The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 255: Bai Ze, know everything, predict the future

  Chapter 255 Bai Ze, Knowing Everything, Predicting the Future


   There was a muffled roar of thunder in the ice and snow, and billowing dark clouds gathered, and countless stern and blazing electric lights criss-crossed, like a brood of disasters brewing, with a mighty momentum.

  Mythical Armed Forces, Liberation!

  Tang Ling's red hair fluttered in the wind and snow, with snow-white horns sprouting on the top of her head, blood-colored lightning flashed in her scarlet eyes, and her hands raised above her head seemed to be holding a thunderous light.

  The light illuminates her graceful and slim silhouette.

  It's breathtakingly beautiful!


  Lin Lan, even a sixth-level ghost-slayer, was terrified by this terrifying power, and even pulled out his knife, intending to go all out to kill this powerful enemy within one blow.

   "Don't panic."

  Gu Jianlin said calmly, "My own."

  Alan and Ayue seemed to have never seen such a fierce and charming beautiful girl, and they were a little lost for a while.

  In just a moment, the thunderbolt crashed down, and the criss-crossing blood-colored lightning poured down like a frenzy, not only the release of violent energy, but also a strong sense of death, which will kill you if you touch it!

  The wind and snow all over the sky were torn apart.

  The **** thunder flooded countless living dead.

   "Gu Jianlin!"

  Tang Ling fell in the sky and shouted: "The fire of the **** sacrifice! Press it to the ground!"

  Gu Jianlin released the evolutionary posture without hesitation, a ferocious and noble horn was born on the top of the head, and strange black facial lines emerged on the cheeks. In the state of no ancient deification, the output was maximized!

   There is no hesitation, and there is no need to ask why, because of complete trust.

  He folded his hands and ignited pale will-o'-the-wisps, touching the frozen ground!



  The frozen ground trembled, and the countless threads of blood in the ice layer actually contained a majestic breath of life, which was swallowed up by him, and even gave birth to two drops of the blood of the ancient **** in his body!

  So that's the case, these blood lines are condensed by something, and they seal the taste of life.

  In the deepest part of the wind and snow, countless looming black shadows stopped moving and froze in place.

  There was a shrill sound of breaking through the air above the head, and a slender and slim black shadow fell.

  Gu Jianlin stretched out his hand without hesitation, and caught her firmly.

   Another princess hug.

   Dead silence.

  Lin Lan stared at the man and the woman with wide-eyed eyes. Seeing the evolutionary posture of the two of them, he was dumbfounded: "Evolutionary, you are all evolutionaries! Oh my god, when did the evolutionary go bad?"

  A Lan and A Yue also opened their beautiful eyes wide, looking at their posture.

Gu Jianlin silently looked at the girl in his arms. She looked even more charming and fierce in her fighting posture, as if fluttering roses and swords. Her cashmere hat had already been scattered in the air, her red hair was scattered like petals, and her beautiful eyes were half covered. .

  It's a pity that the clothes are too thick, and the pair of snow-white plump long legs are not exposed.

  At this time, he suddenly thought of something, turned his head expressionlessly and said, "Did you see it? I have it too."

  Lin Lan was stunned, recalling the scene of the thunder from the sky just now in his mind, and had to admit that the charm of this girl was simply beyond belief, even better than his two charming daughters.

  Whether it is combat effectiveness, or beauty and temperament.

   Even her figure wrapped in a mink fur coat can be seen to be slender and well-proportioned.

   "What do you have too?"

   Tang Ling stayed in the boy's arms, not to mention quite strong and warm.

   Although he looks so thin.

   "Oh, nothing."

  Gu Jianlin was mainly annoyed by that bastard's ridicule, so he used her to reduce dimensionality.

  Lei Ting talks about beauty, so far only Yue Ji can stand up to her.

  Everyone else steps aside.

  The old monster talks about things.

"How did you come?"

   he asked curiously.

Tang Ling raised her charming red eyes, took a deep look at the young man, and said softly, "Don't do such a risky thing next time, at least wait for me. Actually, the truth is not important to me anymore. But if you lose your life because of this incident, I will feel guilty for it for the rest of my life."

  Her tone was rare and gentle, probably because she was really moved.

  Before, she felt that she was treated as a tool person.

  Gu Jianlin didn't care about her at all, he just formed a team with her normally, and didn't even consider her a friend.

  Now she knows.

  This young man is a man of action and never bothers to talk too much.

  A person who can rush into the sea of ​​eternal life for you without saying a word, how could he not care about you.

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what she was talking about.

  He killed four Twilight candidates for his promotion.

   At the same time, it is also to allow Minister Lu to escape from the city of Barensa safely.

  Of course, the more important thing is to vent your anger on Youzhu.

   Oh, he got it.

   "Because of Tang Zijing?"

  Gu Jianlin froze for a moment.

   Tang Ling hummed lightly.

  In Lei Ting's imagination, the boy came here in pursuit of his great-grandfather.

  In fact, Gu Jianlin was beaten in by the ancestor of Kuilong.

   It's just that neither of them has a talkative personality, so I didn't go into it further.

  However, at this moment, Lin Lan stared at the red-haired girl carefully, and then looked at the great sword of Ji Lei in her hand. A shock came to his mind: "Ji Lei, the descendant of Jianzhong, you... are you Your Highness the Princess?"

  His face showed horror.

  Alan and Ayue clearly felt that their male mentality was out of balance.

  Tang Ling jumped down from the boy's arms, showing a vigilant look, drew her sword and asked, "Who are you?"

  Gu Jianlin explained: "Lin Lan, a former member of the Night Watch, is a key witness."

  He briefly described what happened before.

  Tang Ling showed a dazed expression when she heard the words, and commented: "An unexpected harvest!"

  Lin Lan seemed to have picked a lemon, but he didn't expect that this kid who usually doesn't say a word, actually soaked in His Highness the Princess.

  This is the successor appointed by the President.

   "Are you envious?"

  Gu Jianlin looked at him and let out a sigh.

  Lin Lan gritted his teeth, he was not envious at all, because he was jealous!

   Even contorted and wanted to roll around.

   "I came a little late, are you not hurt?"

  Tang Ling patted the snow on the boy's body, then felt around his arms and lower abdomen. After confirming that they were intact, she helped him tidy up his collar, and said softly, "You don't wear so little, just wait a moment."

  She took out her scarf from the backpack, and tied it around the boy's neck.

   took out another rabbit earmuff and put it on top of his head.

   "Well, don't take it off."

  She looked at the boy with satisfaction: "Otherwise you will catch a cold."

  Gu Jianlin felt that she made him feel awkward to death, but he suddenly saw that the girl's eyelashes were frosted, her white and slender hands were also red from the cold, and the mink coat was covered with snow, dusty and dusty.

  The buttons fell apart and I didn't have time to fasten them.

   It can be seen how anxious she is along the way.

  Seeing this scene, Lin Lan almost broke apart. This is Her Royal Highness.

  Many years ago, he had seen this girl at the headquarters, when she was still a little girl carved from ice.

   As a result, just as she was about to say hello, she glanced over coldly and said, "Fuck off."

  Have ever thought that Her Royal Highness would be like a woman, tying a scarf to a man and sweeping snow.

   "If this scene is filmed, you will be the public enemy of the association!"

  He thought viciously: "Wait to die!"


  Gu Jianlin touched his earmuffs and scarf, feeling a sense of warmth in his heart, and then looked suspiciously at the girl: "How did you find it? Did you encounter any danger along the way?"

  The sea of ​​eternal life is so big, it is really incredible that she can catch up with it.

   "I have unique abilities."

  Tang Ling's red hair gradually faded to frosty white, and she said softly, "The ability of the Baize clan."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment: "Did it come from evolution?"

Tang Ling hesitated for a moment: "No, it comes from the Tianyan Pavilion in Lishan, the ability of Venerable Bai Ze. According to legend, the Bai Ze clan can speak, understand the emotions of all things, and know the things of ghosts and gods. It is different from the way of psychics and divination masters. Divination, Bai Ze's natural ability is to predict, can predict the future, see through everything."

  Gu Jianlin felt incredible, how could this girl have the ability of the Bai Ze clan.

   "Didn't the Blue King tell you?"

   Tang Ling said with strange eyes: "I thought you had seen that group of people, the ancient gods of Tianyan Pavilion often met with the King of Blue."

  Gu Jianlin was stunned, the brother also mentioned this group of people to him.

   Those who wore black robes at the beginning were as handsome as heaven and man.

   claimed to collect the body for the president.

  Those weird guys turned out to be ancient gods.

"The president of the previous generation was Jianzong, the president of this generation is Jianzong, the king of gold is Jianzong, and the king of silver is also Jianzong. Including Rhine and Lin Dong, they are also Jianzong. The swords within the ether association The Zong way is the most, because only Jianzong can hold the position of president, understand?"

   Tang Ling realized that he really didn't know, so she patiently explained: "It's all because of Tianyan Pavilion in Lishan Mountain."

"and many more."

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a long time, feeling the absurdity, and asked: "You mean, the Tianyan Pavilion in Lishan Mountain was established by the Baize clan, but these ancient gods are actually on our side?"

Tang Ling shook her head: "Actually, you can't say that. The real Venerable Bai Ze is still asleep in Yunmeng Ze. It's just that he made an attempt two thousand years ago and differentiated a side with human emotions. He believes that human beings and ancient gods It is possible to coexist peacefully, and only in this way can we find the final solution to the end."

   "The Emperor Shihuang two thousand years ago was a close friend with him, so he has been guarding the Qinhuang Mausoleum in Lishan until now."

  She paused: "The reason why human beings can break into the Ancient God Realm today is due to the Bai Ze clan."

  Gu Jianlin felt that the Arabian Nights was a dream, and then suddenly became a little bit stunned.

   "So you will be chosen to be the successor of the next generation of President?"

  He asked curiously: "You are so important, they put you in like this?"

  When Tang Ling heard this, there was a hint of sarcasm in her beautiful eyes, and she said lightly: "You will never be able to understand the thoughts of the high-level members of the Ethereum Association. Since they let me in, they have other plans."

  She looked at the wind and snow in the distance, and said: "After all, the sea of ​​eternal life involves the inheritance of the ancient supreme, and the opportunity for sublimation and eternal life is hidden. All forces will not miss this miracle, even if there is an ancestor living here."

  Gu Jianlin understood: "The human world plans to take action against the ancestor of Kuilong? Compete for the inheritance of the Supreme?"


  Tang Ling said calmly: "This is the future I foresaw."

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

   The next update is very late, so I suggest you watch it tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)

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