The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 217: Today, I have another student

  Chapter 217 Starting today, I have another student

  Mr. Zhang really wanted to escape, but he couldn't.

  Especially when he saw the cyan unicorn entrenched in the sky, it seemed that the coercion from the ancient wilderness descended from the sky. Even if he just glanced at it briefly, his heart was almost crushed.

   also heard the announcement that seemed to come from the depths of the universe.

  He knew something had happened.

   After all, he is a member of the Priory, and he also knows that the organization has infiltrated the major forces in the world. No matter where he goes, there are enough secrets, so he can act so recklessly.

  In the cabin of the Brunshire, there was only one reason why he did not choose to reveal the identities of the couple.

   Behind this couple of dogs and men is a natural disaster.

  Once the identities of these two people are publicly announced, it will not only be as simple as arresting evolutionists.

   Someone is bound to try to stop it.

  Such as Chen Bojun, such as Lu Zijin.

   Therefore, it is the best choice to directly arrest them as unknown evolutionaries and send them to the secret prison of the Tribunal, because at that time people are already in their hands, and they have the absolute right to speak.

   But now it seems that there is no news from the communication channel, and even the saints have lost contact.

He had to find a way to save himself, so he turned on the communication channel and said in a cold voice: "B-level investigator Gu Jianlin, A-level investigator Tang Ling is an evolutionary, planning to attack the superior. It has been confirmed that the identity of the killer who assassinated Director Li was These two, please support! This incident has a **** attendant involved, please support!"

  A member of the trial court said this.

  If it is a person of ordinary background, he will be completely thrown into the abyss.

   "Die to me!"

  Hearing a bang, the butcher jumped up violently, holding a broken electric pole in his hand, and smashed it down with overwhelming momentum, like a giant King Kong wielding a Ruyi golden cudgel!

   Damn stuff!

  Member Zhang has been blocked by this divine attendant for a long time. He doesn't know where this guy jumped out from. Under the shock and anger, the virgin boy and girl screamed silently, and put a knife holder on the street lamp!

  Dimensional Slash!

  The void was suddenly torn apart, and a shocking and terrifying crack pierced through the darkness.

   That telegraph pole was cut in half!

  Under the blessing of super speed force, Councilor Zhang fell to the ground like a ghost, his figure suddenly twisted and flickered, and he used the space to jump into the distance.

  This is the power of the ghost-slaying approach, it doesn't give you a chance at all.

  The butcher in the unicorn state does not intend to dodge at all. Anyway, as long as his head is not chopped off, he will not die. At worst, he will abandon his hands or tail, and only one hit is enough.

  At this time, light footsteps came from behind.

   Someone said coldly: "Get out of the way!"

  The butcher dodged subconsciously, and saw a slim and petite silhouette passing by.

  Su Youzhu grew a noble dragon horn on the top of her head, beautiful eyes rippling with murderous intent, a touch of blush spread in the corners of her eyes, the power belonging to the ancient **** strengthened her body and spirit, and suddenly pulled out the **** Tang knife.

  Combination skills, speed force, dimension slash, space jump!


  The blades collided and sparks sputtered out.

   Ripples seemed to appear in the void, and the two forces of time and space collided and annihilated!

  Member Zhang was surprised and angry: "There is another one, get out of here!"

  He twisted his waist and kicked out!

   There was only a bang, and the kick was heavy.

  Even if Su Youzhu blocked it with the blade, she felt a majestic force feedback, which made her fly back like a fallen leaf. She couldn't help but groan, her arms were numb!

   With a bang, she crashed into a firm and cold embrace.

"How did you come?"

  Gu Jianlin caught her firmly, wrapping his arms around her delicate waist.

  She is very light in weight, even if she is sent flying by, she doesn't need much force to catch it.

  Su Youzhu was slightly taken aback when she saw his appearance.

  Because Gu Jianlin gave birth to a noble and strange unicorn, with a black will-o’-the-wisp burning on his forehead, his pupils smeared with strange darkness, and black facial lines on his expressionless face, which seemed to be a gesture of evolution.

  Su Youzhu was fooled by him tonight. He wanted to pretend to be angry, but when he saw his gesture, he became nervous again: "This place is full of people from the Ether Association, aren't you afraid of being exposed?"

  Gu Jianlin shook his head: "It's okay, there is no need to hide anything from now on."

  A pale will-o'-the-wisp ignited behind him, and four ghost hands bathed in golden flames condensed out, roaring loudly.

  The shadow of the candle dragon revived again, and the phantom of peerless elegance shrouded his head.


  The sky was furious, billowing dark clouds gathered, and there was a faint flash of blazing thunder.

   It seems like a brood that is pregnant with troublesome fetuses.

  Tang Ling came out of the darkness, holding the lightning with both hands.

  Su Youzhu's face darkened, and she really came out to make trouble with this woman tonight.

   "Extreme Thunder!"

  When the butcher saw the sword, he turned his head excitedly and said, "Hahaha, wait until you die!"

   Now it is, four against one!

  A **** attendant.

  Three Evolvers!

  The support of the Ether Association has not yet arrived.

  Even though Mr. Zhang is the fifth rank, he feels the threat of death at this moment.

Do not.

  He seems to have seen the **** of death, waving to himself!



Tonight is destined to be a bad night for the Ether Association, because they first lost the strategic deterrent weapon of divine punishment, then declared the world with the strongest natural disaster, and finally faced the attack and killing of a congressman, and The blatant rebellion of the Omega sequence genius is simply a headache.

  Including the battlefield on the Brenhill, we have to divide our forces to fight for the blood of the ancient gods.

   Therefore, only the two high-end fighters, Chen Bojun and Lu Zijin, rushed to the battlefield first.

  Including Deacon Nie of the Tribunal.

   and Wang Taisheng of the Night Watchman.

   There are also a large number of Omega sequence geniuses.

  When they rushed to the battlefield, they all fell silent.

  Gu Jianlin sat on the broken stone pier, his shirt stained with dust and blood was open, panting.

  The noble and strange unicorn horns, the dark pupils like ghosts, and the weird facial lines.

   It seems to be an evolutionary gesture.

  The Great Thunder Sword was inserted in front of him, and the electric sparks flickered, illuminating his cold side face.

  Tang Ling has red hair hanging loosely, and the dragon horns on top of her head are also so eye-catching. The scarlet eyes reflect these people who came late, still have an expression of arrogance and indifference, and the eyes seem to be playful.

   Four against one, there will be no suspense.

   Even if Mr. Zhang is the fifth rank, and with the blessing of the Penglai Ascension Formation, he can't stop the four people's indiscriminate bombardment.

   Broken roads, collapsed houses, cut utility poles.

  Blood all over the ground.

   "We're totally famous now."

  Tang Ling leaned on the Great Thunder Sword, her voice was cold and arrogant.


  Gu Jianlin smiled silently, his female priest and tiger general had already left the field early, and he didn't have any worries.

  Four flaming golden ghost hands were suspended in mid-air, holding a **** man in their hands.

   "Mr. Zhang!"

  Deacon Nie rushed out first, his face pale: "What are you doing, openly murdering your superiors?"

Wang Taisheng's eyes changed, and he said loudly to the microphone under his collar: "It's reversed! Everything is reversed! This is about to change, and the world of sublimators is about to start a civil war! There are actually two evolutionaries in the Omega sequence , I’m afraid it wasn’t that the ancient gods broke into the ether association, what are you all doing in a daze, do it!”

  Both of them are concerned about the Inquisition Department, and seeing this scene naturally exploded their minds.

  Deacon Nie is worried that his official career will be affected.

  Wang Taisheng’s mind was even more vicious. He was beaten up just yesterday. If he hadn’t been cured by the priest, he would still be lying in the hospital.

   And his biological son is still in the intensive care unit, dying.

  The murderer of this murder is a candidate of the Youying Group.

  Yue Ji.

  In the case of the Forest of Burial, Gu Jianlin was inextricably linked with Yue Ji.

  The cause and effect add up, and there must be a grudge.

   A black Mercedes-Benz braked to the side of the road, blocking the intersection.

  The captains looked at each other in the car, none of them dared to stand up and speak.

  Lin Wanqiu stood in the crowd, her face paled, her pretty face pale.

  Lu Zi looked like he had seen a ghost, and said in a voiceless voice: "What the hell?"

  Chen Qing was extremely nervous, her cold face was full of worry.

  Lu Zijin opened her beautiful eyes wide and murmured, "Yes, it's crazy."

   "You two..."

  Chen Bojun scratched his head in distress, hesitant to speak.

  The next moment, Fengcheng resumed power communication.

  The on-board projection equipment was turned on, and shadows in holy robes were reflected.

   "Stop your actions immediately and release Councilor Zhang!"

  A thunderous roar sounded from the speaker: "Don't make mistakes!"

   Obviously, these are the saints of the Inquisition Chamber.

Councilor Zhang seemed crazy, and shouted hysterically: "Help me! They betrayed the human camp, and their companions are candidates of the Youying Group, as well as the **** servants of the Qilin clan! This is a conspiracy, maybe it is the Qilin His Majesty's plan! The King of Blue is definitely not a good person, he must take this opportunity to destroy the world!"

   "Tang Zijing, Gu Ci'an, and Mu Feng, they are all accomplices!"

  He growled: "They are not worth dying!"

  Mr. Zhang's suit has been torn long ago, and his **** body is covered with tattoos of boys and girls.

  Those boys and girls were tormented in hell, violently rolling their bodies, silently roaring, and rapidly turning into dragons,

   Extremely terrifying and shocking.

  Everyone was shocked when they saw his gesture.

   What the **** is this!

   "It's just an inner ghost of the monastery, so why go to war?"

   Tang Ling glanced at them: "Let's do it."

  Gu Jianlin let out a long sigh of relief and snapped his fingers.


   This was an extremely **** scene. The four ghost hands roared and gathered strength, trembling endlessly.

  Mr. Zhang's limbs were torn off alive, and blood gushed out like a waterfall!


  His body fell to the ground, almost fainting from the pain!

   Dead silence.

  A member of the trial court, his limbs were amputated alive, like a domestic animal waiting to be slaughtered.

  At this moment, someone suddenly realized something.

   Even though the behavior of these two people was so crazy, no one came to stop it.

  At this moment, a black Maserati drove up from the darkness, its bright headlights illuminating the profiles of everyone.

  People looked at the license plate of this car, all showing respectful expressions.

  Because this is the president's car!

   At this moment, it is above the sky.

  The glow of gold cast a glance, and the phantom of silver condensed looked down.

  The two natural disasters, the King of Silver and the King of Gold, are watching this scene.

   "Thank you for tonight."

  Gu Jianlin looked at the red-haired girl beside him: "We will cooperate next time."

   Tang Ling drew out the Great Thunder Sword, and hummed reservedly.

   Two people passed by.


  A dignified and indifferent voice sounded from the black Maserati.

  The old servant got out of the car immediately, opened the door respectfully, and made a gesture of please.

   Tang Ling didn't even look at him, and sat in the back seat indifferently.

   With a bang, the door closes.

  The faces of the saints projected in the darkness are extremely ugly.

  Nie Feng and Wang Taisheng, the civil servants in charge of administration, suddenly felt like a clown.

  Because the president has no intention of accountability!

  Everyone could only look at the blood-stained boy and the congressman who was almost fainted in his hand.

   They don't know what to do next.

   Tang Ling will be saved, which is not unexpected.

  It's just that when people looked at the blood-stained boy under the light, their eyes became extremely complicated.

  Because this is not the original Heiyun Walled City.

  Gu Jianlin was not the lonely boy back then.

   Behind him is a Scourge.

  The strongest natural disaster.

   King of Green.

   "Why so shocking?"

  Gu Jianlin smiled in relief: "It's not the first time I've done this kind of thing."

   After speaking, he dragged the half-dead member into the darkness.



  The lights illuminate the dim road, and there are old people in wheelchairs on the coast.

"I am back."

  Gu Jianlin casually threw the half-dead congressman forward: "Can you see that he can master the path of evolution?"

  The King of Green is a person who is willing to bear the punishment of God for the sake of the human world.

  He could have chosen to stand by and watch, but he still bore the unbearable weight of others.

  How could a person like this kill innocent people indiscriminately?

  Gu Jianlin was very clear in his heart.

  From the beginning to the end, the people killed by the King of Green were nothing more than moths of the monastery, so let's talk about killing innocent people indiscriminately.

  Such a proud king didn't even bother to defend himself.

  Even if thousands of people criticize.

   Even if thousands of people cast aside.

  Even if...all the relatives are separated.

  Gu Jianlin's profile has already been able to outline the emotions of the old man.

   Struggling, mourning, heartache, mourning.


  Like burnt embers, there is still a faint temperature.

  The only thing not there is cold-blooded and crazy.

  Gu Jianlin couldn't feel it at all.

  The question of the King of Green, he had never actually considered it.

  Because there is no need to consider.

   There is only one answer.

   There will only be one.

  On the wheelchair, Huaiyin smiled half-smile: "I don't know, why don't I try?"

   "Anyway, you are a member of the Priory, as long as you are happy."

Gu Jianlin walked behind him, tentatively raised his hand, and landed on the back of the wheelchair: "No matter what it is for, these two hundred years have wronged you too much. Guilty, never shined into the dark That beam of light is darkness itself. Even if black and white can be reversed, the sun always exists."

  He paused: "You are right, teacher."

   This is his first time, trying to push the wheelchair.

  For their master and apprentice, this action is of great significance.

  Suddenly, Huaiyin laughed loudly, and the laughter was accompanied by the sea breeze, echoing between the heaven and the earth.

  Gu Jianlin pushed the wheelchair and walked forward in silence.

   Through the silence.

   Walk through the dark.

   Over the sea breeze.

   Step into the sound of the tide.

  At the entrance of the forbidden zone in Westport, the black Maserati parked silently beside the road.

  The geniuses of Omega, the nano warriors of the dawn battle sequence.

   There are also elite investigators from all over the world, or those captains.

  Including the ministers also fell into a long silence behind the camera.

  The saints of the trial court were reflected in the projector, and their expressions were extremely angry.

  In the cabin of the helicopter, members of the Night Watch watched the scene with complicated expressions.

  I don’t know how many high-level sublimators around the world are peeping here in a secret way.

   There are even two natural disasters watching from the sky.

  The black-haired boy pushed a wheelchair and walked in front of their sight.

  Huaiyin sat in a wheelchair, with a smile full of relief, and the laughter pierced through the world.

   "From today, I have one more student."

   He said seriously.

   This was perhaps his weakest moment in nearly two hundred years.

  He knew it too.

  Many people are considering whether to take this opportunity to kill him.

  But there is no worry at all.

  Because his wheelchair was being pushed.

  This life is enough.

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

  (end of this chapter)

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