The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 288: I only love the venerable

  Chapter 288 I only love the Venerable

  Gu Jianlin's thoughts were like a storm, and the forgotten details flashed through his mind in an instant.

  He vaguely realized something, and was about to let go.

   "I suggest that you don't let go of your hand, just control me like this, and try harder."

  On the big soft bed, Tang Yun's white hair was loose. She didn't wear a retro black robe today, but a loose black sweater, matched with a small red skirt, and curled up a pair of slender legs wrapped in black silk.

  The perfect pretty face was flushed with difficulty breathing, which looked rather strange.

   "Do you have any strange hobbies? Or after being educated by me, you came to me in the middle of the night to be a demon, and then took a video to record it and send it to your sister?"

  Gu Jianlin said expressionlessly, "Your sister and I are not in the relationship you think."

Unexpectedly, Tang Yun's plain cheeks flushed, and he breathed hard and said, "What are you thinking? I'm just afraid that I won't be able to suppress the ancestors in my body and will violently attack you, so I let you Use more force. Otherwise, once I attack you, it may be very troublesome."

   "Secondly, your scabbard is made of my cousin's Golden Crow feather coat, which is her personal clothing."

   She looked suspiciously: "You don't have an affair with her, will she give this to you?"


  Gu Jianlinxin said what's the matter, I even touched your sister's back.

   That didn't and nothing happened.

"In short, you have to listen to me. I don't remember much, but I know that there are two top-secret core projects between the Ether Association and Lishan Tianyan Pavilion, one of which is the Tianrenhua Project, and the other is the Migration Hua Project. I am a beneficiary of the latter, and the former project is said to be related to Ghost Valley Secret Collection."

  Tang Yun panted, and said seriously: "This is the ultimate crystallization since the history of human civilization. It is said that it has some relationship with the wedge of heaven and man. Even the Supremes are extremely jealous, and even have greed."


  Gu Jianlin was instinctively startled when he heard the word, because he thought of ancient deification.

   Not only that, Jiuyin trembled slightly.

"If I'm not mistaken, these two plans were all used on my sister. When I was taken to Lishan, they also lied about treating me, but I don't think I'm sick, but human nature It became more and more indifferent, and my memory became more and more blurred. Sometimes I think of my parents and my sister, and I only feel that they are strangers."

   Tang Yun was out of breath, dripping with sweat: "No one here is worthy of your trust, you have to save my sister."

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a moment, thinking to himself that it is no wonder that the entire senior management of the Ethereum Association avoids him.

   "Do you know anything else?"

   he asked with a frown.

   Tang Yun shook his head, breathing more and more heavily.

  However, at this moment, footsteps suddenly approached.


   Tang Yun said softly.

  As soon as Gu Jianlin let go of her hand, she pressed her backhand under her body, and those beautiful legs wrapped in black silk wrapped around his body.

"What are you doing?"

  Han Jing came here after receiving an alarm for illegal intrusion, but she saw this scene as soon as she arrived, with an unnatural expression on her cold face, and said in a cold voice: "The little brat really doesn't learn well!"

  Hime Ye was covered in a black robe, watched all this coldly, and asked, "What's going on?"

  Gu Jianlin was lying on the bed, his mind was running fast, but he didn't know how to explain it.

"It's nothing, it's just that the side effect of the mythical armament has affected me. My dream eyes will make me feel strong, so I will have desires for men who can defeat me. I also want to see who can get my sister's Favored, and even asked her to give away the Golden Crow Feather Clothes." Tang Yun got up expressionlessly.

  She even found out the reason before she came.

  Han Jing hesitated to speak, but it was difficult to say anything from her standpoint.

  Ji Ye didn't think too much about it, but said with a blank face: "Let's go, pay attention next time."

  Tang Yun bowed slightly, gave the boy a meaningful look before leaving, and turned to leave.

   Wait until these two people are far away.

  Han Jing took a look into the room, and said angrily, "What's the matter? Why didn't you learn well at such a young age? I remember that you still have a few months to become an adult, so why can't you bear it?"

  Gu Jianlin was rarely in such an embarrassing situation, but because what he just talked about was too important, he had to keep it in his stomach: "Well, I see, I will pay attention next time."

  The parrot in the backpack just wanted to poke its head out, but he pushed it back.

  He understood.

  Co-author Tang Yun was calculated in advance.

  Gu Jianlin's supreme coercion temporarily suppressed the ancestor in her body.

   Leading to the gradual recovery of the little girl's humanity.

  The point is, she also holds a grudge.

  That's why I used this method to retaliate against myself.

   Sure enough, little girls are sinister.

Han Jing obviously had something happened to Gu Gu back then, and she still remembered the friendship back then, and said angrily: "I can understand that you are in adolescence at this age, but you can't go around messing around, you know? You have the confidence to overcome the curse, and you should also think about girls."

   "Lei Ting has something to do now. If her sister comes to you, won't you refuse? Or is it that she looks like her sister, so you take it as a substitute meal? What will you do when Lei Ting comes back?"

  She lectured: "How do you explain it to her?"

  Gu Jianlinxin said that I really don't have that kind of relationship with her, and in the end I could only put my hand on the forehead.

   "And Yue Ji, she has been with you for so long, you two even live together?"

  Han Jing said with a cold face: "Wait, you won't have already put her..."

  Gu Jianlin was almost overwhelmed, and retorted: "I didn't! Before the curse is resolved, I don't think about marriage and love."

  Han Jing was taken aback, and immediately showed a satisfied attitude.

  Gu Jianlin looked at this woman, and suddenly his heart moved: "Well, you and my father..."

  Han Jing thought of what happened back then, and said with a straight face: "Just call me auntie, and you don't need to be too alien to me."

   "Auntie, how did you break up with my father back then?"

  Gu Jianlin was rarely curious.

  Han Jing was silent for a moment, and said lightly: "I dumped him, because I learned about the curse of the Gu family back then, and I also wanted to see if he could survive if he was kept away from the extraordinary world."

   "Don't mention this, it's all in the past. You have to remember, don't get in touch with people from Lishan Tianyan Pavilion, these people are very dangerous."

She changed the subject and emphasized: "I have been on the boat for a few days to cultivate well. No one is allowed to go out during this time. After all, the sublimation forces from all over the world have come in. If there is a sniper, it will probably be more or less auspicious. The ether association There are countless enemies, so be careful."

   After finishing speaking, she left, and closed the door before leaving: "There will be a fierce battle in a few days, it will probably be the time to attack the boss who defends the level. That is also an opportunity for you young people, so you must seize it."

   With his hands on his forehead, Gu Jianlin always felt that there was another mother in the world of sublimators.

   It turns out that this woman left her father on her own initiative.

   No wonder, the eyes that looked at him at the beginning seemed to eat him alive.

   It was also sincere to let him enter the night watchman department.

  I didn't want him to investigate the blood moon massacre incident, and it was really for his own good.

   It was only because of Wang Taisheng that there were some misunderstandings.

   "The key point is that the Dark Blue is not allowed to go out now, and I have no way to go out from here. After all, there are big bosses staring at it everywhere, and it is too difficult to act privately. Well, fortunately, I have a shadow."

   Gu Jianlin said in a low voice: "Tang Zijing, the Heaven-Humanization Project, the Yihua Project."

  Jiu Yin trembled slightly, and said, "This plan to transform heaven into human is truly incredible."

   Gu Jianlin said in surprise, "What did you remember?"

Jiuyin fell into the memory: "Well, I have a vague impression, but we have to start with the Wedge of Heaven and Man. This thing actually appeared very subtle. According to legend, it was invented by the Supreme to fight against the same kind. But the problem The reason is that the five supreme beings have all denied it, claiming that they were not created by them."

   Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment, but all the Supremes came out to deny it.

  Even the most mysterious Qilin Venerable came out to refute the rumors, which is very interesting.

"As for the Wedge of Heaven and Man, it doesn't matter to His Holiness, but he said that in the next few thousand years, the Wedge of Heaven and Man will give birth to terrible things, which are huge for His Holiness. threaten."

  Jiuyin hummed: "I can't remember more. If the Ether Association really wants to engage in such dangerous things, you, as the ghost arranged by the Venerable, must stop them!"

  The old monsters all said that they were threats, and they were also related to the secret possession of Ghost Valley.

  Gu Jianlinxin said that this thing is getting more and more mysterious. It seems that the Ether Association still has many secrets that he doesn't know.

   "Don't worry, I will definitely do my best for His Holiness."

   He said blankly.

"Fortunately, you sent the shadow ahead of time. Otherwise, when humans come up with such horrible things, they will probably be used to deal with the venerable. I appreciate your wisdom and loyalty. For the sake of the venerable's plan, you have to work harder." Just work hard."

  Jiu Yin followed the temptation carefully: "It's just that it might be a little dangerous in the future, so be careful."

   "Of course I still need your support."

   Gu Jianlin said expressionlessly: "I only love the Venerable, and of course I have to dedicate everything to her."



   At 2:30 in the middle of the night, in the laboratory on the Deep Blue.

  Ling Dong looked at the woman who pushed the door in, nodded slightly and said, "You're back?"

   "Sorry for the delay."

  Han Jing hummed: "No problem, it's just that something happened to the young man."

  The high-level members of the Ethereum Association didn't care too much. After all, there were a group of sanctuary-level or even demigods here.

   "Then get ready to start."

  Saint Ye Dao said: "Research on the blood of the ancient gods."

  The Xuanyin saint is also very interested in this, and said lightly: "The generals are investigating outside, so they won't come back. This time there are only a few of us, and we can start."

  The sights of everyone turned to the test bench in unison.

  In the sealed crystal chamber, there is a drop of golden blood floating, as magnificent and bright as a crystal.

   "I almost took half my life to get this back!"

  Ten Thousand People Tu Yinyang said in a strange manner: "Isn't this a first for me?"

  A researcher said with a smile: "Don't worry, we must remember the credit of Instructor Wan."

   This is a scientific research group composed of hexagram masters, specially used to study the blood of the ancient gods.

  They want to use this ancient god's blood to reverse divination the status of its owner.

  If this is the blood of the ancient **** of the ancestor of Kuilong, then it would be great.

   If it belongs to Venerable Qilin, it will have greater strategic value.

  However, when the researchers activated the instrument, the blood of the ancient gods in the crystal chamber trembled rapidly, turning from golden to pure black, and the magnificent color faded and became extremely heterogeneous.


The scientific researcher's face became extremely embarrassed, and he said in a low voice: "No, it cannot be said to be fake. This is the blood of an ancient **** from an ancestor. It is not of much value. In all likelihood, the instructor Wan When fighting with others, someone used some means to switch the blood of the ancient god."

  The top executives of the Ethereum Association fell into a strange silence.

  Wan Tu turned pale with shock: "What did you say?"



  Accompanied by a loud bang, the armored giant also fell to the ground, blood gushing out like a waterfall.

   In the rumbling tremor.

  His body melted, spreading across the ice like lava.

  The corpses of human sublimators are everywhere.

  There are automatic rifles scattered on the ice, as well as alchemical bazookas, broken swords and bows.

  The wreckage of the helicopter was burning, as if it would explode at any moment.

   "It's a pity for the helicopter."

  Yue Ji picked up the black iron knife in the hand of the armored giant. This kind of thing was named Ghost Slayer Knife in the ancient gods. It was a kind of alchemy weapon.

  It is quite light to wield, much better than her vermilion Tang knife.

   "After all, the enchantment of the Sea of ​​Eternal Life has been lifted, and the pheasant organizations all over the world will die here."

   Lu Zijin lowered his head and kicked over a corpse, fumbled for his ID card, and said lightly, "Oh, it's a Korean stick. No wonder it's so weak. If you rush in, you'll die."

   If the Ancient God Realm is compared to a game, then they are undoubtedly the pioneers of the strategy dungeon.

   As for those who rushed in, they were like players who had just left Novice Village, running to challenge the difficult copy.

   It's strange if you don't die.

   This group of people even took a fancy to their beauty and wanted to take advantage of it.

"Auntie Zijin, we are not even members of the Pheasant Organization, but wild sublimators, homeless children, worse than this group of people." Yue Ji put away the dark ghost knife, Youyou said.

   "Huh? It seems to be true."

  Lu Zijin covered her red lips: "You betrayed the Youying Group, and I was also wanted by the Ether Association. It's so miserable."

  After a fierce battle, neither of them suffered any injuries.

  Because the ancestor guarding this frozen city had been severely injured in advance, and he didn't seem to be a powerful person during his lifetime. After killing him, he didn't even get a mythical weapon.

   Not to mention other materials.

   "Shh, watch out!"

  Lu Zijin seemed to have sensed something, and hurriedly pulled her into an ice cave.

  Yueji seemed to have a feeling: "Have the people from the Si family come?"

   "More than that, it is probably the fleet of Youying Group, and the people from the Si family should also be in it."

   Lu Zijin said suspiciously, "They're not here to catch you, are they?"

  Yueji muttered, "It's not impossible."

   After all, they are all sophomores.

  Lu Zijin has not been arrested so far because the Ether Association is busy attacking the boss.

  As for Yue Ji, once she meets someone from the Youying Group, it will be really dangerous.



  Youying Group's airship is galloping in the wind and snow, and there are countless convoys galloping below.

   Many of them are still prison cars.

  Basically, they are wild sublimators, or those extraordinary organizations that are not in the mainstream.

  The style of the Dark World has always been like this. In order to prevent this group of ignorant fishes from running around and accidentally triggering some dangerous traps in the Ancient God Realm, they were simply caught.

  Catch as much as you can along the way, and if you encounter a difficult dungeon, let them explore the way first.

   It may sound cruel, but such is the world of the Ascendant.

  People who entered the Ancient God Realm all had the consciousness to put their heads on their belts and follow the law of the jungle.

  Either you don’t come, stay outside.

   At least there is protection of order.

   Once you enter the Ancient God Realm, forget about thirty-seven twenty-one.

  Even the Ether Association will not protect this group of people, because their primary purpose is to kill the ancient gods. This group of people cannot bring any help to the great cause of mankind, but will only add to the chaos.

   It's better to let the people of Youying Group arrest them and make the best use of them.

   Bang bang bang!

  The vicious Yingzhou sublimators crashed into the railing of the prison car and passed out.

  Gu Jianlin withdrew his hand expressionlessly, and after cleaning up the miscellaneous fish that got in the way, he sat down in the prison car.

   This is of course his shadow, wearing a silver mask, a long black windbreaker, long hair hanging down the back, and the Alchemy Tang Dao has been confiscated and placed in the front compartment.

  Because of the long journey, even the shadow can't stand it, how long will it go on like this.

  So he simply pretended to be a wild sublimator, was caught in the prison car, and got a ride.

  The wind and snow are howling all over the sky, and the blue aurora is overhead.

  It is beautiful.

   With his hands behind his head, he was lying in his own luxurious private room, looking up at the sky.

  Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice.

  【Recommendation ticket】

  【Monthly Pass】

  (end of this chapter)

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