The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 213: The King of Blue is the Mandate of Heaven

  Chapter 213 The King of Green is the Mandate of Heaven

   For a moment, the majestic murderous intent enveloped the entire altar.

Because Gu Jianlin had thought through too many things, and could no longer control his killing intent, even the black unicorn in the depths of his consciousness opened a line of golden pupils, and the fire of divine wrath was ignited deep in the pupils .

   Nightmare Master.

   Mu Feng.

  Tang Zijing.

   Gu Ci'an.

  These incidents seem to be led by the monastery, but they are all related to an organization.

   That's the Inquisition.

"In Gu Ci'an's blood moon massacre incident, he was bitten to death by the trial court because of his depravity. Why did Uncle Mu and the others have to be cleaned and taken away in the incident in Heiyun City Walled City? Including the Westport incident, as soon as the nightmare master appeared, the trial The court is in a hurry to clear the venue again. Tang Zijing is also a closely guarded topic in the Ethereum Association."

   Now the answer has been found.

   I just don't know how many people in the trial court are members of the monastery.

  Maybe there are only a few high-level people.

   may have occupied a considerable part.

  Of course, there is another possibility that may be absurd, the Tribunal is the Priory!

   Of course, from a rational point of view, this possibility is unlikely.

   "Do you want to do your best?"

  Tang Ling paused every word, her red hair had already parted and fell down her back like a waterfall, her scarlet eyes were full of murderous intent, and her snow-white skin faintly flashed a steel-like brilliance.

   What she meant was simple.

  If they shot with all their strength, the two of them would definitely expose their identities.

  There is no evidence to show that Mr. Zhang is a member of the Priory.

  Even if there are, God knows how many monks there are behind the Tribunal.

   It is almost impossible to destroy the Tribunal.

  Because the owner of the Tribunal is the vice president Rhine.

   And he is pre-appointed, the next president!

  Even if Mr. Zhang is to be killed now, it may attract the pursuit of the saints.

  If this matter fails, then the end of the two of them may be beyond redemption.

  Maybe their teacher can save them.

   But people related to them.

   But not so lucky.

  At the same time, Councilor Zhang disappeared like a ghost, holding a slender sword in his hand, flashing to the girl's back, slashing at her neck mercilessly, trying to kill her with a sword!

   This is the fifth-order speed force, so fast that it is almost impossible to capture it.

   Coupled with the space jump and the dimension slash that ignores defense, the assassination ability is almost full!

  In the nick of time, Gu Jianlin raised his hand and released the ghost spell, weakening himself at a speed visible to the naked eye, with a cold and hoarse voice: "Kill him, no matter what the cost."

  The curse from the space took effect immediately, Councilor Zhang bled from his orifices and had a splitting headache.

   This knife naturally failed to fall.

  Tang Ling retreated to dodge, frost-white horns had grown on the top of her head, and illusory wings loomed behind her back, which belonged to the evolutionary posture of Venerable Bai Ze's bloodline!

  The abilities mastered by the sword sect pathway at level zero are sword qi and sword bone.

  The former transforms into sword energy through its own mind, while the latter uses the sword as its bone, super strong defense!

  First-level sword masters master the power of the sword. When they use the power of all things, they can greatly increase their lethality.

  Second-level swordsmanship, the ability mastered at this stage is the mind, which can predict countless possibilities in advance, and the sword will definitely hit. There is only a very low probability, and it can be avoided by other means.

  Third-level sword idiot, what he masters is the ability to accumulate sword intent, the longer the energy is stored, the stronger the power will be.

  A fourth-order sword spirit can spurt out its own sword spirit, and the sword spirit sweeps all directions like a storm.

  All abilities are strengthened!

   "God Attendant? No... This is autonomous evolution!"

  Mr. Zhang's eyes turned cold, and countless strange lines of boys and girls appeared under his body surface. The words that appeared on his tongue while speaking made people feel creepy for a moment!


   At the same time, he held the knife in his backhand, put out a simple and deadly knife stand, and drew out the knife with energy!

   "Buy me time!"

  Tang Ling clenched the Great Thunder Sword with both hands, and the sword intent spread like a sea tide, brewing the sword intent of destruction, which almost made the entire altar tremble crazily, and a sharp and sharp meaning soared to the sky!

   The white cloth of the Great Thunder Sword was torn, and the sword body was covered with cracks filled with thunder light!

  At the same time, Gu Jianlin flashed in front of her, with a pitch-black ghost fire dancing on his forehead, and four ghost hands bathed in golden **** fire roared and condensed, gathering countless pitch-black particles, propping up the air world!

  He also gave birth to a noble unicorn horn on the top of his head, and strange black facial lines appeared on his face, which seemed to be an evolutionary gesture!


   It's like thunder.

   "So it's you? Isn't it good to live?"

A trace of astonishment and astonishment flashed in Mr. Zhang's eyes, and all of them turned into murderous intent in an instant. He sneered and said, "I didn't expect you to be the one who killed Director Li. It seems that we really underestimated you. They were able to find this place. So what? It’s just a mayfly shaking a tree.”

  The eyes full of killing intent were full of jokes: "Even if you run away, it's useless."

  He knew the secrets of these two people and evolved independently.

  Once exposed, the Ether Association will no longer have a place for them.

   On the contrary, he has many ways to kill and silence.

   Shocked and then stunned, and finally turned into killing intent!

  The voice fell, and silence fell.

  Time fell into a quagmire-like silence, and the world fell silently into the abyss, only the mottled gray and white bloomed, and where the invisible realm passed, everything was frozen!

  Mr. Zhang's figure flickered for a moment, and he had already appeared in front of these two people.

  Drawing out the knife, the edge of the blade shone with a bleak light.

  Dimensional Slash!

   But at this moment, boom!

  The field frozen in time and space suddenly shattered.

  He couldn't see behind himself.

  The handsome silhouette glanced at him indifferently, with disdainful eyes.

  As if looking at ants.

  Mr. Zhang's eyes flashed with disbelief.


  Gu Jianlin raised his hands, and the four ghost hands behind him suddenly released a pitch-black flash!


   I saw the black flash pouring down, and then it was easily torn apart by the fleeting cold light!

  Even the space was torn apart, leaving a shocking crack.

  Behind the crack, the original darkness of the universe is faintly revealed!

   "Get out of the way!"

   Tang Ling let out a low shout, stepped forward, and shook the thunder!

  Sword energy, sword momentum, mind eyes, sword intent leave the body!

   Four in one!

   There was a faint sound of thunder, as if the sky was furious.

  Tang Ling's sword was gaining momentum for a moment, brewing a sword momentum that would overwhelm the sea, and a sword slashed out like a tsunami that hit the sky, and the gushing sword energy burst out like a sea tide, almost unavoidable!

   Not only that, but the sword energy is entwined with thunder, which is extremely destructive!

  Between life and death, Councilor Zhang retreated violently under the blessing of Speed ​​Force.

   It's too late to blur, but he feels that no matter how fast he is, he can't escape!

  Sword energy follows you everywhere!

   At the last moment, a gap suddenly opened on his forehead, revealing a pale pupil, which released a strange pupil light, shining on the gushing sword energy!


  The petrification of the sword energy was shattered every inch of it!

  Mythical Armament, the Eye of Medusa!

  Next, the sound of knives soaring into the sky!

  I saw the Taidao in his hand trembled loudly, as if hundreds of millions of souls imprisoned in **** were hissing and roaring, the void was trembling crazily, with countless ripples, almost shattered.

   Both Gu Jianlin and Tang Ling's spirituality were affected, like the surface of a trembling lake, fluctuating endlessly.

   This sword naturally collapsed!

  The ability of the fifth-level Tsukiji, the soul sword!


   Representative Zhang's chest was torn apart by the sword energy, and a huge gap was torn, and it was scorched black by the lightning!

  Even if he tried his best, he was still injured!

   This is the strength of Jianzhong's direct inheritance. Tang Ling does have a fifth-level combat power.


  The ground is cracked.

  Gu Jianlin swooped forward, with a magnificent black shadow shrouded behind him, trying to grab the lore!


  Member Zhang covered his wound, showed a strange smile, and suddenly stepped out of the warehouse.

  Then he pressed down the instrument in his hand, and said: "The operation on the Brunhill has officially begun! I am the commander-in-chief of the operation, Zhang Shouheng, and I encountered an enemy attack on the second floor of the cabin of the Brunhill, requesting support!"

   After finishing speaking, he turned around and retreated violently, disappearing into the corner of the corridor like a ghost.


   Tang Ling said coldly, "He must be killed."

  Her breathing changed suddenly, matching the rhythm of the world!

  Breathing Technique·Boundless Realm!

  When her breathing changed, her body seemed to be surrounded by an invisible wind.

  A trace of surprise flashed in Gu Jianlin's eyes, this field even enveloped him.

   Their bodies suddenly became lighter, and their running speed seemed to be integrated into the wind.

   Incredibly fast!


  The sound of an explosion came from the first floor of the cabin, and the rhythm of countless lives fluctuated.

   It seems that because of the appearance of the blood of the ancient gods, the robbery started directly!

   "Request for support. There are evolutionaries on the second floor of the Brunnhill cabin. They have the power to master the evolution path. It is extremely dangerous!" Mr. Zhang's voice came from the end of the corridor, as if he could see his sneer.

   This is the method of the Priory.

  They have infiltrated various organizations and become the supreme power holders, holding the absolute right to speak.

  Black can also be called white.

   It was at this very moment that Gu Jianlin and Tang Ling were terrified.

   Because of the extremely powerful breath, it fell from the sky.

   Locked them ruthlessly!

   Sure enough, the saint of the trial court was really attracted.

  Gu Jianlin felt like falling into an ice cave, because he felt that his body was really gradually freezing, and the blood in his whole body was cold, as if someone cast a glance from an unknown corner and locked his back.

   Tang Ling was no exception, her awe-inspiring and arrogant face was as pale as if frozen, their pace was gradually slowing down, every step they took was covered with frost, and soon it would be impossible to move an inch!


   It was like falling into hell, the huge pressure almost made their hearts stop beating.

  It was a huge oppression belonging to the sanctuary level. It seemed that the sky fell and the earth fell in an instant. I could feel an invisible aura locking the two of them. The killing intent was as deep as the sea, and even the soul was almost squeezed out!

  At this moment, the two defiant lunatics lost their fighting spirit.

   There is no way.

   This is pure rank crushing.

  No matter how talented the two of them are, they can't withstand the pressure of the sanctuary level.

   Boom boom!

  Heart is beating wildly.

  Cold sweat flowed wildly.

"How to do?"

   Tang Ling said softly.

  Gu Jianlin's face was expressionless, and he didn't feel that he would die at all.

  Because he believed in his teacher and senior brother.

   "Don't be afraid, keep chasing."

  At this time, there was an extra text message in his mobile phone.



   There was a loud bang.

   The Brunhill shook, and the huge cruise ship nearly capsized during the shaking.

   Countless tourists panicked.

   On the deck of this huge ship, a white-haired old man soared into the sky, suspended on the deck like a god, and everything he passed along the way was frozen, giving birth to ice flowers and jade trees.

  There was a blizzard in the sky, and he was bathed in heavy snow, his eyes were pale.

  One of the nine great saints of the Tribunal, Li Qingsong.

   At the same time, two black figures in moon-white robes descended from the sky and fell onto the deck!


   Countless tourists were immediately shaken into blood mist and shattered into pieces of flesh.

  A young man with white hair raised his hand and squeezed it casually.


  Countless guards who rushed over were instantly blown into blood mist.

  One of the nine great saints of the Tribunal, Tianri.


  Countless seawater rose into the sky, condensing into huge arrows of water flow, as if thousands of arrows were ready to go.

   The breath of destruction is brewing.

   "No trace of Nether was found."

  I saw a black-haired woman standing on the deck, looking around, and said indifferently.

   One of the nine great saints of the Tribunal, walks the night.

  This time, the Tribunal dispatched a total of three saints, all of whom are seventh-level sanctuary-level without exception.

   "Conservation was attacked, so he killed the two rats that attacked him, and then went to **** the blood of the ancient god!"

   Li Qingsong grabbed it casually, and the entire Brunshire was frozen into an ice lump.

  He walked in calmly, his eyes squinting.

  The two saints, Tian Day and Xing Ye, walked into the frozen cabin indifferently with their hands behind their backs.

   Countless screams sounded in the cabin.

  The sound of explosions can be heard endlessly.

  Where Li Qingsong passed, everything froze, the power of the sanctuary-level sublimator almost enveloped the entire sea area, the rough sea was also frozen, and the ice trees and jade flowers bloomed amidst the shattering roar!

  Seventh-rank celestial master!

  The two saints, Tian Day and Xing Ye, stood with their hands behind their hands, and the endless starlight above their heads gathered together, like a violent nebula, rubbing against each other to generate heat.

  Seventh rank priest!

   The roar of destruction brews on the deck.

  The world fell into an extremely cold hell.

  Even across the cabin, Gu Jianlin saw huge phantoms rising into the sky, one was the image of a celestial master comparable to a giant, and the other two were phantoms of gods who looked like giant gods!

  He was terrified, his heart was beating wildly, and his soul was trembling.

  Tang Ling was frozen all over, as if she had fallen into an abyss of extreme cold, and her voice was drowned out by the howling wind: "What should I do..."

  Gu Jianlin's breathing changed suddenly, and a cool light lit up!

  Breathing Technique · Land of Freedom!





  On the road by the sea, Jing Ci strolled in the courtyard pushing a wheelchair.

   "Teacher, the younger brother has already caught the tail of the Priory."

He looked up at the bright moonlight above the sky, and said with a low laugh: "As the end is approaching, their activities are becoming more and more frequent. As the saying goes, how can a person walk by the river without getting their shoes wet. If they don't have anything If you do it, no one will be able to spot them. The more you move, the more openings you will have."

   Huaiyin sat in a wheelchair and said: "Actually, their concealment methods are quite clever. Most of the known methods of divination and observation cannot penetrate into their secret control rituals."

  Jing Ci raised his eyebrows and asked, "Including Senior Lin Zhengchun from Laojun Mountain?"

   "Well, but that's not because Lin Zhengchun is weak."

   Huaiyin said with a half-smile, "It's because that method is too clever. Its source comes from an extremely secretive and supreme existence, and it is beyond the reach of a mere mortal."

  Jing Ci narrowed his eyes: "Recognize your ancestors and return to your loyalty?"

   Huaiyin hummed.

   "If you say that, I'm curious, how did the younger brother find out."

  Jing Ci burst out laughing.

   "Of course he has his own skills, and he will gradually find out in the future."

   Huaiyin said.

  Jing Ci looked at the stars in the sky, and asked, "Teacher, do you really want to do this? You don't have much time, if you make a rash move, the killing intent of the stars will go further..."

Huaiyin did not look at the sky, but looked at the dark sea: "Two hundred years have passed, but I have already given up. After all, I am a person who has only a few years to live. What does this world have to do with me?" ?”

  He sighed: "Unfortunately, I still can't hold back my heart."

  Jing Ci looked down at the old man's old side face, and asked calmly, "Is it because of the younger brother?"

   "This is a good boy. I know that many people have told him that I am not a good teacher. Including his father also said in the document that I am a lunatic. I hope I stay away from him."

   Huaiyin said calmly: "He knows that my junior brother and I were almost extinct, but do you know? He never looked at me with the slightest fear, and never doubted or wavered by outsiders' words."

  Jing Ci nodded slightly: "He has been waiting for you, tell him the answer."

"Actually, a long time ago, I didn't want to worry about anything anymore. I was very disappointed in this world. Until one day, I heard that Gu Ci'an had died. I remembered that there was such a child, so I came to Fengcheng to have a look at him He had just been discharged from the hospital that day, standing alone in the majestic heavy rain, as confused as a ghost."

   Huaiyin's voice was very calm, but every word and sentence contained memories of the past, and there was a faint nostalgia in his eyes: "He lost everything, exactly the same as I did back then."

  Jing Ci listened silently, without saying a word.

   "I have experienced what this child has experienced. Looking at him is like looking at myself back then. One person is against the conspiracy and lies of the whole world, and no one around him believes him."

   Huaiyin paused: "At the end of the investigation, people around me died one by one. The more dead people, the more hatred, and the more hatred, the more angry. In the end, everyone betrayed their relatives and left their families alone."

   "I help him, just like helping myself back then."

   "Although I don't have much time, he can help me do what I haven't done well."

   "It's like now he is seeking justice for his father and those who are innocently persecuted."

   "I want him to be the sun, to light up those people's eyes and tell them... who is right."

   "What does it matter if I die that day? I have already left the most proud work in this world, leaving behind my Huaiyin inheritance, and he will do everything for me."

   "So under my urging, he got closer to the truth step by step. I watched as my teacher sent Director Li to him to kill him and didn't stop him. I taught him those skills step by step, just waiting for today."

   "It's time to understand the grievances two hundred years ago. This time, I don't care whether they believe it or not, whoever doesn't believe it... I will kill them. The monastery exists objectively, and fools who don't believe it, it's better to die as soon as possible."

"Even if I will grow old, like the late sunset, falling to the other side of the mountain. But at the foot of the mountain, there is a young man who is working hard to move forward, accompanied by his morning sun. He is not me, but he is better than me .”

He suddenly stretched out his hand: "After tonight, I want him to see everything and let him make a choice. Then use the next few years to let him see the truth of this world, stand at the end of history, and replace me... Go down the road."

  Jing Ci pushed the wheelchair and walked towards the giant cruise ship docked on the shore in silence.

  There was red light condensing on his face, a dragon-like mask covered his face, dragon horns grew on the top of his head, traces of dragon scales even appeared on his body surface, and the blood-colored vertical pupils seemed to burn.

   "I don't have any special ideas."

  He said softly: "But my junior brother, you can't be bullied by others, right?"

   "The trial court thought that they could restrain me with divine punishment, but after so long, they all forgot who I am."

   Huaiyin raised her hand and pressed her face: "Today, let's play with them."

  For a moment, the black glow gathered on his face, a sapphire mask resembling a unicorn appeared vaguely, noble unicorn horns appeared on the top of his head, and an astonishing mystery appeared in his pupils.

   Above the sky, there are faintly dark clouds gathering.

  A cyan unicorn looms above the clouds, covering the sky full of stars.

  Tonight, he is the destiny.

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

  (end of this chapter)

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