The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 253: Lord Yunzhong, Shura

  Chapter 253 Yun Zhongjun, Shura

  The wind and snow outside the house whistled and shook the wooden door, making a creaking sound.

Lin Lan looked at the alchemy scroll spread out on the ground, rubbed his hands in anticipation, and said excitedly, "Regardless of whether we can reach the end of the sea of ​​immortality or not, based on your ghoul technique after being promoted to Lord Yunzhong, we may With unlimited labor, at least I can catch more prey, so my children won’t starve!”

   "Hehe, kids."

  Gu Jianlin really didn't want to give this guy a good look. He knew that there were waste wood and salted fish in this world.

   But his teammates cannot be salted fish and useless wood!

   "I'm ready to advance."

  At this moment, he is standing in the center of the alchemy scroll, and the pattern has been activated spiritually.

  Corrosive lava, eggs of ruins, heart of aberrants, rhizomes of roaring tree monsters, hairs of enchanted daughters.


  Supernatural material burned, and Gu Jianlin felt the spirituality in his body riot!

  Lin Lan looked forward to looking at him, including the charming women, all of them staring intently, their beautiful eyes glowing with splendor.

"The breakthrough of a sublimator from extraordinary to ultra-dimensional level is a qualitative change. It is a leap in your life level and soul level. In ancient times, the extraordinary stage was called the acquired state, while the ultra-dimensional level was the innate state. The domain level is the realm of exiled immortals. These are very old sayings."

He earnestly popularized science and said: "During the unification period of the Qin Dynasty, at the peak of the innate realm, one can lead the army, or establish a family and clan to continue the inheritance. And at the peak of the immortal realm, one can establish a sect or establish a dynasty. For example The Jianzhong you see now, as well as the ancient Ying family, are all like this."

  Listening to his words, Gu Jianlin let his spirituality break through the shackles, drowning everything.

   There seemed to be a horrible hallucination in front of his eyes.

  The sky was burnt brightly by the golden flames, as if dusk and night had passed, a huge bronze pillar penetrated the sky and the earth, and there was a faint figure at the top, as if standing at the end of time.

  His hand held a black iron sword like a scepter, and pierced his chest with his backhand!

  The Wedge of the Unicorn!

  The unicorn wedge did not hurt him, but fused with him.


  The whole world is shaking.

  As if becoming one with the world, the surging golden flame swallowed Him like a huge cocoon!


  In the depths of the golden flame, the lonely and lonely person has disappeared, replaced by a hideous and terrifying black shadow like a demon, like a monster born in the opening place of the universe, violent and crazy!

  Rolling dark clouds billowed in the sky, He roared like thunder!

   is about to break through the shackles of the real world!

  The black unicorn in the depths of his consciousness also woke up from his deep sleep, a line of blazing golden pupils suddenly lit up, and the spooky ghostly aura gushed out, roaring freely and dripping like a hell.

   Sometimes it is the posture of a unicorn.

   From time to time, it transforms into a formidable black dragon.

  The soul of Shensi is also flickering crazily, and his phantom is rising inch by inch, bathed in spirituality and growing vigorously!

   The ghost-slaying soul also exploded and skyrocketed in flickering madness, growing to the same height!

  At this moment, Gu Jianlin was shocked and speechless.

  Because of the dual pathways of Shensi and Ghost Slayer, they advanced together!

"So that's the case, whether it's Shensi or Zhangui, it's just an external system, and what really needs to be promoted is the core, that is, the central processing unit, which is my own soul. It's just that the method of promotion depends on The external system is used to improve the core. When the core is improved, the system is also improved.”

  In this way, Gu Jianlin's dual approach has a new advantage.

  Whether it is Shensi or Ghost Slayer, he only needs to choose one to be promoted.

  If it is not convenient to complete the rituals and materials of the priest, choose to kill ghosts.

vice versa.

  Gu Jianlin allowed the soaring spirituality in his body to spread, listened to the ancient whispers echoing in his ears, and concentrated on feeling the new changes in his spirit. The abilities of the two paths of Shensi and Ghost Slayer have all undergone qualitative changes!

  Dual-core drive of humans and ancient gods.

  Double ways of killing ghosts and gods.

   Reached the fourth order!

  The way to kill ghosts, Shura!

  Shensi way, Yunzhongjun!

  The ability of the former is naturally the famous time-space freeze, which can open up the field where absolute time stops, and is known as the strongest skill of the same level.

  The latter ability is the ghoul technique that controls life and death. It can control corpses and enslave the dead for their own use. It is the ultimate killer move on the battlefield.

   Not only that, but the strength of all abilities has been improved.

  Including the extraordinary ability of the third stage, a qualitative change has also taken place!

   "Did it work? Did it work?"

  Lin Lan asked eagerly: "I am so anxious, I am the king of Jiji!"

  The charming girls approached, their beautiful eyes full of curiosity.

   The alchemy scroll under Gu Jianlin's feet has been completely burned, including all the materials.

  When he opened his eyes again, he switched his path to Ghost Slaying.

  The shadow is also trembling, merging with the ability of the Shensi way.

   For a moment.

Gu Jianlin has undergone earth-shaking changes, his hair grows like a waterfall, his cold face seems to have softened a lot, his dark eyes have become narrow and long, hiding a trace of sharpness and sternness, like a heavenly man Bewitching and moving, the beauty is very close to the bewitching!

  The shadow was shrouded in mist, showing his own masculine appearance, but his temperament became more and more cold and cold, and the facial lines also changed, as if wearing an ancient strict mask.

   "Fuck, who are you, beauty?"

  Lin Lan was shocked again, and raised his trembling fingers, terrified.

  The charming girls covered their vermilion lips in surprise and let out a cry of surprise.

  Because it was the first time they saw someone more beautiful than their own group!

  This is peerless beauty, peerless spookiness, and peerless creation.

  Gu Jianlin raised his eyes, obviously without any emotion, but it was like a glance that was overwhelming.

"What's wrong?"

   he asked curiously.

   As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Jianlin saw himself in the eyes of the other person.

   For a moment, he almost exploded!

  Because he saw the old monster!

   Well, not the old monster, but himself.

   I saw a ghost, why after this advanced stage, I became more and more like an old monster.

  Gu Jianlin really wanted to meet in the future, but those who didn't know thought he was her son or daughter.

  That scene, staring at each other, must be very interesting.

   Well, there shouldn't be such an interesting scene.

  If the old monster really found him, he would probably stab him to death with one finger.


  Gu Jianlin found that not only the body, but also the appearance of the shadow had changed.

  This means that after being promoted to the super-dimensional level, he becomes more and more like an ancient god.

   And it's not an ancient **** in the true sense.

  It is a hybrid of humans and ancient gods that can adapt to the rules of the real world.


   According to legend, the Candle Dragon Clan is active in the Sea of ​​Eternal Life.

  Gu Jianlin thought to himself that if he fought with this face, he wouldn't be able to scare you aliens to death!

   Having said that, he still switched back to the Shensi way again, and took the shadow back into his body.

   "Don't spread this matter, although it's okay to say it, but don't say it casually."

   Gu Jianlin said calmly.

   "Are you the effect of a forbidden spell? Or some weird mythical weapon? Why does it feel a bit like a necromancer ghost mirror? It doesn't feel right. The yin and yang twin jade pendant? It doesn't look like it. Forget it."

   Lin Lan rubbed his palms and asked, "So, you succeeded, right?"

  Gu Jianlin hummed: "Successful."

  Lin Lan snapped his fingers: "Beautiful! Wives! Move the corpse!"

   After speaking, he also showed a showing off expression.

   It seems to be saying, my wife is gentle, beautiful and virtuous, and there are so many more, are you envious!

  Gu Jianlin walked out of the house with a cold face and said nothing.

  The Charming Daughters took out a lot of frozen lumps of ice from the tribe's warehouse, and they were all pushed by wooden carts. There were thirty-two of them, and there were frozen corpses inside.

"These are the people I've hid here to kill over the years. Most of them are fraud sealers. Various organizations came in to find strategies, and some of them strayed into the dimensional rift. Originally, I wanted to get together a hundred and eight generals." , I didn't expect that there are too few people who can find here, there are only thirty-two people in total!" Lin Lan spread his hands.

   Gu Jianlin looked at these corpses. Yun Zhongjun's ghoul technique is also limited. First, the corpses enslaved by him will be resurrected, but he needs to maintain spiritual infusion at all times.

  The second limitation is that the combat effectiveness of the corpses he controls is at most equivalent to his own rank.

   To use an analogy, even the corpse of a natural disaster can only display the strength of the fourth level.

  If the number of corpses controlled is more, its combat power will be weakened proportionally.

   "Control thirty-two corpses, and the combat power of each corpse is one thirty-second of that of the fourth rank."

   he said softly.

   "It's reasonable, otherwise your **** division path would have been invincible long ago."

Lin Lan complained: "Even so, this is an extremely terrifying method on the battlefield. After all, corpses are lifeless, and there is no cost to test and consume. If it is the Taiyi God of the level of the King of Blue, it is said that it can Millions of people are resurrected from the dead, but that is a mighty tide of ghouls, destroying a small country at will."

He joked: "Speaking of which, have you ever heard of the strongest person? Alas, this is one of the best pillars in human history. If you can get his appreciation, you will really soar into the sky. Back then, I He used to be valued by his old man because of his talent, but I prefer to kill ghosts!"

  Gu Jianlin glanced at him expressionlessly: "Really? Then you are really amazing."

"Of course!"

  Lin Lan patted him on the shoulder vigorously: "You have to work harder!"

  Gu Jianlin didn't bother to take care of this guy, raised his hand to ignite pale will-o'-the-wisps, and pointed at these corpses one by one.

"wake up!"


  Those ice cubes cracked one after another.

  Pale will-o’-the-wisps were ignited in the pupils of those corpses, and strange and terrifying black spells were spread all over their bodies. They seemed to wake up from a long slumber, roared like beasts, and got up from the ground!

   "Oh! Ghoul!"

  Lin Lan exclaimed: "Hey, what are they going to do?"

  The charming girls were startled and hid behind him one after another,

  Gu Jianlin's face became extremely ugly when he saw these ghoul techniques.

   "Xiao Gu, can you tell me."

  Lin Lan said blankly: "Why are you manipulating these get chairs?"

  Gu Jianlin said expressionlessly, "I said I didn't manipulate them, do you believe me?"

  In the ice and snow, the terrifying ghouls each held a chair, roared and looked around, searching for the enemy.

   It looks creepy and… eerie.

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

   The second update will be delayed until tomorrow, and the third update will be made up tomorrow. In the past three consecutive days, the nucleic acid and mental energy have been haggard, but fortunately, there will be no need to queue up tomorrow...



  (end of this chapter)

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