The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 283: Artificial Ancestor, Tianyan Pavilion

  Chapter 283 Artificial Ancestor, Tianyan Pavilion

  The Taixu alarm sounded in the cabin of the Deep Blue.

"The Deep Blue is currently in the low-altitude flight stage. We have reached the depths of the Sea of ​​Immortality. It is currently predicted that we may suffer five to ten violent shocks. Please don't panic and stay calm. According to the iron law of order, we You are allowed to take pictures of the whole picture of the Sea of ​​Eternal Life, but it is not allowed to spread to the outside world, thank you for your cooperation."

  After Gu Jianlin walked out of Yunyao's secret library, he heard such sirens.

   During this trip to the Sea of ​​Eternal Life, almost all the young investigators were basically doing odd jobs.

  Ordinary sanctuary level, there is nothing to do with it.

   Just follow along to do odd jobs.

  Ethereum Association will allocate some resources to the young people, and when the time comes, rush in and clean up the mobs.

  The so-called mobs are actually just a subtle term.

  Because in the depths of the sea of ​​eternal life, the weakest is also the ancient **** species from the super ancient times.

  The slightly more powerful elite monster is Zu.

  Although some newborn ancestors are not very powerful, they are still ancient gods and quite dangerous.

   Therefore, it is necessary to improve the strength of investigators.

  Decentralization of the Destiny Jade Slip is also the reason.

   Just don't know why, he didn't get the forbidden spell.

  The reason is that the Beastmaster glanced at him, then closed his eyes and did nothing.

   For super-dimensional sublimators, forbidden spells are very important.

  Because each approach has its own shortcomings.

  For example, the way of killing ghosts is only suitable for one-on-one duels, and it can come and go freely.

   But not good at facing large-scale attacks.

   Another example is the **** division path, which will lack some means of attack at the super-dimensional level.

  Including the functionality of the Jianzong approach, it is basically negligible.

  Forbidden spell can be a good assistant to solve it.

   It is said that this three-eyed white tiger has very high intelligence, and is not mixed with any human emotions. It is known for its absolute fairness and justice, so there is another reason for not giving him a forbidden spell.

"What is so powerful about the so-called Primordial Forbidden Curse? It's just something created by weak humans to imitate the power of the ancient gods in order to control the rules of the real world. The so-called Primordial Forbidden Curse is nothing more than a rough imitation. The original Forbidden spells are interesting, but that's about it."

  Jiuyin's coquettish snort sounded in his mind: "You were created by the Venerable... male favorite? Face head?"

  Gu Jianlin's face turned dark.

"I don't know what to use to describe you, but that's what it is all about. You have the power of two supreme beings, and you are even a mixture of humans and ancient gods. Even I can't see your personality. , This makes me feel more and more great about the greatness of the Venerable. Thinking about it, the Venerable's experiment should be successful!"

Jiuyin snorted and said, "Wouldn't it be nice for the Venerable to teach you hand in hand? I would be too dirty if those **** from the Bai Ze clan came. You are the Venerable's male favourite, so you should have the Venerable's too." arrogant!"

   Gu Jianlinxin said that when they really meet each other, they will teach them hand in hand.

   That was thunder hitting the ground.

   But at present, it seems that Jiuyin really regards him as a test product of the old monster.

  Because in Jiuyin's view, the old monster is invincible and can never lose.

  Gu Jianlin could get her keel and possess part of her power only because of her own permission.

   Never thought of any other reason.

   "How much do you know about His Holiness?"

  Gu Jianlin suddenly turned his attention to this knife.

"Uh, I used to be sealed in a scabbard, and I was only summoned when the Venerable needed it. Because the Venerable has been learning about human beings and has lived in the human world, my task is to Clean up the garbage that doesn't have eyes, so as not to dirty the eyes of the venerable."

   Jiuyin said quietly: "I can only say that the Venerable is the most perfect in this universe. Unfortunately, most of the memories of that year were lost after I was cut off. Otherwise, I would be able to remember many things."

   What use do you want!

  Gu Jianlin shook his head and said, "So, don't you hate the Bai Ze clan?"

  Jiu Yin was silent for a moment, then hummed and said: "It's okay, what can I say if my skills are inferior to others? Do you still want to play tricks and plot revenge? Just find the place in the future."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment, this stupid knife is quite arrogant.

   It seems that we still have to rely on Senior Ji to understand the old monster further.

  He lowered his head and caressed the quaint ancient book. It seemed to be at least hundreds of years old. He didn't know what special material it was made of. It's still firm up to now, but it has a lot of wear and tear.

  Suddenly, there was a page of yellowed crisp paper sandwiched in this ancient book.

  This piece of paper is not known how old it is, it looks like a child's scribbles, with messy lines interlaced irregularly, but in his view, it seems to come alive.


  His mind was pitch black, the sky was shrouded in haze, and the chaotic dark clouds were churning, like a brood that was pregnant with disasters. With a blazing thunder falling, the world roared endlessly.

   Gu Jianlin recovered from the hallucination, and took a deep breath.

  The ancient forbidden curse, the thunder of the gods!

  He had seen this kind of ancient forbidden curse in the courtyard of souls.

   At that time, he was executing a treacherous minister, and once the ancient **** thunder was fired, the ashes were scattered.

   This is the forbidden curse of the president!

   "I take back what I just said, there is still something about human beings' forbidden spells."

   Jiuyin trembled slightly: "It's so scary!"

   "Is this sent by senior Ji? No wonder the Beastmaster didn't choose the ancient forbidden curse for me."

  Gu Jianlin murmured to himself: "Senior Ji also has a heart."

  The senior probably saw that the fourth-level Yun Zhongjun did not have the usual attack ability.

   Actually brought him the thunder of the gods of the gods.

   This trip was rewarding.

   At this moment, the Deep Blue suddenly shook, and a huge building passed by the porthole.

  It was a frozen Tongtian Tower, standing on top of a huge ice layer, surrounded by ancient buildings that were also frozen. The seawater flowed violently under the ice, breaking countless cracks.

  The huge glacier is so majestic, and there are majestic buildings standing in the wind and snow.

   This is the sea of ​​eternal life.


   There was a loud noise in the cabin.

  The little princess's roar sounded vaguely.

"what happened?"

  Gu Jianlin frowned: "Taixu?"

After a brief silence, Taixu's gentle voice sounded: "Don't worry, nothing happened. The guests of Tianyan Pavilion in Lishan Mountain were invited by the president to join our strategy group. Most of the members of Tianyan Pavilion in the present world , were selected from various ancient families, so they are also familiar with some Omega."

   "People from Tianyan Pavilion in Lishan Mountain?"

  Gu Jianlin's heart moved slightly, Lei Ting was either going to be taken away by this group of people.

   "Where is it? I'll go and have a look."



  The huge aircraft is like a broken crescent moon, whizzing away against the wind and snow.

  Tang Ling stood on the edge of the deck overlooking the world of the icy sea. Her white hair was fluttering in the wind and snow, scattered everywhere like snowflakes. A few strands of hair were messy on her face, half covering her beautiful eyes.

  Her slender and curled eyelashes are tightly knotted, and the endless sea is reflected in her beautiful eyes.

  A white wool coat fluttered in the wind, with a tall and graceful back.

   "This is the territory of the ancestor of Kuilong?"

  She faintly heard the howling in the depths of the wind and snow, and said softly.

   "This is not the territory of the ancestor of Kuilong at all, it is just occupying the magpie's nest. Such a huge life energy is hidden in the sea, and only the black supreme can do it."

   Someone said indifferently.

  That is also a white-haired woman, but her appearance is very ordinary, wearing a black cloak covered with snowflakes.

  The most striking thing is that her long hair is nine feet long, dancing wildly in the air.

   King of Silver.

   "Whether you can survive or not depends on this time."

The Silver King said indifferently: "During this time, I have been very tolerant to you. You are my most proud student. Even if you don't like me anymore, I will regard you as my own. No matter what, Tang Zijing is hopeless." , the ancestor of Kuilong must be killed in the near future, otherwise the whole world will be attacked by disaster."

   "Your great-grandfather's life is worth nothing compared to this world."

  She paused: "I think you understand."

  Tang Ling was silent for a moment, and then smiled silently, like a flower blooming in the snow.

   "I know, teacher."

  Suddenly, her complexion became rosy, and a trace of blood spilled from her lips again.


  The Silver King said with a blank expression: "If you had been cultivating yourself in Jianzhong during this time, you wouldn't be so uncomfortable now, but you just can't let go of your own feelings, after all, you have to reap the consequences."

She paused: "At the end of the Jianzong path, you must be ruthless people. If you can't let go of your own obsessions, it will only bite you back. Of course, this is also your freedom. After all, compared to your future For those things that the human world bears, it is your right to be selfish now."

   Tang Ling took out a wet towel from her bag and wiped the corners of her lips.

  She lowered her head again, took out her mobile phone, and looked at the photos on the screen.

  The photo is a group photo of a teenager and a girl together, with a burning bonfire and a dark palace in the background.

  Actually, there was one thing she kept silent on.

   That is, she didn't want to give up investigating her great-grandfather herself.

   It wasn't because of Jianzhong, Tianyan Pavilion, or the president's obstruction.

   It's that her body really can't hold it anymore.

   "It's okay, I owe you this, so I'm willing to pay it back."

  Tang Ling said softly: "I just want to do what I want to do in the last period of time."

  The Silver King glanced at her: "So, are you happy?"

   Tang Ling didn't expect the teacher to ask such a question, she was slightly taken aback, and hummed.

   "Although Jianzong pays attention to ruthlessness, I am still human after all, and I will still care about you."

  The Silver King put his hands behind his back and said lightly, "I heard you didn't go home to say goodbye before you left?"

   Tang Ling shook her head and said, "I've been away from home for too long, and my parents already have a new child, so even if I go back this time, I don't have anything to say. If I really can't hold on, going back will only make them sad."

  The Silver King snorted, "Where's that student of the Blue King?"

  Tang Ling was slightly taken aback, a trace of complicated meaning flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she said lightly, "I've already bid farewell. After entering the extraordinary world for so long, I've only made such a friend. I'm still very happy."

  There was a gleam of coldness in the eyes of the Silver King: "Ever since this person became a student of the senior brother, I didn't want you to get too close to him. There is nothing good in this lineage."

   Tang Ling vaguely knew what happened to the natural disasters back then, so she couldn't comment on it.

  She untied the piano case on her back, and took out a quaint scabbard from inside. It was made of unknown wood, and the whole body was covered with strange red lines, as if written by ghosts and gods.

   "Huh? Have you converted the mysterious properties of your Golden Crow Featherclothes?"

   The Silver King narrowed his eyes and said calmly.

  Tang Ling has a mythical weapon called the Golden Crow Feather Clothes, which was a coming-of-age gift given to her by the President.

   itself has no side effects, and it is warm in winter and cool in summer when worn on the body.

  As long as its effect is worn on the body, it can enhance the extremely strong defense effect.

  For example, her sword bone, when wearing the golden crow feather coat, has an amazingly strong defense.

   Can face-on confront all abilities of the same level except Dimensional Slash.


   Tang Ling handed out the scabbard, and said calmly: "I hope the teacher will give this scabbard to him, and tell him that it is a gift from me, and don't say anything else."

  The Silver King looked deeply at the scabbard, and said, "You have been tossing about this all night last night? It was carved by you yourself. I didn't expect you to be clumsy when doing housework and cooking, but your hands are quite dexterous."

  A trace of anger flashed in Tang Ling's beautiful eyes, and she turned her head silently.

   "It seems that the third gentleman is worthy of being the killer of sister Yu, and he has mesmerized you like this."

  The Silver King took the scabbard and said, "I will hand it over to him for you, but if you can, it's better for you to give it to him yourself. You are my favorite student. You have passed this life-and-death test and come back alive."

  Tang Ling raised her clear eyes, looked at the wind and snow in the depths of the Sea of ​​Eternal Life, and hummed.

  The Silver King turned around and disappeared into the snowstorm.



  A group of strange people ushered in the central rest area of ​​the Deep Blue.

  The reason why they are called weirdos is because they are covered in black robes and have simple sword boxes tied behind their backs.

  Ji Xiaoyu pointed to the petite one among the group of people, and said in a deep voice: "Tang Yun, don't think I don't know you anymore after you've been away for so long, come out and fight with me!"

   The people in black robes didn't respond at all, they just looked at her indifferently.

  Mu Qingyou, as a member of Jianzhong, is also the second in the Omega sequence. At this time, she is sandwiched between two groups of people. Her face is quite ugly, and she is even a little embarrassed. She doesn't know what to do.

   "Xiao Yu!"

  Lu Qingqing was beside her, and said in a low voice: "Come back quickly, don't run into them, this is a guest!"

   Nightmare was even more panicked, because he had divination about the other party's background, which was terrifying.

  Especially Meng Gong, his hands holding the copper coins were shaking, and his face was pale.

   "What guest? I know this person. I used to fight with her a lot. Before she was taken away, she sneaked up on me and beat me up. Now I want to get back!"

  Ji Xiaoyu was unconvinced and said, "Tang Yun, are you coming out?"

  The people in black robes finally couldn't bear her noise, and turned their heads to look at the last petite black figure.

  The man was silent for a moment, and finally came out, suspiciously said: "Who are you? I don't remember you at all, the current Omega is not only weak, but also so rude, hurry up and get out of my way."

  As soon as this remark was made, the Omegas raised their eyebrows.

  Especially for Mu Qingyou, a cold light flashed in her eyes.

  But thinking of the identity of the other party, he forcibly restrained himself.

   "What? You say I'm weak? Fight if you have the ability!"

  Ji Xiaoyu clenched her fists and said with a sneer, "I'm about to reach level five!"

  For a moment, that person came in front of her, the hood fell off, revealing a head of frost-white hair, and a small face like a jade carving made of ice, he looked like a teenager.

   It's just that her face is not as beautiful as a normal human being.

  In a pair of eyes, the light of stars is reflected.

   "A member of the Ji family? I seem to have a little impression. It seems that your identity is unusual."

  She said lightly: "We are here to help conquer the Sea of ​​Immortality, and we don't want to waste time on ants like you. You are not even an evolutionary, you are too weak."

  Suddenly, she raised her hand and quickly pointed out a finger.


  As if something exploded out of thin air.

  Ji Xiaoyu was caught off guard, and was suddenly blown out by the blasted air, flying upside down in mid-air.

   Just then, someone reached out and grabbed her by the collar.

   "Are you okay?"

  Gu Jianlin said expressionlessly, "Why are you making trouble again?"

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

   The second update is estimated to be very late, so it is recommended to watch it the next day.



  (end of this chapter)

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