The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 211: Venerable Zhulong and the ancestor of Kuilong

  Chapter 211 Venerable Zhulong and the ancestor of Kuilong

  Orange lights illuminate the metal door covered with charms, and the infrared scanner scans from top to bottom.

Gu Jianlin walked around the corner, looked at the door, and said with his lips: "AIE-567, this is the warehouse, and there are two bodyguards guarding it next to it. They shouldn't be strong, so I'll kill him in seconds. "

   "Can't you use the enchantment of the lock of non-existence to make them ignore us?"

   Tang Ling gestured.

Gu Jianlin shook his head: "What are you thinking? The function of the Unexisting Lock is to erase your extraordinary characteristics and eliminate the sense of existence of real people. If you walk on the street, they won't notice us because there are so many people. But here, we need to tiptoe around and avoid their perception."

  “The sounds we make and the movements we create will be ignored by them subjectively. Only with maximum liberation can we create a realm where others can’t see us.”

  He explained: "But people in the boundary can still see each other."

  When he said this, the shadow had already disappeared without a trace with his lock of non-existence.


   Space Jump!

  In just a split second, the two bodyguards guarding the door were hit **** the neck and passed out leaning against the wall.

   At the same time, the shadow, like a non-existent ghost, lightly penetrated the infrared scanner, and then sank into the metal door covered with charms, without triggering any movement at all.

   There was a click.

  The infrared light was turned off, and the charm on the metal door dimmed.

  The door is pushed open from the inside.

  Very well, these organs can be shut down in the warehouse.

   "Go, go, go."

  Gu Jianlin and Tang Ling were like two little thieves, dodging in as quickly as possible and closing the door.

  Sneaking into this kind of thing is seen a lot in Hollywood blockbusters, but it is the first time to do it in person.

  In comparison, they find it easier to hack and hack.

  In the dark warehouse, Gu Jianlin quickly found the light switch and turned it on.

   There was a snap.

   For a moment, Tang Ling suddenly took a step back and bumped into his back.

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment, because he found that her delicate body was tense and trembling slightly.

  With her indifferent character, this is very rare.

   "You turn around and understand at a glance."

   Tang Ling said softly.

  Gu Jianlin turned around to take a look, his pupils trembled.

  Because what was illuminated by the light turned out to be an altar, with ancient stone walls in all directions, carved with patterns of ghosts and gods, and rows of pill furnaces filled with ashes, surrounding it.

  The huge altar of the eight trigrams array is surrounded by steps made of bluestone, and the top is an eight trigrams array.

  In front of the formation, there are four empty coffins.

   And above the dome, there are actually densely packed coffins hanging.

  These coffins are all transparent, and there are countless corpses sleeping inside.

  The face is immature, with a strange expression.

   Gu Jianlin and Tang Ling glanced at each other. When they saw this scene, they thought of the underground palace in Heiyun City Walled City!

  Although it has been mined and surveyed many times, and it has been trampled down by the soldiers of the Dawn Operation Order, basically there will be no danger anymore, but there is still an unsolved mystery that has not been solved.

  That is, where did Xu Fu go!

  The Kylin Immortal Palace is an ancient **** realm, and its owner is Venerable Kylin.

   After the World War 2,500 years ago, Xu Fu witnessed the miracle with his own eyes, and after receiving a gift from the gods, he built his own mausoleum deep under the sea and became the gatekeeper.

  However, the gatekeeper is no longer there, and no one is alive or dead.

  Until the Qilin Immortal Palace was fully opened and the major forces in the world entered the ancient **** realm to open up wasteland, there was still no sign of the gatekeeper. This is indeed a very strange thing.

   Because there is more than one gatekeeper.

  Xu Fu also brought three thousand virgins.

  With so many people, it is impossible to suddenly disappear without a trace.

   "Back then, Uncle Mu once said that some people saw the shadows of boys and girls in the underground palace under the sea, and there was also an old man in Taoist robes suspected of Xu Fu wandering in the dark. Although it was just a legend, it was not groundless."

  Gu Jianlin whispered: "Now, we have found it."

   Tang Ling looked solemnly, walked around the altar, looked down at the pill furnaces, and then looked at the rock walls in all directions, looking at the ghosts and gods drawn on them.

  She took out a monocle from her pocket and put it on, the lens quickly fogged up.

   It should be armed with some kind of divination effect.

"This is a huge alchemy matrix. In the ancient saying of our country, it is a formation. It is also a ritual formation, but I have never seen such a strange composition. If this is the demigod's servant controlled by you The "Penglai Ascending Immortal Formation" is mentioned, then this is a forbidden method made from a human body."

  Her eyes became cold: "From ancient times to the present, it has been taboo."

  This involves Gu Jianlin's blind spot: "What is human body refining?"

   "To put it simply, it is an alchemy matrix built with living people as sacrifices."

   Tang Ling pointed to the painting on the wall: "Look."

   Gu Jianlin looked up, frowned instinctively, and felt a chill in his heart.

  Because of the murals painted on the walls, living people were thrown into the alchemy furnace, and ghosts and gods recited **** spells around the furnace, and then billowing smoke came out of the flames, condensing into a faint human shape.

"This is human body refining, a secret method that was abolished in the pre-Qin period, throwing living people with flesh and blood into alchemy furnaces, forcibly refining their bodies, and refining their souls. Then use some special forbidden technique, Turn them into a kind of condensed state of soul, which has since evolved into a new life."

  Tang Ling supported the monocle, stared at the pattern on the rock wall, and whispered: "But this new life is not evolution, but a stepping stone for others to evolve."

  Gu Jianlin was shocked when he saw the murals behind.

  Because these ghosts in the smoke all have the characteristics of a dragon!

  Candle Dragon Clan!

  Gu Jianlin's first reaction was the Zhulong clan.

   "The so-called "Penglai Ascension to Immortal Formation" turned out to be an ancient evil method?"

  He frowned and asked: "This is too bloody, is Xu Fu also crazy?"

   Afterwards, Shu Weng also went to see "Xu Fu Ji".

  But there is only a few words about this formation.

  The greatest value of "Xu Fu Ji" is the mausoleum leading to the deepest part of the Qilin Fairy Palace, and the records of the natural disasters and man-made disasters he saw when he first came to the East China Sea, as well as the scene of the destruction of the world, and some descriptions of the ancient gods.

Tang Ling was silent for a second, then shook her head: "Not necessarily, that's why I find it strange. Because after the Kirin Immortal Palace appeared, I once asked the teacher about the history of the Qin Dynasty. To be honest, according to " According to the records of "The Benji of the First Emperor", Xu Fu was a very high-level sublimator."

  She paused: "I have faced the ancient gods at the ancestor level, and they have not been polluted."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback.

"It is said that Xu Fu personally abolished this kind of human body at the beginning, and he was extremely loyal to the first emperor. More than two thousand years ago, the first emperor fought for years, and even fought against the ancient supreme, overdrawing too much life. Therefore Xu Fu voluntarily went to the East China Sea to seek the secret medicine for the first emperor to prolong his life."

Tang Ling explained: "Besides, at that time, Venerable Qilin had drained the natural power of the entire East China Sea, natural disasters and man-made disasters continued, and many sanctuary-levels died there, but Xu Fu insisted on going east, disregarding life and death Of course, this does not rule out that he is unknown in his later years and went crazy."

  Gu Jianlin pondered for a moment: "If he encountered Venerable Zhulong, then he has no choice."

  The old monster is without a doubt the apex between the two species.

   Undoubtedly the strongest.

   bumping into her, that's really bad luck for grandma's house.

   "Almost, and the fact that Xu Fu is the gatekeeper is also very interesting."

  Tang Ling's benefits as an extraordinary female schoolmaster were reflected, and she glanced at him meaningfully: "When we were in the forest of returning to the funeral, we also saw the tree burial in the Han Dynasty, didn't we?"

  Gu Jianlin nodded: "Yes, the Qilin Immortal Palace was sealed during the Qin Dynasty, and there is a Han Dynasty mausoleum in the Ancient God Realm. This means that outsiders have entered in two thousand years."

Tang Ling's eyes were serious: "Taixu once calculated that the probability of falling into the turbulent flow of the dimension and accidentally bumping into the Qilin Fairy Palace is less than one in a trillion. I haven't calculated it carefully, but from the Han Dynasty to the present, It's hard to say whether there are so many people born on the earth. There is more than one tomb of Empress Qin in the Qilin Immortal Palace."

   "This means that if Xu Fu obtains longevity, then for thousands of years, he did not fulfill his duty of guarding the gate, but let in batch after batch of people."

  She paused: "These people are all human beings."

  Gu Jianlin suddenly thought of something.

   That is "Xu Fu Ji"!

  Xu Fu even left a special map that allows people to go straight to the deepest part of the Qilin Fairy Palace!

   It turns out he did it on purpose.

  Fortunately, this map was picked up by that rookie, Medicine Master.

   Otherwise, if someone with knowledge and ability is replaced, something will happen to him at the beginning.

   Like Lao Gu.

  The first time the ancient divine language didn't kill anyone, then he belched.

   Or, kill the first wave, and come the second wave.

   At that time, Gu Jianlin's autobiography may have to end as soon as the fourth chapter is written.

"Well, this inference is very reasonable. If Xu Fu witnessed the battle between Venerable Candle Dragon and Venerable Qilin during his journey to the east, he has actually achieved his goal. He saw the miracle and did not die. .”

  Gu Jianlin said softly: "But he was kept by Venerable Zhulong as a gatekeeper. It is very possible that he is not missing, but involuntary. He wants to go back, but he can't."

   Tang Ling nodded: "Yes, that's it."

   Gu Jianlin said sincerely: "I am very knowledgeable, I admire you."

  When Tang Ling heard this guy boasting about herself, her scarlet eyes suddenly brightened a lot, and she hummed reservedly: "But why he keeps letting people in is really puzzling."

  They set their sights on the third mural.

   This mural is a strange figure covered in scales, taking a deep breath.

   Those smoky souls were swallowed into the body.

   Then the weirdo struggled frantically and roared to the sky.

   "Sure enough, these souls are tonic pills."

  Gu Jianlin said in disgust, "It's really disgusting."

Tang Ling thought it was true, and sneered, "This is for evolution. You see, these souls all have the characteristics of the Zhulong clan, and the weirdo who swallowed souls is obviously on the verge of evolution. I guess it's because of the sacrifice. The evolution of the human beings is not complete, so these souls are needed to filter the power of the ancient gods."

  Gu Jianlin suddenly realized: "Then eat these souls?"

  Tang Ling walked away: "Eight or nine is not far from ten."

   They came to the last mural.

  This mural is carved with a black dragon covering the sky and the sun, entrenched at the end of the sky, overlooking the sea.

   On the sea, there is a graceful and graceful silhouette, looming.

  The dragons writhed on the bottom of the sea, worshiping her.

"This is?"

  Even if Tang Ling used a monocle, she couldn't predict the result.

   "Venerable Candle Dragon."

   Gu Jianlin said softly.

  A trace of astonishment flashed in Tang Ling's beautiful eyes: "Venerable Candle Dragon? Is Venerable Candle Dragon a female?"

   Gu Jianlin didn't say anything, it was a tacit agreement.

   In fact, it is not only a female, but also very good-looking.

  If you are not afraid of death, I can take you in for a look.

   It’s okay to take a few more glances.

   It's just that they have to be buried together in the coffin.

  The content of this mural is a bit scary, because meteorites fell from the sky above the sky.

  A huge dragon was hit by a meteorite and fell into the deep sea.

   "When you saw this painting, what did you think of?"

  Tang Ling murmured, "Venerable Zhulong, sealed the ancient **** of the Zhulong clan into the Immortal Palace?"

  Gu Jianlin suddenly fell silent when he saw the dragon.

  The mural was rough, but he could still distinguish the characteristics of the dragon.

   That dragon has one leg!

   No horns!


  The ancestor of Kuilong!

   It seems that the ancestor of Kuilong was forced to be sealed in the Qilin Immortal Palace!

  This means that this ancestor may not be so loyal to his master!

   "I seem to understand something."

A strange color flashed in Gu Jianlin's eyes: "Venerable Zhulong and the ancestor of Kuilong may not be on the same front. When Venerable Zhulong sealed the Qilin Immortal Palace, in addition to killing Venerable Qilin, maybe he would also He has other purposes. And the ancestor of Kuilong was forcibly left by him to help him guard something. He doesn't fully trust Xu Fu."

   Tang Ling frowned: "A fragment of the Qilin Wedge?"

  Gu Jianlin denied it: "Yes, but there may be something else."

   But he always had a hunch.

  This matter is not that simple.

   "Now it seems that what Xu Fu left behind was obtained by the Priory."

Tang Ling walked to the center of the altar, looked at the four empty coffins, and said, "The source of the huge power they possess should be the power from the sacrifices. That's why Director Li said that he got five coffins. Sacrifice. With five sacrifices, that rookie can gain overwhelming power."

Gu Jianlin walked to her side, looked up at the coffin hanging on the top of the mountain, shook his head and said: "It's crazy, there should be more than one stronghold of the Priory. These things are stored in the Youying Group, probably because they are here There is also an inner ghost, so there is such a trick, no one noticed."

   Right at this moment, his anger changed: "Someone is coming."

  In his perception of life, a strange rhythm of life broke into him.

  It's as creepy as a blade rubbing against a blackboard.

   "The blood of the ancient gods should be auctioned at this time."

   Tang Ling glanced at him: "Let's not take chances, shall we?"

  Gu Jianlin agrees with her statement, the people who came here at this time must be people from the Priory.

   After all, Director Li is dead.

   To be on the safe side, people from the Priory will definitely come to this base for investigation.

   "Now we have only two options."

   Gu Jianlin said expressionlessly: "Either run immediately, I have already got enough clues today. Or, be more greedy, find a way to keep him, at least confirm his identity. What do you think? Sister."

   Tang Ling narrowed her vermilion eyes, raised her chin, and said indifferently, "Of course I will stay."

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

   In the future, it will basically be updated around 8:30 to 9:00, and continue to code the second update.



  (end of this chapter)

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