The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 231: Tsukihime: I'm terrified

  Chapter 231 Yue Ji: I'm Terrified

  The fully armed jeep is driving on the endless desert.

   "Chasing! Give me a hard chase!"

Master Liu held the steering wheel, slammed on the accelerator, and shouted: "Don't let the **** of the trial court get that drop of blood of the ancient god, and don't let that **** Si Wei'an get it! Butcher, give me a hard hit! The blood of the ancient gods is ours!"

  As the director of Youying Group, he rarely drives by himself, but this time he is really on top.

  His eyes were bloodshot and his face was ferocious.

  Like a bull.

   "Understood! Third Master!"

  The butcher is also very excited. He is not interested in the blood of the ancient gods, but simply likes fighting.

  Especially those who beat up the Inquisition.

   "Sister Yue Ji, are you okay?"

  Miss Lan sat in the back seat, turned to look at the girl beside her: "Is the injury still not healed?"

  The current Yueji has once again used the yin and yang twin jade pendants to create a clone, and has completed the ceremony. She can make a spiritual breakthrough at any time and be promoted to the fifth-level Yuesi.

   Except she wasn't happy at all.

  She was stressed and wanted to die.

   "It's okay, I just didn't sleep well last night."

   Yue Ji said weakly.

  Miss Lan looked at this woman suspiciously. Her boyfriend just helped her get the Moonstone Heart, and today she looks so weak, it's hard not to imagine.

   "What did you guys do last night? Did you have sex? All night?"

  She said reservedly: "How does it feel?"

Yue Ji wore a mask, her eyes were empty and unfocused, the hair on the top of her head stood up, she wrapped her down tightly, and said quietly: "No, if it was sex, I probably wouldn't be so tired? I heard people say , that kind of thing is very comfortable except for the first time it hurts a little."

Miss Lan took a deep look at her, and said: "No need to explain, I admit that I have some problems with men's vision, but if I meet a man who is willing to ring the bell for me, I will stay up all night. "

Ha ha.

  Yueji had an idea in her heart for no reason.

  What kind of thing are you, that you can compare me with the eyes of a man?

  She hurriedly stopped her thoughts, extremely nervous.

  Last night for the whole night, she practiced crazily in that dark world.

   I don't know what happened to Venerable Qilin all of a sudden, for no reason, he wanted to give her strength.

  At first, she thought that she had nothing to do with the Candle Dragon Forbidden Curse.

   I didn't expect to go around and go around, I still have to learn.

  Her comprehension is good, and she has every hope of mastering the Candle Dragon Forbidden Curse.

  But I haven't learned it yet, and the side effects have already appeared.

  Whether it is comprehending the forbidden spell or casting the forbidden spell, there will be certain side effects.

  Yue Ji has now realized the horror of the side effects, because her emotions have been affected, and she finds that she has become extraordinarily arrogant, like the queen who looks down on the world, and she has to look down on everything.

   It doesn't look pleasing to anyone, as if they are all rubbish.

  And this kind of influence is subtle, and you may speak your mind at any time.

   It was horrible.

   What does Venerable Qilin value in her? Can't she change it?

   Of course, this is not the scariest thing yet.

  The most frightening thing is that the shards of the Qilin Wedge are now on her body!

  It's like carrying a nuclear bomb with you, and you're terrified.

  The most important thing is that this nuclear bomb will disappear from time to time, and then reappear in her consciousness.

   It's a ghost story.

   "Who owns the blood of the ancient **** now?"

  Yueji asked calmly.

  She wanted to rush over to fight.

"The first few who once won the blood of the ancient gods were the president of the Baqi Shrine in Yingzhou, the vice president of the Olympiad Association in North America, and a pharaoh in Egypt. Now they are all dead. It is currently the trial court Deacon Wang took away the blood of the ancient gods, and this is the one that took over the longest."

  Miss Lan played with the copper coins in her hand, and said: "Because Ji Han and Ji Ye of Omega are protecting him. These two are descendants of the Ji family, and they are very powerful in fighting."

"I see."

  Yue Ji looked at the yellow sand outside, and could vaguely hear a huge roar.

  At this time, the roar of a helicopter came from overhead.

   "Don't worry about the third master, just go after Deacon Wang for me."

  The face of the old man of the Si family was gloomy, and he said every word: "Tonight, we will bury him."

   This is a gray-haired old man, already in his dying years, withered and shriveled like a rotten tree, but his aura sitting on the seat is gloomy and cold, and his eyes are extremely frightening.


Si Wei'an looked down, fixed his eyes on the petite figure in the jeep, the smile on his face gradually widened, and he said fiercely: "Yue Ji, she is still alive! She is not dead! She came here in the underground ruins back then. It’s something that has done me wrong, the shards of the Qilin Wedge must be in her hands! Uncle, let me go down and kill her!”

  Suddenly a pale will-o'-the-wisp ignited on his forehead, illuminating his ferocious face.

  Old Master Si's face darkened: "Presumptuous!"

  Si Wei'an's expression twisted violently.

"I know, you have always been cautious, you know the truth of being pregnant, you even pretended to be crazy to cover up yourself. But don't be afraid, with your uncle by your side, who can touch you? What's more, Master You Ming also spoke , as long as you need to use the unicorn wedge fragments, you can hand them over temporarily."

  Old Master Si leaned on a cane and said, "That thing is still yours!"

  Si Wei'an suppressed a low growl: "How many times have I told you, the pieces of the Qilin Wedge are not in my hands!"

Old Mrs. Si waved his hand: "How is that possible? With your ingenuity, you have been planning for eight years, and even my hexagrams show that you are safe. What are you afraid of? Besides, the identity of Yue Ji this time is not simple, although she is not from the Jiang family. People, but the blood of the Jiang family is also flowing on your body, you must not move, you know?"

  The will-o'-the-wisp on Si Wei'an's forehead rioted wildly, and the huge humiliation made his pupils turn blood red!

  Why is no one believes him!


   During this period of time, the huge humiliation and anger made his mind even more crazy.

   As we all know, the crazier the path of God, the more powerful it is.

  He is almost heading for the sixth step!


  I saw a car in front of me explode.

  The Deacon Wang of the trial court, Yu Jianfei, this is a fifth-level sword soul!

  The invisible and intangible air realm expanded suddenly, pushing away the wind and sand all over the sky like an overwhelming sea, covering all directions.

  Where they passed along the way, cacti were crushed and dead trees turned into powder.

  Boundary of Qi!

  Hime Ye stood in the burning sea with his arms folded, looking wild and strong like a cheetah.

  Ji Han had a cold face, holding an ancient and heavy iron shield covered with golden spells.

  Two fifth-order realm kings joined forces to push the Qi Realm, forming an indestructible barrier!

  Helicopters whiz by.

   "A member of the Ji family? Just right."

  Old Master Si raised his withered right hand, and the yellow sand all over the sky rolled up into the sky like waves.

  An ancient forbidden curse, a wild burial in the sand sea!

   Generally speaking, auxiliary occupations do not have combat capabilities.

  But there is one exception, that is after mastering the forbidden spell!

   "Wei An, prepare to do something."

   He said indifferently.

  Although Si Wei'an was unwilling, he still looked at the siblings of the Ji family with cold eyes.

   At the same time, a calm voice sounded in the communication channel.

   "Everyone, get rid of them as soon as possible and get the blood of the ancient god."

It was Hela's voice: "We just got the news that Lu Zijin, the head of the Fengcheng District, is on his way to the Sea of ​​Immortality at the moment, and will pass through the Silent Wasteland in two hours. It will be an excellent ambush location. Since the ether The association declared war on us last night, so use the head of a minister as a reward."

  She paused: "This is an order from Master You Ming."

  The voice fell, and there was a loud rumbling sound.

  The directors of Youying Group collectively launched a fierce attack!

  The Realm of Qi has been bombarded indiscriminately!

   No one disputes this order.

  Because they are all from the dark world, they were originally intended to be hostile to the Aether Association.

   There is only one exception.

  Yueji's beautiful eyes flickered with a cold light.

  Not long ago, Gu Jianlin just sent her a message, informing her of the itinerary.

  If Minister Lu is already on his way to the Sea of ​​Eternal Life, there is a high probability that he is with him.

   This is Tsukihime's intuition.

   "It stands to reason that Minister Lu should disguise himself and act secretly."

  She stroked the stone bead on her wrist, and murmured in her heart: "Why was it discovered so quickly?"



  The transport vehicle galloped on the wasteland, the sky was flowing sea water, and the sky was dim.

  Chen Qing is in charge of driving. As a fourth-level psychic, she has a good sense of direction and overall situation. She can avoid attacks from many monsters and living corpses along the way, and can also predict the traces of the ancient gods.

   "Sit tight, it's going to be a little bumpy."

   She said lightly.

  Lin Wanqiu smiled and said, "I will use the holy light technique to help you relieve fatigue."

  She looked out at the yellow sand sky, her beautiful eyes were still full of worry.

  The two unlucky alchemists are still tinkering with potions: "If you are hungry, we have a secret energy potion here."

   "It's so boring. I haven't even encountered an ancient **** species on this journey. I still want to hunt a skinned and cramped one as a material. Maybe I can make a good alchemy weapon." Lu Zijin looked out the window.

  As a minister who lost her combat effectiveness, she didn't wear Lolita today. Instead, she wore a thick white down jacket and a little black dress, paired with black stockings and boots, which was very eye-catching.

   After all, she has to keep a low profile now and not be too conspicuous.

   "If you really encounter an ancient **** species, you won't hunt and kill it!"

  Ji Xiaoyu said unhappily: "That's us hunting! Aunt Zijin, you are as weak as a paramecium now!"

   Obviously, these two people have known each other for a long time.

   "Presumptuous! How many times have I said, call me sister!"

  Lu Zijin stared: "Also, don't learn your grandmother's catchphrase! You are the paramecium!"

  Ji Xiaoyu retorted: "You are a paramecium! Why do you have to run to our place? Oh, I see, you must think that I am invincible in talent, so you come here to seek protection?"

  Lu Zijin rolled his eyes: "Ah, yes, yes."

   Along the way, the carriage was very lively and everyone was chattering.

  Gu Jianlin didn't talk to him all the time, just sat on the chair and closed his eyes to rest his mind. The rhythm of his breathing seemed to blend into the rhythm of nature, but this time it was not the frequency of the realm of freedom.

   Rather, a new, unprecedented frequency.

   This is the frequency that Ji Zhou deliberately displayed in front of him before leaving the Hall of Valor.

  He deliberately recorded this frequency, and now he is practicing it repeatedly.

   Breathing is amazing, because when you practice breathing, that rhythm can be remembered and passed on to others. But if it is the field of display, it is an instant change.

  In the Hall of Valor, Ji Zhou breathed in front of him for a long time, which made him remember the rhythm.

  At that moment, the senior's eyes were slightly golden, and the realm of heaven and man also fluctuated.

Gu Jianlin felt that this rhythm might belong to the realm of heaven and man. If he could learn it secretly, he would earn money. In the future, no matter whether he was facing the ancestor of the ghost car or the old monster of Venerable Candle Dragon, There are advantages.

   However, the advanced field of breathing requires emotional brewing.

   What is needed in the realm of freedom is courage.

  The realm of heaven and man, but I don't know what kind of emotion is needed.

   "Minister Lu."

  Gu Jianlin suddenly opened his eyes, and a golden color flashed across his eyes, and he asked curiously, "Is the greatest benefit of becoming a **** general, is being able to grasp the wedge of heaven and man?"

  Lu Zijin replied casually: "Yes, then we can accept the coherence, master the breathing technique of the realm of heaven and man, and thus have the qualification to leverage the power of the wedge of heaven and man."

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a second. He just used the breathing technique of the realm of heaven and man, but no one in the carriage noticed his abnormality: "Doesn't anyone in the Ji family know it too?"

   "Are you kidding me?"

  Ji Xiaoyu curled her lips: "Grandma won't teach us breathing techniques."

   Gu Jianlin thought that he had taught it long ago, it’s just that you stupid guys didn’t understand it.

   "You just said that paramecium is the mantra of the president?"

  He remembered something and asked seriously.


  Ji Xiaoyu said carelessly: "The president thinks we are all paramecia, but she is not!"

  Gu Jianlin suddenly felt a little strange, that senior also called him a paramecium.

   "By the way, do you know Ji Zhou?"

  He asked: "A general."

  Unexpectedly, Ji Xiaoyu was stunned: "Who, the Ji family? I don't know how many years it has been dead? Anyway, I don't know that there is such a person. And he is a general? How is it possible?"

  Lu Zijin also frowned: "Ji Zhou? A general? Why don't I know? Maybe it's a pseudonym?"

  Gu Jianlin's eyes were suspicious, and he suddenly became confused about the identity of that senior.

   "The senior said that she is over 400 years old and has known the president for many years."

   He added: "It's a woman."

   "I remember that there are three generals who are all women, and they have accompanied the president for hundreds of years."

  Lu Zijin rested his chin on his hand and said in confusion, "I don't know who you met."

   "Never mind her!"

  Ji Xiaoyu waved his hand.

  Gu Jianlin found out that the two of them didn't know, so he didn't ask any more questions.

  Because of Minister Lu's appearance, he was under a lot of pressure.

   The advanced matters have not been settled yet.

  Although I exchanged a lot of materials in the Hall of Valor, I still lack the hair of the charming girl.

  I don't know how to complete the final ceremony.

   can only strengthen combat effectiveness from other aspects.

  He continued to close his eyes and meditate, exhaling breathing techniques.

  The fragments of the Qilin Wedge also contain the knife named Jiuyin, which needs to be contained and tamed.

   At this moment, he suddenly sensed something, and his complexion changed slightly.

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

   Today is 7,000 words, if you don’t have a chapter, you have to vote more, it’s so painful to stand alone!



  (end of this chapter)

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