The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 258: Your lord, are you back?

  Chapter 258 Venerable, are you back?

The heavy snow that fell all over the sky was suddenly blown away by the strong wind, and there were countless dry corpses embedded in the fleshy walls of the bronze palace. They were still wearing modern clothes, some even wore the school uniform of Fengcheng No. 2 Middle School, and some held cell phone, everyone's face was frozen with horror.


  Lin Lan saw all this clearly. He is a member of the Night Watchman, and he has been trained in order since he was a child. Even if the internal affairs of the Ethernet Association are turned upside down, there is one thing that must not be done.

   That is to involve ordinary people in extraordinary events.

  Even members of the Youying Group would not do this.

  Tang Ling's white hair was dyed blood red, her hand holding Ji Lei was trembling, blue blood vessels appeared on the back of her fair hand, her delicate body trembled slightly, and uncontrollable anger surged in her heart.

  Gu Jianlin sighed softly in his heart, he shouldn't have let this girl know about this.

   "Get ready."

  He raised his head and said with a blank expression: "This battle may be very difficult, although this ancestor looks like he has just recovered, and he may not have much power."

  According to the profile, Tang Zijing is undoubtedly at the sixth level, and the other **** servant is at the fifth level.

  Alan and Ayue retreated with the ghouls, they wanted to protect the only means of transportation.

  In the huge bronze palace, the ancestor who was sitting on the throne seemed to stand up, stepping down the steps covered in flesh and blood, vaguely accompanied by the vast coercion coming to his face, like the sound of ancient thunder!

  Wan Tu, the chief instructor of the Omega sequence, was right.

  The real coercion of the ancient gods is many times stronger than that of humans!


   In the darkness, a pair of blood-colored vertical pupils lit up, as if hearing a terrifying dragon chant!

  A kind of domain spread out silently, covering all directions!

   "Damn, his field can forcibly stabilize the fluctuations of the dimension, so that he can arbitrarily display abilities beyond the fourth level without worrying about being teleported!"

  Lin Lan pulled out the sword, and the boy and girl tattoos on his body suddenly came to life, let out a silent roar, and said in a deep voice: "You two go first, my life is more valuable, I am going to be a witness!"

  Gu Jianlin grew ferocious and noble horns on the top of his head, and dark and strange facial lines emerged on his face, showing the highest evolutionary posture without revealing his supreme power.

   No matter how high it is, it will attract Kui's violent bombardment again.

   Now he is in such an embarrassing state, he can't get up or down.

  He pulled out Jiuyin. Although the knife is dead, it is strong and sharp.

  The shadow also revived in the tremor.

   "It doesn't matter, you go ahead, I have a requiem bell, and I will arrest your soul when you die."

  He said coldly: "The same can be a witness."

  Lin Lan seemed to be struck by lightning: "Are you speaking human language?"


   As soon as the words fell, Tang Ling rushed out holding Ji Lei, and her breathing changed suddenly!

  This frequency seems familiar!

  She can no longer control her killing intent!

  The ancestor in the darkness has come out, this is a pale boy, naked in the snowstorm, but covered with blood-colored dragon scales, a pair of scarlet vertical pupils are also terrifying, with huge dragon horns!

  He made a terrifying dragon roar!

  Ancient divine language!

   This is the ancient divine language from the Candle Dragon Clan. I don’t know what its specific authority is, but I can see the terrifying sound wave spreading like a tide, and the snowflakes in the sky are withering and the wind is shattering wherever it passes.

   Even the flesh and blood are rotting!

   This is the ability to decline!

For a moment, Tang Ling held the roaring Great Thunder Sword in her backhand, and the blade of the sword burst out with blazing thunder. She did not release her evolutionary posture, but maintained a strange frequency of breathing, deep in her vermilion beautiful eyes The scorching light is on, as if the sun is burning, and the light is shining!

   Breathing technique, the realm of heaven and man!

   For a moment.

   An indifferent and majestic voice seemed to sound from somewhere.

   "—The world is like me, and I am like the world!"

   Tang Ling's whole body was bathed in brilliant gold, breaking through the terrifying sound waves, and stabbing out with a sword!

   The thunder light exploded, and the sword energy gushed out!

  She is like a Valkyrie bathed in the brilliance of the sun god. The golden shards dance wildly in the strong wind, illuminating her fierce and charming face. She is so holy, as if heaven and man are in the dust, and they are murderous!

  Challenge the gods!

   This is breathing technique, the realm of heaven and man!

   In a sense, it should be the strongest breathing technique!

  The burst of golden thunder and sword energy broke through the domain of the ancient divine language!

   The momentum is like a broken bamboo!

   "My God."

Lin Lan murmured: "The realm of heaven and man, this is the realm of heaven and man! No wonder the president loves her so much, she has this ability at the age of twenty. Compared with her talent, Rhine is even It's all mediocre! Kid, how did you find her, do you know what she means to this world?"

   Gu Jianlinxin said that I didn't pick on her, shut your stinky mouth.

  The appearance of the realm of heaven and man, even the two **** servants are extremely afraid!

   "Tang Zijing, since you betrayed mankind, I will destroy everything you want to do."

  Tang Ling held the Great Thunder Sword with both hands, and ran wildly on the ground, a ray of awe-inspiring sword light galloping out!

  The boy's face was illuminated by the golden light that was close at hand, and dense blood mist burst out from his pale body, as if restrained by the power of the realm of heaven and man, he was injured in an instant!

  The power of terror is actually weakening!

  However, at the critical moment, he suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Ji Lei's sword!


   Thunder light and sword energy raged, and the flesh and blood of his entire arm was blackened and exploded, exposing the crystal clear white bones.

  The ancestor stood motionless on the spot, staring at the golden light reflected from the blade.

   "Better than Fusu."

  He seemed to be trapped in a distant memory, and said softly: "It's far worse than politics."

  The erratic voice is like an ancient whisper!

  The age when this ancestor was active has been deciphered.

   At least in the pre-Qin period, it is uncertain when it was buried.

   But at least two points can be determined.

  This ancestor once fought against a pair of sage father and son in human history.

  Young Master Fusu!

  Qin Emperor, Zheng!


  The golden brilliance in Tang Ling's eyes burned to the extreme, her sword edge trembled violently, and said indifferently: "After all, I have only been born for twenty years, so I am not as good as the first emperor."

  She asked coldly: "May I ask your title?"

  While speaking, the brilliance of the realm of heaven and man is burning.

  Blood spilled from the lips of the ancestor, and he said softly: "There are too many, I can't remember."

Even though his whole body was breaking down, he still didn't show any fear or anger, but said in a low voice: "I didn't expect to meet the chosen one here... I smell the breath of the supreme on you, look Come on, you are the person chosen by Venerable Bai Ze, isn't such a life sad?"

   For a moment, time fell into a quagmire of silence, and everything was silent.

  Tang Ling became vigilant at the critical moment, and the blazing golden radiance condensed out of thin air, covering her whole body!

   "Heaven and Man, let me have fun."

  The ancestor tilted his head, his pupils showed cruel emotions, clenched his fists, and punched out!

  He seemed to sense something, and said indifferently: "My lord has never regarded you as a real enemy, and you humble and weak races should not covet this miracle, especially the people behind you."

   "You guys are just poor."

  He paused: "It's just an ant exploring the way."


  The terrifying energy exploded.

   Even if it is weakened, the power of this ancestor's random punch is not weaker than that of a fifth-level ancient martial artist!

  Tang Ling was sent flying out with a bang, forcibly suppressing the surging blood in her throat. If she hadn't used the power of the heavenly realm to defend in advance, she might have been hammered into a ball of mud on the spot.

  At this moment, the two servants started to fight!

  Tang Zijing had been accumulating power for a long time at the top of the Bronze Hall. The wind and snow all over the sky gathered into a ten-foot berserk sword energy, and the terrifying power was rising steadily. He was almost uncontrollable and collapsed!

   Slash with one sword!

  The target is the girl fluttering in the wind like a butterfly!

   "Tiger poison doesn't eat its eggs, what are you?"

  Lin Lan approached in an instant, and the time and space in front of him shone like a mirror, and even reflected the turbulent sword energy like a blizzard, bursting out with terrifying roars, taking shape!

  Sixth-order ghost-slaying ability, mirror reflection!


   Two waves of sword energy exploded!

  Lin Lan suddenly disappeared like a ghost, the sword tore through the blizzard, and cut out a sharp sword light.

   "I didn't kill you last time, but you still came to die."

  Tang Zijing turned around, flying swords criss-crossed all over the sky, and said, "How long can you last this time!"


   Tang Ling plunged the Great Thunder Sword into the ground, but was still shaken backwards by the terrifying force.

  The sword edge drew a deep ravine on the ground.

   It didn't stop until it hit a solid chest.

   "Are you okay?"

  Gu Jianlin whispered in her ear, "How strong is it?"

"If calculated according to the level of human beings, his current power has only recovered to the fifth level, but he is very powerful, really powerful, at least stronger than my evolutionary posture, and I have all the materials for promotion to the fifth level. If you can complete the ceremony, you can probably fight him twice."

  Tang Ling said in a low voice: "This is indeed a nobleman with a famous name in history!"

  Hearing this, Gu Jianlin suddenly saw the servant of the **** priest descending from the sky!

   "Evolutionary of the Ether Association?"

  The Xingjun grinned and said, "Your blood should be delicious!"

   I saw a violent nebula gathering above his head, and a giant claw-like spirit body appeared behind him.

  Gu Jianlin switched the pathway in his body at a critical moment.

  His appearance has undergone earth-shaking changes, and he is so beautiful that he is almost a demon.

  His evolutionary posture has also changed from a unicorn to a candle dragon!

  The majestic and noble dragon horns, the blood-colored vertical pupils, and the blush at the corners of the eyes, as rich as blood!

   It was at such a moment that the shadow woke up from a deep sleep, and a golden skeleton like a giant spirit appeared behind it, roaring and growing inch by inch, and finally condensed into a terrifying skull.

  The shadow shows the evolutionary posture of a unicorn, and the whole body is shaken in darkness!

  Dark Blast!


  The priest was shrouded in pitch-black light in front of him, and there was a trace of horror in his eyes.

  Because he did not perceive the rhythm of life!

   This is the rescuer who came out of nowhere!

  Gu Jianlin held Jiuyin, and the ghost knife used by Venerable Zhulong trembled slightly.

   It seems to have sensed something.

   "What's your attitude?"

   Tang Ling was stunned: "I feel that you are going to change my sexual orientation."

  Gu Jianlin flicked the ghost knife expressionlessly, and said lightly: "Why, are you going to become a lily? As I said, I am a real man, but this posture is a little prettier."


  The wind and snow were blown away.

  The ancestor arrived in an instant and came in front of the two of them.

  However, at such a moment, a trace of trance appeared in his eyes.

   "My lord."

  He said in a trance: "You are back..."

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

   When I stayed up late last night, I fell asleep. I haven’t slept too much these days. Continue to code...



  (end of this chapter)

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