The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 223: Possibility of Candle Dragon Forbidden Curse

  Chapter 223 Possibility of Candle Dragon Forbidden Curse

  Gu Jianlin was surprised by this result.

  But when he thought of the altar he saw on the Brunhill, he felt very reasonable.

"This time I found a hideout of the Priory on the Brenhill, where there is an altar, the so-called Penglai Ascension Formation, which is basically a set of refining the human body, using people as medicine. "

  He roughly told what he had seen and heard before.

  Su Youzhu rested her chin, and complained: "The word den is very good, but with your understanding of the extraordinary world, how did you recognize the content in those murals? You actually know the human body is made?"

  Gu Jianlin cleared his throat: "Because I'm studying hard."

  The part about Senior Sister Tang was hidden by him, mainly because he was afraid that the girl would be jealous again.

   Now it seems that when Venerable Zhulong left the East China Sea, he did not just smash the Qilin Wedge and seal it. She must have left something else behind, so she needs to be guarded.

  Xu Fu is the gatekeeper she left behind.

  Including the ancestor of Kuilong, maybe it is the second insurance left by her.

"Wait a moment."

  Su Youzhu suddenly stared at the soul in the Requiem Bell, and Fox asked: "How can you know this level of secrets so clearly? It involves the ancient supreme, which is absolutely beyond your ability to handle."

Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhang said: "Because the reason why the Priory found out about this matter was because of the extermination case of the Lin family six years ago, and after that incident, I was promoted from a deacon to a councilor, and was developed into a An informant. And the Lin family is the family that guards this secret."

"Originally when the trial court found them, it was only because they were trying to find a way to evolve, but during the investigation, I found a thousand-year-old mural hidden by the Lin family, confirming that their ancestors had entered the Qilin Fairy Palace, and never Come out alive from within, thereby bringing out these secrets."

   "I did not report this matter, but passed it on to my superiors. At present, except for the members of the Priory, the Aether Association is not aware of this matter, otherwise it should have been investigated long ago."

  He said: "All the monastery is doing now is to find the inheritance of Venerable Candle Dragon."

  Gu Jianlin nodded slightly, everything is in line now.

  The inheritance of Venerable Zhulong is not the keel, because this thing cannot be used by others.

  In the incident of the Forest of Burial, what the Priory was looking for was the Qilin Wedge.

   It is not something left by Venerable Candle Dragon.

   "The third master also mentioned it at the beginning, and some people in the Youying Group also mentioned the inheritance of Venerable Candle Dragon. In fact, it is very likely that the Hermit Society deliberately released it, and used the power of the dark world to find this thing."

  Su Youzhu said thoughtfully.

  Gu Jianlin's heart moved: "Lin Wanqiu, she must be from the Lin family, right? Is she a member of the Priory?"

"No, Lin Wanqiu is the adopted daughter of the Lin family. She was the one who reported the secret experiment that the Lin family was conducting. The trial court trusted her very much. This woman is very shrewd and cautious. She never trusts anyone. The Priory wanted to promote her Control her when she was super-dimensional, but at that time she had quietly advanced to the fourth level."

Mr. Zhang said: "The mind control of the Priory must be carried out at the zero level, the third level, and the sixth level. If you miss it, you have to wait until the next stage. The current attitude of the Priory towards Lin Wanqiu is to observe , wait for her to show her flaws, and then find an excuse to imprison her and extract a confession."

   So it is!

   "I didn't expect that woman Lin Wanqiu to have two brushes."

  Gu Jianlin pondered for a moment, the five people who appeared in the ancient tomb back then were quite capable.

  A pharmacist is the strongest pharmacist in the extraordinary stage, and is invaluable.

   For any extraordinary organization, it is very important.

   And there is Xu Fuji in his hand.

   Not to mention Yueji, whether it is a cold little queen with superb talent and strength, a sweet voice, or a child bride-in-law left to him by his father, his family background is also very deep.

  Although the butcher seems to be brainless, his talent as a **** servant is impeccable. Even the first-generation Qilin Venerable will probably give him a chance when he sees this guy. The only shortcoming is that he is too stupid.

  Looking at it now, Siren is not an easy woman. Not only is she the adopted daughter of the Lin family, but she is also so scheming and cunning that she even avoided the Priory, which is really impressive.

  The only ordinary person is Shuweng.

  No features.

   Can only be used as a tool man for doing chores.

   "That woman Lin Wanqiu is actually so smart?"

  Su Youzhu was a little dazed: "I didn't find out."

  Gu Jianlin recalled getting along with that woman, and initially evaluated her as a snobby woman, but the Priory said that she never trusted anyone and was extremely cautious.

  So speaking, this is just her external disguise.

  Most people don't speak well of her, thinking she's a green tea bitch.

   Only Wanwan spoke for her.

  Gu Jianlin's portrait of her personality is also constantly being updated.

  Su Youzhu said coldly: "At the base of Heiyun City Walled, you were the one who wanted to kill Gu Jianlin?"

  Gu Jianlin's heart skipped a beat, she didn't expect that she would still remember this incident.

  Mr. Zhang said: "Yes, that is the person I arranged."

"Due to the existence of Gu Ci'an, the activities of the Priory have been greatly restricted. Although the control methods of the Priory are extremely secretive and inescapable, there will inevitably be a contrast between the behavior of the controlled person. Gu Ci'an's profile The ability to write is beyond common sense and cannot be avoided by any means."

He said: "In the past few years, through the abnormal behavior of some members of the Night Watchmen, he inferred that they were controlled, and indirectly discovered the existence of the Priory. This is intolerable by the Priory. When we realize If his son also possesses this ability, then we must find an opportunity to erase him."


  Gu Jianlin suddenly realized: "It turns out to be like this."

  Su Youzhu turned to stare at him: "What's wrong?"

"This is the real reason why the teacher chose me. At the beginning, he was guided by the clown incident, then the Heiyun Walled City, and then the forbidden area of ​​Westport. The teacher is not only helping me grow, but also letting me grow step by step. Feel the struggle and duality of human nature, and exercise my profiling ability."

  Gu Jianlin said softly: "What he wants me to see through is the human heart."

  Su Youzhu was silent for a moment: "The Green King is really a good teacher to you, right?"

  Gu Jianlin hummed.

  Su Youzhu looked at him with a flash of complexity in her beautiful eyes, and then disappeared without a trace.

   Next, Mr. Zhang has nothing of value here.

  Because the activities of the monastery must not be too frequent, there are only a few instructions over the years.

   But enough for tonight.

  The most important point is that Venerable Candle Dragon will come to Qilin Fairy Palace!

   Judging from all the current clues, this possibility is almost 100%!

  Since the incident of the God of Burial, Buzhou Mountain in the Pamirs has been revived. So far, horrible visions can be seen devouring the western dimension, and major TV stations are rushing to report.

  Ethereum Association also allocated a lot of attention to pay attention to that side.

  Peak Candle Dragon is about to be born.

  The juvenile unicorn is currently only the third level.

  This is a fart.

  Gu Jianlin sometimes really wanted to slap himself, why did he go to tease others in the first place.

  It's all right now, people are really coming.

  He learned from the pain and planned a countermeasure in his heart.

  First, advanced!

  Forging iron still requires one's own hard work, one must advance to the super-dimensional level as soon as possible, and one's own strength is the last word.

  Second, increase your power.

  The blood of the ancient gods is a good thing. We need to find suitable candidates as soon as possible and develop them into **** servants.

   It is best to follow the example of the Priory and infiltrate major organizations.

"The advantages of being an amphibious species must also be brought into play. Whether it is breathing or forbidden spells, I must learn it, not only for myself, but also for the believers under my hand. Only when the overall strength comes up, as the supreme I can recover as soon as possible. And in my hand, I currently have a ssr five-star card that can be raised."

  Gu Jianlin suddenly turned his head and looked at the girl beside him with burning eyes.

   "What are you doing looking at me like that?"

  Su Youzhu stared at him suspiciously, even feeling a little embarrassed.

  Gu Jianlin silently approached her.

  Su Youzhu didn't resist him coming closer, but felt her heart beating faster, and her snow-white cheeks were slightly hot.

   Thought this guy was enlightened.

  Finally interested in her, ready to do something to her.

  Suddenly, Gu Jianlin picked her up by the waist, opened the door and walked to her room, and went straight to the big bed.

  Su Youzhu was dumbfounded.

  What does he want to do.

   Is this going to be a bed sheet?

  Why isn't it in his room, and there is no lock.

  This is her first time, what if her parents find out by accident.

   And she is not ready, the necessary measures are not ready yet.

  The girl's cheeks were flushed, her whole body was hot, and she felt dizzy.

Gu Jianlin put her on the bed, pulled the quilt to cover her up, and his blunt tone softened a lot: "Your injury hasn't healed yet, don't stay up late tonight, get a good rest. I don't know where Go, I'll watch you next door. What do you want to eat tomorrow morning? I'll buy it for you."

   For a moment, Su Youzhu blinked her clear eyes, and breathed a sigh of relief.

   Fortunately, he didn't think about that, because it was too sudden.

   And she didn't want to be so hasty the first time.

  But this wood seems to have suddenly opened up, and his tone is no longer cold.

   Rare warmth, and know how to take care of others.

   Woohoo, I'm so touched.

   "I want to eat raw fried."

  Su Youzhu covered half of her face with the quilt, and whispered.

   "Okay, I remembered."

  Gu Jianlin stroked her hair and said, "Go to bed early, good night."

   dong dong.

  Su Youzhu was patted on the head, and at this moment, she seemed to be able to hear her own heartbeat, like a deer bumping wildly, messing up her heartstrings.

  Although she didn't know why he suddenly became nervous, she really enjoyed this kind of tenderness that she had never had before.

  She looked at his back and left. Although she was a little bit reluctant, but thinking that he was next door, her heart became sweeter, and she said with restraint: "Well... good night, don't disappear when you get up tomorrow."

  Gu Jianlin hummed, and gently closed the door.

  The living room was dark.

  He took a deep breath, and his expression returned to indifference.

   I'm sorry Yuju.

  Starting today, Supreme will give you strength.



  In the bedroom, Su Youzhu had no idea what was going to happen next.

  She just curled up comfortably under the blanket, took out her phone and sent three messages in a row.

   "Sister, today I was hugged by the princess."

   "Sister, he covered me with a quilt today."

   "Sister, he took the initiative to say good night to me today."

   About a minute passed.

  Su Youxia: "Don't be too happy, the family matter has not been resolved, don't forget the lesson of that woman and father. Our time is running out, we can't continue like this."

  The dim light from the screen illuminated Su Youzhu's delicate face.

  She suddenly fell silent.

  Su Youxia: "This time you entered the Qilin Immortal Palace without harvesting any grains, but were seriously injured. The promotion has also been delayed, right? The Candle Dragon Forbidden Curse mentioned by Uncle Gu has not been implemented in the slightest."

  Su Youzhu looked at the Moonstone Heart on the bedside table, fell silent, and retorted: "No, I have already got the Moonstone Heart, and I will be promoted to the fifth rank within this week. As for the Candle Dragon Forbidden Curse, although..."

  Suddenly, she seemed to hear an ancient call, the space around her shattered like a mirror, and scarlet blood poured out from the crack, as if to drown her.

  With quick eyesight and quick hands, she quickly took out the mask from the drawer to cover her face, and then wrapped it in the quilt.

  Although this seems stupid, there is no other way.

   It is not to guard against Venerable Qilin, but to guard against other people.


   The world is spinning and the world is shattering.

  When Su Youzhu regained consciousness again, she found that she did not appear in the tomb of Qilin Fairy Palace.

   But in a dark night.

  The darkness is filled with dense fog, and in the depths of the fog are countless black holes, as if you can glimpse the original darkness of the universe.

Accompanied by a loud bang, blood-colored vertical pupils lit up in the depths of the darkness, and a black dragon looming over the sky loomed. His body was so majestic, revealing the majesty between life and death beauty of.

  The dark world seems to have fallen into the netherworld.

   That's a dragon!

  Candle Dragon!

  In the depths of the darkness, there seems to be a silhouette of a peerless figure passing by, and his glance seems to make the world fall.

  Su Youzhu was so shocked that the quilt wrapped around her body fell off.

  She watched the black dragon soaring into the sky, as if she had fallen into an eternal nightmare.

  The taboo knowledge of the ancient times flooded into my mind, like the whispers of hundreds of millions of dead souls.

  She seemed to have realized something, and her mind was filled with the sound of the dragon chant that pierced through the world.


  In the dark depths, a majestic and indifferent voice sounded.

  So calm, but creepy, hidden huge mental fluctuations.

  Su Youzhu's pretty face hidden under the mask was as pale as paper, terrified.

  She sensed the will of the Supreme Being.

  If she can't learn the Candle Dragon Forbidden Curse within three days, she will be arrested and made a priestess!

  Wait, how did Venerable Qilin master the Candle Dragon Forbidden Curse?

  In an instant, she fell into an abyss.

  The blood all over the body is cold.

   At the same time, she saw something even more terrifying.

   Fragment of the Kylin Wedge.

  A broken sword was suspended in front of her.

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

  (end of this chapter)

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