

   And that dark hollow vortex is still devouring the void, like an endless black hole, tearing and swallowing the world!

  Great fear exploded in Si Wei'an's mind, at this moment he didn't have any thoughts.

  There is only one word, escape!

  And he didn't run away in a hurry like a bereaved dog, but took out a dagger from his arms.


   pierced through my heart.

   Without giving any chance, he killed himself!

  However, his corpse quickly decomposed and turned into a pile of dry bones.

   Boom boom boom!

  The boulder fell, and the scarlet vertical pupils continued to light up in the cracks of the rock wall.

   The monster broke free from the seal.

  Everything is destroying.

  The fragments of the unicorn wedge suddenly became illusory and disappeared without a trace.



  Gu Jianlin once found some files about Venerable Qilin in the courtyard of souls.

  The Kirin Wedge is mentioned in it.

  The characteristic of the wedge is that it cannot be taken away by others.

  As long as the ancient supreme being willing, the corresponding wedge can return at any time.

  Unless the supreme being fell into a deep sleep and seal, or had died completely, or if he acquiesced, the accompanying wedge would fall into the hands of outsiders.

   There is no other possibility.

   However, the situation of the Qilin Wedge is a bit special. It was shattered and sealed, so it couldn't be sensed. Naturally, there was no way to return to the original body.

   But when its seal is lifted, the situation is different again.

  The life-and-death test Su Youzhu is currently facing is to reverse the authority of the Chilin ancestor.

   To reverse the authority of the ancestor of the red lin, the wedge of the unicorn is necessary.

  Gu Jianlin didn't have the Qilin Wedge in his hand, and he didn't know where it was hidden, let alone how to solve the seal.

  However, just because he doesn't know, doesn't mean others don't know.

  Si Wei'an of Youying Group and Shuichi Inoue of the Priory have cooperated for eight full years.

   I don’t know how many resources and human lives were spent.

   I don’t know how many life and death crises I have experienced.

  Finally, I found a solution.

   It’s just that this solution is the solution of Qilin Venerable.

  Everything is a wedding dress.


  With the vibration of the Scarlet Cave, countless cracks burst out, on the verge of collapse.

   "Butcher, hold on!"

  Gu Jianlin hugged the girl in his arms, and walked towards the **** spar expressionlessly.

  The brain of the ancestor of Chilin!

  The butcher didn't understand what he meant, but he had the character of doing what he said, and he stood up without hesitation to puff up the energy in his body, and put his hands against the cave roof that was about to collapse, like a huge pillar!

   "Youzhu, hold on a little longer."

  Gu Jianlin walked in front of the **** spar, and then suddenly raised his right hand.

  He moved without hesitation.

  The strength is so strong that even the sleeves are bulging.

  Su Youzhu curled up in her arms, completely eroded by the domain left by the ancestor of Chi Lin, as if a crimson doom appeared in front of her eyes, the world collapsed in front of her, and she curled up in the boy's arms.

  Feeling the only remaining warmth.

   "Gu Jianlin, are you my god?"

  She said softly: "But I have seen gods, and they look different from you."

  Gu Jianlin said softly, "What's the difference?"

  Su Youzhu smiled silently, her life was about to go out like a flickering candle, her slender and curly eyelashes drooped down, and her voice was weak: "You are more beautiful than a god."

  Gu Jianlin said calmly: "If you think it looks good, then live and watch it again."

  Su Youzhu raised her sleepy eyes, which were full of reluctance.

   This is actually the first time she took off her mask and faced the person she likes.

  Removed all camouflage for the first time.

  No longer concealing the inner feelings and love.

  You can look at him unscrupulously and let him hug you.

   Watching him anxious for himself, watching him flustered for himself, even at a loss.

This made her feel that she is really needed, and she is more important than ever in a person's heart. She is happier than getting her first birthday gift many years ago, more proud than when she looks in the mirror wearing a beautiful dress, and more proud than meeting someone in the Qilin Fairy Palace. I was luckier when I was a teacher, and more satisfied than when I seduced him occasionally.

   In a sense, this is the first meeting between him and her.

   An unabashed, real encounter.

  Although in the past many years, there was a world between her and him, without disturbing each other.

  Gu Jianlin is the reflection of another world to Su Youzhu.

   As far as Gu Jianlin is concerned, Su Youzhu is the shadow that has silently guarded him for eight years.

  The shadows of the two worlds gradually overlap.

  Those past events buried deep in memory seemed to be clear.

   On the school basketball court, in the corner coffee shop, in the noisy and crowded shopping mall.

   There is also the coastline under the night, and the brightly lit city.

   Those feelings of loneliness are gone, occupied by the presence of another person.

   "Secretly tell you a secret."

  Gu Jianlin also laughed silently: "I am not only prettier than God."

  Su Youzhu's consciousness was hazy, she only felt that the crimson world was collapsing, and her delicate body trembled slightly, gradually falling into the abyss.

  It seems to be terribly frightened.

  The huge fire unicorn is condescending, and its red pupils almost set the whole world on fire.

  When He roared, the world was being destroyed, and death filled the air.

  However, amidst the roar of the world collapsing, the boy's voice echoed clearly.

   "I am still stronger than the gods."

   For a moment, Gu Jianlin held a shattered black broken sword in his hand with a condensed light!

  He reversed the hilt of the sword, and suddenly plunged into the broken blood spar!


  The fire unicorn at the end of the world let out an angry and unwilling roar.

   Because it belongs to His domain, it is fragmented!

  A pitch-black unicorn tore apart the blood-colored world with a bang, roaring loudly, ruling the world!

  【Recommendation Ticket】【Monthly Ticket】

   This chapter is 3,000 words, I’m going to write the next chapter, I’m arguing with my family tonight, it’s so annoying...



  (end of this chapter)

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