The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 185: I really didn't take the Qilin Wedge!

  Chapter 185 I really didn't take the unicorn wedge!

  Gu Jianlin tried to switch to the ghost-slaying path for the first time. In the state of speed force, he seemed to feel the torrent of time rushing by his side. The world in front of him was fragmented and full of mournful cracks.

   This is the blessing of the Speed ​​Force, and you can still see the broken world.

  It seems to be reborn, the spiritual realm has undergone earth-shaking changes, and it is a completely new experience.

   And when the spirituality in his body broke through the shackles, he was promoted to the first level in the way of killing ghosts.

  First-level ghosts, the awakened extraordinary ability is virtualization.

  As the name suggests, it can consume spirituality, illusory its own existence, be immune to physical attacks, and travel freely in the material world, with a certain time limit.

   It's just that his way of killing ghosts is naturally different, because he got this power by devouring the bone of the candle dragon, so his natural upper limit is at the apex, and his extraordinary ability has the potential to evolve.

   It's like when he, as the Qilin Venerable, advances in the human state, his extraordinary ability will also evolve.

  After he was promoted to the first level of ghost, the two passive skills were also strengthened, and the broken world shown in front of him was so clear and detailed. And in the speed force state, his speed also became faster, and the sound of time rushing past his ears like a torrent.

  At the same time, his body is as illusory as a phantom, like a transparent soul!

  At that moment, Si Wei'an was terrified, turned around suddenly, and raised his hand to gather negative energy.

   But, it was too late.

  In the hustle and bustle of time passing by, Gu Jianlin stepped into the realm where time stopped without hindrance!

   This is the gift from Venerable Zhulong.

  Thank you, good sister.

  As long as the blur is completed, the domain of the pocket watch of the end will be invalid for him!

  Si Wei'an's eyes almost burst!

  He came in!

   How did this guy get in here!

  A Tier 3 Chief Commander, how did he do it!

  In the blink of an eye, Gu Jianlin stretched out his hand.

  The blurred index finger landed on the final pocket watch.

  At the same time, the void is removed and spirituality is injected.

   The final pocket watch suspended in mid-air was infused with his spirituality, and the time-stop barrier collapsed!

   "Do it!"

  Gu Jianlin let out a low drink.

  The moment when the enchantment of the pocket watch of the end collapsed.

   Tang Ling actually stood in front of him at the first moment, clenched the big bone sword with her backhand, and a ray of thunder flashed out!

   At the same time, the mysterious man suddenly slashed out countless streaks of blood, piercing the air with a shrill scream!

   There was a bang, and a huge pitch-black skeleton spirit body appeared in front of Si Wei'an, and then it was smashed to pieces by the galloping blood light, and finally torn apart by a line of lightning that cut across, shattering into slag!

  The **** sword light and fiery lightning strike again!


  Si Wei'an's left and right hands broke in unison, and blood gushed out!

  The severe pain made him growl angrily and unwillingly: "Why ambushed me here!"

  The pale will-o'-the-wisp ignited, crazily devouring the life force in the earth.

  Under his command, those headless corpses swarmed up to buy him time!

   "Hand over the unicorn wedge, and I will spare you!"

  Tang Ling made a move of Thunder Cut, and like a thousand birds chirping, electric sparks splashed and flickered, destroying those headless corpses!

   "The Qilin Wedge is not in my hand!"

  Si Wei'an roared angrily and violently: "Bastard!"

   "You have planned for eight full years, how could you miss it?"

  The mysterious man chased after him, and a sword pierced through his lower abdomen!

  Si Wei'an spat out a mouthful of blood, but what made him feel the most pain was not the penetrating wound in his lower abdomen.

   But unprecedented aggrieved and furious.

Because the Qilin Wedge is really not in his hands, but these people are squatting at him at the exit of the underground ruins, biting him to death. !

   This kind of humiliation and anger is like a powder keg, which is about to blow him up!

   "Bastard! I didn't take the Qilin wedge. The moment Shuichi Inoue of the Priory touched that thing, he died. I suspect that the Qilin Venerable took it. You killed the wrong person!"

  His roar broke the night, and he turned and fled towards the lake.

  I saw a ray of fiery thunder slashing towards him, leaving a shocking burnt mark on his back!

"Heh, then how did you survive? The little trick of reincarnation of tragic corpses is as ridiculous as a child's toy in front of an ancient supreme being. You have no reason to survive." Tang Ling ran wildly, with both hands The clenched white bone sword once again swayed the thunder light, with great momentum.

   "Unless that ancient supreme has something wrong with his brain."

  The mysterious man sneered: "But that's obviously impossible. I'm more inclined to believe that you defected to the Qilin clan, and then conspired to kill the members of the Priory. They are almost dead, why don't you turn into a Qilin?"

  Gu Jianlin: "..."

  Wait, who is this insulting?

  I didn't offend any of you, but I even humiliated him.

   At this moment, he once again realized the gap between himself and the real Ancient Supreme.


  Knowledge is power.

   It's just that this unfolded a bit beyond his expectations. He was still worried about what to do after the unicorn wedge fragment, but now it's good, someone has already helped him carry this **** pot.

  Si Wei'an spat out a mouthful of blood again, this time he was not hurt, but angry.

   His mind was buzzing with anger, this is simply the injustice of the century!

   "Last chance, hand over the unicorn wedge! Or tell me the whereabouts of the unicorn wedge."

  The mysterious man jumped up and cut off his legs with a single sword!

   With a plop, Si Wei'an fell heavily into the mud, writhing in pain!

  At this time, Tang Ling swooped up, and the lightning flashed.

   Just when the sword was about to slash, she turned around suddenly, her beautiful eyes filled with murderous intent!


  The mysterious man raised his iron sword to block, and the fiery thunder burst out, roaring endlessly!

   It turned out that these two people were not teammates from the beginning to the end, but because the targets were similar, they didn't attack each other just now, but now the enemy has no fighting ability, so they naturally turned their faces.

   "Tang Zijing."

  Tang Ling pressed her hands hard, pressing down the sword edge that was shining with lightning, and said provocatively: "I haven't seen you for eight years, why are you still alive?"

   There was a click.

During Tang Zijing's confrontation with her, there was a crack in the iron sword in his hand, but he didn't show any emotion, he just said indifferently: "My child, you have indeed grown up a lot, I can barely recognize you Yes. How have you been these years? Have you ever been bullied in Jianzhong?"

   Tang Ling said indifferently: "When you sold me to Jianzhong, did you think about this?"

   Under the reflection of the thunder, her eyes seemed to freeze.

  Thunder roared above the sky.

  Tang Zijing looked up at the dark sky, and said with a smile, "Ji Lei used to be a mythical weapon I used, and I know it too well. In ten seconds, I will be struck by lightning, right?"

   For a moment, he took half a step back, and the scarlet mist filled the air.

  Where the red mist passed, the vigorous old trees suddenly withered, the weeds in the soil suddenly withered, and even the insects on the ground and trees died, like an oil painting of despair!

  Countless thunderbolts suddenly struck, but the moment they touched the red mist, they suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if they were swallowed up.

  Tang Ling stepped into the red mist one step at a time, her whole body was glowing with a sharp metallic luster, and countless sword lights lingered around her body.

  In an instant, the sword light lingering around her suddenly disappeared, and the metal color on the body surface seemed to be rapidly decaying and rusting, gradually fading away.

   The mist surged, as if to engulf her.

   Tang Ling narrowed her beautiful eyes, and said indifferently: "Come on, fight to the death."

  Her breathing suddenly became rapid, as if the void was trembling!

   Breathing technique!

  She can also breathe, but looking at this posture, it is obvious that she is going to die with the enemy!

  At this time, Gu Jianlin stepped forward in front of her, breathing in a natural rhythm, and the cold moonlight-like field suddenly condensed.

   Breathing technique, the land of freedom!


  The clear brilliance exploded with a bang, washing away the red mist like moonlight, and all the extraordinary abilities in the domain were purified.

  Tang Zijing was obviously experienced in many battles. He predicted this area in advance, and withdrew dozens of steps, and came to Si Ye's side.

  His primary target is undoubtedly fourth master.

   Or rather, fragments of the Kylin Wedge.

   Seeing this scene, Gu Jianlin's eyes became particularly weird.

   "Freedom Realm? Thank you."

  Tang Ling squinted her beautiful eyes in the sudden burst of light, and was about to take advantage of the time when the fog cleared to pursue her, when suddenly a hand was placed on her shoulder behind her.

   "Don't go there."

   Gu Jianlin said in a deep voice, "Trust me, don't get close to that fog."

  A trace of hesitation flashed in Tang Ling's vermilion beautiful eyes.


   In the scarlet fog, there seemed to be the roar of a monster, which was breathtaking.

  Tang Zijing drew back, grabbed Fourth Master's head, and drove a simple copper nail into his head with his backhand!

  Si Wei'an let out a shrill roar, and black air billowed from his body.

   "Isn't it on your body?"

  His face suddenly became gloomy. He didn't expect that the Qilin Wedge was really not in this person's hands.

   So, where is the Qilin Wedge hidden?

   "You guys, wait for me."

   In severe pain, Si Wei'an once again had a morbid and crazy smile on his face, and roared: "I offended Youying Group and Dusk. I want you... to regret coming to this world."

  He bit the miniature bomb on the back tooth socket and detonated his head instantly.


  Tang Zijing was splashed with brains and blood all over his face. Looking at the fallen corpse in front of him, he said regretfully, "It's a pity."

   Didn't know he was talking about pieces of the Kylin Wedge.

   Still regretting something else.

  The scarlet blood mist became more intense, shrinking suddenly like a living thing, completely submerging Si Ye's body.

   In just a second, the corpse turned into a white bone.

  This scene seemed shocking to Gu Jianlin and Tang Ling.

  At the same time, the red mist surged and rushed towards them like a living creature.

  The two were terrified and retreated at the same time!

   "The support of your ether association is here."

  In the scarlet blood mist, Tang Zijing took a deep look at them, with a playful smile on his lips.

   "Let's play with you next time, kids."

  With a bang, the red mist rushing towards the face suddenly disappeared, and even the figures in the mist disappeared without a trace.

  In the dark jungle, it fell into silence again.

  The breeze swayed by, and the sea water above the sky flowed, reflecting the light of the sky.

  In the silence, as if nothing had happened.

"never mind."

   Gu Jianlin said expressionlessly: "Si Wei'an has used the cycle of mourning corpses three times, and he became a madman even if he didn't die. As for Tang Zijing, there is no rhythm of his life within a hundred meters around him, so he is gone."

  With the slight movement of his thoughts, the ghost-slaying phantom in his mind gradually fell asleep and disappeared without a trace.

  The phantom of Shensi appeared again, and his rank skyrocketed, returning to the third rank.

  Tang Ling silently looked at the direction where the blood mist disappeared, the Great Thunder Sword in her hand gradually quieted down, and the light of thunder disappeared.

   "Well, I see."

  She nodded slightly, and suddenly said after a while: "Thank you."

  Gu Jianlin raised his eyebrows: "Thank you for what?"

Tang Ling's red hair gradually turned frosty white, and her eyes were calm: "Thank you for helping me identify him, and thank you for helping me find the clue. In fact, this time I entered the Ancient God Realm, I took the mission of the president here."

  Gu Jianlin raised his eyebrows: "President?"

  Tang Ling nodded slightly: "The President let me in, one is to determine the whereabouts of the Qilin Wedge, and the other is to track down the existence of the Priory. I don't have that ability, so I can only rely on you."

  Gu Jianlin understood: "So you knew from the very beginning, what is the meaning behind this incident? Then how did you determine the location of the exit of the underground relic? And how did you determine the specific time?"

   "The president has invited a divination master to help me with divination."

Tang Ling looked at the sparkling lake in front of her, and said softly: "This is what happened when I first came back from the Ancient God Realm. At that time, the president had already seen everything. But afterwards, I recalled the red mist , I always feel a little familiar, but I'm not sure if it's him."

  Gu Jianlinxin said that's the case. It seems that the president's behavior is quite reliable.

  If he is not Venerable Qilin, then the fragments of this wedge are probably brought out by someone.

  Even if Tang Ling couldn't get it, she could still confirm its whereabouts.

"I told you that when I was young, my great-grandfather still loved me very much. Later, he sent me to Jianzhong to train me as a secret weapon in order to advance. And he got the chance to be promoted to the sanctuary because of this. For some reason, he later fell into madness and killed many fellow members of Jianzhong, as well as members of the Tang family."

  Tang Ling tightened the Great Thunder Sword into the piano case, and paused: "I didn't know why at first, but I didn't realize what happened to him until you mentioned the existence of the Priory."

  Gu Jianlin took a deep look at her.

   "Actually, you have said so much, and in the end you just want to confirm one thing."

  He said intentionally or unintentionally: "You just want to know if he was forced, right?"

   Actually, he could see it.

  The reason why this girl proposed grouping earlier, but later left the team.

   I just don't want my teammates to take risks with me.

  Because she was going to face her great-grandfather.

  An extremely dangerous **** servant whose rank is above the sixth rank.

"more or less."

Tang Ling regained the indifference of the iceberg beauty in the past, with no emotion in her eyes: "But according to what you said, Tang Zijing chose to become the **** attendant of the ancestor of Kuilong in order to get rid of the control of the monastery, so now he has no doubts It has worked. If he had been forced, he would have explained it to me."


  Gu Jianlin glanced at her, but under her seemingly calm appearance, she couldn't hide her disappointment.

   "Your father, you should have been targeted by the monastery, right? The two of us had similar experiences."

  Tang Ling squinted at him, and said quietly: "Youying Group, the Ether Association, and the forces of all sizes in the world, more or less have the intervention of the Priory behind them. This terrible."

  Gu Jianlin agreed: "Omega in the top ten, is there a ghost inside?"

   Tang Ling nodded: "I killed one of them."

  She raised her head and pointed to the cliff on the left.

  The body of a beautiful Yujie was nailed to the wall by an iron sword, in a miserable state of death.

  Gu Jianlin thought to himself that the top ten were all five ranks, and this woman jumped up the ranks and killed someone.

   Really fierce.

   "I didn't expect that you also mastered self-evolution."

   he said with emotion.

  Tang Ling tossed her long hair with a strange expression: "Will you tell others?"

   Not knowing why, a sentence came to her mind.

  Miss, you don’t want others to know that you have mastered self-evolution.

  Under the dim sky, her expression was a little unnatural, who knew what she had imagined.


   Gu Jianlin said calmly.

   "Because you will too? Your combat power is not normal at all."

  Tang Ling put the guitar case on her back, and said quietly: "After all, you are the person that the King of Blue values. As the person who opened the taboo box, it is impossible for him not to teach you this thing."

  Gu Jianlin was slightly taken aback.

   Youzhu also told him before.

  The Green King was the first to open the forbidden box.

  He didn't know what this sentence meant before, but now he seems to understand something.

  The so-called Pandora's Taboo Box is actually controllable distortion, or self-evolution.

   "Okay, let's not talk about this."

Tang Ling said solemnly: "There is something I want to remind you. Regarding this operation, I will stop here. It is best not to tell others about my great-grandfather and the matter of the Priory. Because there is no guarantee that the Aether Association will Internally, whoever is the inner ghost of the Priory, it is very unsafe to pass on the information rashly."

  She paused: "Anyway, the current harvest is enough for us to get the reward."

  The top ten are found.

  The whereabouts of the Qilin Wedge is also revealed.

  Hidden missions, things about the monastery can also be reported to the president.

"I see."

  Gu Jianlin nodded slightly.

   "Unfortunately, the clues of the Priory have been cut off here."

  A chill appeared in Tang Ling's eyes: "I don't know where to find them in the future."

  Gu Jianlin thought about it, and suddenly said: "Actually, it's not broken."

   Tang Ling's eyes were stunned.

  Gu Jianlin thought of the ritual that the old devil arranged while everyone was sleeping.

  The target of the sacrificial ceremony was himself.

  Yes, he deliberately let the old devil attack him.

   Only in this way can this group of sewer rats be attracted again.

  As for your own safety, there is no need to worry about it.

  One of the characteristics of the ancient supreme—spirit cannot be interfered by the outside world!

  At the same time, the sound of a helicopter hovering in the distance sounded.

  Gu Jianlin's mobile phone automatically connected to the Deep Space Network, and the support of the Ethernet Association has arrived.

   "B-level investigator Gu Jianlin, welcome to log in to deep space."

   "The task is complete, the reward is being settled, please wait."

   "Reminder, there is still a 12-hour countdown to the time when the dimension is stable."

   "Do you choose to return?"

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

  (end of this chapter)

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