The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 227: Ji Zhou, the general

  Chapter 227 Ji Zhou, God General

  In the depths of the darkness, when Gu Jianlin heard the word Lin family, he already had a clear understanding in his heart.

The sea monster knelt down and explained earnestly: "In the past two thousand years, there have been many sublimation families in Fengcheng, a coastal city. Among them, the Gu family is the oldest and has declined now. The Lin family is the latest to appear. Yes, but until they were exterminated, they were the most powerful family in Fengcheng."

   "This is because the Lin family used the dimensional rift to enter the Qilin Immortal Palace more than a hundred years ago. At that time, Xu Fu, who was the gatekeeper, was no longer there."

  She paused: "The ancestors of the Lin family found the research product left by Xu Fu in a mystical place in the Qilin Immortal Palace. It is called the Penglai Ascending Immortal Formation. And that place is called the Sea of ​​Eternal Life!"

   Sure enough!

  Gu Jianlin didn't say a word, just waiting for the next one.

   "According to the judgment of the ancestors of the Lin family, Xu Fu should have left the underground palace a hundred years ago. He may have some kind of problem, so he went to find the sea of ​​immortality to find a solution."

The sea monster said: "Obviously, Xu Fu was controlled by Venerable Zhulong. Therefore, everything Xu Fu did was ordered by Venerable Zhulong. Now the Aether Association has issued a mission to explore the sea of ​​immortality. It's a pity that this Only Omega and Guardians are allowed to participate in this mission, and I will try my best to get this quota."

   "I will find out the secret of the Sea of ​​Eternal Life for you. This is something that few other people can't do. I am a member of the Aether Association. I can use their huge power to do this."

  She paused: "To me, this is a supreme honor."

  In the silence, there was a faint whisper: "But I think you have other purposes in exploring the sea of ​​eternal life."

  The siren was startled.

   "What is your relationship with the Lin family?"

  A very calm sentence made her hair stand on end.

The sea monster was uneasy and said in a low voice: "I am the orphan of the Lin family. The Lin family was purged by the trial court because of studying the Penglai Immortal Ascension Formation. Dozens of members of the Lin family used some special means to evade the investigation of the court."

  Her tone revealed great panic: "The trial court did not find the existence of the Penglai Ascension Formation, but later I quietly went back to the Lin family's underground secret room to search for those ancient objects, but found..."

  Suddenly, Gu Jianlin said indifferently: "Those things have disappeared."

  The siren was taken aback.

   "Just because the court didn't find out, doesn't mean others didn't find out. You've been being observed from the beginning to the end, but you don't know it. Fortunately, you still have value to those people, so they didn't attack you for a long time."

   Gu Jianlin said calmly.

  The siren fell into an ice cave for a moment, and the blood all over his body was cold.

  The great fear swallowed her like an endless vortex, making her cold and trembling.

   First of all, she has been watched all the time.

  Secondly, this ancient supreme is becoming more and more like a human being.

  And He was trapped in the Qilin Immortal Palace, how did he get these things!

   Could it be that he is out of trouble!

   For a moment, Siren's mind went blank, and he felt that he should faint on the spot.

  However, the next sentence made her almost faint.

   "Lin Lan, what is the relationship with you?"

  Gu Jianlin's words seemed like thunder.

  The Kraken's tender body was on the verge of falling, and it took a long time before she came back to her senses, and said in a daze:

   "My adoptive father's legitimate son is also my younger brother."

   So far, Gu Jianlin has figured everything out.

  In fact, logically speaking, he should directly bestow a drop of the blood of the ancient **** to control this woman.

   But the problem is, this woman is a member of the Aether Society.

  If you really become a servant of God, the probability of being discovered is too high.

  And if she doesn't have enough talent and explodes to death on the spot, it will be a blood loss.

   Let’s have a look again, at least survive this mission first.

  The Sea of ​​Immortality must be explored.

   And that Lin Lan is also a key figure, because this is Uncle Mu's teammate back then!

  Very critical witness.

   "Explore the sea of ​​immortality, and you will get what you want afterwards."

  Gu Jianlin paused every word: "I can do it myself."

  The Sea-Monster seems to be pardoned: "Thank you for the gift of the Supreme."

   "It's just that, in my capacity, I can't participate in this mission yet."

  She said: "Besides, I have been closely watched by several lackeys of the trial court recently, and I can hardly hide it."

   The darkness is collapsing, and she feels that she is far away from this world.

  In the end, there was only a faint whisper, echoing in my ears.

   "Of course someone will take care of this for you."




  Lin Wanqiu felt dizzy, and was already in the office when he regained his sight.

  There are alchemy talisman papers everywhere in the room, with mysterious and eerie patterns drawn on them.

   This is an alchemy matrix to prevent anyone from discovering her secret.

  Her charming and delicate face was full of bewilderment, she slumped on the chair in shock, her little black vest and white coat covered with cold sweat soaked like a gate, trembling slightly.



   This is God, and mortals have no secrets before Him.

  Only a stupid pharmacist old thief would think that he can blackmail an ancient supreme being.

  The sea monster is very fortunate that she is valuable. The secret of the Lin family involves Venerable Zhulong, and this is her trump card for daring to face the supreme being.

  As long as the Ether Association decides to explore the sea of ​​eternal life, her chance will come, and she can take this opportunity to pray to the Supreme for the blood of the ancient gods.

   After waiting for so long, I finally got my chance.

   At this moment, her cell phone vibrated suddenly, and a message came from the Deep Space Network.

   "Dear A-level investigator Lin Wanqiu."

   "Omega sequence, B-level investigator Gu Jianlin, invites you to join the guardian sequence."

"agree or not?"

  She stared at this scene with her beautiful eyes wide open, her pupils trembling.

how could this be.

   "Could it be that this little guy is also a supreme person?"

  Lin Wanqiu was terrified, countless possibilities popped up in her mind, but she suppressed them all.

   Stop thinking about it, these things have nothing to do with her.

  Lin Wanqiu agreed without hesitation, and was surrounded by a huge sense of security.

   Praise the Supreme!

However, when she looked at Twilight outside the window, she sighed softly, picked up the phone and said, "Doctor Liu, I'm going to enter the Ancient God Realm recently to participate in a mission. I'll leave the hospital to you, please." Be sure to take good care of the sick. Especially the Unclean in the Vault."

"Don't let them be bullied again, otherwise the chair killer will rush in and tear down our hospital. Well, there is also that set of pollution filter that can be put into use, please help me to pay attention to that named Wan Wan's little girl, she is so pitiful... The cost of treatment should be deducted from my account."

   She smiled slightly.

  Dr. Liu was taken aback during the phone call, and said in an unbelievable tone, "Captain Lin, are you sure? This course of treatment will cost several million. Can your family afford it?"

Lin Wanqiu rolled her eyes, and her voice became a little more charming: "What do you know, this time I entered the Immortal Palace, I had to rely on that handsome guy. First, I'll coax him well, so that I can come back alive. Do you understand?"

  Dr. Liu joked: "So that's the case, you really spent your money."

  Lin Wanqiu snorted, "If it wasn't for him not being interested in me, he can sleep with me..."



  The huge unicorn floating island covered the sky, and the world was pitch black.

  When Gu Jianlin regained his sight again, he saw the roaring yellow sand all over the sky, as well as quaint and majestic megalithic buildings, like a palace where giant gods inhabit, with huge strange stone statues all over the place.

  He stood in the quaint Stonehenge, and from time to time there was an aurora-like light flashing.

  Investigators come out of the matrix.

  Like a resurrection spawn point.

  In the process of opening up wasteland in the ancient **** world, people will build their own civilization here.

  Weak forces, established black markets.

   Those who are a little stronger will form tribes.

  The most powerful one can directly conquer and occupy a city of the ancient gods.

   It is said that when the Aether Association established Dawn City, it cleared out 60,000 living corpses here.

   Commander Lu, who was in the Dawn Operation Sequence, personally led the army, almost suppressed the tide of living corpses here, and even started a war with several ancient ancestors. It took half a month to completely occupy this place.

  Since then, this place has become the base of the Aether Association in the Ancient God Realm.

  The realm of heaven and man above the head is so brilliant, as if the sun is suspended above the sky.

  Gu Jianlin felt very uncomfortable. Although the breathing technique is strengthened here, his spirituality has long been saturated, and the effect of the realm of freedom is constant, and there is no need to strengthen it.

   Very annoying.

   "Brother Lin! Here, here!"

  I saw a little fat man wearing a headscarf waving to him, dressed like an Arab.

   More than enough.

  Nie Xiangsi followed him wearing a hood, smiling and waving at him.

   "You are also there."

  Gu Jianlin walked towards them, nodded slightly: "Where's Zhang Cheng?"

   "Oh, brother Cheng went back to his hometown to get married, his parents are not in good health, and he wants to have a grandson soon."

Cheng Youyu rubbed his hands excitedly, his eyes lit up, and he smacked his tongue and said, "Brother Lin, you may not believe me, but Xiangsi and I have already been promoted to the third rank, and we have become Omega, we will rely on you to cover us from now on! "

Nie Xiangsi smiled slightly and explained: "Because of the accident in the Burial Forest last time, many elites were lost. Since the war with Youying Group last night, many low-echelon Omegas have been seriously injured and forced to withdraw. So we were promoted exceptionally and are currently in the third tier."

  Gu Jianlin thought to himself: "Wait, start a war with Youying Group?"

   "Yes, for the blood of the ancient gods, we haven't finished fighting yet."

Cheng Youyu said: "There was a mixed bag of fish and dragons, a group of people fought back and forth, and the Brun Hill was directly sunk. They continued to fight until this afternoon, and then entered the Ancient God Realm from the entrance on the Westport side, and they are still fighting." .”

   "At present, my uncle is helping to dispatch the combat power, and he has not closed his eyes all day and night."

  Nie Xiangsi said: "This time is also a direct conflict between the Ether Association and the Youying Group."

   "Damn it!"

   The parrot screamed.

  Gu Jianlin saw that the expressions of the two were not right, he quickly pressed its beak, and changed the subject: "I came today to exchange for mythical weapons. Where is the resource pool of mythical weapons of the Omega sequence?"

   "Isn't this a coincidence?"

  Cheng Youyu slapped his thigh: "It happens that Xiangsi and I are going to exchange some materials, let's go together."

  Nie Xiangsi asked curiously, "How many meritorious deeds do you have?"

  Gu Jianlin also forgot about this, and then took out his phone and glanced at the official website of Deep Space.

   "I boil!"

  The parrot stared wide-eyed: "170,000!"

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback: "Why are there so many?"

   "Brother Lin, don't bring such a Versailles."

  Cheng Youyu had a toothache: "Are you carrying a few old gods?"

  Nie Xiangsi shook her head: "Then there won't be so many meritorious deeds."

  Gu Jianlin really didn’t have Versailles, the last time he came back from the Burial Forest, there weren’t so many.

   It's just that people won't believe this kind of words.

   It's better not to say.

"Brother Lin, have you never visited the City of Dawn? Let me tell you that this place is huge. The resource library of the Omega sequence, including the newly opened Yunyao Secret Vault, are all in the Hall of Valor. There are heavy guards here. There are two big bosses who sit in charge alternately. On weekdays, Director Chen is the one who guards the Hall of Valor, and occasionally a general will come to sit in charge."

Cheng Youyu complained: "This **** general has a bad temper and a very strange personality, especially his eyes, which are quite blood pressure. The strange thing is that he is obviously a **** general, but he doesn't know his title, and he doesn't even know my father. she."

  Nie Xiangsi hurriedly said: "Shhh, talk about the gods, are you crazy?"

  Gu Jianlin was slightly taken aback when he heard this: "What is the name of that general?"

   "Didn't I tell you? No one knows the title."

   "It is said that the people around the President."

   "Born in the Ji family."

  Gu Jianlin had a vague guess in his heart.

   Just then, he suddenly saw a strange building.

   This is a pyramid-like hall, and it is a hollow structure. The golden glow sprinkles from the gap, illuminating the darkness in the hall, and there are huge towering stone tablets.

  Rows of scarlet blood characters emerged on the stone tablet, flickering and disillusioned.

"what is that?"

   Gu Jianlin asked.

   "Oh, it's called blood..."

  Cheng Yu got stuck, and he was also illiterate.

"This is a blood tablet. There was hatred and killing among the ancient gods. Wars broke out between different clans from time to time, including the same clans. According to legend, Venerable Qilin would use the blood of his enemies to kill the ancient gods. Carve the name of the enemy on it. As long as you take the head of the enemy to meet, you will receive the supreme gift."

  Nie Xiangsi explained: "In the ancient world of gods, humans also imitated this tradition and established blood-lettered steles. Most of these are red-named sublimators on the wanted warrants, and they are the targets of the Aether Association."

   Gu Jianlin wanted to learn it.

  At this moment, he suddenly saw a familiar name on the blood tablet.

  Yue Ji.

   Reward merit: 54,680 points!


  Gu Jianlin narrowed his eyes: "So many rewards?"

Cheng Youyu took a look and said, "Oh, Brother Lin, do you remember the Wang Taisheng who was beaten by you? He used all his belongings, including meritorious deeds and wealth, as rewards. These meritorious deeds are just small things. As the inspector of the night watchman, his family background is quite rich."

   "In order to kill Yue Ji, he really did everything he could."

   He cleared his throat.

  Nie Xiangsi poked him once, signaling him not to talk nonsense.

  Many people in the Ethereum Association know that Gu Jianlin and Yue Ji have a very close relationship.

  However, at this moment, the reward under Yue Ji was suddenly emptied.

  Her ranking suddenly fell to the bottom.

"How is this going?"

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback.

   "Oh, I forgot to tell you about this. Inspector Wang Taisheng was dismissed today."

  Cheng Youyu said: "Brother Lin, your news is out of date."

   "No, not dismissal."

  Nie Xiangsi whispered, "He is dead."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback: "Dead?"

   "Yes, after being dismissed today, Wang Taisheng was unconvinced and made troubles everywhere. Then in the hotel in the afternoon, he was assassinated inexplicably and died. It was claimed to be a sudden stroke, but in fact he was killed."

  Nie Xiangsi said in a low voice: "My uncle said that all his assets were confiscated."

  Cheng Youyu was taken aback for a moment: "All assets were confiscated? Didn't he die because of factional fighting?"

  Gu Jianlin frowned. Although he said he was going to die, it was too strange.

  Before he did anything, he was already dead.

   "Leave this alone, don't talk nonsense when you go to the Hall of Valor, that **** will have a bad temper."

  Cheng Youyu said: "Brother Lin, don't make fun of me!"

  Nie Xiangsi said in a low voice: "It is said that the mysterious general just beat up a certain person a few days ago because he didn't like it, and threw him on the street on the spot."

  The so-called Hall of Heroes is also a building of the ancient gods. It looks like a pitch-black spire, and the interior is a palace made of countless mirrors. There are black stone steps that spiral up to the sky and go straight to the top.

  Countless huge stone statues hang their heads down, as if lost people are seeking salvation.

  A woman in a beige trench coat stands here with a cup of tea in her hand, admiring these sculptures.

   Gu Jianlinxin said that it was indeed her.

   Ji Zhou!

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

   There is another update, it will be early in the morning, you can watch it tomorrow



  (end of this chapter)

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