The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 204: Gu Jianlin

  Chapter 204 Gu Jianlin, the Sinful Sin

  When the Qilin Fairy Palace was opened to the outside world, there were many large luxury cruise ships floating in the East China Sea, and they basically dangled in the waters of the forbidden area, and would not be observed by ordinary people.

  These cruise ships will dock from time to time for people in the dark world to and from.

   Those who can board the cruise ship, either you have an invitation letter, or you are a candidate.

  Gu Jianlin held the gold card given by the third master, and was naturally recognized as a candidate. The journey went smoothly, and there were even security guards who showed affection to him, and nodded and bowed to him one by one.

  As for Tang Ling, she was worried that she would not be able to be brought in.

   It turns out that this place is not as strict as imagined, and no one stops at all.

Until entering the deck, a drunk **** hugged two enchanting and charming girls, came to him and said: "Hey brother, the woman next to you has a really good figure, do you want to change with me? These two All the women are given to you, just let her stay with me for one night!"

  Before he finished his sentence, Gu Jianlin frightened him away with his cold eyes.

   "I'm going to kill him!"

   Tang Ling said coldly in his ear.

   Obviously angry.

   "Restraint, remember that face, and cut it later."

  Gu Jianlin pushed away two drunken young women who wanted to strike up a conversation, turned around and entered the cabin.

  Tang Ling snorted coldly. Although both of them used human skin masks as a disguise, their looks are fundamental here.

  Most people in the dark world are like this. Even if this kind of person dies, no one will say anything. Real predators have the ability to protect themselves, and no one will put their own lives on security.

  Of course, maybe there are still some sixth-year-olds who are deeper in the city, who will disguise themselves as wine bags and rice bags.

   So you have to be careful and keep enough distance from everyone.

Tonight, the Brunshire was overcrowded, most of them came for the evening auction, many of them were descendants of major families in the dark world, as well as representatives of some secret organizations. There was an ominous smell, as if lurking in a raging sea.

   If you are not careful, you will be eaten.

   Dark World auctions are not uncommon, and nothing new.

  Tonight is different. It is the first auction held after the opening of the Qilin Fairy Palace. The forces of the entire dark world will come here to exchange resources. By the way, they will exchange information and share what they have seen and heard.

   Along the way, they heard a lot of news.

"The Yingzhou Gaotianyuan organization, the woman who inherited the name of Yueyue, is said to have hunted an ancient **** species in the snow field north of the first floor of the Qilin Immortal Palace. It is said that the ancient **** species has survived for 16,000 years, and is now in the Rewards are offered to the outside world, and excellent alchemists and pharmacists are summoned to process the materials."

   "What a great alchemy technology has to be refined?"

   "Not only that, but also an ultra-rare secret medicine."

   "I heard that the second master found an ancient ruin. There is a very powerful ancient ancestor in it, and he still retains a certain sense of reason. It is said that he is a character from the Three Kingdoms period."

   "A character from the Three Kingdoms period? Could it be Cao Cao? Isn't Cao Cao's tomb not found?"

   "But all the characters in the Three Kingdoms period are Cao Cao, right? That's a woman!"

   "What if it's the female version of Cao Cao?"

"Do you know the information about the first echelon of the Omega sequence of the Ethernet Association? Especially the number one Ying Changsheng, as long as there is his whereabouts, I will buy it no matter how much it costs! My three elder brothers were all killed by him." The next time I enter the Asgard, I must avenge my revenge!"

   "Avenge the Ying family? Are you crazy? Hurry up and sober up, the auction is about to start."

  Gu Jianlin shook his head while listening to these conversations.

   Tang Ling took out a bottle of secret medicine from her pocket and handed it to him: "Here, here you are."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment: "What are you doing?"

   "Can I still harm you?"

   Tang Ling said lightly: "After drinking it, it will change the rhythm of your life in a short time."

  Gu Jianlin suddenly realized, and immediately took it, unsealed the bottle, and drank it down.

   There are still many people on the deck who are doing this, most of them hide their identities and avoid being exposed.

  This auction will be held on the first floor of the cabin. If you want to participate, you must verify your assets, or have enough valuable auction items, so that the poor can be blocked from the door.

  Under the guidance of the waiter, those sublimated who dressed like celebrities were ushered to the auction site.

"How to do?"

  Tang Ling lowered her voice and said, "Are we going to auction off our mythical weapons?"

  Gu Jianlin shook the box of ancient tokens in his hand.

   What a coincidence, he just prepared a box of things that can be used for auction.

  The ancient keepsake is the ticket to enter the ancient **** world, and it is of great value no matter what time it is.

   It's just that this batch of tokens has been tampered with by him.

All the sublimators who came to the auction discussed the most about the rumored drop of ancient god's blood dug out from the Burial Forest. Currently, the seller's information is completely confidential, so it is impossible to know who it is, otherwise Otherwise, that person would not have survived at all, and would have been assassinated long ago.

  Similarly, it is definitely not your financial resources that really determine whether you can get that drop of ancient god's blood.

   But strength!

  Thinking about it, I know how many assassinations and attacks the person who took the blood of the ancient **** will face.

   If the strength is not strong, I am afraid that they will be gone before they get out of the taboo zone.

   I don't know which unlucky guy will get this drop of blood of the ancient god.

   No, it's the lucky one.

"According to Director Li, the secret base should be on the second floor of the cabin, but the first floor has been tightly sealed because of the auction. If we don't enter the auction, we won't be able to get through." Gu Jianlin noticed that there was a security check in front, There were ten fourth-level psychics standing at the entrance of the auction, holding crystal **** in their hands.

  The extraordinary images of these people are very clear in his eyes, as tall as a two-story building.

  All sublimators who came to participate in the auction were screened.

   Those with weapons and mythical weapons were also detected.

  Youying Group is responsible for keeping the weapons.

  The vast majority of people are not armed with mythology.

  Even if you are a little reluctant to hand it over to others for safekeeping, there are entourages who are responsible for staying outside to guard it.

   "Once my extreme thunder is found out, it will start a big fight immediately."

  Tang Ling lowered her voice next to her ear: "I beat up many people in Youying Group with extremely thunder."

Gu Jianlin also lowered his voice: "Who isn't? Among other things, Yue Ji told me that Fourth Master is crazy now. Although I don't know how crazy, but if I see Ji Lei here, I'm afraid it's not Lost my mind on the spot."

  He thought for a while: "Give me Ji Lei, and I will solve it."

  In the extraordinary world, if a sublimator has a growth-type mythical weapon, he will definitely regard it as a treasure.

   Even more important than life.

   Tang Ling casually threw the box to him: "Take it."

  Gu Jianlin took a deep look at her, this kind of trust is still hard to come by.

  He didn't say much, turned around and went to the bathroom with the box, and the consciousness communicated with the fragments of the Qilin Wedge.

  Deep in my mind, the fragments of the Qilin Wedge trembled.

  In just a split second, Gu Jianlin appeared in the fragments of the Qilin Wedge.

  In front of the coffin containing the old monster...ah no, the keel of the old monster.

  He threw Ji Lei into the coffin, communicated with the fragments of the Qilin Wedge again, and appeared in the bathroom again.

"In the extraordinary world, I have never heard of any magic weapon for storing things. Only those who are sublimated at the peak have an independent space. This is a bit like, every ancient supreme has an independent ancient **** world , and as the core of this world, there is actually a space inside."

   Gu Jianlin thought to himself how this is like a nesting doll, and then he only came out with a box containing ancient tokens.

   Tang Ling was slightly taken aback: "Where are the things?"

  Gu Jianlin waved his hand: "I can't throw it away, I can take it out whenever I need it."

  Tang Ling was taken aback, and said with her lips: "You still have a mythical weapon that can store things?"

  Gu Jianlin lied casually: "My dad left it for me."

   At the front desk of the auction, there were thirty-two bodyguards from the ancient martial arts path, all of whom were Tier 4 mad kings.

  The beautiful bunny girl greets you with a smile in front.

  Gu Jianlin went to the front to go through the formalities, and auctioned off the box of tokens in his hand by the way.

   For a moment, Tang Ling's breathing changed, her delicate body tensed up suddenly, and then she poked his lower back silently, and wrote a string of words on his back.

  Gu Jianlin was also stunned, so there was no need to ask why.

  Because voices sounded one after another from behind:

   "Fourth Master!"

   "Meet the fourth master!"

   "Good evening, fourth master!"

  Si Wei'an!

   This is really a narrow road to Yuanjia!

  Gu Jianlin and Tang Ling turned their heads at the same time.

  I saw that the person who came was really Si Wei'an. This person had no expression on his face. He was wearing a white suit, expensive rings and watches, and there were ten guardians surrounding him.

   "Fourth Master, don't pretend to be crazy, the old man has come to protect you, what are you afraid of? The old man watched you grow up, can he still harm you?"

The guardian persuaded earnestly: "No one can take away the fragments of the Qilin wedge in your hand, including Master Youming, whoever gets it will get it. Everyone depends on their ability. No matter how cautious you are, Can't you pretend to be crazy? Who would dare to assassinate you? Really not!"

   For a moment, Si Wei'an turned his head, and a sick smile appeared on his face again.

   The corners of his mouth almost reached the ears.

"What did you say?"

Si Wei'an grabbed the guardian's head and said with a grin: "You also think that the unicorn wedge is in my hands? Why don't you believe me? Why don't you believe me? I'm going to kill you all! Who Don't even try to slander me! So what about the old man? He can slander me? Believe it or not, I killed him too!"

   "I'll say it again, I didn't take that **** thing, it was Venerable Qilin who took it away!"

  The more he spoke, the more excited he became, spewing out saliva, and his hands suddenly ignited the fire of divine sacrifice!


  The guardian's head was burned, and his vitality was devoured frantically, and he was reduced to a dry bone after a while.

  The other guardians all had expressions of horror on their faces.

  None of them want to follow this madman.

  But the old man ordered, and they had to obey.

   Otherwise, die.

  Gu Jianlin was shocked when he saw this scene.

   "How did this person become like this?"

  Tang Ling wrote behind her back: "He is really unscrupulous in order to confuse the fragments of the Qilin Wedge."

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a moment, feeling that he was really guilty.

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

   Taking a break to write the evening update...



  (end of this chapter)

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