The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 271: The ancestor of Kuilong, my thug

  Chapter 271 The ancestor of Kuilong, my thug

  Dawn City, 1st Combat Command.


  The chessboard was violently shaken, and countless chess pieces were shaken and scattered everywhere.

"Oh, why are you so angry? I told you a long time ago that you have to learn to cultivate your character. Could it be that you will be so angry when you encounter the tricks of the ancient gods on the battlefield in the future? You are known as the modern white man, leading the Fighters with hundreds of thousands of nanometers must show their emotions and anger!" Huaiyin said with a smile.

   "You are also worthy of letting me calm down?"

  Commander Lu had a cold face and asked in a cold voice: "I'm afraid I was tricked by you again?"

  Huaiyin sighed: "How many times have you been tricked by our seniors since you were young, accept your fate."

  They all came from the golden age of human beings. They stole chickens and dogs together since they were young, and went to the house to reveal tiles.

  At that time, the President always felt that Qing and Chi added up to more than 800 minds.

   As for Xiao Lu, he is too naive, and he will probably still be the same when he grows up.

   Unexpectedly, it really came true.

   "Are you kidding my daughter?"

   Commander Lu's stern eyes burst into light.

"That's not true. Although I have seen through Chi's plan, I will not watch your daughter die. After all, I like this little girl. If the plan goes well, I will let her die in the sea of ​​eternal life, and then put her Throw it to a mysterious place, and then watch you go into a rage and turn against your teacher."

  Huaiyin fiddled with the chess pieces: "When the Ethernet Association becomes completely chaotic, the teacher will have to take action."

  Commander Lu's expression softened a little, and he said in a cold voice, "The president has a student like you, and I don't know what evil she did in her previous life. Do you really want to watch her die so much?"

   "After all, there is a saying that what cannot be broken cannot be established."

   Huaiyin said lightly: "If she doesn't die, the order will never be destroyed. Do you believe it? The extraordinary order of the human world for more than two thousand years has become a shackle that hinders the progress of mankind."

"It's a pity. I watched Zhang Xuzhi get those documents. Who would have thought that he is so useless. He is clearly a sixth-level domain king, but he can't even deal with a group of little guys. I have to say, my student is really You are so smart, you discovered the clue so quickly, and your skills have improved a lot."

  He smiled and said, "There's even an extra stunning wife."

   Commander Lu frowned: "What wife?"

   "It's better not to know, or it will scare you to death."

   Huaiyin looked up at the sky: "Throughout the ages, you can't find anyone who is more courageous than him."

   dong dong.

  The door was knocked.

  Commander Lu realized who it was, and he didn't give a good face at all: "Come in."

   Huaiyin turned her head and looked, only to see the door open, and a slender and tall figure standing under the light.

   "Commander Lu, Mr. Huai."

  Rhein was wearing a snow-white suit, her hair was combed back neatly, and she was tied into a neat ponytail. There was no expression on her cold face, only a pair of golden double pupils full of majesty.

  He didn't mean to come in, but just sat at the door.

  Commander Lu didn't say a word, after all, he didn't deal with the trial court very much.

   Huaiyin smiled and said, "Are you in a hurry? I know you are in a hurry, but the worst is yet to come."

Rhine stared at the old man, and said with a blank expression: "I once heard my father say that the worst people in the world are Qing and Chi, but after all, I have never experienced that era, and I don't know you very well. Now I've seen that the whole world sees the Inquisition as extreme, self-serving and unscrupulous."

   "I admit that in order to obtain the power of heaven and man, I took the position of president. I did make the most of the rules and did a lot of cruel things to seek power."

  He paused: "But I feel that it is still not as good as you."

   Commander Lu commented: "This sentence is correct."

Huaiyin smiled faintly: "The problem is that I didn't send out that document, it was clearly sent by someone from Chi, so what does it have to do with me? You realized that the source of this document was unknown at the beginning, but after verification, it still remains the same. By choosing to perform this mission, you have made your choice."

  Rhein said nothing.

   "Even if Chi is dead, I am the only one who can deal with him in the whole world."

Huaiyin said with emotion: "Actually, I don't have any ill feelings towards your lineage. In order to control absolute power, it is a very common maneuver to reverse black and white and distort right and wrong. Especially you, a child, your talent is indeed very good. That’s right, but the problem is that you are too much like your idiot father, so don’t become the second generation of the idiot king.”

  Rhein's eyes flashed with fury like a storm: "Really?"

   "Look at you, I'm saying that you father and son are stupid. You obviously wanted to make two tricks with me, but you had to bear it for the sake of the overall situation. That's why that kid Lei Ting doesn't like you."

Huaiyin sighed and said: "Your plan is very good. After the blood moon massacre, the night watchmen suffered heavy losses and could no longer gain the trust of the president. Eliminate dissidents internally, and the external achievements are so-so, but it is still passable.”

"As for Lei Ting, you knew early on that she was the chosen one. Once the teacher's wife's celestialization research is successful, it will inevitably fall on her, and she is the most suitable host for the celestial wedge. Especially she has On the other hand, it is a path created by Venerable Bai Ze that is not considered successful, but has found another way."

  He paused: "You are ready to marry her, but she doesn't like you at all."

  Rhein was silent.

   "Why is the president hesitating? Because you really can't play Chi."

Huaiyin smiled and said: "Your plan is very good. After seeing the evidence, let Zhang Xuzhi do this. Your purpose is to label Lu Zijin as a traitor, and even cleanse everyone who has anything to do with her." If you can really do this, then I won't say anything, just take my apprentice and admit defeat."

  He said helplessly: "Unfortunately, you can't do it."

  Rhein had to admit that everything that happened today was beyond his expectations.

   "Zhang Xuzhi has indeed touched the dusk."

   Huaiyin suddenly said: "Maybe he will be rescued by the people in the dusk. If I guess correctly, the people who came should be Xingyun and Guiyan. These two perverts have not been seen for a long time."

  Rhein turned around and left without hesitation.

   "I will stop the dusk man and bring Zhang Xuzhi back alive."

   He said coldly.

   "No need to go, it's late."

   Huaiyin lowered his head and fiddled with the chessboard, and said with a smile, "My student is already angry."

  Rhein had a vague premonition.

   "Someone is tired of your machinations."

   Huaiyin said lightly:

   "You want to touch Lu Zijin, you want to touch the brothers and sisters of the Lin family, and now he will make you hurt."



  Because all twelve guard posts on the ice sheet were pulled out, the alchemy experts of the Aether Association rewrote the matrix.

  The blockade of the enchantment has disappeared, and you can enter and exit freely at present.

  On the snowy ice field, heavy armored vehicles roared forward.

  Fu Qingxuan sat in the carriage and said with emotion: "After this incident, the contradiction has been completely put on the table. Fortunately, Lao Mu and the others are saved. This major discovery is of great significance to the entire human race."

  As a night watchman, he has now recovered his strength and participated in the mission again.

   "I didn't expect Lin Lan to be alive. It's really great."

Someone said: "If the boss knows this, he should be very happy, right? The most important trial is next, but we have already got enough evidence, we will never lose. The blood moon massacre can also be restarted, and we finally It’s okay to figure out what’s going on without having the Inquisition say what it is.”

   Some people also said with emotion: "Old Gu's son, really amazing."

   It's really amazing.

  Lu Zijin was successfully sent into the Sea of ​​Eternal Life.

  Although he was labeled a traitor, the specific situation is still open to question.

  The most important thing is that Zhang Xuzhi has finished picking up.

   "Zhang Xuzhi is really crazy, why not just kill him?"

   "Shh, don't talk nonsense, we can't mess around."

   "Cheer up and watch out for the hands and feet of the trial court."

   Of course, vigilance is vigilance.

  This group of night watchmen is almost all sixth-order, and the probability of accidents is very low.

  The members of the trial court will naturally also participate in the **** operation, and the leader is Xuanyin Saint, this is a sanctuary-level priest, and there are eight councilors accompanying him, so the threat in terms of combat power is very low.

  After this incident, it was a serious blow to the trial court.

  Every time something happens, the first thing they think of is always their own interests.


  Chen Bojun led the team on a snowmobile. This seventh-rank sanctuary-level complexion was deep, wrapped in a thick military uniform coat, and a pair of eagle eyes scanned the front coldly, never saying a word.

   "I will take care of the prison van, so there will be no problems."

  Instructor Zhu was also riding a snowmobile, keeping pace with him.

  Ying Changsheng stepped on the flying sword and broke through the wind and snow.

  Mu Qingyou also controlled the flying sword to check the enemies around.

  Omega's first and second escort.

   Countless steel prison cars rumbled.

  Most of the witchers involved in this matter are going to be arrested and await trial.

  Zhang Xuzhi was put on spiritual shackles, and his whole body was tightly bound with iron chains, unable to move.

   "Minister Zhang."

Li Hanting was also tightly restrained, slumped in the prison car, and asked in a low voice: "Didn't you say that this matter was approved by Mr. Rhine? Why did it become like this? You clearly said that Mr. Rhine would protect you." Damn us, why are we being arrested? It shouldn't be."

   Zhou Hanye didn't say a word in the corner, but his face was very ugly.

  Zhang Xuzhi twitched his lips, revealing a weird smile.

   "I said that the lord would save us."

  His lips moved slightly: "But he didn't say it was Rhine."

  Someone made a confused sound in the distant wind and snow.

It was a demure woman with curly black hair. She was wearing a snow-white woolen coat with a wine-red woolen lining, a white belt bound her waist, a black short skirt on her lower body, and a pair of slender and delicate legs. Wrapped in velvet leggings, she stepped on shiny black high boots.

   She raised her toes, looked around, with a natural expression on her face, and muttered: "Ghost eye, didn't the military division say nine o'clock tonight? Why can't I see even a ghost?"

  I saw a haggard man curled up in a black robe, whispering: "I'm blind, how do I know? Isn't it you who lead the way? Wait...wait a minute, you must be lost again, right?"

  Xing Yun covered her red lips and said in surprise, "What? Am I lost?"

Ghost Eye said in shock: "My God, you don't even know you're lost? This is an ice field near the Sea of ​​Eternal Life. We won't be trapped here, right? Where did you take me? It can't be Kuilong The ancestor's lair, right? You stupid woman, I'm going to kill you!"

  Xing Yun quickly bowed and apologized: "Ah, I'm sorry! But I don't think we should be in the lair of Kuilong's ancestor. After all, there is nothing around. If we really meet the ancestor, we can still run away!"

  Guiyan breathed a sigh of relief: "You're right."

  Xing Yun waited for a long time, and finally heard the roar of the engine: "Here we come!"

  She took a deep breath, her plump **** rose and fell slightly, and her eyes suddenly became cold.

   "Hurry up, leave as soon as you save someone, and be careful that the ancestor of Kuilong will kill us."

   Ghost Eye said eagerly.

   For a moment, they suddenly realized something and raised their heads blankly.

  On the frozen snow peak, someone looked down at the howling ice field with calm eyes.

  Gu Jianlin was only wearing a loose hospital gown, and even though his body was about to freeze, he didn't tremble at all.

  He held a blood-red Tang knife in his hand, and a pair of bewitching vertical pupils reflected on the blade.

  The mighty convoy came roaring.

  The dense rhythm of life was perceived by him.

   "There are so many people."

   Gu Jianlin said softly.

  Jiuyin sneered and said: "I've said it all, it was the best time at that time, and now even if you become an ancient god, you can't kill them. After all, you have just reached the so-called super-dimensional level, and you can't exert your real power."

  Gu Jianlin smiled faintly: "I said before, this is my world, and I have my own way."

   Jiuyin was silent for a second.

   "Are you sure, the ancestor of Kuilong really betrayed His Holiness?"

  It couldn't help asking.

  Gu Jianlin said calmly: "Yes, didn't you just wake up because you regarded me as a venerable?"

  Jiu Yin originally thought that the Venerable had changed his mind, so he picked it up again.

  But I didn't expect that after waking up, what I saw was the son of the Venerable.

   Ah no.

   is the man of His Holiness.

   This world is too ridiculous.

   It has been sleeping for so many years without knowing what happened.

   It's just that the boy does have the power of the venerable.

  You want to say that His Holiness really found a man in the human world...

  This statement is extremely absurd, but the facts before you make you have to believe it.

  This stupid knife is so easy to fool.

  Gu Jianlin shook his head: "Then let you see."

  At this moment, his shadow suddenly became ancient and deified, and he took over Jiuyin casually.

   Between heaven and earth, there was a terrifying dragon chant!


  The mighty convoy came to a sudden stop, the car siren frantically warned, and the red light flashed.

"not good!"

  The Saint of Xuanyin, as a sanctuary level, shouted: "Retreat!"

  Chen Bojun showed vigilance on his face. He is a person who has been to Buzhou Mountain before, so he can recognize what it is.

   Dragon chant!

  The dragon chant piercing the heavens and the earth!

  All members of the Night's Watch and Inquisition are on alert.

   "Withdraw! Withdraw quickly!"

  In the wind and snow in the distance, Xingyun and Guiyan also heard the monstrous dragon chant.

   For a moment, the sky of Qilin Asgard was covered by a terrifying blizzard, and angry power gushed out from the sea of ​​immortality, almost covering the entire ice field, and the extreme cold dropped suddenly!

  In the wind and snow, there is only a huge and ferocious shadow dancing wildly, a pair of furious blood pupils overlooking the earth!

  On the steep snow peak, Gu Jianlin looked up at the sky and said lightly:

"did you see?"

  He laughed and said, "As soon as I became deified, he came to kill me."

  Jiuyin trembled slightly: "Rebellious minister! Rebellious minister!"

  Gu Jianlin said lightly: "It's okay, this happens to be my free thug."


  The ice sheet was shaking.

  The moment when that terrifying force was about to lock him.

  The ancient apotheosis was suddenly lifted.

  The violent killing intent lost its target, and there was a faint roar of anger, and blizzard fell from the sky.

  Whether it's the Inquisition or the Night's Watch.

   Or a member of Omega.

  They felt the violent coercion of an ancestor, and faced the avalanche-like blizzard, they all retreated immediately without any thought of resistance.

   Only the prison van at the front was left unattended and was swallowed by the blizzard!

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

   I updated 13,000 yesterday, and I’m a little tired today, so that’s all for this update.



  (end of this chapter)

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