The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 375: Gu Jianlin: Who won?

  Chapter 375 Gu Jianlin: Who won?

On the projection screen, Dr. Aaron showed the experimental subjects on the operating table, and explained: "According to our experimental data analysis, the experimental subjects that appear in Tokyo can be divided into three types, larvae, adults, and diseased bodies. Generally speaking, As a container, larvae can only carry superhuman-level ancient protoss, and adults are containers that can withstand super-dimensional-level ancient protoss. As for the sick body, it is the most terrifying, it can carry the souls of sanctuary-level ancient protoss!"

   "At present, this is the only sick body we have captured, and it is a very precious sample."

   Facing the experiment report, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and he said in a hoarse voice: "According to my research, the ancestor conceived by this experimental body actually has ancient gap marks on his body!"

  Ancient gap pattern.

When the word    is spoken, even the senior executives of the Aether Association and Youying Group feel unfamiliar.

   sounds like a technical term, but most of them have never heard of it.

  Occasionally someone still has a little memory, but can't remember what it is.

"Ancient gap pattern, this is a special scar that only appears on the ancient gods. In the northern part of Central America in 2000, an ancient ancestor was revived in the ruins of the ancient Mayans. Someone found this kind of scar on his body. Odd cracks. Odd scars like these are rare, but not unheard of in the last twenty years."

Su Youzhu lowered her head and straightened her black dress, her pair of snow-white slender legs overlapped, and her voice was indifferent: "After verification, it was found that the ancient gods with ancient gap patterns were all forcibly awakened without exception. Sleeping in the abyss, but somehow able to break through the limit of death, wake up and roar the world."

   "This is almost against common sense, so it rarely occurs in history, and the price of this kind of awakening is extremely tragic. Their souls and bodies will collapse, and eventually they will die completely."

  She paused: "This kind of special cracks are called ancient cracks."

  Tang Ling calmly glanced at her from the corner of her eye, with surprise in her eyes.

   "That's right, I also found it by looking through a paper six years ago."

  Dr. Aaron nodded slightly: "The author of that paper is a well-deserved genius."

  As soon as this remark was made, the people in the camps of order and darkness seemed to think of something.

   "Because the author of that paper is my teacher, Gu Ci'an, Professor Gu. When he took me to travel the world, he shared with me many unknown secrets."

Su Youzhu said indifferently: "I even know that this method of forcibly reviving the sleeping ancient gods belongs to the power to reverse life and death. It should have originated from the ancient Qilin clan. The specific method is unknown. The reason why it is not made public is that Because of his academic rigor, he originally planned to make it public after investigating the Qilin Immortal Palace. It is a pity that after the blood moon massacre, he became the official definition of a fallen person."

  Actually, what she said was not intended to show how academic she is.

  After all, Lao Gu is Xiao Gu's biological father, so she must emphasize this teacher-student relationship.

  To make your status more credible.

  By the way, let’s talk about the Yin and Yang of the Aether Association.

Tang Ling was silent for a moment, without showing any unnecessary emotions, her voice was as cold as ice hitting: "Professor Gu is indeed a genius second to none, and the reason why I survived when I was young is also thanks to him helping me find him all over the world. The medicinal material for life extension. If Professor Gu was here, it would not be so difficult to open up wasteland on the first floor, and the official definition of him as a degenerate is undoubtedly a foolish behavior."

  The implication of this sentence is also to express his relationship with Xiao Gu's biological father.

   It doesn't matter who has a little relationship.

   Lin Dong's expression was a little guilty.

   It wasn't until Han Jing whispered something in his ear that his expression became awkward and weird.

  What's going on, Chinese needs to be translated whenever.

  You Ming frowned and said in a low voice, "I smell gunpowder again."

  The military division approached furtively and said in a low voice: "Just wait and see, the best show is yet to come."

Dr. Aaron said in a low voice: "That's the problem. After our all-night investigation and research, we found that the ancient gods bred in these experiments were, without exception, the Zhulong clan who fought against the Qilin clan in the East China Sea 2,500 years ago." They should have been sleeping in the abyss of death, but now they appear here."

"Sure enough, as the prophecy said, when the last ancient **** world comes to the world, the fire of human civilization will be annihilated by disasters, and the world will fall into a chaotic hell, beyond redemption. Those evil blasphemers will eventually be hanged Burned to ashes by the king's wrath on the pillar reaching to heaven!"

  The old man made a sign of the cross on his forehead and chest, and said with a sad aria: "We have also found the marrow of the ancestor of the Kui bird in the bodies of these ancient gods, which further strengthened their power."

   "This world is already in chaos."

  As a national treasure-level scholar, he is a believer in fatalism.

   Especially believe in the prophecy of the end times.

  He believes that the future of mankind is doomed to be dark, there is no way out, and it will eventually perish.

  Humans cannot prevent the awakening of the gods.

   must be buried in the wrath of the gods.

"The land reclamation team of the Youying Group once discovered a canyon in the desert on the second floor. It is not so much a canyon as a tomb. There are huge corpses everywhere, some of which have merged with the mountains, and some It is deeply embedded in the fissures of the ground, and there is no life within a radius of hundreds of kilometers."

  Dr. Aaron said in a low voice: "That is a restricted area of ​​life, even microorganisms do not exist. After the wasteland reclamation team walked into that tomb, they were actually aging visible to the naked eye, and their vitality was deprived."

  He plays a video.

  It was a canyon filled with yellow sand, the cracked ground fissures were as deep as an abyss, and the jagged peaks like keels could be seen faintly. The broken sculptures stood in the wind and sand for thousands of years.

   "There is no doubt that this is the domain of Venerable Qilin."

Dr. Aaron said: "According to the report of the land reclamation team, after crossing this canyon, they should be able to reach a mysterious place. When they were resting at night, they saw the aurora floating in the sky. I saw a huge, upside-down pyramid."

   "Someone in the land reclamation team fell into madness, claiming that he heard the call of eternal life, and rushed into the canyon desperately, and never came back. Only intermittent voices came from the communication."

  He paused: "He said, They are all out! They have left!"

  You Ming rubbed his chin, lost in thought.

   "It seems that there seems to be something extraordinary in that mysterious place."

  He said lightly: "The ancient gods conceived by those experimental bodies came from this?"

Lin Dong heard the words, and said in a deep voice: "These ancient gods should have been sleeping, but they were revived because of the authority of Qilin Venerable. They were forcibly awakened by some means and brought to the real world. Generally speaking, even real Ancient gods who have experienced a long sleep will need a long period of time to recover their strength."

  "Unless they can get gifts from high-level beings, such as the essence of the ancestor of the Kui bird."

  He explained: "This was my mistake. I should have taken back the ancestor's marrow as a trophy, but I didn't expect a supreme battle to break out in the sea of ​​immortality, which caused me to miss."

  Su Youzhu had read the secret file of the Priory.

  When she heard about the upside-down pyramid, she probably already knew that the old doctor's deduction was pretty close.

  At this moment, Tang Ling was staring at the forehead of the experimental subject in a daze.

  She lifted her forehead hair subconsciously, and took a look at the dark mobile phone screen as a mirror.

   It was very strange that the experimental subject also had a wound on his forehead.

   Although there is a slight deviation in the position, and the size of the scar is also different.

   But it gave her an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

   "Anyway, that's how it is."

The military adviser finally stood up and explained around the long table: "Ever since the members of the Priory appeared in Tokyo, I have been on guard. I found a biotechnology company by following the vines, and then found one of their strongholds, which happened to detonate The whole incident. Mr. Solomon showed up briefly and did two tricks on us."

   "Afterwards, we got to Solomon's secret mansion through divination, so we killed it as a matter of course."

He scratched his head: "Who would have thought that your prince is still alive, and can find the old house before us, and our unlucky guys bumped into him, so they naturally started fighting. So this is not the case. It's not a siege, but a misunderstanding, or a conspiracy!"

  The top leaders of Youying Group and the Ether Association remained silent.

   "Yes, this is a conspiracy!"

  The military adviser said sadly: "The Priory just wants to see our two families fight, we must not let them get what they want, otherwise we will not be played by them?"

   "I swear to God, your boyfriends are fine, although I don't know why the boyfriends of the two of you are the same person...Hey, hey, don't look at me like that, okay?"

  He turned his head and said: "You also come here and swear together, you lie to kill the whole family!"

Sitting in a wheelchair, Jiang Ziye said seriously: "I swear, your boyfriends are really fine, although I don't know why your two boyfriends are the same person, it's really envy and jealousy. I can guarantee that as long as you If the prince of the family is with our eldest lady, then no one can hurt him."

   An oppressive silence.

   Half a sound.

  Tang Ling got up expressionlessly, and picked up the great sword of Ji Lei.

   "I have already understood what happened. How you cooperate next has nothing to do with me."

  She raised her rough sword, pointed at the young man in the wheelchair, and said coldly, "You are the only witness. I must take you away until I find my people."

   What arrogance this is, and it doesn't take the big shots of the dark world present here at all.

  Go up and arrest people without saying a word.

  Lin Dong and the others did not move, because this was something that had to be done.

  Jiang Ziye is a very important witness and can be used as a medium for divination.

  A powerful psychic can even use him as an introduction to restore the entire process of that battle.


   Tian Congyun sword suddenly came out of its sheath, and lightly blocked her Great Thunder Sword.

   "Sorry, the people of the dark world can't let you take it away at will."

  Su Youzhu said indifferently: "I will use him as well until I find my man."

  The swords collided, and sparks sputtered faintly.

  As the skirts of the girls swayed, the majestic murderous intent diffused again.

  The meeting room was as cold as if it had fallen into an ice bank.

  Jiang Ziye: "..."

   Are you a little too disrespectful, can you ask my opinion?



  On the long street under the darkness of night, Gu Jianlin sat in the back seat of a taxi, lost in thought.

   "My two girlfriends are fighting?"

  He was stunned for a moment at first, wondering if the text message was sent to the wrong person.

   After thinking about it, since he is a person who can become a shadow, he should not make such a mistake.

  Then it can only be that he somehow got two more girlfriends without knowing it.

  The answer is clear at a glance.

  Yueji and Thunder.

These are the two closest girls in his life. The former has accompanied him for many years without his knowledge, and has had some feelings and behaviors that cross the boundaries between siblings. The latter is a life-and-death comrade-in-arms. There was even a skin-to-skin kiss in the soul, which was extremely ambiguous.

   Well, except for that bad woman in the body.

   "The meeting between the world of darkness and the world of order, how did the two of them fight?"

  Gu Jianlin felt baffled, and replied out of instinctive curiosity: "Who won?"

  (end of this chapter)

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