The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 195: Waiting for the old monster to be deflated (5600)

  Chapter 195 Waiting for the old monster to eat (5600)

  Amidst the applause reverberating like a tide, Gu Jianlin covered his face with his hands, feeling complicated.

  What is all this? The largest sublimation organization in the world today, the top guardians of the human world, are now plotting loudly against the ancient gods in front of an ancient supreme.

  Before he joined the extraordinary world, he really didn't expect to be able to do this kind of work.

In fact, according to the size and ability of the Ether Association, it is not difficult to find traces of Venerable Qilin's activities. After all, he has used ancient deification many times outside, and even created several gods, including the last time he was in the underground ruins. Here, under the cover of the Non-Existing Lock and the Ruins, they killed a lot.

  Even, the old monster's changes also confirmed that he, the Supreme, was operating in secret.

   It is impossible for the Ether Association to fail to respond.

  Just from the current point of view, the design of the first generation of Qilin Venerable is still very successful.

  He, a mixture of humans and ancient gods, cannot be locked by means of divination.

   Otherwise, now, this group of high-level ether associations should kill him.

   "What is Yunyao's secret treasure?"

   he asked suddenly.

Tang Ling lowered her head and stuffed strawberries in her mouth, her cheeks were bulging like a hamster, and her voice was vague: "The treasure that Vice President Laing brought out from Yunmengze back then, he relied on this to gain momentum. He has driven the development of Jianzong's path by himself, and Jianzhong has also had some transactions with him. I don't know exactly what it is."

At this time, Ji Xiaoyu said casually: "The most valuable ones must be breathing skills and forbidden spells. In addition, there are also ancient sword skills from the Sword Sect Path, sword skills and steps from the Ghost Slayer Path, archery skills from the Overlord Path, and more. There are meditation methods of the celestial master path, soul body control of the **** priest path, secret medicine formulas, etc., there are many things."

  Suddenly, she noticed that the dog and the man raised their heads to look at her at the same time.

   "What to look at!"

  Ji Xiaoyu stared: "I heard what my grandmother said!"

  Oh, the president said, it’s all right.

   Credibility is full.

  Gu Jianlin and Tang Ling were suddenly stunned.

  Ji Xiaoyu bit her handkerchief and said: "In short, they are all things that can only be used at the super-dimensional level. After all, super-dimensional and super-fan are different. They are two completely different realms!"

  Gu Jianlin asked calmly: "Then why is Chaofan able to beat Chaowei?"

  The parrot screamed: "Yes, why?"

  Ji Xiaoyu was so angry that she bit her handkerchief again and stopped talking.

  Do you think everyone is like you, a monster!

   "Then do you know what's in the Ghost Valley Secret Collection?"

   Tang Ling asked suddenly.

  Gu Jianlin's heart moved, and he suddenly discovered the value of this brat.

   "I asked before, after all, the fat and water don't flow to outsiders' fields!"

  The little princess hummed: "As a descendant of the Ji family, I have to try something new in advance, right?"

"and then?"

   "Taken a beating."


  The brat is still a brat after all.

  At this moment, Gu Jianlin turned his head to look at Yujie Bingshan beside him, and asked, "Do you like strawberries very much?"

   "It's okay, why don't you eat whatever you want if you don't need money?"

  Tang Ling raised her head to look at him, her beautiful eyes were black and white: "This season's strawberries are sold outside for 30 to 41 catties."

  Gu Jianlin raised his eyebrows: "Are you short of money?"

  Tang Ling hummed: "It is."

   "I saw you krypton gold draw cards before, but you are not short of money at all."

  Gu Jianlinyouyou complained.

   "Krypton gold in Taixu's server can be refunded, anyway, she dare not close my account."

   Tang Ling is confident.

  Gu Jianlin was shocked, he didn't expect this kind of free prostitution.

  The next moment, in front of everyone, an ancient parchment scroll was condensed out of thin air, with densely packed strange characters written on it, and those lines wriggled like living snakes, giving it a sense of splendor.

  Taixu's soft voice echoed in the library: "All investigators, please sign the blood oath on the soul contract."

  The so-called blood oath is to bite your finger and sign the parchment scroll with your own blood.

   This is the effect of soul restraint. After signing, you can't tell the things here.

   As for whether it is useful to the ancient supreme, I don't know.

   After everyone signed the blood oath, the parchment disappeared out of thin air.

At this time, Chen Bojun stood on the high platform, with his hands behind his back, and said: "Everyone, now I will explain the solar system plan to you. The so-called solar system plan, as the name implies, is an artificial sun. , put a number of artificial suns, reflecting each other to form an enchantment."

  He paused: "Changsheng, please explain."

  In the silent library, there was the sound of the robe trembling.

  Beside the round table belonging to the first echelon, a young man in a black gold robe stood up indifferently, his black hair fluttering like floating ink, blocking everyone's sight.

  This is a young man with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, about twenty-five years old, tall and slender, with a dignified and calm demeanor, he walked up the steps indifferently without showing any emotions from beginning to end.

   Even, the aura of the high-level executives did not overwhelm him.

   This is the first person in the contemporary Omega sequence, a descendant of the pre-Qin Ying family, Ying Changsheng.

In the last mission to the Forest of Burial, he killed 13 ancient ancestors alone, killed six candidates of the same rank from the Youying Group, and dragged fifty-seven seriously injured nano-soldiers to support the reinforcements. arrived.

   It is worth mentioning that there was no priest to assist in that battle.

   It is said that after this battle, he has infinitely approached the threshold of the sixth order.

   "The so-called artificial sun is the research product of this generation of gold kings, combining modern technology and alchemy techniques, as well as the power of the wedge of heaven and man, to create a weapon to deal with the coming of the dark age."

  Ying Changsheng stood with his hands behind his back, stood on the steps facing all the Omega, and said indifferently: "Its characteristic is that it can cover a large area of ​​the real world or the territory of the ancient gods, and it is hidden!"

  Hidden but not published!

  Everyone was taken aback.

  The higher-ups were expressionless, as if they had known about this for a long time.

"In the past, the existence of the Celestial Realm was more like a deterrent. Except for Venerable Candle Dragon, almost no ancient gods dared to step into it. But at the same time, we can't force the ancient gods to enter the Celestial Realm. In the field, kill it. But the solar system plan can completely avoid this shortcoming."

  Ying Changsheng said indifferently: "Because when the boundary of the solar system was formed, it was invisible, colorless and qualityless. Even if the ancient gods stepped into it, they would not be able to feel the strong changes in the rules until they were rejected by the rules."

He raised his bright eyes and paused: "At that moment, even the ancient supreme will enter an unprecedented weak state. As for the ancient gods at the ancestor level and ancestor level, or the servants and ancient gods, Even human beings in the state of evolution will be severely injured in the boundary, without exception."

  In an instant, there was an uproar!

   After a second of silence, everyone applauded again.

  Omega investigators expressed their respect for this research result.

  Because this is a product of a cross-age era.

  The biggest advantage of human beings against the ancient gods is that they have the power to lead to the future.

   And the civilization of the ancient gods has come to a standstill!

   "It has not been tested yet, but the success rate of the solar system project is more than 95%. We will conduct the first experiment in Buzhou Mountain, targeting Venerable Candle Dragon."

  Ying Changsheng said lightly: "Stay tuned!"

   After finishing speaking, he swaggered down the steps with his hands behind his back.

  From the beginning to the end, I didn't say hello to any high-level people, quite arrogant and rude.

   Except no one said anything.

   Behind the Ying family is a natural disaster, the contemporary King of Gold.

   This is Ying Family's contribution to the human world.

   Created a powerful secret weapon for mankind!

   Amidst the huge applause, Gu Jianlin was lost again.

  At this moment, there are only two words in his mind.

   Sixth child!

  He couldn't help but sigh again, fortunately he is amphibious, so I'm not afraid of you messing around.

  Gu Jianlin felt a rare sense of superiority in his heart.

  Can the old monster do it?

  His character is the kind who is never willing to admit defeat, but has to admit the strength of the old monster.

  So strong that he could not see the hope of victory.

  So after discovering an advantage in this area, even a person like him who has no desires and desires feels very refreshed.

  If the old monster is still squatting in the dimensional gap of Qilin Asgard, he still wants to show off.

   At the same time, Tang Ling inadvertently straightened her waist. This genius who has mastered autonomous evolution also felt strong fear of this so-called solar system project.

  Gu Jianlin suddenly felt his thigh itchy.

   Tang Ling stretched out a slender white finger, and drew a line of words on his leg: "Aren't you afraid?"

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment, and someone imitated her and wrote on her snow-white and round thigh: "What are you afraid of?"

  Unexpectedly, Tang Ling trembled slightly, and gave him a reproachful look.

   Gu Jianlin finally realized that writing and drawing on a girl's thigh seemed really bad.

   It's just that he is a very pragmatic person who never thinks about these ambiguous things.

  Everyone is comrade-in-arms, even if he needs to fight naked one day, he will not feel anything.

   There will be no desire or desire.

  Tang Ling continued to write on his thigh: "Solar System Project, you have also mastered distortion, are you not afraid of being exposed?"

  Gu Jianlin pondered for a moment, but he was really not afraid.

  But in the eyes of outsiders, he should be afraid, so he nodded.

   Tang Ling was silent for a second: "I didn't see it."

  She always felt that the young man in front of her was very strange, facing everything with a kind of indifference, as if she could bear whatever happened.

   Then she remembered what her teacher, the Lord of the Sword Mound, said.

  Probably people from the lineage of the Blue King are like this.

   When the applause died down.

The wind and snow were howling, and Lin Dong's indifferent and majestic face said in a deep voice: "When the solar system plan is implemented, all investigators will get a top-secret map that only exists in their minds to judge the location of the realm of heaven and man. .In the field, facing the ancestor-level ancient gods of the same level, you will have an unprecedented advantage."

   At the same time, the golden face in the darkness trembled again.

Rhine said: "Yunyao's secret treasure will be opened in the city of dawn, and the geniuses of the Omega sequence will get an ancient token in succession as a certificate to enter the secret space. I can guarantee with my personality that this It will be the highest-quality secret under Ghost Valley's secret treasury, not one of them."

  Chen Bojun also said: "I have given you so many resources because I want to tell you that all forces, large and small, all over the world, including the Ether Association and Youying Group, have entered the Qilin Fairy Palace."

  "The arrival of the dark age also means the dawn of the golden age. I hope that everyone can shine in the Qilin fairy palace and sharpen themselves in blood and, status, prestige, glory, arms, and secrets."

  He paused: "All of this is in front of you."

   The applause was thunderous again.

  Gu Jianlin couldn't help but want to applaud.

  Suddenly, Tang Ling's complexion changed slightly, and she suddenly raised her head to look at the dome.

  Ji Xiaoyu was also stunned.

  Because of the sky above the dome, the president’s majestic and graceful face was emotionless, and he said indifferently:

   "Rhein, let your men begin."

   For a moment, the courtyard of souls fell into an eerie silence.

  Suddenly, Mr. Zhang came out from the crowd, holding a roster in his hand.

  The demon hunters followed behind him, their eyes cold and cold.

   "As we all know, there has been a big problem within the Ether Association recently. Vice President Rhine, as the supreme leader of the Tribunal, has an inescapable responsibility for this. Including us as subordinates, we cannot escape the responsibility."

  Member Zhang raised his indifferent face and looked around the audience: "After 24 hours of continuous investigation and intensive interrogation of the ghost, we found that there is a big problem inside the association."

He suddenly looked at the thirteen sub-heads: "Next, I would like to ask Minister Zhou Xuanyi, where were you at 18:45 p.m. on April 28th? Who did you contact? What did you do?" ?”

   For a moment, the breath in the courtyard of the soul changed.

  I saw a middle-aged man with a gloomy appearance, and felt the sights from all directions.

   His complexion suddenly changed!

  Everyone was terrified, they knew that there would be a big cleansing inside the Ether Association.

  But no one thought that it would be the highlight from the very beginning.

  The Tribunal even directly took a minister to the knife!

  Gu Jianlin's pupils shrank slightly, and in his profiling sight, the cold middle-aged man's back was infinitely taller, and he turned into an archer wearing armor and carrying a big bow, as if riding a war horse, criss-crossing the battlefield!


  Zhou Xuan took half a step back, the raging waves of air trembled and gathered, he took out a huge black sniper rifle from the void, and using his left leg as a support, the muzzle of the gun suddenly roared!


  The sniper rifle roared, and the ears of the Omegas were buzzing at this moment.

   Some even had blood seeping from their ear holes!

  Zhou Xuanyi is the head of the Fengdu branch, the sixth level of the Overlord Path, named Quincy Master!

   This shot seemed ordinary, but the void suddenly trembled.

  Member Zhang stood in front of him, narrowing his eyes solemnly, and saw that time and space suddenly fell into a quagmire-like silence, and a smear of quiet gray and white bloomed, as if the world had been frozen.

  His figure also suddenly blurred, like a ghost.

  In just an instant, the frozen boundary of time and space was shattered by the bullets of the sniper rifle.

   Ripples appeared in the void, and his ghost-like phantom was also forced out.

  At the last moment, a pale fissure suddenly opened between Mr. Zhang's brows, and strange pupils shot out, suddenly shining on the bullets that struck from mid-air!

  The bullet suddenly petrified and fell to the ground.

   "Sorry guys, I have no choice!"

   Zhou Xuan spoke in a cold voice, but did not choose to fire a second shot.

  Because he knows how difficult these deacons of the court are.

  I saw a huge black hole suddenly propped up behind him.

   He turned and jumped into it.


  The black hole collapsed suddenly, he did not leave this space, but staggered, almost falling from the steps.

   At that moment, he froze like a sculpture.

  Cold sweat flowed wildly.

  For some reason, the mythical weapon he used to travel through time and space actually failed.

   "Minister Zhou Xuanyi, the Aether Association treats you well, why did you betray us and have an affair with the Youying Group?"

  An old servant appeared on the steps, sighed and said, "The president only gave you one chance."

   Rhine and Lin Dong didn't speak at all.

  In front of a demigod of the ninth rank, the mere sixth rank is as ridiculous as an ant.

   There is no escape at all.

  An affair with the Youying Group is intolerable.

  If you are in danger in the Ancient God Realm, you can temporarily cooperate with people from Youying Group.

  Even, if you are honest enough, you can break ties with people from Youying Group.

  For example, Director Chen Bojun.

  He had made a blood oath and would never waver his position.

  Once the ex-wife had an interest dispute with him, she would kill the other party without hesitation.

  But it is a serious crime to have an affair with the Ghost Association.

  This means that you have betrayed the association and sold your interests and information.

   Betrayed teammates.

  Zhou Xuanyi let out a miserable laugh, looked up at the illusory face, and said, "Chairman, do I have a choice? My son is almost deformed, and I want to give him a way out."

   At this moment, everyone remained silent.

  Only the President looks down from above.

The old servant sighed: "Minister Zhou, your son has been deformed, his sanity has fallen into madness, and he has nowhere to go. What if he goes to the dark world? Can he save his life if he gets the blood of the ancient god? His aptitude cannot withstand the baptism of the blood of the ancient gods, and he will surely die."

  In the silence, Zhou Xuan raised his head and looked at that indifferent face.

  He suddenly sneered and said with a smile: "Chairman, you are also a person who has sons and children. Can you just watch your descendants suffer from distortion and die with illness and madness?"

  The atmosphere in the soul courtyard became extremely heavy.

   The investigators looked at each other, afraid to speak.

  Even the high-level people are in a cold sweat, just because of the acuteness of this issue.

  The aloof president remained unmoved, but only said one word.


   One word that cannot be refuted.

  Because that's what she does.

   As we all know, the president has killed countless descendants of his own Ji family.

   And in the family motto of the Ji family.

  If you fall, you are weak.

   bring shame on the family.

   If you dare not die yourself, your family will send you to die.

  Since you have enjoyed the resources of the Ji family, you must bear the corresponding responsibilities.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Zhou Xuanyi looked at the emotionless face, laughed and mocked: "You keep saying that you are for human beings, but in my opinion you have even lost your humanity. Sometimes, I even think that the green king and the red king are That’s right, what’s the point of betting our lives on an illusory future for generations like us?”

  As soon as this remark came out, the high-level officials suddenly changed their colors.

   Fierce lightning burst out from the president's eyes.

  The old servant's face also became ugly, and he sighed: "Minister Zhou, I can understand your mood, but this is not the reason for you to take the lives of your comrades and subordinates and use your position to seek personal gain."

   For a moment, the blazing thunder light crashed down.

  The ancient forbidden curse, the thunder of the gods!


  In the endless thunder, Minister Zhou Xuan watched helplessly as he was submerged by the blazing light.

  Until he died, his face was full of mocking and unwilling expressions.

  The blazing lightning flooded everything.

  A minister-level fell like an ant.

  Gu Jianlin felt that powerful force, even the black unicorn in his mind throbbed.

  The instinct from the depths of the soul told him.

  Forbearance, development, don't waste time.

   This is the president, a power comparable to natural disasters.

   To kill a sixth-order, all it takes is a glance.

   "Are you scared?"

   Tang Ling wrote on his thigh again.

  Gu Jianlin thought that there was nothing to be afraid of, anyway, this person had already taunted him.

   But this incident also reminded him.

   Now within the Ethereum Association, the investigation of the ghosts has begun.

  The first person to die was a minister.

   How many other people are clean?

  Including Lu Zijin, in fact, secretly helped Youzhu behind his back.

   "It's crazy."

   Gu Jianlin said softly.

  At this moment, even he couldn't tell who was right.

   Or maybe, in this world, if you can afford the price, it doesn't matter right or wrong.

   Only stand.

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

   Accidentally wrote too much, the foreshadowing of this chapter is actually quite important, and the next two updates will be at night.



  (end of this chapter)

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