The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 201: deja vu

  Chapter 201 Deja vu

  Sometimes, a second can be a long time in consciousness.

  Gu Jianlin saw the memory belonging to the girl at the moment of spiritual exchange, as if alone in the snowstorm, full of hesitation and vigilance in his heart, like a stray cat.

   In a world that doesn't belong to him.

In the blizzard stands an ancient stone tablet. The inscriptions on the inscription are full of strange ancient gods. If you stare at it for a long time, you will feel that you are an ancient god, wearing an ancient sacrificial robe and looking down on all living beings. There are enslaved humans or the same race under your feet. It is a matrix built with boulders.

  It seems to be able to feel that the body is invaded by a breath of ancient gods.

  But it does not distort your spirit, but combines with your own spirituality.

  You are trying your best to control that mutated spirituality and integrate it into your own life.

   Can clearly feel that life is evolving!

  A... extremely weak evolution!

   This is also something that can’t be helped. After experiencing the power of the gods, watching this kind of insignificant evolution is as weak and ridiculous as a child’s trick, and he can’t get on the stage at all.

  Although it is just suitable for him to use at the current stage.

   At the same time, he hurriedly controlled his mind and distracted himself from thinking about other things.

  Spiritual attunement is mutual.

  In order to concentrate on thinking about other things, he chose a scene to recall at any time.

  What do you remember?

   That was Tang Ling's long legs that I saw a second ago.

  Spiritual attunement ends.

open one's eyes.

  Director Li suddenly went berserk, and the qigong wave that blasted out was like a sea tide, shaking the void wantonly, tearing the sky full of wind, the ground was also shattered inch by inch, and gravel floated into the air!

   If you take this blow hard, you will definitely be shocked to pieces!

  Tang Ling's hair fluttered on her forehead, and a strange look flashed in her beautiful vermilion eyes, because what she saw was her own legs when she was in tune, and she was wearing denim shorts today, which was very cool.


  Gu Jianlin raised his eyes, and used a trace of the ancient god's blood in his body to combine with his own spirituality.

   guides the circulation into the body instead of waking up the black unicorn in the mind.

   For a moment, his pupils were golden, and a black unicorn horn that symbolized nobility and power grew on the top of his head. His face was covered with strange black facial lines, and he had no other features.

   This is the power of evolution, spirituality is boiling!

   Compared with the large size, it is so weak that it has no edge, but it is enough.

   It can be maintained for a long time, and it will not be rejected by the rules of the real world!

  Because of Tang Ling's experience, the evolution is very smooth, and it is also abnormal garbage, without using too much force!

  I don't know when, a touch of snow-white horns grew on the top of Tang Ling's head, and phantom wings seemed to appear behind her back. This is the evolutionary path derived from the Baize clan, which just fits the path of the sword sect she belongs to.

   Stepping forward, sword energy gushes out, like countless thunder lights!

  Like a deadly sword dance!

  Accompanied by a loud bang, Tang Ling slashed out countless sword qi that overlapped and exploded in an instant, forcibly tearing apart the surging qigong wave, making a huge gap!

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gu Jianlin rushed forward, and the four terrifying ghost hands behind him suddenly swelled up, condensing violent negative energy particles again, and a terrifying black flash gathered at the fingertips!

  After evolution, the combat power has been greatly improved, and the spirituality is like boiling lava.

  The momentum of the dark shock was extremely huge, and the pitch-black light completely flooded the airport!


  The majestic black flash exploded, and those who didn't know it thought it was a high-level divine division dimension reduction strike.

  Director Li's eyes burst open suddenly, he was stunned that the pair of dogs and men in front of him would be able to master the evolution path of the ancient gods, and they were all people who violated the taboo!

   There was a terrifying explosion, and a mushroom cloud of smoke rose into the sky.

   Director Li, whose body was **** from the explosion, flew upside down and crashed into the park outside the airport!


  This is an excellent opportunity, Gu Jianlin must kill him and use the requiem bell to arrest his soul!

   The enchantment of the Unexisting Lock collapsed, turning into chains and returning to his hand.

   "Hurry up, the people from the court will be here soon, I saw their helicopter before."

  Tang Ling turned around and picked up the suitcase, followed closely behind.

   This ancient martial arts path is difficult to deal with, characterized by rough skin and thick flesh.

  At the zero level, they have a powerful self-healing ability and the use of special energy, which is the so-called Qi.

   At the first level, you can release Qi freely, and cooperate with various ancient martial arts, just like a martial arts novel.

   At the second level, you get the circulation of qi, the qi is endless in the body, and the defense is inexplicably strong.

  The third-level ability is called Immovable Body, which ignores all negative effects for a short period of time.

   And the fourth level of madness can greatly improve one's own abilities in all aspects.

   As for the fifth level, it is the so-called realm of Qi, and it is also the beginning of the strong period of the ancient martial arts path.

  If Director Li is a fifth-rank Guwu, then there is no need to fight.

  Even if Gu Jianlin and Tang Ling have mastered the power of evolution, they will choose to turn around and run away without any regrets.

   Unless the former uses ancient deification, the latter uses extreme thunder.

   But the noise created that way would be too great.

   They cannot be detected by the Inquisition this time around.

  Even if Director Li is killed and the evidence of the existence of the Priory is obtained, it will not work.

  Ghost knows how many ghosts there are inside the Ethereum Association. If they infiltrate a powerful high-level and operate in secret without anyone noticing, all their efforts will be in vain!


  Director Li smashed a big tree, and suddenly a deep hole appeared on the lawn!

  He spat out a mouthful of blood, his body was **** and bloody, but healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, but there was a strange black spell spreading over him like a living thing, causing his body to rot and collapse!

   This is the power of combination skills!

   He braced himself up, but heard the roar of the ancient clock!

  Requiem bell, vibrate!

  Gu Jianlin swooped in, raised his head and drank a bottle of blue blood again, filling his spirituality again!

  The four inflated ghost hands suddenly fell down, and each punch was accompanied by a burning ghost fire!

   Fist shadows poured down like a tide, each punch was as heavy as a thousand ounces, and fell like a hammer!

  Director Li passively hugged his head to defend, and his vitality was rapidly passing away!

  At that moment, Gu Jianlin grabbed his head, and the fire of the divine sacrifice suddenly ignited!



   Director Li let out a mournful roar, and punched him through the chest with a backhand!

   Gu Jianlin spat out a mouthful of blood, but Shensi would not be afraid of such an injury.

  You hurt me hard, I will burn you crazy, just make it up!

  On the other side, Tang Ling was stopped by twelve crew members, and she performed a sword dance again!

  The sword intent soared into the sky, and the sword shadow raged like a storm!

   Shuweng uses Sixiang's ability to play support, restricting the actions of twelve people!

   As Jianzhong's secret weapon, Tang Ling's combat effectiveness is extremely top-notch even without the extreme thunder.

   It only took half a minute, one sword and one head.

  Sword Qi is vertical and horizontal, and blood is gushing!

   "Hurry up, will it take so long to solve those minions?"

   Gu Jianlin grinned slightly as he endured the pain.

  Director Li even wanted to crush his heart, but the four ghost hands firmly grabbed his hands.

  The next moment, the energy in this person's body surged, and he wanted to explode himself.

  Gu Jianlin's palms were also gathering dark particles, planning to blow his head off first!

   "You have a bright future, dare to bet your life with me?"

  Director Li grinned ferociously.

  Gu Jianlin said indifferently: "Come on, try."

   Director Li's eyes flashed a hint of ferocity, these priests are all lunatics!

  The next moment, Shuweng activated Sixiang's ability again.

  The soil on the ground suddenly bound his body tightly, and the ground pierced through the soil, piercing his back!

  At the last moment, Tang Ling rushed over and muttered, "Here we come, what's the rush!"

   Throwing a sword with a backhand!


  Director Li's throat was pierced by the sword, he glared and spewed blood!

  Gu Jianlin's four ghost hands suddenly let go of his arms, and punched his head with a backhand!


  Four punches hit at the same time, and finally broke the defense.

   Director Li's head was smashed flat, and blood gushed out!

  Gu Jianlin took the opportunity to pull out the dagger, and pierced his heart fiercely, severing his life!

   "Hoo, hoo."

  He breathed a sigh of relief, turned over and sat on the ground, with a hoarse voice: "This guy is really difficult to deal with. If everyone in the Priory is like this, then we need to advance as soon as possible."

  Tang Ling drew out her iron sword, and even her charming face was covered with sweat. This battle was really strenuous.

   On the other side, the sound of the helicopter circling has already sounded.

  The people from the Inquisition Chamber came.

  Shu Weng had already run away early, and set a big fire before leaving.

  The flame will burn everything here, burn away those traces.

   Boom boom boom!

  The plane also exploded, and the ground was also blown to pieces.

   These are all bombs he planted in advance.

  The more serious the damage to the scene, the worse the effect of divination.

   As for losing money, the trial court will pay anyway.

  Gu Jianlin picked up the requiem bell with his backhand, releasing a black halo like a whirlpool.

   From Director Li's body, a void soul was pulled out and swallowed up.


  He said in a deep voice: "Retreat!"

  Tang Ling helped him up, and suddenly asked, "Can we go?"

  The demon hunters of the Inquisition are not vegetarians.

   There is no guarantee that there will be other high-level sublimators present.

   "Don't worry, we have support."

  Gu Jianlin dragged her into the woods, and there was a road five hundred meters ahead.

  He took out his new phone and dialed a phone number: "Hello, the task is complete."

  During the phone call, Lu Zijin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I was scared to death. If you don't call me again, I will go to the scene to catch you in person. Who is your helper? It looks quite powerful."

  Gu Jianlin said lightly, "Thunder."

   Tang Ling glanced at him unexpectedly, but he didn't expect his backup to be a minister.

  During the phone call, Lu Zijin was quite surprised: "Thunder? The people in Jianzhong have a bad temper and hard temper. How did you convince her? Could it be that she betrayed her color? Tsk tsk, I'll tell Youzhu when I get back."

  Gu Jianlin almost swallowed a mouthful of old blood in his throat, sister, I am running for my life.

  If you don’t come over quickly to support, you’re still messing around here.

   Tang Ling looked at him even more strangely, and said calmly, "I'm so sorry, Minister Lu. I'm not those dead faces in Jianzhong, and I'm willing to help without betraying my looks."

Lu Zijin snorted on the phone: "Okay, Mr. Zhang from the trial court is nearby, and Li Hanting seems to be there too, so run quickly. The surrounding surveillance has been destroyed by my people, and there are also high-level communication channels. The spirit is counter-divinating nearby. There is a Lamborghini at the intersection of Linhai Road and Qinghe Road, run!"

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment: "Minister Lu, are you not here?"

   Tang Ling also frowned: "If the two of us are caught, we will be the first to confess to you."

  With Minister Lu absent, they have no sense of security at all.

  At the last second before the phone hung up, Lu Zijin said with a smile, "I found two unexpected people."

  Suddenly, Gu Jianlin and Tang Ling seemed to feel something.

  On the top floor of the building in the distance, there seemed to be two familiar figures standing in the strong wind.



   "Unknowingly, the child has finally grown up."

   "One month, third order? This has completely surpassed Professor Gu's record."

   "I'm not talking about that. I haven't seen you for a while. He seems to have learned how to pick up girls. Is this an enlightenment?"

   "From the results of my divination, obviously not. He just regards other girls as tool people, and he doesn't have any unreasonable thoughts between men and women. This is in line with his personality."

   "What a scumbag, how could he be like this? How can he not be attracted to such a top-notch beautiful girl?"

   "That's what he is, isn't he?"

   "As long as he has something of my ability, the two girls would have already been on maternity leave."

  On the roof of the building, two people were whispering.


  The cigarette **** was thrown on the ground and stamped out.

   "Without that annoying parrot, I'm still a little unaccustomed."

   Someone put his hands in the pockets of the windbreaker, and carried a huge iron coffin on his back, trembling wildly in the wind.

   "Target locked."

I saw a glamorous and cold long-haired sister Yu standing beside her, her black suit and skirt fluttering in the wind, and said in a cold voice: "Ghost-slaying approach, fifth-level Yuesi, Zhang Shouheng. Sword sect approach, fifth-level sword soul , Li Hanting. In addition, there are 32 other demon hunters formed into a team, all of which are of the third rank."

  She paused: "I have already opened the field of reverse divination."

   "I see, Chen Qing, you can just stay here and use your ability to cover for me occasionally."

  Facing the strong wind, Lu Zicheng looked at the helicopter galloping from a distance with a frivolous smile.

  He stepped on the railing on the edge of the roof, rising with majestic vigor, almost soaring into the sky.


  Chen Qing raised a smile on his lips: "It's the first time to use a growth-type myth weapon, don't go too far."

   "I know, I know, it belongs to a woman's mother-in-law."

  Lu Zi curled his lips, and suddenly jumped down from the roof of the thirty-second floor.

  The iron coffin was opened with a roar, and inside the coffin was a giant dragon with white bones soaring into the sky, entwining him.

  I saw the head of the Bone Dragon burst into flames, and the pupils of the eyes were blood red.

  Terrifying light and heat condensed in its mouth, illuminating the dim yellow sky in an instant.


  Lu Zicheng raised his hand to his lips, and said softly.

  I saw a huge red flash rising into the sky, as if to overwhelm the galloping helicopters!

  【Monthly Pass】

  【Recommendation ticket】

   The work schedule is completely normal, the next update will be tomorrow morning, and there will be a total of three updates tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)

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