The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 360: back to the beginning

  Chapter 360 Back to the original starting point

  When Gu Jianlin turned around, the dark air world exploded behind him, and the shriveled Lamborghini exploded into a ball of flames that shot up into the sky on the spot, and the burning wreckage splashed and rolled to the ground.

  The golden fire of the sacred sacrifice swallowed up the wreckage of the supercar like a tide, and the scorched earth filled the air.

The rhythm of life in the wrecked Lamborghini has disappeared. No matter what stories these two Jiang family members have, or how close their blood relationship is with his sister, they are just creatures like ants in his eyes. If he caused any trouble, he wouldn't be able to cause too much trouble.

  Facing him at the same level is an original sin.


  Judge Bai's pale face showed a strong fear, she felt that everything in front of her was so shocking, the burning long street was reflected in the pupils of her eyes, and the demon walking out of the flames.

  The noble and ferocious horns, the ancient and majestic black jade mask, like iron scales flowing with the light of lava, seem to be ghosts and gods coming out of ancient mythology, this is a very high-level evolutionary gesture!

  She clutched her still aching chest, feeling as if her heart was being clenched by invisible hands again.

   "Don't be afraid. If the information is correct, the target will only be at the fifth level at most. Even if it is in an evolutionary posture, it will not be our opponent." Hei Judge wiped the blood from his lips fiercely.

  They never thought that the target tonight would be Qilin.

  The person who was supposed to die appeared in Tokyo strangely.

   It even appeared in the stronghold of the Priory.

   It's hard not to think about it.

  In normal times, the two judges would not say a single word, they would do it directly.

  Now the situation is somewhat different.

The two judges, who were feared in the dark world, looked so embarrassed now. Their faces were bloodless, and a hole had been dug out in the front of their chests. Fortunately, their chests were stained with scarlet blood. It's not too funny, and it won't lead to situations like disappearing, it's just shocking to watch.

  Gu Jianlin knew exactly who they had offended just by looking at them.

   It is indeed the handwriting of the senior brother.

   It was easy to instantly kill the two sanctuary-levels, depriving them of their last means of life-saving.

  The reason why they didn't kill them all is probably because they left it to themselves.

   In normal times, he would never be so reckless as to face two sanctuary-levels alone.

   Today the situation is different.

  First of all, these two sanctuary level did not master any kind of supreme law.

  Secondly, they are in poor condition and have already been hit hard once.

  Finally, his current combat power is unprecedentedly strong.

   "Did you make the singing?"

  He raised his head, his fierce golden pupils seemed to flow with golden lava, and his voice was hoarse and cold.

  Judge Bai asked with a cold face, "What did you say?"

"Don't talk nonsense with him, try to take him down within five minutes, and make sure you stay alive. Qilin can die, but it can't die in our hands, otherwise, if the world of order is furious, we will definitely die." Hei Judge said coldly Staring at the devil-like boy on the street, he suddenly heard a phone call.

   That was Gu Jianlin's cell phone.

  His own mobile phone has been kept in the Kirin Wedge since he arrived in Tokyo.

   Rarely come out.

   At this time the phone rang, it was an unfamiliar number.


  Gu Jianlin actually answered the phone.

On the phone, Mr. Solomon's voice sounded, and he said elegantly: "You are indeed a student of the King of Blue, I have to say that I have always underestimated you before, but I didn't expect you to have such a great power, and you even have You Ying The practice of the law has reached such a profound level. Heh, I thought you were dead at first."

  Gu Jianlin remained silent.

"Now it seems that dear Miss Skylark should be in your hands. I don't know how you gained her trust, but we might as well make a deal. Let's let the singing sound again, and Skylark will completely lose himself. I can no longer control you. Our people will pick her up."

  Mr. Solomon chuckled and said: "And I will guarantee that you will return to the world of order, be your prince in the ether association, and continue to be the good boy of the president, the last heir of the king of blue, and we will cancel it."

  Gu Jianlin vaguely heard a mocking cold snort sounding from the depths of his heart.

   "It seems that you still don't know me well."

  Gu Jianlin said hoarsely into the phone: "How did you come up with the idea of ​​negotiating with me?"

Mr. Solomon said with a smile: "The original target of the game I set up was not you. This was a bit unexpected, so I stopped the loss in time. I have no confidence, and neither do you. I am betting that you will You are gambling. Your brother is now fighting against the people of Buzhou Mountain, the most powerful false ancestors in the world."

He paused: "How do you know that he will definitely win? If he can't hold on and the singing appears again, then you will die without a place to bury you. You can't take this kind of risk. How many do you have?" Yue is about to become an adult, and one of the survival skills an adult must master is...compromise."

  The wind blew up late at night in Tokyo. I don't know if it was because of a green dragon entrenched in the extreme part of the sky.

  There was a layer of fog in the city, and water vapor permeated the sky, accompanied by billowing and converging dark clouds, as if a rainstorm was brewing, and the precursor was so depressing that only the terrifying dragon roar echoed.

   "Sorry, I trust my brother."

  Gu Jianlin said indifferently: "Now it seems that the intelligence of your Priory is not doing very well."

  On the phone, Mr. Solomon was silent for a second: "Why did you say that?"

   "If you really knew me, you wouldn't come and tell me to write it off."

  Gu Jianlin raised his fierce golden pupils, paused every word, every word was cold: "In my world, there is only immortality."


  The phone hangs up.

  In his cognition, it is of course impossible for senior brother to lose.

   And if you want to find a singing voice, there is one of the easiest ways.

   Then no one will be left.

   Kill them all, that's it.

  A very simple method of elimination.

  Gu Jianlin strode out of the sea of ​​flames, throwing away the phone casually.

"are you ready?"

  He didn't know who he was talking to.

   A demon-like shadow wakes up from behind him.

  That was a beautiful girl, with a shockingly beautiful face, her ink-dyed black hair swaying like a waterfall in the firelight, and a dark mist entwined her inextricably, outlining a wonderful seductive curve.

  The corners of the eyes and the tips of the brows revealed a hint of charm, and a touch of crimson eye shadow was as rich as blood.

  She was born like a fire, and the beauty that bloomed in an instant has reached an extreme!

   This is the shadow of the birth of the Qilin curse.

   But beyond the strength of his own personality.

   Because this shadow is currently the container.

   Lark container.


   There was a vaguely mocking voice, so ethereal and graceful: "Thank you!"

  Judge Bai's danger prediction exploded on the spot, screaming in horror: "Run!"

  Judge Hei was terrified, but before he could react, he flew upside down like a cannonball and smashed **** a shopping mall building. The majestic impact swept across, and the glass curtain wall shattered!

  In the dark night, the beautiful girl was surrounded by mist, looking down at him from a height.

  Those strange and charming vertical pupils seemed to be burning.


  Judge Hei vomited a mouthful of blood and murmured.

   Skylark's eyes stared blankly, like a fleeting afterimage of blood, suddenly piercing through his body!

   There was a click, and blood spurted wildly!

  The black judge's desperate wailing resounded in the night!


  Judge Bai's eyes were terrified. It was her elder brother who grew up dependent on each other, but at this moment he was brutally murdered.

  Suddenly, she suddenly felt fear, and the blood all over her body was cold.

  Because the violent star clusters are entrenched and gathered in the sky, the burning starlight is so hot that the gaps in the cloud clusters are like the eyes of the gods looking down, as if a destructive punishment is brewing.

  “When I first debuted, the first enemy I faced was a magician.”

  Gu Jianlin jumped up and hit the viaduct like a cannonball. The spirit body of the golden skeleton exploded and enveloped him like a giant spirit.

  The palms of each ghost hand are entwined with violent arcs, and a pitch-black thunder gun is condensed one after another.

   "I didn't expect that the first sanctuary level I faced was a magician."

  He said hoarsely: "Come on, let me see how strong the sanctuary level is."

   It was like a joke that fate made for him, and he went around and returned to the starting point.

   Only this time, everything is different.

  Judge Bai's eyes were full of madness, and the blood was smoldering madly: "You forced me to do this."

  Gu Jianlin smiled hoarsely.

   This feeling is really too familiar to him.



   There was a click.

  Yueji flicked the Tiancongyun sword indifferently, and the last enemy knelt down in front of her, with his head rolled off.

  She stood in the **** shop on the corner of the street, looking at the battlefield under the viaduct, and said indifferently: "See? This is the man I chose. Twelve dusk candidates, eight on the main front line, all eliminated."

   "The battle will take no more than three minutes."

  She said calmly: "Please tell me, why should I run away?"

  On the phone, Jiang Mingyan fell silent.

   "The only choices you give me in this life are compromise and humiliation. Either don't let me become a sublimator, or let me return to Jiang's family to be a concubine, or let me run away."

Yueji raised her chin proudly, and snorted coldly: "And by his side, I don't need to bow my head to anyone, and I don't need to destroy my avatar like a bereaved dog, and I will hide in Fengcheng from then on and dare not come out. Facts have proved that Your vision is indeed not very good, and the person you don't like is much stronger than you."

  Jiang Mingyan was silent for a long time, and said coldly: "The twelve Jiang family members are a small problem. The black judge and the white judge are two sanctuary-level. Do you really think he is invincible? How do you get the confidence?"

   Tsukihime seemed to really think about this issue.

   "He promised me that he would consider our relationship."

  She smiled silently: "So he won't die, let alone lose."

  (end of this chapter)

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