The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 269: The people who rose up, and their miracles

  Chapter 269 People who rose up and resisted, and their miracles

"I see."

  Zhang Xuzhi said lightly: "It's a pity that this ghostly sword technique."

  He waved.

   Li Hanting and Zhou Hanye realized something and retreated behind him.

   "Minister Zhang, it's too much!"

  They couldn't help saying: "Our mission is to capture the Lin family siblings and Minister Lu!"

  Zhang Xuzhi didn't care and continued to move forward.

   "As long as you give up resistance and hand over Lu Zijin and the Lin family's siblings to me, I will stop immediately."

   He moved his wrist and said in a cold voice.

   For a moment, Gu Jianlin took a deep breath, the load on his body was already at its maximum, besides the surprised and amazed gazes from all directions, there was also a murderous intent rushing towards his face.

  The most critical blow is coming!

  Tang Ling took half a step forward, clenched the Great Thunder Sword with both hands, and said in a low voice, "Can your spirit body hold up? Once the spirit body dissipates, everyone behind us will be finished."

  The shadow remained motionless, once again outputting spirituality.

  The golden skeleton giant roared loudly, firmly protecting his teammates in front of him!

  I saw that Zhang Xuzhi restrained the majestic energy in his body, just raised a finger, lightly touched the countless criss-crossing silver lines, and then suddenly exerted force with his fingertips, and flicked hard!


   Countless indestructible silver wires resonate!

  The majestic vigor poured out from the fingertips in an instant.

  Growth-type Myth Armor·String of Annihilation!

In ancient times, there was an ancestor who created 36,000 silver threads in the ancient **** world, and poured out his own vigor as a destructive tide, almost like a tsunami, smashing an army with one blow .

  Now Zhang Xuzhi has created 360 silver threads, and the violent energy is pouring out like a violent storm, wrapped in snow powder all over the sky, whizzing away like a storm!


  The ground suddenly collapsed, countless trees cracked and exploded, and a blizzard hit us.

  Everywhere along the way, everything is destroyed!

  Gu Jianlin stood in the front alone. At this moment, it seemed as if the soul of Venerable Zhulong descended on his body, and the blood-colored Tang Dao burst out like a dragon chant, and the light of the sword poured down like a tide!

  Countless stern knife marks criss-crossed, and the light of the knife was as dense as a tide!

   With a loud bang, the void collapsed and shattered.

  He could no longer count how many knives he had swung in total, only the shadows of overlapping knives flickered like a tide.

  The howling snowstorm was also broken through a huge gap, and the remaining energy poured on him.

  He was so shocked that his lungs were bleeding and his body was covered in bruises.

  If he wasn't in an evolutionary posture, I'm afraid he couldn't hold on anymore.

   Even so, he still sticks to the line of defense and will not retreat!

  Tang Ling's red hair fluttered like blood, and **** thunder seemed to hover in her scarlet eyes.

  She thrust the Great Thunder Sword into the snow with her backhand, the terrifying momentum of the sword climbed steadily, and the thunder light burst out suddenly, like countless barriers interlaced by lightning, condensing into a second line of defense!


   Even so, it still couldn't stop the blizzard from attacking.

  Terrifying vigor roared like a hurricane.

  The skeleton giant raised its head to the sky and roared furiously, silently enduring the majestic bombardment, cracking and shattering inch by inch.

  The shadow almost became transparent, on the verge of death.

"I come!"

  Lu Qingqing raised her hand and muttered something, with blood spilling from her lips.

  She recited the ancient forbidden spell, and countless flying sand and rocks gathered and condensed into a shield of sand and stone, blocking in front of her.

  She also opened the direction field to the maximum, and blood flowed out from the seven orifices.

  Gritting her teeth, Ji Xiaoyu took out a simple and small shield from her pocket, and injected the last bit of spiritual power into it!


  I saw an ancient and thick golden light shield condensed out of thin air, firmly protecting everyone!

  Blood was flowing from Chen Qing's pure white pupils. This was the third-level pain transfer of the psychic path. She actually used herself as a medium to help her teammates suffer the backlash, and her body almost collapsed.

"No! He still can't hold on. He's too alienated. The spiritual pollution and the Penglai Ascension Formation are two-way conflicts. Even the blood of the ancient gods can't save him. What should I do?" Lin Wanqiu knelt on the ground and released The hands that were shining with the holy light were trembling, and his will almost collapsed.

  The two pharmacists looked at each other, and gritted their teeth: "Since it's dead anyway, let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!"

   They took out a sealed bottle from their pockets, with a dark liquid flowing inside.

  As soon as the bottle cap was opened, a stench came to the face.

   "This is the incomplete prescription that the little princess found from Buzhou Mountain, because the result of the final refinement is too smelly, none of us dare to try it, for fear of being poisoned to death!"

  The two alchemists had grim faces: "Go!"

  Lin Wanqiu let out a scream, and just wanted to stop it, but it was already too late.

  Lin Lan was poured into the bottle of secret medicine, and his whole body twitched.

  Lin Wanqiu suddenly discovered that he had regained some sanity while convulsing.

  Those secret medicines were destroying him, but reshaping him.

  The originally severe spiritual pollution subsided little by little!

Do not!

   This is not enough, because of the instability of the drug, the mental pollution has come back again!

  Lin Wanqiu gritted her teeth, bit her finger, and smeared blood on her younger brother's chest. This is the Holy Light Matrix that she invented after many years of careful research and development, and it is the most powerful one.

  I didn’t dare to use it before, because I was afraid of using too much force.

   But now we have to give it a shot!

  Finally, she took out a small and sophisticated instrument from her backpack and connected it to her brother's heart.

  Spiritual fluctuations and heart rhythm graphs were displayed on the instrument, beeping!


   Gu Jianlin swung the knife with force, and there was a sound of shattering in his body.

  The thunder light released by Tang Ling flickered and would collapse at any time.

  The spirituality of the shadow is exhausted, and the golden skeleton giant is riddled with holes.

  The shield of sand and stone shattered.

   Ji Xiaoyu's light shield also had countless cracks.

  Chen Qing had already knelt on the ground and almost lost consciousness.

  Even so, the vigor engulfed by the blizzard did not hurt them at all, and was offset by layers of defense lines!

   "Everyone, get ready to launch the super electromagnetic gun!"

  Zhang Xuzhi's face was gloomy, and he gave the last death order indifferently.

   However, at this moment, a voice sounded in the earphone.

   "Refused to launch!"

  Zhang Xuzhi was stunned, because it was the voice of a nightmare!

   "Nightmare, are you crazy?"

   He growled in anger.

  In the cockpit of a military helicopter, Nightmare calmly controlled a large number of demon hunters with his thoughts.

He took off his helmet expressionlessly: "I'm sorry, I have had enough of your orders. There is a little princess here, she is just a child. And if Lei Ting dies here, the consequences will be disastrous. Gu Jianlin is the son of the King of Green." Student, I don't want to be retaliated by them. There is also the daughter of the Lu family here, do you want to kill without asking?"

   "What's more, I admire their unyielding will to fight. I don't think they have betrayed the order."

  He paused: "Ten minutes ago, I sent the coordinates here to Director Chen!"

  Zhang Xuzhi's complexion changed suddenly, and he was furious: "You bastard!"

   "Minister Zhang, it is indeed over."

  Li Hanting said in a deep voice: "Are you going to kill people? We are going to carry out Lord Rhine's order!"

   Zhou Hanye hesitated to speak.

   "Deacon Nie!"

  Zhang Xuzhi was clearly insane, holding the walkie-talkie and yelling:

   "Call for help!"

  In the walkie-talkie, a young girl's weak voice came out: "Yes, I'm sorry! My uncle suffered a sudden stroke and has no way to command the witcher anymore. Excuse me, what can you do?"

   Li Hanting listened to the voice blankly.

   This seems to be Deacon Nie's niece.

   There was also the sound of whining and struggling from the walkie-talkie, and there was a grinning grin of a little fat man.

   "Wait, the other party seems to be unable to hold on?"

   Zhou Hanye suddenly turned his head and looked opposite.



   There was a beep, the heart rate and mental indicators fluctuated to zero, and the screen went black.

   This voice is so long and piercing.

  The two pharmacists suddenly squatted down and looked at each other dejectedly, their eyes dull.

  Lin Wanqiu lowered her head, her long hair covered her face, her shoulders trembled slightly.

  Finally she covered her face and burst into tears.


everything is over.

  Her lifelong dream is to become a good doctor who cures diseases and saves lives.

  In the end, he couldn't even save his own brother.

  The wind and snow all over the sky are so cold.

   It seemed to bury her in a cold abyss.

  However, I don't know if it is an illusion.

  The beeps of the instrument suddenly sounded again in series.

   Someone gently raised his hand and stroked her face: "Sister, you are really amazing."

  The two alchemists suddenly raised their heads, their faces full of expressions of seeing a ghost.

  Lin Wanqiu raised her head in disbelief, wondering if she was living in a dream.

   "I feel that the mental pollution seems to be reduced a lot."

  Lin Lan leaned in her arms, with a confused expression on his face: "You guys are really...too awesome."

   After the words fell, his palm slipped and he passed out.

Chen Qing sensed his mental state with the last sliver of consciousness, and murmured: "The mental pollution rate is 45%! Compared with before, it has dropped by 50%! He survived! He survived!" down!"

  Lu Qingqing was taken aback, how incredible this is.

  For so many years, the fallen people have no cure, and the spiritual pollution will only become more and more serious, which can only be suppressed by natural grass.

   There has never been a cure for mental pollution.

   It turns out that it is not impossible to eliminate, but human beings have not found that method.

  Although it is not completely eradicated, it is already a miracle!

  A miracle in human history!

  Ji Xiaoyu was stunned, she blinked her big eyes, and tears burst out of her eyes for some reason.

   "Xiao Yu."

  Tang Ling suddenly turned her head to look at her, her charming and sharp face was so pale, but a rare smile appeared on her face, and she said softly, "Your stinky secret medicine is really useful?"

  Gu Jianlin brandished a knife to tear apart the majestic momentum coming towards his face. He sensed the movement behind him. For a moment, he was so complicated that he didn't know how to express it. He even forgot the severe pain all over his body.

  It turns out that there are really such a group of people in this world.

   They are stupid, but stubborn

  Persisting until the end actually created a miracle.

  Those whose spirits are polluted.

   Those who live between order and chaos.

  Those who, after the Fall, hid and searched for a place to live.

   All, have been redeemed.

  Deep in the snowy sky, Lu Zijin saw everything in his eyes, and tears welled up in his beautiful eyes.

   "Aunt Zijin, now it's up to you."

  Yueji stepped into the depths of the mist, and the breath of the sea rushed towards her face!



  The demon hunters of the helicopter group saw the scene in front of them, and felt that the blood in their bodies was frozen by the cold wind, which was icy cold.

   It's over.

   Zhang Xuzhi's eyes were bloodshot with anger and scarlet.

  He never imagined that, as a sixth-rank domain king, he would be delayed for so long, until he lost everything.

  Lu Zijin has rushed into the sea of ​​eternal life.

  The brothers and sisters of the Lin family also survived, seeming to have successfully suppressed their own distortions.

   All things rest!

  Dizzy with anger and hatred, he roared to the sky.

  He didn't intend to stop, and with the trembling of three hundred and sixty strings, a majestic energy surged out like a tsunami.

"are you ready?"

   Gu Jianlin said suddenly.

   Tang Ling's red hair fluttered, her eyes were serious: "Of course."

   For a moment, Gu Jianlin used space to jump and exchanged places with the clone.

  Almost at the same time, the power of Shensi and Zhangui completed the exchange.


   Faint thunder.

  Tang Ling silently recited the ancient incantation, and released the thunder that soared into the sky from the extremely thunderous sword she held firmly. Countless violent arcs crackled, and she swung the mighty thunder, and slashed it down with one blow!


   The majestic energy was blasted away abruptly!

  The sound of the dragon's roar rang out!

  The shadow of the peerless beauty disappeared in a flash, and galloped away with the thunder!

   This is a knife that is sharp enough to cut through time. The brilliance of the knife that blooms in an instant is beautiful and cold, with a strong smell of blood.

   That is a peerless sword technique.

   That is peerless arrogance.

   That is peerless beauty.

  Such a solitary knife is like a mad dragon that pierces the sky, and the string of annihilation that is framed in the void is cut off like a broken one!


  Countless broken sounds overlapped.

  It's as if a silver bottle is broken and a jade plate is shattered!

   The momentum is like a broken bamboo!

  Time is so quiet, Zhang Xuzhi clearly released the majestic vigor like a sea tide, but he couldn't stop Dao Guang from advancing!

  He couldn't figure it out, with such a turbulent energy, anyone who broke in would be crushed to death.

  It is impossible for someone to break through.

   Unless the rank is better than him.

   Otherwise, you must pay the price of serious injury or even death.

  He couldn't figure out why there is such an arrogant sword technique in the world.

   Doesn't seem to have any tricks.

   has the ultimate violence in the world.

  As the last string of annihilation was severed, Zhang Xuzhi suffered a backlash and spat out a mouthful of blood.

  In the silent wind and snow, the stunning face is fleeting, and the long ink-dyed hair is fluttering in the wind.

   At the last moment when the shadow was about to collapse, the blood-red knife light flashed away, tearing the realm of Qi mercilessly!


  Zhang Xuzhi was chopped off in half!

  Blood gushed out like a waterfall.

  Li Hanting's shocked expression was spattered with blood, and he was stunned.

   Zhou Hanye's pupils were also smudged with blood, frozen in the cold wind, motionless.


  Zhang Xuzhi fell into the snow, and the majestic energy exploded, shaking the snow powder all over the ground.

  Blood gushed like a waterfall.


  Tang Ling stuck the Great Thunder Sword in the snow with her backhand. Even though her face was so pale that she had no blood, her eyes were cold and staring, and her red hair was fluttering.

  Gu Jianlin firmly held the **** Tang knife that was thrown over, and flicked the blade with his backhand.

  Blood gradually stained the snow.


   They can not only defeat the **** of death.

   You can also defeat the mighty enemy.

   "Sixth order, is it amazing?"

   Tang Ling said indifferently: "The gap below the sanctuary level is not that big, you are too overestimating yourself."

  Gu Jianlin smiled in relief: "That's all."



  Zhang Xuzhi's expression was full of disbelief.

  He felt the severe pain of being cut in half, and could no longer contain the anger and hatred in his heart.


   There was a beast-like roar in the snow!

  The vitality of the ancient martial arts path is tenacious, even if it is cut in half, it will not die, and it can even continue to accumulate energy.

  The terrifying vigor was rising steadily, almost exploding.

   "Minister Zhang, what are you going to do!"

  Li Hanting's complexion changed drastically: "Calm down, we are still by your side!"

   Zhou Hanye retreated knowingly, God knows what kind of desperate trump card this is.

   Completely disregarded his teammates.

   For a moment, the sky was covered by black shadows!

   Someone fell to the ground and trampled on his chest!


  The Qi Jin frenzy that roared like a blizzard came to an abrupt end!

  Zhang Xuzhi was bombarded to the depths of the ground, his Qi Realm collapsed, his sternum collapsed, and the blood spurted out was like a waterfall, floating everywhere in the strong wind.

   "Zhang Xuzhi, who gave you the courage?"

  It was a woman in military uniform, she stepped on his chest and said indifferently:

   "You are just a mere minister, how dare you act beyond your authority? Even if you have the evidence, you dare to kill them before submitting it to the Audit Bureau for review? Whose order is this? Rhine's order?"

  The deputy leader of the night watchmen, Han Jing.

  Li Hanting felt the chill on the back of his neck, and saw a golden flying sword floating on the back of his neck.


  Ying Changsheng walked out of the dense forest unhurriedly, and said lightly: "It's so ugly, Hanting."

   Zhou Hanye raised her hands above her head, because she was also held around the neck with a knife.

   "I'm really curious, our little princess is here too, are you blind?"

   Ji Ye raised his hand and patted her dull face: "What do you think? Is the court insane?"


  Military helicopters roared over, and dense footsteps sounded from the depths of the cold fog.

   Lu Zicheng led the nano warriors out of the fog.

   He held the knife in both hands, his expression extremely cold.

  Lu Zicheng didn't care about other people, but went straight to the battlefield with Shu Guang and Poison Master.

   Saving talents is the most important thing.

  Accompanied by the roar of the engine, a small helicopter roared over.

  The roar of the Xuanyin saint sounded: "Chen Bojun, are you crazy? What do you want to do?"


   What responded was a burning arrow, passing by the helicopter's propeller.

   Fell into the snowy mountain forest and exploded.

   "I'm in a bad mood right now, don't force me to kill you."

  A helicopter roared down, and Chen Bojun was sitting in the cabin, holding an iron bow in his hand.

  In the blizzard, a huge golden face suddenly appeared.

  It was a cold and stern young man with a pair of majestic double pupils and cold eyes.

  The terrifying coercion is overwhelming.

  One of the three giants of the Ethereum Association, the vice president, Rhine.

   For a moment, the wind and snow gathered into a huge vicissitudes of face, abruptly dispelling his coercion, and said indifferently: "Rhein, your people have gone too far for this sake."

   One of the three giants of the Ethereum Association, the vice president, Lin Dong.

   "When something like this happens, the trial court will naturally punish it severely."

   "I don't believe you."

  The two ninth-level demigods faced each other silently, and neither of them said a single word.



  Mid-air is full of helicopters, and the support of the Night's Watch is finally felt.

  The golden skeleton giant is also collapsing, falling to the sky.


  Gu Jianlin's body could hear the sound of collapse, and finally he was unable to support Jiuyin's backlash, and fell to the sky.

  However, he did not fall into the snow, but fell into a warm embrace.

  Tang Ling hugged him lightly, and said softly, "See? You still need me, right?"

  Gu Jianlin smiled silently: "It seems so."

  The nano-soldiers responsible for the rescue have rushed to them with a stretcher.

  Ji Xiaoyu was lifted high by two alchemists, and her whole body was sluggish.

  Poison Master looked at her in shock, calling her an expert.

  Dawn released holy light for the wounded and healed their physical wounds.

  Lin Wanqiu held his unconscious younger brother in his arms, and wanted to cry for a moment, but wanted to laugh at the same time.

  Lu Qingqing supported the unconscious Chen Qing, full of emotion.

  Lu Zicheng walked to the front, looked at the boy and girl who were tightly hugging each other, and hesitated to speak.

  Tang Ling said softly, "He's fine, it's just that he was seriously injured."

  Gu Jianlin said softly with the last sliver of consciousness: "Captain."

  Lu Zicheng clenched his swords tightly and said hoarsely, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

   "Please help me tell Uncle Mu that he will be released from prison soon, Wan Wan also has hope to get rid of her status as an unclean person, and those people in the refuge, they are all saved."

  Gu Jianlin said softly: "Aunt Zijin is fine, Yueji has brought her into the Sea of ​​Eternal Life. I also found Lin Lan. He is a very important witness and must be in our hands."

   Tang Ling lowered her head and stroked his hair. His seemingly calm words seemed to be turbulent.

   I don’t know how much grievance and sorrow I have hidden.


   Lu Zicheng nodded vigorously.

   "The blood moon massacre incident is not over yet."

  Gu Jianlin vaguely saw a familiar figure appearing in the wind and snow, as if silently smiling at him: "Help me put a stick of incense on old Gu. I will guard for him what he hasn't finished."

  Lu Zicheng hummed again: "Don't worry, leave the rest to us, and no one who should be punished can escape."

"Is it?"

  Gu Jianlin smiled slightly and closed his eyes.

   "Don't let Zhang Xuzhi die here, I can still use it."

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

  (end of this chapter)

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