The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 192: I make you apologize!

  Chapter 192 I make you apologize!


  The moment Chen Bojun smelled the stench, he bent down and pulled the trash can over, vomiting.

  I saw Lu Zijin blowing out a breath of fairy air with a face full of disgust, and the strong wind picked up suddenly, blowing away the stench.

  Gu Jianlin's heart skipped a beat.

  He had just boasted to his superiors, and felt that he had gained a firm foothold in the second echelon and subdued a monster in the world. It could not be said to be a benefit to the world, but it could also be said to be a consummation of merit.

   As a result, he was slapped in the face in the next second.

   This stench is very familiar, it must have come from the little princess.

   It's really strange, the formula was confiscated by myself, and this little guy made a new poison in just one night!

  He just remembered to take out the crumpled diary and take a look.

   Good guy, it’s all pinyin!

  For some reason, he suddenly had an absurd guess that that brat might not even be able to write.

  A big family that big, it shouldn’t be possible.

  However, I think of the personality portrait of the little princess.

   Well, there is a 99% chance of being illiterate.

At this time, Taixu's soft voice sounded: "Emergency report, A-level investigator Ji Xiaoyu suddenly fell ill, illegally used biochemical weapons in the medical department, and took five hostages on the roof of the hospital. At present, Instructor Zhu has led the guards to carry out the execution of the medical department. Out of the siege, they are currently in a tense confrontation, seeking negotiations."

  Gu Jianlin thought to himself why this sounds a bit like a kidnapping case.

   "Creating a crime."

  The parrot spat on his shoulder.

   "Taixu, check the identity of the hostage."

   Lu Zijin said lightly.

  Chen Bojun finished vomiting, wiped his mouth, and looked up at the projection screen.

  I saw five brats hanging from street lamps, with poisonous bags stuffed in their mouths, and they stink to the point of tears streaming down their faces.


  There is also a sofa on the rooftop. The little princess in a pink Lolita dress sits calmly on it, drinking ice-cola, with a bazooka emitting thick smoke.

  Her face seemed to say: In the sky and in the world, I am the only one.

  The younger brothers stood behind her respectfully, marveling at her might and arrogance.

   And still taking pictures next to me.

  Gu Jianlin was stunned, because he felt that this scene seemed familiar.

   Unexpectedly, this little girl has a strong ability to imitate, and she has reproduced her own famous scene in the past two or three days.

   It's just that people have different temperaments.

  Gu Jianlin's effect was not bad because of his indifferent temperament.

   As for the scene of the little princess, it is only five words short.

  My Lord is so proud of me.

   "Those who learn from me live, those who resemble me die!"

   The parrot screamed.

  Chen Bojun rubbed the center of his brows, and sighed: "Can the day-to-day life stop? Hey, Zijin, take a look. Is this little fat man the son of Director Li of the Inspection Bureau?"

  Lu Zijin glanced up at her beautiful eyes, and said quietly, "Well, he looks as ugly as Director Li. Speaking of which, another group of people has settled in the base. Is it because Omega has recruited new people?"

  Chen Bojun hummed: "Because a few people died in this mission, we recruited another group from outside. They were originally going to be the secret guards next to the president, and they are all very talented."

  Gu Jianlin looked back at the two of them with confusion.

   "Ahem, it's time to tell you about science. The power of the Ethereum Association is formed."

Chen Bojun coughed dryly, and explained: "As you know, the Ether Association is the world's largest sublimator organization and the only Transcendent Alliance. It is not so much an organization as an alliance, and it can also be said that it is formed by various organizations in the world. Isn’t it easy to understand the order maintained by the big forces?”

"Although from your point of view, the Ether Association has been criticized by many people, and there are various internal problems. But in this world full of sublimators, this is already a very rare order. Before the establishment of the Ether Association, The chaos in the extraordinary world is beyond your imagination."

  He said: "As long as there are people, there will be struggles. Some people's spirits will be polluted, some people will suffer from mental illness, and some people will go crazy with a cry. There will always be differences on how to maintain order."

  Lu Zijin joked: "The extraordinary civilization has developed to the present, but it is actually getting worse."

  Gu Jianlin thought about it, for example, a mysterious and weird organization like the Priory, if it wasn't because he was immune to mental interference, he might have been tricked without anyone noticing it.

  People's thoughts cannot be unified, and individual abilities become extremely powerful.

  Order becomes a luxury.

"The factional struggle within the Aether Association has never stopped. As you can see, the Tribunal headed by Vice-President Rhine is the most powerful. The other Vice-President is the immediate boss of the Night Watcher Department , code-named Winter. Originally, these two factions competed the most fiercely, but you have seen the current situation."

Chen Bojun sighed: "In addition, the Dawn Operation Sequence belongs to an independent war department and will basically not participate in factional struggles. The Omega Sequence is actually a plan for cultivating talents, and talents are sent by various departments and major families. If If you can seal the king, it will be a natural disaster. If you can’t seal it, you will send it back the same way.”

   "Actually, it's not just Rhine and Lin Dong who are fighting. The thirteen sub-ministers and six generals, the major families and ancient sects in Huaguo are also fighting openly and secretly to erode power."

   Speaking of this, he looked a little lonely: "All this is because the president's time is running out."

  Gu Jianlin's heart moved slightly, remembering the mysterious men in black robes he met when he was in the grocery store last time.

  They mentioned the matter of recovering the body of the president.

"It's just that the president is still here, and everyone's fighting is still restrained. The inspection bureau is working for her old man's faction. Director Li came to Fengcheng this time to retry the case of Lao Gu and Lao Mu. The night watchman The two departments of the court and the trial court are assisting in the investigation and providing their own evidence."

  Chen Bojun said: "The Audit Bureau is not a combat department, but because it is the chairman's cronies, their attitude is very important. Director Li, as one of the five directors, holds a lot of power."

  Lu Zijin said quietly: "Unfortunately, something has happened now."

  Gu Jianlin thought for a moment: "I'll go over now and have a look."

   "Wait a minute."

  Lu Zijin suddenly stopped him.

  Chen Bojun took out a metal box from behind his desk: "This is your task reward, take it before you go."



   "People on the rooftop listen up."

   "This is my ultimatum!"

   "Hand over the biochemical weapons and release the hostages, this is your only way out!"

  Instructor Zhu held a horn and roared towards the rooftop.

  There was a huge crowd of people at the entrance of the hospital, and the investigators passing by had already come to watch the fun.

  Only the father and daughter, Uncle Mu and Mu Qingge, were anxious and sighed downstairs.

   On the rooftop, Ji Xiaoyu bulged her cheeks, like an angry little beast, and shouted: "Let people go? It's a beautiful idea, let me go if you let me go? Isn't it embarrassing?"

  The younger brothers stood in a row behind and acted as guards.

  Wan Wan was protected at the back, her pretty face pale with fright.

   "Xiao Yu, don't be willful!"

  Ji Han, as the elder brother of the Ji family, said in a cold voice: "Put Director Li's son down quickly. He is just an ordinary person who has not awakened. If he continues like this, he will die. Be obedient and apologize to Director Li."

  Hime crossed his arms and said angrily, "Let him go quickly, don't force me to do it."

  I saw a thin and gloomy middle-aged man, wearing a black windbreaker, standing beside him.

   His complexion was very ugly.

   "Director Li, please stay calm."

  Deacon Nie said beside him: "Five minutes, at most five minutes, put your son down."

  Wang Taisheng also echoed: "Don't worry, Ji Ye and Ji Han both come forward, there must be no problem."

  They turned around and ordered: "Shu Guang, prepare to save people."

  As the Pope of the fifth rank, Dawn is here to prevent emergencies from happening.

  Poison Master also followed, just in case.

  However, who is Ji Xiaoyu, so he doesn't give people face: "Don't talk to me about this useless! Why didn't these little brats expect to kill someone when they beat someone?"

  She picked up the bazooka and aimed directly at the crowd.

  Everyone's complexion changed drastically. The power of this biochemical weapon is too strong.

   Ji Ye and Ji Han glanced at each other: "Grandmother came to the base today, don't mess around."

  Ji Xiaoyu was obviously taken aback when she heard the words.

But she glanced at the shivering little girl behind her, still holding the bazooka, gritted her teeth and said, "Don't fool me, I don't care! No one wants me to let you go today! So what if you two are fifth-order? Don't think that I If I can't beat you, I will take out my mythical weapon if I am in a hurry, and we will die together!"

  Ji Han and Ji Ye were stunned, what happened to this little guy today, even grandma couldn't restrain her.

  The main reason is that the Inspection Bureau is originally a cronies trained by the grandmother.

  The little princess's nonsense is shaking the foundation of grandma.

  As the descendants of the Ji family, they must not be left alone.

  Director Li's face changed from cloudy to sunny, he was a little eager to protect his son, and said: "Since the two of you are inconvenient to do it, let me do it. I will try my best to save the little princess without hurting her."

  The expressions of Deacon Nie and Wang Taisheng changed slightly.

   If this is done with hands, the scene will be ugly.

   At this moment, an indifferent, non-smoky voice came from the stairs.

"what happened?"

   Everyone turned their heads.

  Gu Jianlin did not know when, but he had already appeared on the rooftop with a parrot on his shoulder and a suitcase in his hand.

   When Shu Guang and Poison Master saw this ruthless man coming, their eyes lit up slightly.

  This is someone who can subdue the little princess.

Ji Ye also recognized him and knew that he had a golden phoenix feather on his body, so he said in a deep voice, "Xiao Yu is crazy, you have a golden phoenix feather on your body, right? You are also her team leader, and you should really handle this matter .”


  Ji Han nodded slightly, and said solemnly: "Although Xiaoyu is a descendant of our Ji family, she can't help but attack Director Li's sons and hang them from the street lamp. This is really too much."

  At this time, Director Li's expression softened a little.

  Deacon Nie also breathed a sigh of relief.

  Although I don't like this monster very much, he is really useful at this time.

  At least it can deal with the little princess.

  Wang Taisheng's eyes flickered, staring at the young man in front of him, not knowing what he was thinking.


Ji Xiaoyu's complexion changed, and she said loudly: "What do you mean I attacked those **** involuntarily? They were the ones who bullied Wanwan first, and you didn't care about it for half a month. Why, I beat her up for her." It’s just going back, why are you in such a hurry? Can the double-standard dog die!”

  Dawn and Poison Master were taken aback for a moment, and only then did they know why the little princess suddenly lost her temper today.

  The Ji family siblings looked at each other again, with suspicion in their eyes.

   "Bullying Wan Wan?"

  Gu Jianlin frowned, and immediately thought of the bruise on the little girl's leg back then.

  Under the protection of her younger brothers, Wan Wan looked at him weakly, with timid and aggrieved eyes.

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a second, last time she said that she fell it by herself.

   "It's normal for children to fight each other."

  Director Li said slowly: "Put the person down, just apologize."

  Deacon Nie and Wang Taisheng didn't care much, they were unclean after all, just being bullied a little bit.

   As for it.

   "Excessive? Fuck you, it's not too much to hit your head with a rock?"

  Ji Xiaoyu roared: "I'll try to smash you?"

  The atmosphere dropped to freezing point.

  Ji Xiaoyu was a little apprehensive, mainly because she knew that the person opposite was afraid to do anything because of her identity.

   But there was one person who really dared to beat her up.

   And beat her according to the order.

  When Gu Jianlin appeared, her tone of voice was a little weaker.

  But she still felt that she was right, so she still straightened her back and refused to admit it.

  However, she soon discovered that these so-called adults were standing opposite her, with stern and cold eyes.

  She suddenly felt a little wronged, gritted her teeth, and clenched her fists.

   For a moment, Gu Jianlin said coldly, "Apologize."

  At that moment, Director Li had a smile on his lips, satisfied with the young man's understanding.

  Deacon Nie and Wang Taisheng were also relieved, thinking that this kid still knows how to be in awe. If he offends the Audit Bureau, it is tantamount to challenging the authority of the president.

  Ji Xiaoyu was stunned, her hand holding the bazooka completely froze, she suddenly felt that this place was really boring, these so-called grown-ups were simply a bunch of idiots, they might as well just die.

  It is clear that she is not wrong, but everyone is blaming her.

  The little girl had a sore nose, felt inexplicably wronged, and even wanted to cry.

  Wan Wan quietly got out from the crowd and poked her hand.

  However, at the next moment, a slender and tall figure stood in front of the two of them.

  Gu Jianlin looked at the opposite person expressionlessly, and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt.


   He said deadpan, "Don't make me repeat it a third time."

  Director Li was stunned, showing an expression of disbelief: "I, apologize?"

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

   Updated 10,000 words today, sleeping...



  (end of this chapter)

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