The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 363: Ancient divine language, fusion!

   Kabukicho First Street, the largest red light district in Asia, was burning with flames. The asphalt road was scorched by lava-like blood, thick smoke rose from the potholes, and the fog filled the darkness.

  The torrential rain suspends silently in the silent world, every drop of rain is crystal clear, reflecting the man walking in the flames, and his blood-stained white shirt, which is spotless white and shocking red.

  Mixed together, packs a punch.

  Jing Ci's level of ghost-slaying approach has already mastered the frozen field of time and space, and wherever he passes along the way, even the world will be silent, as if afraid of disturbing his memories.

   "It's been a long time, how many years have I not seen you, ten or fifteen years?"

  He looked around the broken long street. The huge dragon corpse was torn apart on the street, like a huge corpse neatly divided by a machine. The cut surface of the wound was smooth, and blood flowed out, converging into a river.

  The last pseudo-ancestor was nailed to death on the wall with a black sword. His hood had come off, revealing an inhumanly handsome face. His skin was as crystal clear as white jade, yet strangely pale.

  The black sword drank his blood like a living creature, with angry scarlet lines appearing on the blade.

This pseudo-ancestor actually exuded a strong humanity, just like an ordinary human woman: "I thought you hadn't improved for so many years, it seems that our judgment was wrong, you are the creation of our clan, how could you Stagnant? When you really break free from the shackles, it will undoubtedly become a natural disaster, right?"

   The rain is broken, and the howling wind is forcibly torn.

  Jing Ci bullied himself, raised his hand to strangle His neck, and said indifferently: "The creation of your family?"

   "I saw you when you were young."

  The pseudo-ancestor smiled strangely, raised his eyes to stare at his face, and even wanted to reach out and touch him.

  The essence of the so-called pseudo-ancestor is also a by-product of the secret technique of embedding flowers and trees. The principle is to use the human body as a container to carry the consciousness and power of the ancient gods, which is equivalent to a disguised form of seizure.

  Some containers contain a newborn ancestor.

  And an excellent container can accommodate an ancient ancestor.

  The experimental subjects that appeared in Tokyo also had the same principle, but the methods were more brutal, and the creations were relatively inferior.

   That is the difference between permanent and one-time.

  As for the coffin project of the Ether Association, it is a taboo secret technique to create a new species, which can make the human body undergo a special split personality, and possess the souls of humans and ancient gods at the same time, which is a new kind of life.

Jing Ji didn't know the name of the pseudo-ancestor in front of him, but he was sure that he had met him thousands of years ago, so he raised his blood-red vertical pupils and said indifferently: "You have seen me, and you can still survive, then you should be very happy." Strong. Your strength corresponds to the rank of human beings, and you should also have an eighth rank. You are the Dragon Attendant of the ancestor of the Canglong, what rank do you rank?"


  The pseudo-ancestor's bright red lips grinned, and he said softly, "My name is..."

  Jing Ci's right hand tightened suddenly, catching what he hadn't finished speaking in his throat.

   "I will not care about the name of a dead body, nor will I see you again."

He looked down condescendingly, and said indifferently: "I know that after you are killed, your soul will return to Buzhou Mountain and be re-conceived after eight thousand years. You might as well tell your master, if he interferes with my junior brother again Things...even if it's only once, I will personally step through the gate of Buzhou Mountain."

  At this moment, the pseudo-ancestor's pupils were bloodshot with anger and scarlet.

   "You know, I've been patient for too long."

   Jing Ci said softly.

  The pseudo-ancestor struggled forcibly, with a hoarse voice: "That's because your junior brother took away people who shouldn't be taken away! You don't even know what a great life is, and her existence will only destroy the two worlds!"

  The life that Bu Zhoushan would be afraid of, even the ancestor of the Canglong who is closest to the supreme level of combat power is afraid of it, and it is extremely dangerous to even make an ancient pseudo-ancestor lose his composure.

  Jing Ci said indifferently: "I don't care, remember to find a stronger host when you reincarnate next time."

   With a click, the pseudo-ancestor's head was torn off by him forcefully, and the gushing blood rushed into the sky.

  Jing Ci withdrew his hands indifferently, letting the headless corpse lie in a pool of blood.

  The singing didn't stop, he still needed to suppress it with dragon chant all the time.

   That is to say, none of the twelve pseudo-ancestors from Buzhou Mountain was a carrier of singing.

  Including the Dragon Attendant of the ancestor of the Canglong.

  However, at that moment, a fleeting ghost flashed behind him, and the cold blade drew a strange and dangerous arc, piercing his chest like lightning, splashing a pool of blood!


   The blue dragon entrenched at the extreme part of the sky trembled violently, and the roar that pierced through the sky unexpectedly stagnated a bit.

  Jing Ci let out a muffled snort, broke the blade piercing through his chest with his backhand, turned around and threw the broken pieces out.

  As the eighth-level candle life of the ghost-slaying pathway, the field of supernatural speed force can almost break free from the shackles of time, so his movements are done in one go, and even the afterimages left behind are fragmented.

  The half-cut knife pierced through the air, pierced through the fleeting afterimage, and was suddenly nailed to the wall across the street.

  Unfortunately, it didn't hurt the opponent, leaving only a piece of clothing corner.

  The ghostly black figure has disappeared without a trace, and even the broken knife remains in his body.

  Jing Ji pulled out the broken knife from his chest, and the wound healed silently.

  This kind of injury is not fatal to him at all, but there are very few people in this world who can sneak attack him, and there are no more than five known people. The mysterious person just now is still the way of killing ghosts. He can get close to him in the civil war, and he can successfully give him a knife, and he can even retreat completely.


  Jing Ci turned and looked in the direction of Shibuya. There was no doubt that this was a game set up by the Priory. Every link was perfectly coordinated, and even the person who specially dealt with him had already appeared.

   Even if just to create a second of time.

  One second is enough for the enemy to do many things.

   For example, let the singing sound again.

  The battlefield for the younger brother is a foregone conclusion, no matter what you do, it will be too late.

  Jing Ci silently rolled up his sleeves, looking at the white shirt stained red with blood.

   What I think about is who else can I kill tonight.



   Skylark raised his white and delicate right hand, and the inexhaustible and violent arcs gathered in the palm of his hand, condensing into a fiery lightning sword. The blade was so hot and sharp that it forcibly tore through the turbulent flow of elements.

  A sword slashed down, and the silent space-time was forcibly torn apart. The horrific cracks pierced through the darkness, accompanied by countless shattered space-time gaps flickering, like shards of a broken mirror, swaying and beautiful.

   Bang, time and space shattered.

  In the frozen time and space, Judge Hei could only watch helplessly as he was torn apart by a sword, a thin bloodstain split from the center of his eyebrows, until it spread to the whole body, and finally fell apart like pieces of a corpse.

  The blood rained all over the sky, and when it fell on the ground, countless swaying mandala flowers bloomed.


  The sigh of Judge Hei echoed in the silence.

  He couldn't figure out how he died.

Especially the woman in front of her, from the breath point of view, she is only at the fifth level, how could she burst out with such great power, she could kill him instantly in less than one breath, but he couldn't do anything Resistance, the spiritual thoughts and elemental turbulence that he relied on in the past, are so fragile under her slash.


   What Judge Hei couldn't understand was why the eldest lady appeared here.

  Why did you kill him.

  He was loyal to the dark world all his life.

   Not long ago, he was still working hard to find the eldest lady.

  How could he be killed?

  It's a pity that he didn't have the chance to think about this problem again.

  Skylark casually ran through the long street with the lightning sword, and the blazing thunder exploded, blowing up his body to ashes, not even a trace of blood floating out, which can be described as truly frustrating.

   "Not here?"

   She whispered softly.

   Obviously, the singing voice was not mastered by Hei Judge.

  Even Skylark's future vision couldn't see clearly. She saw countless possibilities, but none of them could give her a definite answer, because the person involved in this matter was too high, the **** Supreme.

  She feels that she is already a perfect life, but she has to admit her current flaws.

   That is, she doesn't know herself well enough, and she can't even exert her true power.

  Naturally not as good as that **** Supreme.


  Skylark turned around suddenly, galloping down the long street like a **** lightning bolt, crashing through an apartment building, forcibly overturning the quaint and quiet backyard, and disrupting the stormy sky.

   Anyone can do the elimination method.

  This team is now completely wiped out, and the breath of those disgusting pseudo-ancestors has also disappeared.

   Then there is only the last Judge Bai left.

There is a reason why Gu Jianlin stayed to deal with her. First of all, Gu Zhizun's personality guarantees that his spirit will not be disturbed in any way. Even a sanctuary-level magician has nothing to do with him, unless he advances to a demigod. .

   This was originally the safest tactic, but now something went wrong.

  Because what appears to be the weakest is actually the strongest.

  She easily broke free from the shackles of time and space, went retrograde in the torrent of time, and followed the same kind of smell to the viaduct in an instant. The majestic breath of the ancient gods was permeating, and the golden flame was burning.

  The devil-like boy stood in the vast scorched earth, holding a **** ghost knife in his hand.

  Judge Bai has been disemboweled, and a blood-stained dragon burst out roaring. The violent dragon's might permeates like a tide, accompanied by ancient and obscure syllables, echoing between the heaven and the earth like thunder.

   It seems to be the power of the sanctuary level!

  Longwei is so fragile, if Skylark is in its prime, it can easily be cracked.

   includes the syllable He uttered.

  Of course, with her current strength, it is easy to instantly kill this kind of sanctuary level.

  However, at the moment Judge Bai died and fell to the ground, she gently shook the wind chime in her hand, and the ethereal and distant song resounded through the long river of time again, like a dragon chant penetrating heaven and earth, resounding deep in the soul!

  Boom boom!

   Skylark held his forehead with his hand, suppressing the soul that was about to go berserk.

  At this moment, her world fell into a dark abyss, only the blood-red ancient dragon soaring into the sky, his body is so huge, swaying in the sea of ​​blooming mandala flowers, as if performing a peerless dance.

   There is a faint phantom of a girl in a red dress spinning in the sea of ​​blood, her dancing posture is so graceful and elegant.

  Her skirt flutters, petals flutter, and the wind flutters.

   It's like becoming one with her!


   Skylark suddenly looked up at the sky, her voice was no longer charming and ethereal, but a terrifying dragon chant!

  The majestic and cold blood-colored vertical pupils became thicker, as if they were burning!

  The shadow was suddenly exploded, and her body was forced to appear, drenched by the rainstorm.

  A cold laughter echoed in the dark.

   That's Mr. Solomon's laughter!

  The blood-stained dragon attacked violently, the ice-blue vertical pupils were full of ferocity and cruelty.

  As if to swallow him alive!

  Gu Jianlin stared helplessly at the blood-stained dragon rushing toward his face. His ancient divine language had been liberated, and ancient domains were overwhelmingly covering all directions. The world he lived in cooled down sharply.

  This is a frozen world, the ultimate absolute zero, once the realm is completely liberated, there will be no life in it.

   This is the last resort of the Priory, using the magician crushed by him as bait.

  The real killing move is hidden in the bait.

  When Gu Jianlin thought he was going to win.

  When he was sure that he broke out of this deadlock and was completely safe.

  When he thought that he had completely crushed his opponent and was carried away in front of his proud record.

  Murderous intent fell from the sky.

  The Priory is not an idiot. They must have carefully studied each of their opponents, because anyone who can discover its existence but is unwilling to join is the most dangerous person in the world.

  Especially Gu Jianlin, who was especially valued by them.

  Although he didn't know the specific reason, the Priory did know that he was basically immune to illusions.

  Gu Jianlin held his breath because he knew that it was an ancient divine language from an ancestor.

   And it's sanctuary level.

   It can indeed pose a death threat to him.

  The problem is, he never gets carried away.

   At the moment of life and death, he suddenly put away the blood-red ghost knife.

The shattered shadow condensed in front of him again, and in the lingering black mist was a beautiful and indifferent face, with blood-red noble dragon horns growing on top of his head, a pair of bewitching blood pupils glowing with angry and bloodshot eyes, and his cheeks were scorching hot The dragon scales spread out like iron armor, with mysterious and deep lines.

  The majestic breath of the ancient gods rioted, and the shadow suddenly performed the ancient deification!

  Gu Jianlin was already in a state of ancient apotheosis. At this moment, all he could think about was the man he met in Penglai Xiandao, which was the reflection of his future destiny.

   He will never forget.

  That man has fierce golden pupils and blood-red bewitching vertical pupils.

   Then next.

  The ancient syllables echoed between heaven and earth.

  Gu Jianlin closed his eyes, what echoed in his mind was the roar of the unicorn, and the dragon chant of the candle dragon piercing through the sky and the earth.

  When he opened his eyes again, his left eye was a cruel golden pupil, and his right eye was a bewitching blood-colored vertical pupil!

  Shadow also opened his eyes, and the color in the depth of his pupils was exactly the same as his!

  —Ancient divine language, liberation!


  The ancient divine language of the two supreme beings was released at the same time. In the darkness, there seemed to be the majestic phantoms of the Qilin and the Candle Dragon overlooking the world, and a huge and formidable realm swallowed the entire world!

   Yes, a boundary.

   Not two ways.

   And the syllables he spit out are not of two kinds.

   Rather… one of a kind!

Happy new year! That's all for today, take a break and come back tomorrow!

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