The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 277: Take care, teacher!

  Chapter 277 Teacher, take care!

   This night, Gu Jianlin communicated with the teacher for a long time, but they only discussed one topic.

   "Teacher, are we going to say goodbye this time?"

   "What kind of stupid talk are you talking about? Are you going to die if you go to Mount Buzhou for your teacher?"

"No, I'm really worried about you. Can you really defeat Venerable Candle Dragon? This is the strongest ancient supreme, even if you are quasi-exalted, you can't defeat him. What's more, didn't you suffer Injured? Even if Venerable Candle Dragon is at the most critical moment and may become extremely weak, I don't think you are opponents."

   "Don't I still have gold and silver to help me? My juniors and younger sisters are also very strong, okay? They will definitely protect me as a senior. If I die, who will deal with Chiqu?"

   "Can the three natural disasters really deal with Venerable Candle Dragon? I always feel that you are a death squad."

   "Bah! What is the Death Squad?"

"I have to tell you, I discovered a shocking secret this time. Venerable Zhulong, I have known about your birth for a long time, whether it is the president or the green and red twin kings. She could have been born when you were still babies. Just came out and strangled you, but she didn't do that, you just know what to do."

"How did you know this? It's okay to strangle us when we are babies. From what I know about His Holiness, she probably wouldn't be able to do such a thing, because even if she knew our birth in advance, she wouldn't act as a child." One thing."

   "Yes, she despises you."

   "Yes, since she looks down on us so much, can it be tolerated?"

   "I have to visit the graves of five members of my family every year, and I really don't want to have one more."

   "Can you think of something about Yangjian?"

   "Well, if you are gone, I will definitely find a way to level up and help you get revenge."

   "Go away, villain!"

  Accompanied by a loud curse, the grocery store disappeared silently into the wind and snow, like a mirage.


  Gu Jianlin sighed: "Teacher, take care."

   This time it was really a strong man who never returned, and he was really too courageous.

  According to his current understanding, the old monster is absolutely invincible. In the known universe, there is no fighting power comparable to her. Unless the same supreme level assists, humans have no chance of winning.

   It's just what the natural disasters are going to do, and he can't stop it.

  Let them go.

  Anyway, people who have reached this level must know better than a rookie like him.

   Certainly not taking his own life as a joke.

"Now the Ether Association has formed a strategy team to attack the lair of the ancestor of Kuilong. This old opponent I have encountered since my debut is finally about to suffer. It's really terrible. And there are huge secrets hidden in the sea of ​​​​eternal life, involving Venerable Candle Dragon's plan to adapt to human rules, if I can destroy it, I will be the supreme one at the forefront."

  Facing the snowstorm, Gu Jianlin said with emotion: "First of all, I, the Supreme, will be promoted to the fifth rank!"

  As a mixture of humans and ancient gods, the owner of dual pathways.

  Every time he is promoted, his improvement is huge.

  However, at this moment, an overwhelming stench emanated from the barracks.

  Gu Jianlin was so unprepared that he almost vomited.

  People broke up and fled from the east one after another, with mournful expressions on their faces.

   It is said that after this meritorious service, Ji Xiaoyu received verbal praise from the president for the first time.

   No substantive rewards, because there is no need.

   On the contrary, it was the president's acknowledgment that made the child ecstatic.

  It's a pity that after Ji Xiaoyu was recognized, she became more and more intensified. She forcibly enslaved twenty alchemists for her own use, frantically studying the prescriptions she got from Buzhou Mountain.

   Now the good military camp has become a biochemical base.

  The pharmacists were miserable, and so were the others.

  But because her research is indeed important, the higher-ups actually allowed her project.

   Even approved funding.

  After this order, the high-level people immediately moved and built a new camp one kilometer away.

   "I feel the evil of the world!"

   Jiuyin trembled in the knife bag: "Did you fall into Wujian?"

  Gu Jianlin asked curiously, "What is Infernal Affairs?"

Jiuyin replied: "The so-called Wujian is the **** of the ancient gods. It is filled with the most evil substances and smells in the world. Ordinary ancestors will go crazy when they smell it. Only the ancient gods who committed the unforgivable crime will be punished." To be imprisoned is a punishment 10,000 times more humiliating than death."

Ha ha.

   Come on, Pomonkey.

  Gu Jianlin shook his head, ready to leave here.

   However, in the snowstorm ahead, a graceful silhouette suddenly appeared.

"You came!"

  Lin Wanqiu seemed to have been waiting here for a long time, her hair was covered with snowflakes, her eyelashes were also frosted, her beautiful eyes were clear and glowed like never before: "Thank God, you are fine!"

  She caressed her full chest and let out a long sigh of relief.

   "What can I do?"

   Gu Jianlin asked calmly.

Lin Wanqiu's eyes were resentful, and she said in a low voice: "You, you are too impulsive and willful. Now the entire Ethereum Association knows that you killed Minister Zhang and publicly challenged Vice President Rhine. Do you know what you are doing? ? This means that you are talented, and now the human world needs your wisdom, otherwise you can just wait."

  Changing from the tone of green tea in the past, she is like an ordinary sister next door, educating impulsive boys.

  Maybe this is what she was like.

  A woman who has endured humiliation for so long and even risked her life for a younger brother who is not related by blood. Beauty and tea art are only her weapons, and she is still an ordinary woman after taking off her defenses.

  Gu Jianlin suddenly realized the beauty of this woman.

   It's not about looks.

   It refers to the inner beauty that she showed after she took off the mask.

   "Don't worry, I'm fine."

  Gu Jianlin shook his head and said, "Don't worry about me."

  Lin Wanqiu was about to say something, but in the end she just smiled.

  Her smile is like snowflakes floating everywhere.

"That's right. When I first saw you, I thought you were a lunatic. You dared to find the clown alone. The rescue team was wiped out. You can kill him alone. At that time, I needed to be attached to the court, so I did something bad to you, but luckily it didn't hurt you, I'm sorry."

She folded her hands on her thighs and bowed deeply: "But what I want to say to you more is, thank you. Thank you for being willing to protect me as an Omega, thank you for giving me this opportunity to go to the place of eternal life. ocean."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback.

   "Thank you for saving my brother, thank you for standing in front of me and not giving up."

  Lin Wanqiu raised her head, her beautiful eyes were filled with tears, not because of sadness, but because of joy: "Thank you very much for meeting you, in fact, people like me don't deserve your help at all."

  Gu Jianlin was stunned for a long time, then suddenly burst out laughing: "It's okay, you deserve it."

  Lin Wanqiu was slightly taken aback.

   "I didn't like you very much at first, until I saw the scene where you treated Wanwan."

  Gu Jianlin looked at her charming face, and said softly, "I'll profile it, you can tell whether it's true or not."

  The wind and snow came howling, Lin Wanqiu blinked her beautiful eyes, the sockets of which turned red all of a sudden.

  Maybe because she discovered that someone had always understood her.

  Maybe because of something else.

   "I will repay you if I have the chance."

  Lin Wanqiu said seriously: "Just like you stand in front of me and my brother, if one day you need it, I will also stand in front of you. No matter what, I will never let go. This is my promise."

  Gu Jianlin instinctively wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, the other party's words also came from the heart to repay him.

  He nodded slightly: "Okay."

  Lin Wanqiu suddenly came up to her, and said in a low voice, "I'll tell you a secret. I know a very remarkable person, someone that no one can imagine. If you need it, I can make a deal with him for you."

  Gu Jianlin fell into silence.

   All right, as long as you are happy.

However, at this moment, Lin Wanqiu suddenly handed him a sealed wooden box, and whispered into his ear, "This is the biggest secret of the Lin family, and it is related to the Penglai Immortal Formation. The Lin family has been wiped out many times." Years later, I dug it out from the basement of my hometown in the country, and even my younger brother didn't know about it."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback, he didn't expect that she still had such a thing hidden.

   "I am your guardian, of course good things must be left to you."

  Lin Wanqiu smiled: "Although I have been polluted, with new technology, I should be able to recover. For a long time to come, I will continue to protect you and fulfill my promise."

  She suddenly said: "Can I be willful?"

  Gu Jianlin was puzzled as he held the wooden box.

  Suddenly, Lin Wanqiu took a step forward and hugged him tightly.

  Gu Jianlin felt the warmth and softness of his chest.


Lin Wanqiu said softly: "If I were ten years younger, I would definitely not let you go. But now I am definitely not good enough for you. Your future is destined to have infinite possibilities. I just want to watch you from behind. In comparison, Lei Ting and Yue Ji are more worthy of you, right? Those are good girls, don't miss them."

  Gu Jianlin was slightly taken aback, then watched the woman let go of herself, stepping backwards in the wind and snow, her long hair fluttering.

  She waved at him with a charming and romantic smile.

  She turned around, with her hands behind her back, her steps were light and agile, and her long hair fell.

  After being silent for a long time, Gu Jianlin had to admit that this was one of the most impressive scenes in his life.

  He looked down at the wooden box in his hand, and silently opened a gap.

  A quaint clay tablet lay quietly inside.

   Clay Tablet of Fate!

   Just when he was surprised, the phone vibrated suddenly.


   "Respected A-level investigator Gu Jianlin, you have been promoted to the first echelon of the Omega sequence, and selected into the list of the Sea of ​​Eternal Raiders. Please bring your supplies and weapons immediately and go to the resident camp to meet up."

  Gu Jianlin's heart sank when he heard the news.

  If someone else was selected, they would probably be ecstatic.

   But he won't.

  He just wants to go it alone.

  Because Minister Lu is still in the sea of ​​eternal life.

  Especially Yue Ji, who also accompanied her.

  Gu Jianlin was definitely worried, so he gave the girl the fragment of the Qilin Wedge in advance.

  With the fragments of the Qilin Wedge as coordinates, he can easily find it.

   But with a large army, many things cannot be used.

"what should I do now?"

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

   There is another update today. The version of Zhulong without the chest cloth is placed in the group, add the group introduction below.



  (end of this chapter)

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