The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 233: Miss, you don't want to...

  Chapter 233 Miss, you don't want to...

  Beside the campfire in the cave, charred logs crackled.

   "Urgent notice, the seventh unit was attacked by the ghost group in the ruins of Baru City!"

   "Urgent notice, the twelfth unit was attacked by the ghost group in the northern part of the funeral forest!"

"emegency notice…"


  The sandstorm came and the communication signal was disturbed.

  The two guardians of the Lu family were fiddling with instruments at the entrance of the cave, but they couldn't fix them no matter what.

  Gu Jianlin listened to these reports on the communication channel, and it seemed that the Youying Group was indiscriminately attacking, and it was pure revenge based on the incident on the Brun Hill, and did not know the specific location of Minister Lu.

   But for some reason, he always felt a little uneasy.

   "There are no ancient gods around, no spiritual fluctuations, and no one is following us."

  The pure white in Chen Qing's eyes gradually returned to normal. The divination of the fourth-level psychic is so easy to use.

   Without this kind of assistance, you have to worry about it all the time.

"In view of the attack by the Youying Group, my suggestion is to wait until the sandstorm is over, and cross the silent wasteland from the east as soon as possible to reach the Sea of ​​Eternal Life. There are still four teams in the east. If we encounter danger, we can also ask other teams for help. Also Or, in the name of asking for help, we change the route and move closer to other teams."

  Lu Qingqing took out the tablet and analyzed: "Our purpose is to protect the commander. We have no obligation to assist other teams. The only purpose is to send my sister... Minister Lu to the Sea of ​​Eternal Life."

   Zhou Ming nodded: "Captain Lu participated in the exploration of the Sea of ​​Eternal Life last time. Although she only used drones to detect it from a long distance, she is more familiar with the landform and environment here than us."

   "The eastern region is still competing for the blood of the ancient gods, and the top ten Omega are participating in the action."

  He said: "The more chaotic the situation, the more we can fish in troubled waters."

   Every time this kind of topic is mentioned, Ji Xiaoyu starts to speak: "What are you afraid of? If you really encounter an attack, just do it! I'm afraid they won't work? The new poison I developed will definitely make them come and go!"

   Stupid kid!

  Lu Zijin rolled his eyes, and said flatly: "I'll listen to you, as long as you think it's okay."

   "Xiao Gu, come here."

  She got up and hooked her fingers towards the boy.

   Gu Jianlin was puzzled and followed.

  Lu Qingqing and Zhou Yiming frowned. The real leader of this mission is actually Minister Lu.

  This kind of private conversation makes them very uncomfortable, and they always feel that they are excluded.

   "Minister Lu."

  Gu Jianlin suddenly asked, "What's the matter?"

   With a lollipop in his mouth, Lu Zijin gave him a half-smile and said, "Speaking of which, do you know what your teacher has to do with my father... the head of the Lu family?"

  Gu Jianlin shook his head.

"The Lu family is a relatively large family of sublimators. They had been stationed in North America before, and they were transferred here after the danger level of the Qilin Fairy Palace was raised. My father is the commander-in-chief of the first army in the Dawn Operation Order. The teacher was a comrade-in-arms relationship back then, and the relationship was not very harmonious, but the interests were the same."

  Lu Zijin narrowed his eyes, and said lightly: "My original intention was not to choose this team...Of course, if I change to another team, then you and Xiaoyu will not choose this team."

  Gu Jianlin frowned: "What do you mean?"

   "Including my sister, will follow me."

  Lu Zijin said: "However, the old man, the King of Green, insists on having you in this team."

  Gu Jianlin thought for a moment: "Zhou Ming? I have nothing to do with him, wait!"

  He suddenly knew.

  The purpose of the teacher is the two people from the trial court.


  Lu Zijin glanced at him sideways, and said with a snort, "Although I don't know how those two people provoked the King of Green, but what else could the old man arrange for these two people by your side?"

  Gu Jianlin thought about it, and he could only kill them.

  Lu Zijin smiled and said, "Go, I'll help you."



  Lin Wanqiu was worried all the way, because she didn't feel safe.

  Her hands and feet are not clean, because she has another layer of identity.


  As one of the five people who entered the tomb at the top of Qilin Fairy Palace, sometimes she felt that she was the daughter of destiny, the heroine in the novel, with great luck, and the real protagonist.

   Contacted an ancient supreme as a fourth-order identity.

   But in fact, this is not the case. Not only did her goal not be achieved, but it brought endless risks.

At the beginning, she actually stumbled into the dimensional rift by mistake. It was very difficult for a priest without fighting power to survive in such a dangerous ancient **** world. She was not accidentally infected, but fortunately Found this grotto as a refuge, and used the alchemy matrix she developed to suspend the distortion.

   At that time, her mental state was abnormal, so she didn't think too much.

   Therefore, a huge flaw was left.

  Until she stumbled out and ran into Apothecary's team.

  It took several months for her to realize the incident. When the land reclamation team from the Aether Association came here, she would definitely be at risk of being exposed, because the alchemy matrix is ​​here!

"According to our divination and investigation, the alchemy matrix here is newly developed by the Medical Department of the Aether Association, and it is used to help the unclean suppress distortion and pollution. But obviously, the alchemy matrix here is only a prototype and not perfect. At that time, When you heal those unclean people, I think of you."

  Li Yijie pointed to his head: "I'm a psychic with a strong intuition."

  Wang Jingchuan moved his limbs. He is a fourth-order dragon slayer path, and he feels extremely oppressive.

  Lin Wanqiu backed away step by step, and said in a cold voice, "Sorry, I don't understand, please step aside."

   "We didn't want to do anything to you either."

  Wang Jingchuan sneered and said: "We are just curious about one thing, how did you get out of the Qilin Fairy Palace alive? Or, what did you get in the Qilin Fairy Palace?"

Li Yijie chuckled: "I checked carefully, and the time when this alchemy matrix appeared coincided with the time when "Xu Fu Ji" was lost. Your teammates should be those who defected, right? You found Xu Fu and stayed here Your treasure, right? If I remember correctly, you are still a descendant of the Lin family!"

  Great fear exploded in Lin Wanqiu's heart, she knew she couldn't get through.

   Once this secret is discovered, she will be forever lost.

   "Don't panic, we won't do anything, and don't scream."

  Li Yijie smiled and said: "We didn't even tell the court about this matter, don't you understand what we mean? Sister Wanqiu, what we want is to share secrets!"

  Wang Jingchuan came to the woman's side, patted her on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Sister Wanqiu, you don't want your secret to be known by the court, do you? Then you have to be more sensible."

  The two of them looked at the woman's graceful and graceful figure, and the light of desire flowed in their eyes.

  Lin Wanqiu knew that no matter how hard she struggled, it was useless, the fatal handle had already fallen into their hands.

   Even if she yells now and attracts the attention of others, it will be a dead end.

   Sure enough, the risk of being an insider is too great.

   No matter how careful you are, you will still be discovered.

   She clenched her palm tightly and watched the two men approaching.

  Close your eyes, your full chest undulates slightly.

  She knew what was likely to happen next, and a life threatened was no different from being in hell.

  All the trump cards and tricks have been dug out bit by bit.

  Until she no longer has the ability to resist and is at the mercy of will.

  Her thoughts turned sharply, quickly thinking about countermeasures, her delicate body tensed up, and her whole body felt cold.

   "That's right, Miss Wanqiu, hehehe."

  The men in the darkness looked at each other and smiled: "Come on, tell me first, what is your secret..."

  However, at that moment, Wang Jingchuan suddenly lowered his head, and saw a line of blood was cut on his neck at some point, and the blood gushed out, staining his skirt red.

  He clutched his chest, staggered back a few steps, and turned to look at his companion.

  The terrified eyes seemed to say: You trash!

   Li Yijie was also stunned when he saw this scene. Just now, his perception field was fully stretched, and any disturbance could not escape his capture, even the slightest spiritual fluctuation would be noticed.

  How is this possible!

The cold wind whizzed by, and I saw a blood-red silhouette of a peerless beauty fleetingly. He had noble and ferocious dragon horns on his head, and long hair like a waterfall hanging down. His face was like a celestial being. The blush on her face was as thick as blood, and her eyes seemed to be overlooking the world from the clouds.

  His whole body was shrouded in a faint mist, like a ghost.

   Just being glanced at, seems to feel like falling into an ice cave!

  Even so, Li Yijie still made the most correct reaction, rolling his eyes quickly!

  Thinking interference!

   This is the ability of a fourth-order psychic, which can interfere with your spirit and thinking.

   Lets you bash your teammates!

  Lin Wanqiu feels like falling into an ice cave, feeling the fear of being beheaded at any time!


   Li Yijie lowered his head, only to see a dagger pierced into his heart, and the blood was smudged.

  The beautiful phantom looked at him as if looking at a fool, with mocking eyes.


  Li Yijie couldn't figure out why until his death, and fell headlong to the ground.

   It was just a moment of effort, and the two fourth-orders died just like that.

   Well, it's not that they are too weak.

  The main reason is that Sister Zhulong is really too strong, so powerful.

  Especially with the lock of non-existence, it is undoubtedly the strongest assassin, bar none.

  This kind of unreasonable assassination requires you to be a warrior who has experienced many battles, and you must have enough defensive means on your body, and you must be vigilant at all times in order to compete with it.

   Unfortunately, these two people are neither good at dealing with the way of killing ghosts, but also let their guard down too much.

  The ending can only be second.

  After a brief absence, Lin Wanqiu was not intimidated by these two men.

   Instead, he was terrified by the shadow, and subconsciously wanted to scream.

  Suddenly, Gu Jianlin appeared behind her and covered her mouth.

  Lin Wanqiu sensed the scent on the boy, and was stunned.

  Gu Jianlin's clothes were all washed by the beautiful iceberg girl at home, and they smelled of perfume.

  It smells good and is easy to identify.

   "This lady."

  Gu Jianlin said calmly: "You don't want your secret to be known by others, do you?"

  Lin Wanqiu: "..."

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

   After a long night, I finally finished writing and went to bed!



  (end of this chapter)

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