The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 225: this is a good boy

  Chapter 225 This is a good boy

  In the coffee shop on the corner of the street, the sound of music is faintly heard, and the wind chime at the door is shaking with the wind.

  Gu Jianlin felt uncomfortable all over, frantically looking for opportunities to ask for help.


  Lu Zicheng poked him in the back of the eye, and signaled with his eyes not to panic, because he didn't know what was going on.

  Chen Qing, a fourth-level psychic, seemed to have lost all his abilities. He lowered his head and drank his latte without saying a word.

  Because Chen Bojun had ordered them in advance not to talk nonsense, not to mention a single word.

  Although I don't know why, I can only do it honestly.

"let me introduce."

  Chen Bojun cleared his throat and said seriously: "This is..."

   "Ji Zhou."

  The indifferent woman raised her sharp eyes and said lightly:

   "God general."

  The president of the ether association has six heavenly generals under his command, all of them are sanctuary-level powerhouses, and they can leverage the power of the wedge between heaven and man, so they are known as the patron saints of the human world.

  Gu Jianlin roughly understood.

  Although the original Vulcan General was slapped away by the teacher.

   But you can't say God will be weak.

   After all, in terms of the combat power of a **** general, killing him in the real world is like playing games.

   It's just because the teacher is too strong, there is only one person throughout the ages, and it cannot be measured by this standard.

  When Ji Zhou reported his family name, everyone's reaction was very interesting.

   "Dare to ask senior's title?"

   Lu Zicheng still couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked.

  Chen Qing knew why he asked such a question, because there are currently only six generals, each with a prominent reputation.

  The one in front of me has never appeared before.

  Chen Bojun quietly winked, telling the two of them to shut up.

  Ji Zhou seemed disdainful of answering, just picked up the iron spoon and stirred the coffee in the cup, took a sip, frowned and said, "This stuff is as bitter and unpleasant as before, far inferior to Tianxiang tea."

  She was clearly wearing a beige long windbreaker, and her makeup was also glamorous. There was a graceful and noble temperament in her gestures, as if she came from an ancient court, noble and inviolable.

   Gu Jianlin felt that this person was pretending, so he instinctively started to profile.

Suddenly, Ji Zhou raised his awe-inspiring eyes, glanced at him from top to bottom, and said indifferently: "The talent is not bad, the third-level commander has a remarkable record. The ordinary fourth-level is not your opponent. Going beyond the extraordinary level to challenge the super-dimensional, and looking at history is also ranked first. The frequency of breathing is good, and the realm of freedom."

  She lowered her head again, and glanced at the shadow reflected in the sun: "A true genius, of course, must master the forbidden curse, but those who can master the original forbidden curse are rare. Qilin forbidden curse is rare in the world."

  Gu Jianlin's hairs stood on end, feeling that he was seen through from the inside out, as if he was naked.

   "If you can choose a growth-type mythical weapon that suits you, your combat power will further increase."

Ji Zhou said lightly: "Although the talent is very good, the rank is too low. The weak ones are like paramecium. When you meet a real strong man, you can be crushed to death with one hand. What you need to do is to be promoted as soon as possible. Ultra-dimensional."

  She paused: "Although fighting skills can't be achieved quickly, they can't be dropped either. Mu Feng's martial arts realm is guaranteed to be the best in the world. You can ask him for advice, which will be of great benefit to you."

  To be honest, Gu Jianlin was a little confused.

  The parrot stood on his shoulder, rolling his eyes: "Who is this girl?"

   For a moment, Ji Zhou narrowed his eyes.

   "Don't care about it like a beast."

  Chen Bojun smoothed things over and said.

   "Bold! How dare you disrespect this deity!"

  The parrot continued to shout.

  Chen Bojun's eyes twitched slightly.

   "You two...yes, it's you."

   Ji Zhou raised his finger and pointed at the parrot: "Take this thing away."

  Chen Qing got up immediately, grabbed the parrot and left.

  Lu Zicheng also followed quietly. For some reason, he always felt inexplicable pressure.

  Who is this woman?

  Gu Jianlin felt that this woman sent them away on purpose.

   "When it comes to the existence of the Priory, the less people know about it, the better."

   Ji Zhou said lightly.

  Chen Bojun coughed dryly and said, "Xiao Gu, what do you want to say?"

Gu Jianlin briefly recounted the information obtained from yesterday's torture, and then reminded: "The next target of the Priory is Minister Lu. There will definitely be problems when she is promoted to the sanctuary this time, but so far, there is no problem. means to determine whether a person is a member of the Priory."

   "If my father is still alive, maybe it can be done. But I can't, I have too little contact with the members of the Aether Association, and I can't deduce the current anomaly from their past experiences."

He took out a hand-drawn drawing from his pocket, and said: "The Priory has a method called the Penglai Ascension Array, which is characterized by tattoos of boys and girls on the body. However, I cannot guarantee that the Priory will All members have the blessing of this matrix, so it cannot be used as a feature to judge the members of the Priory."

   Chen Bojun listened to his analysis, but did not ask him where the evidence came from.

   After contemplating for a moment, he said, "I admire you for your thoughtfulness."

  Ji Zhou also nodded in satisfaction: "That's right, but compared with your father, what you lack is the tact in handling things. For a loner, even if he masters profiling, it's useless."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback, and had to admit that the woman was right.

   "As for this Penglai Immortal Formation."

  Chen Bojun spread out the drawings with a dignified expression.

   Ji Zhou hurriedly glanced at the boys and girls painted on it, narrowed his narrow eyes and said in a deep voice:

   "Candle Dragon!"

   After saying this, Gu Jianlin was taken aback.

  He hasn't started talking about the origin of the Penglai Ascension to Immortal Formation yet.

   "Have you seen it?"

   Chen Bojun asked.

"Although Xu Fu abolished this kind of thing from the human body, it is not uncommon in the past and present. It's just that the so-called Penglai Ascension to Immortal Formation uses extraordinary methods, and it shows the characteristics of the Candle Dragon Clan. Obviously, this is Candle Dragon What the Venerable left behind. Xu Fu... was probably controlled by him."

  Ji Zhou seemed to have thought of something, and sneered disdainfully: "In this way, the fighting ability of the ascendant can indeed be enhanced...but it is definitely not its original use."

   As expected of a boss, he has extraordinary knowledge.

   There is no need to say the rest of Gu Jianlin's words.

   "So what's the correct usage for it?"

   he asked.

  Chen Bojun also showed a questioning look.

  Ji Zhou said lightly: "I'm not Venerable Zhulong, how do I know?"

   Well, impeccable answer.

   "Although I can't give evidence, Minister Lu's situation is indeed very dangerous."

   Gu Jianlin said.

  He will not say anything about Requiem Bell, including the imprisoned soul.

  No reason, just safety.

Chen Bojun nodded slightly: "Don't worry, we have 100% trust in you now, because there is the old man, the King of Green, and it is impossible for the Priory to turn you into their person. If the Priory can really do this, Then we don't have to struggle, just surrender to them."

   Ji Zhou sneered.

   "When will Minister Lu be promoted?"

   Gu Jianlin asked.

   "Tonight, the gate of the dimension will open again. Those of you who chose to return to reality before will enter the Qilin Immortal Palace again. This time, Zijin will also follow in and be promoted to the sanctuary."

Chen Bojun frowned for a moment and said: "But this time the situation is worse than you imagined. The promotion ceremony of the sixth-level celestial master is very troublesome. They need to go back to the basics. Use drugs to suppress the spirituality in the body, and she will become extremely nervous during this time." Weak, need to put people around her to protect her."

"To promote Zijin, one needs to find a mystical place in the Ancient God Realm called the Sea of ​​Eternal Life. It happens to be on the first floor of the Qilin Immortal Palace, and the dimension level is at level four. We need the sublimation of level four and below Those who act as guards, but they will also arrange sanctuary-level powerhouses to accompany them, in case anyone risks being sent out."

He paused: "But since you said that the members of the Priory have been eyeing her, this is really a bit tricky. Because Zijin has no time, and Zhang Xuzhi, the minister of Linhai District, is about to be promoted to the sanctuary. What they want to fight for It's the last place for a **** general. If you're one step late, you'll lose everything."

   Ji Zhou lowered his head and stirred the coffee, but did not comment.

  When Gu Jianlin heard this name, his pupils shrank slightly.

   "Minister Zhang Xuzhi, is Mr. Zhang's elder brother?"

  He said: "Member Zhang mentioned that the Priory also intends to control Minister Zhang Xuzhi."

  As soon as this remark was made, the coffee shop fell into silence.

  Chen Bojun turned his head and asked, "Minister Zhang's promotion ceremony, has it already started?"

   Ji Zhou hummed.

Gu Jianlin narrowed his eyes: "If the ceremony has already started, then it's a bit confusing. According to my experience, the control methods of the Priory are divided into different stages. At first it was a sacrificial ceremony, through a weird sacrifice ceremony , to exert influence on you. The second stage is to further control through contact."

  He hesitated for a moment, and said: "At this stage, you will see spiders, and most people have already fallen into madness. The real complete control may come after the ceremony begins."

   Now there is no way to determine whether Minister Zhang is under control.

  There is only one way.

   Kill people, arrest souls.

  Chen Bojun was taken aback.

"What did you say?"

   Ji Zhou said coldly, "Based on your experience?"

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a moment, as if he had acquiesced.

  At that moment, Chen Bojun was stunned, and his pupils trembled slightly.

  The tired middle-aged man seemed to have grown old all of a sudden, and he let out a long sigh.


  He leaned tiredly on the chair and said in a low voice: "You make us feel that we are really useless."

   Ji Zhou looked at the boy with flickering eyes, without saying a word.

  She didn't expect it either.

  These precious information was exchanged by the young man in front of him for using himself as a bait.

   "It's nothing, this method is useless to me, my father can do the same thing."

Gu Jianlin said calmly: "Don't worry about me. If these moths can be completely eradicated, the risk is nothing. I just want to ask... Does the president care about these things? This has already involved the foundation of the Ether Association. gone."

   Half a sound.

   Ji Zhou said flatly: "Maybe because she is a mediocre lord."

  Chen Bojun held back a sip of tea in his throat.


  Gu Jianlin was shocked, and said in his heart that I have nothing to do with you, I don't know you.

   "Why all the fuss, didn't you also say that the president is a mediocre person? Since she didn't do well enough, why didn't people say it? If she can do everything perfectly, who would dare to criticize her?"

  Ji Zhou said calmly: "As the highest guardian of order in this world, this is what she has to bear. In ancient times, emperors would be scolded for doing wrong things. Why can't she be scolded?"

  Chen Bojun stopped talking.

Gu Jianlin thought it was reasonable, but he still asked: "I advise you to be more cautious. Although it is true to say so, she is still here after all. The last time I spoke ill of her, she had already put on shoes for me. "

  Chen Bojun couldn't help laughing and said, "Do you still remember about the little princess?"


   Ji Zhou looked playful and asked, "What's my last name?"

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback.

   "I'm originally from the Ji family, and I'm still her general. What's wrong with saying a few words about her?"

  Ji Zhou said quietly: "I have not liked her for a long time."

  After finishing speaking, she got up and ordered: "The news from the Priory is very important, give this little brat a credit. Regarding the matter of Zijin, send an advance team tonight to investigate the Sea of ​​Eternal Life."

  Chen Bojun said seriously: "Understood, I will choose the list carefully."

   After finishing speaking, Ji Zhou stepped out of the coffee shop and disappeared into the sunlight in an instant.

  After she left.

   The pressure that enveloped the entire cafe was swept away.

   "Damn it."

  Lu Zicheng sat at the door, sweating profusely: "Director Chen, who is this? Why do I feel that I am more powerful than a general? Chen Qing doesn't even dare to use divination on her."

  Chen Qing said quietly: "From the beginning to the end, I was shrouded in an extremely strong coercion."

  Gu Jianlin frowned, but he didn't sense anything.

   "Who else can it be? It is said to be a general, and a relative of the president."

  Chen Bojun is unwilling to talk more about this topic: "Stop talking about these useless things, let's discuss the countermeasures first. We need to send people to explore the sea of ​​immortality first. Here is a relevant information."

  He turned around and said, "Xiao Gu, come and take a look."

  Gu Jianlin took the tablet computer he handed over and took a look.

  This is a video, in which there are towering snow mountains, melting glaciers, and suspended ice.

   In addition to this, there are ancient underground ruins, collapsed underground palaces, and broken sculptures.

   At the moment when the video transitioned, his pupils shrank violently.

  Because in the dark corner of the underground palace, there is actually a collapsed alchemy furnace, and there are still bones in the furnace!

  An idea immediately popped into Gu Jianlin's mind.

  The human body is refined!

  Xu Fu!



  The black Maserati parked quietly on the side of the road, and occasionally there were passing by internet celebrity beauties taking pictures.

  The old servant stood by respectfully, until familiar footsteps sounded from behind.

"you are back."

   He turned and said.

  The glamorous woman put her hands in the pockets of her windbreaker, her expression cold and indifferent.

  She raised her hand to wipe her face, and her appearance changed drastically. The exquisite facial features were cold and indifferent, especially those long and narrow red phoenix eyes, which were graceful and dignified, as chilling as the autumn wind.

   Even when you are old, you can still see the beauty of your youth.



   "Old Nine."

  Taihua suddenly said: "What did you say to me last time?"

  The old servant was taken aback.

   "You said, that is Gu Ci'an's son, you want me to be careful?"

  Taihua sneered.

  The old servant bowed his head in fear, and fell into great fear.

   "I don't really like him, but he's a good boy."

  Taihua said indifferently: "I think of this sentence now, and I really want to kill you."

  The old servant hurriedly lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Please give me death from the president!"

  Taihua was silent for a second, and suddenly said: "Forget it, you have been with me for too many years, let me forgive you for once. Lin Dong and Rhine are going to fight again, and there is one person that I find very unpleasant."

  She paused: "Go and kill him."

  The old servant took a deep breath: "Who is it?"

   "Wang... why is the king promoted?"

  Taihua was a little dazed.

   "Wang Taisheng!"

  The old servant said, "I'll go right away."

  In the Ethereum Association, many people think that their small thoughts will not be noticed.

   In practice, however, very little can escape the President's eye.

  Although I don't know where this person provoked the president.

   But please go to hell.

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

  (end of this chapter)

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