The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 236: Yue Ji: I am invincible!

  Chapter 236 Yue Ji: I am invincible!

  In the desolate ruin-like city, the sound of explosions soaring into the sky disturbed the silence of the night.

  I saw the convoy of motorcycles shuttle through the ruins, flexibly dodging arrows and bullets galloping one after another, and occasionally rockets exploded behind them, roaring endlessly.

   This is already the sixth wave of battle tonight, which can be called a death relay.

  The deacon king of the trial court is dead.

  Youying Group also paid a painful price for this.

  Currently, Instructor Wan of the Omega sequence holds the blood of the ancient god.

   is fleeing wildly with a few fifth-order Omega.

   Several directors of Youying Group followed closely behind.

  The scene was once very tragic.

   is also very happy.

Nether wandered in the ancient monastery, looked at the stone statue standing in the dark, and said with a smile: "Sometimes I can't understand human desires, a blood of the ancient **** can make them so crazy. But that's okay , people in the dark world are always a little hostile, let them vent a bit."

   "Since the Dark World was pierced by the King of Blue, it has been a long time since we saw such a grand event."

  He took a paper and a pen, and sketched the ruins here as he walked: "This is what the dark world should really look like. I am very happy to see the order that my aunt has worked so hard to maintain is destroyed."

I saw a white-haired young man squatting in front of the ancient mural, carefully observing the traces of civilization left by the endless years, with a focused and curious expression, and said lightly: "Once upon a time, you were also the successor trained by the president. If it weren't for your betrayal, the current Rhine would not be able to sit in such a high position."

  You look like a teenager at first glance, but you think he is very old.

  Three thousand feet of white hair, looking back is the vicissitudes of life.

   "Everything is for the king."

  You Ming said solemnly: "The king is the only solution to this absurd and crazy world. It's a pity that my aunt's vision is too bad, too indecisive, and her thinking is too pedantic."

The young man was silent for a moment, then shook his head: "Don't say that, your aunt is undoubtedly the top three pillars in human history. Her unrivaled achievements dare to be subdued by God. However, she came from the age of blood and fire. Those who have come, the civilization of the sublime, the order maintained by the ether association, this is all she has."

  “Anyone who wants to deny her entire past is no longer herself.”

  He said: "Even Wang Fusheng must admit the greatness of this order."

  You Ming put his hands behind his back: "Is this what the king said?"


  The young man said lightly: "One thing Wang always regrets is that he has no way to prove to others that he is right."

  You Ming caressed the diary in his arms, and sighed full of regret: "Wang Mingming can predict the future, but he can't prove that he is right. What a sad thing this is."

  The boy shook his head.

   "Predicting the future is a false proposition."

   He said: "How do you know that the prophecy is true until it is fulfilled?"

   When the clock strikes midnight, a new day has arrived.

  You Ming opened the diary with great anticipation, and saw a new page.

  There is only one sentence in this page of the diary.

   "On May 6, 2022, Lu Zijin hid in the third unit of the Dawn City Transportation Team."

  This kind of prophetic miracle is no longer used to the senior management of Youying Group.

   "Why does Wang keep staring at Lu Zijin?"

  You Ming shook his head and said, "That's just a little girl."

  The boy smiled and said, "You need to know one thing."

  You Ming raised his eyes: "Huh?"

   "Everything the king does is playing games with the king of green."

The young man shrugged: "If you see something incomprehensible, it must be that the Green King made a bet first, and then the Red King followed suit. When the Ancient Sovereign did not wake up, this world was the two of them. A personal chessboard. Red versus green, black versus white, right and wrong, life and death."

  You Ming smiled and said, "Interesting."

   "The Sea of ​​Eternal Life has a big secret."

  The young man said: "If I guess right, there is a living ancestor there."

  You Ming narrowed his pupils, and infinite madness appeared in the depths of his pupils.

   "I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry. You can't go to that place. He deliberately hid in that place. The dimension there doesn't support people like you to go in."

  The young man snorted: "You still have to let the young people go."

  The expression in You Ming's eyes gradually faded: "Who is going?"

  The boy waved his hand: "You can do whatever you want, some people let you use it."

  You Ming was quite surprised: "The military division came this time, and I thought it was going to take over personally."

   "It's not time for Dusk to end yet."

  The young man curled his lips: "I am here this time, just as entrusted by someone to see the child."



  Accompanied by the collapsed ruins, thick smoke filled the air like a mist, covering the sky and the sun.

   "Where is the blood of the ancient gods!"

  I only heard the angry voice of the old man: "Where is my blood of the ancient god!"

  The old man Si roared and roared, his old and stooped body trembled, and he almost vomited blood!

   When the smoke cleared, there was only one battered corpse in the ruins.

   That's the candidate he cultivated.

  The one who was supposed to bring that drop of ancient god's blood to him, but now he couldn't die anymore.

   Hundreds of candidates from Youying Group stood behind him, looking at each other with suspicious eyes.

   It's weird.

   Logically speaking, they all saw the final blow.

  The members of the Ethereum Association are already at the end of their battles, and they shouldn't be able to resist that blow.

   As a result, the opponent ran away.

  The Blood of the Old God is also missing.

   "I didn't perceive the trace of the blood of the ancient gods, it seems that it is no longer here. Thanks to the instructor Wan of the Omega sequence, there is no doubt about his combat power as a sixth-order dragon slayer."

Haila said lightly: "Let's stop here, it's time to carry out a new mission. Mrs. Si, you are the best hexagram master among us, and you are appointed to command this beheading mission. As for the blood of the ancient gods, Lord You Ming will naturally arrange for people to chase after Wan Wan and slaughter them, so you don’t have to worry.”


  The crutches were cracked.

  The old man Si restrained his breath, and said in a deep voice: "This time, I want the best people."

  Hla smiled and said, "Don't worry, almost all the teams going to the Sea of ​​Eternal Life this time are candidates for Twilight."

  I saw her holding the crystal ball, with a strange pure white in her pupils, conveying her spiritual thoughts.

  Military helicopters roared in mid-air, and landed in the dusty ruins, with strong winds.

  Many of the candidates who came to participate in the pursuit felt this mental wave.

  They seemed to feel something, and they walked towards the helicopters one after another.

  Yue Ji sensed that spirit. After she was promoted to the fifth level, she naturally became a candidate for Dusk. Although she hasn't shown her real strength yet, her talent alone is more than enough.

  Actually, for some reason, she didn't want to reveal her strength so early.

  But because the man he was thinking of was on his way to the sea of ​​eternal life, he was about to be besieged by the ghost group.

  She knew she had to go.

   She wouldn't feel at ease if she wasn't by his side for a moment.

  Especially after she sensed the message from the mental wave and learned about the specifics of this mission.

   "Boss, are you okay?"

  The butcher's complexion changed, and he hurriedly said: "Should I ask the third master to communicate with you, and you won't go. This time there is a candidate for Dusk, and that person is probably in the team. What if someone tricks you?"

  Yueji said coldly: "It's okay."

Miss Lan frowned, and said patiently: "Don't be brave, you've been holding back for so long, don't expose yourself at this time. I recently heard from a friend of the Jiang family that that **** has become a lot stronger recently. Just now Ji Han and Ji Ye are not her opponents, they are said to be at least on the same level as the prince."

  She paused, and said earnestly: "Don't forget how you lost to her in the first place. If you show your strength now, she will inevitably use the power of the family to deal with you."

  The so-called prince is the number one in the Omega sequence.

   Ying Changsheng, known as the first person of the new generation.

  Youying Group naturally also has geniuses of this level, but they generally don't appear in the sight of the outside world.

   "Don't mess around."

  Liu Sanye coughed dryly and said: "My aunt told me to take good care of you, otherwise I won't be able to explain to your mother."

   I don't know if it's bad luck or some other reason, the candidates under his hands are rarely successful.

   Even Yue Ji should not be a candidate for him.

   It belongs to the Kang family of the first director.

   If something happened to Yueji, she would really suffer from bleeding.

  “I didn’t have a backer back then, but it’s different now.”

  Yueji grabbed her Tang Dao casually, jumped out of the jeep, and said in a cold voice, "I repeat, I came in with my own talent, not with the help of that woman, and I never admitted that she was my mother."

  Mr. Liu was stunned: "Eh? Is it me that Miss Yueji is talking about?"

   "I advise you to be a little self-aware."

  Miss Lan vaguely guessed why the girl was so persistent, but she couldn't tell.

  Only the butcher understood, saw the eyes of the boss before he left, and asked him to continue to complete the task of the venerable, watch every move of the Youying Group, and must spread the news that they planned to hunt in the Sea of ​​Eternal Life.

   That's right, there is still Supreme.

   Nothing to worry about.



  Nine helicopters roared through the ruins, propeller wings ripping through the atmosphere.

  Si Wei'an sat in the cabin with an ugly face. He was supposed to be a high-ranking director, but because he had used up all three cycles of grief, he was in a state of madness.

  Like a mad dog, it bites whoever it sees.

  He himself knows that this is not okay, but he just can't control it.

  Especially after suffering a great injustice, he was extremely angry and lost his mind.

  The current him has been downgraded to a dusk candidate.

   "This person is Si Wei'an? The demoted director?" I saw a dusk candidate sitting in the cabin next door, staring at him with unkind eyes, eyes full of greed and jealousy.

  This person's code name is Poison Scorpion, and he is also a fifth-level star king of the Shensi Path, and his behavior is extreme and crazy. His biggest hobby is to steal his most beloved things in front of others.

  Twilight candidate for Er Ye's investment.

   "Yes, it is said that the fragment of the Qilin Wedge is in his hand."

  Can Jian sneered and said, "It's just that he doesn't admit it."

   This is a sword sect path. He defected from the sword mound in the past, and later defected to the fifth master. He has been on the reward list of the ether association until now, and has never fallen out of the top ten.

   Some Omega came to hunt him down, and he either escaped or was killed back.

   "I want to fight him now, what should I do?"

   Someone licked their lips again and said, "There shouldn't be any accidents, right?"

   "Hehe, you can fight if you want, anyway, everyone is in competition."

  Someone beat the fire.

  Suddenly, everyone fell silent in unison.

I saw a woman wearing a long windbreaker coming over against the howling wind. Her figure was so tall and burly, with a pair of hideous purple horns on her forehead, and strange black magic patterns all over her face. Lou's outer arms were covered with a layer of hard dragon scales, and his aura was as terrifying as a ghost.

   Evolution Stance!

   This turned out to be an evolutionary gesture!

   Shows the characteristics of the Qilin clan!

  Almost all the Twilight candidates present, but their hearts beat wildly when they saw her.


   It's an Evolver!

   As we all know, in the organization of Dusk, there are all evolutionaries.

   Standing at the top of the dark world.

  The reason why they are candidates is because they have not yet mastered the path of evolution.

   And this woman seemed to be at the forefront of them.

   Of course, strength is second.

   This woman's family background is the most terrifying.

  Jiang Hanyi, the direct bloodline of the Jiang family, the descendant of the Scarlet King.

   "Native chicken tile dog."

  She glanced coldly at the people around her and snorted coldly.

  Suddenly, she seemed to sense something and turned her head to look.

  It was a girl wearing a cat face mask, wearing a pink down jacket with a black pleated skirt, a pair of slender legs wrapped in black stockings, and a pair of thick-soled black leather shoes.

  Holding a slender Tang knife in her hand, she was cold and chilling.

   "Bastard, it's you?"

  Jiang Hanyi was a little surprised, and narrowed his eyes indifferently: "How dare you appear in front of me?"

  Yueji looked at this woman coldly. On the way here, she was already mentally prepared, telling herself to bear it no matter what, not to reveal her strength easily, and not to lose her temper for the sake of future sex.

  Husband is the most important.

  But at this moment, another voice appeared in her mind.

   No, you can't bear it!

   That was a gift from Venerable Qilin, the influence of the Candle Dragon Forbidden Curse!

   For a moment, the sound of the dragon's roar in her mind resounded throughout the world, thinking that she was invincible, and that these people in front of her were nothing but ants, who could be crushed to death with a random kick.

   And the backer behind her is an ancient supreme.

  What kind of **** are these people, and they deserve to be presumptuous in front of her.

   "Bitch, are you proud to protect you with a few old bastards?"

  Uncontrollably, Yue Ji blurted out this sentence: "If you keep barking, your dog's head will be cut off."

  After saying this, she felt the angry eyes from the other side.

   There are also sights cast from all directions.

  Even the attention of those Youying Group executives.

   Venerable Qilin, thank you!



   There was a bang.

  You Ming was startled by the huge explosion, and looked around: "What's going on?"

The young man who was called a military adviser smiled and said: "Oh, it's not a big deal, the two descendants of the king are fighting. I came here today just to see that child. It's been a while since I've seen her. How did you become so arrogant?"

  (end of this chapter)

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