The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 382: Mother-in-law's shaken, secretly sneaked in

  Chapter 382 Mother-in-law's shaking, sneaking in secretly

  A black Rolls-Royce was parked on the long street, its bright headlights illuminating the rain.

Mrs. Si leaned on crutches and walked on the tree-lined path with his head held high. For him, today is undoubtedly a successful negotiation. He has successfully pulled the Si family out of the crisis of being suppressed, and may even make the family leap again. One step, directly lifted from the middle two to the upper two, it can be called ascension!

   As expected of the ancient supreme, the most mysterious and surly **** in the history of the ancient gods.

  It is easy to play with stupid mortals in the palm of your hand.

   "I guess you haven't been to the old house for many years?"

  The old man said suddenly.

  Jiang Mingyan put his hands in his pockets, the hem of the long windbreaker fluttered in the wind, his eyes became more and more cold, and his voice was like a glacier: "What does Mrs. Si mean?"

  She mistook it for a blatant taunt.

   She has indeed not been to the old house for too many years. Ever since she violated the family rules and married an ordinary person privately and had a daughter, and was forced to return to the family, she is no longer the first genius of the Jiang family.

  She wasted too much time, and her status in the family was not as good as before.

"What I mean is, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The old Patriarch Jiang's time is running out, and he always has to think about what will happen next. I remember you have a strong brother, right? Your brother gave birth to a good son. Jiang Chuge has indeed been dormant for a while in recent years, but no one can guarantee whether he is keeping a low profile."

The old lady Si said indifferently: "Who will be the next head of the Jiang family? Since ancient times, the royal family's succession has been the cruelest and bloodiest war in the world. The winner can naturally take everything, and the loser can only be slaughtered. What will happen to you brothers and sisters if your elder brother comes to power?"

  Jiang Mingyan narrowed her sharp eyes, this was indeed what she was worried about.

  The bigger the family property, the more you have to beware of your brothers and sisters.

   Maybe brothers and sisters will become enemies of life and death.

  The current boss of the Jiang family is over 200 years old. He is a person who has witnessed the era of green and red and survived. He is the leader of Bu Zhoushan's cooperation, and no one can shake his position.

"I know your situation in Jiang's family can be described in four words: isolation and helplessness. They are afraid of your talent, so they must be secretly plotting to deal with you? Otherwise, after so many years, why are you still unwilling to prepare for promotion? What about the ninth level? Because you know that once you advance to the demigod domain, something will happen in the ceremony."

  The old lady Si emphasized: "The situation is different now, the Si family can be your support, and you don't want your two daughters to be looked down upon by others in the Jiang family, right?"

   These words undoubtedly hit Jiang Mingyan's weakness, she is a very proud woman.

   She has a strong self-esteem, so of course she doesn't want to see her daughter being looked down upon by others.

   "The marriage of the Si family is the only and the best choice for you."

Mrs. Si smiled and said: "Because our Si family has the qualifications to negotiate with the old Patriarch Jiang, even if it is just to cure his curse, let him live another ten or twenty years? At that time, maybe even your brother They are going to die of old age. For Ms. Yueji, our young master is also a good match. A marriage can not only solve the problem of life and death, but also repair the broken relationship between mother and daughter, why not do it?"

   After all, she is the woman that the Supreme has his eyes on, so he still needs to manage the relationship as much as possible.

  This young man doesn't seem to know much about the world, and his way of dealing with things is too blunt.

  The old man Si is different. He has lived for too many years and has already become a human being.

   Building relationships is what he does best.

  Jiang Mingyan didn't even sneer this time, because she was really moved.

  The premise is that the boy is really a person from the dark world.

  Gu Jianlin's performance today was indeed beyond her expectations, not only the fighting power shown, but also his courage and courage. The most important thing is that he has an insight into the law of survival in the dark world, which is the law of the jungle.

  There is no emotion, no loyalty, and no so-called faith here.

  There are only benefits.

  As long as you are useful, then you are powerful, and others will fear you.

  This kind of strength does not lie in your rank, but in whether you are useful or not.

   Or, for whom it is useful.

  After understanding the rules of survival in the dark world, the seventeen-year-old boy was like a well-known giant, breaking the awakening clock with toughness and arrogance, and came to negotiate with the real owner of the Youying Group.

  If Gu Jianlin is really from the dark world, then his future will be limitless.

  The problem is that he is not.

  Jiang Mingyan knew his true identity very well.

  He's just a fake.

   Once his true identity is revealed, it is enough to trigger a large-scale war!

   "Sometimes, identity is not that important, we have to take a long-term view."

  The old lady Si smiled secretly, handed her a copper coin, and said in a low voice, "Sometimes you don't necessarily need to choose the right camp, as long as you follow the right people, no matter which side wins, you can have the last laugh."

  A flash of lightning flashed for a moment, illuminating the woman's seemingly cold face.

  A strange light flashed in Jiang Mingyan's eyes.

  The meaning of the old man's words is very deep, which makes him take a longer-term view.

   It's not just the infighting of the dark world.

   It is the dispute between order and darkness, which is the ultimate of the world.

   As far as the current situation is concerned, there is really a person in this world. As long as you are willing to bet on him, no matter which side wins, you can have the last laugh.

   That person is Gu Jianlin.

  And all you need to pay is the price of a daughter.

   But your daughter still has to be him.

  So, do you really want to continue being this villain?



  Gu Jianlin looked down at the black spell on his wrist, the skull-like imprint seemed to be scalded on his skin, this was the change brought about after signing the blood oath, as if a time bomb was strapped to his body.

  Yuki Ji glanced at his wrist, and looked away calmly.

  In fact, as long as it is in Tokyo, the old ghost of the Jiang family really wants to kill a super-dimensional class, it is just a matter of thought.

   There is no need to be so troublesome.

   Just having this kind of thing in your hand is still a ticking time bomb, and you must find a way to clear it.

"The petals of the Youyingzhilian are indeed rare and authentic. I can feel the agitation of the ancient god's breath. It feels like a beast that smells of blood. There is a kind of madness that is about to move." Jiang Chunyang played with the one in his hand. In the wooden box, there is a black petal in the box. It is crystal clear like jade, and the scarlet lines are inextricably bloodshot, but it is a pity that the whole body is gray and withered long ago.

   "I think when Qingqing and Chi claimed that there was another evolutionary chain in the world, none of us wanted to believe it. Unexpectedly, the facts after a few years proved that they were right."

  He said with emotion: "Qing and Chi are geniuses, but we are mediocre."

   It's not just this old man.

  Yueji's pupils also had a tinge of blood.

  Gu Jianlin could even feel the agitation of the ancient god's aura in his body. He stared at the withered petals in the wooden box and tried to use profile to analyze it, but he could only feel a mysterious and vast aura.

  He took out a note from his pocket, passed it along the stone table, and said calmly: "This is how to use it for the first three days. With your energy, you can naturally find the best alchemist."

  Jiang Chunyang raised his cloudy pupils, and asked lightly: "Only three days? I have shared my biggest secret with you, and even gave you my most proud and beloved little granddaughter."

  There is no such brazen person in the world.

  If it wasn't because her rank wasn't high enough, Yue Ji would have wanted to draw her sword and kill someone at this time.

  When the two sisters were still in their infancy, they were almost killed by the Jiang family.

  Now she is going to be given away as a bargaining chip, and she will become the old guy's favorite little granddaughter.

   It's disgusting.

   "I said, not enough."

  Gu Jianlin paused every word: "I want to know what's in that pyramid."

Jiang Chunyang sneered, and said hoarsely: "You ask me, I don't know, you should ask my dead son, this is his legacy. I can treat you as the son-in-law of my Jiang family, and come with us Explore the ultimate. We don't know why the God Market appeared in the Qilin Immortal Palace, but there is no doubt that it is the place where Qing and Chi arrived back then, aren't you curious? Don't you want to be like them?"

   "Sovereign Qilin is indeed the craziest ancient supreme. I didn't expect that the Candlelight God Tree and the Youying Lotus were brought back from the old soil of the ancient gods. It's so interesting hahaha!"

  The old man was swallowed by the thick black mist and disappeared without a trace.

   Don't even think about it, he can't wait to relieve his curse.

  After Jiang Chunyang disappeared, the cold ghostly aura disappeared without a trace, and the coercion pervading the courtyard also disappeared.

   This is the meaning of seeing off guests.

  Gu Jianlin let out a foul breath from his chest.

  As the ruler of the dark world, the old ghost put him under considerable pressure.

   It's just that compared to the pressure, the old man's last sentence made him have unreasonable associations.

  Currently all the clues point to Venerable Qilin.

  He is the most mysterious and craziest Supreme.

  The four supreme beings are all afraid of him.

  The personalities of the ancient Supremes are all equal, and there is no absolute disparity.

  Even Venerable Candle Dragon is only more capable of fighting, but it cannot suppress or kill a Supreme forever.

   Then what is so special about Himself?

  Jiang Chunyang's unintentional words just now exploded like thunder.

  The Divine Candle Tree and the Lotus of Youying were both brought back by Venerable Qilin from the old soil of the ancient gods.

  The so-called old land is the hometown.

  Why only Venerable Qilin can bring the two supreme holy objects to the earth.

  Why do the Supremes fear him because of this.

  Just as he was thinking, Yue Ji suddenly grabbed his right hand.


  Yueji observed the old house, and seemed to think of something inadvertently, the palm of his right hand was cold, and even trembling slightly: "I'm not feeling well, let's get out of here quickly."

  Gu Jianlin knew that her so-called discomfort was false, because she had more important things to hint to herself.

   "Do you remember the mysterious coordinates you gave me?"

Yue Ji pretended to be uncomfortable, and snuggled into his arms, but the secret words she uttered were creepy: "We've been wandering around Shinjuku for so long but we still can't find the coordinates. Is there a possibility that it's It is not in the normal dimension at all? If it is recalculated with a virtual dimension, what will be the result?"

  Gu Jianlin was slightly taken aback, that mysterious coordinate might be in Shinjuku Gyoen!

   It's just that they can no longer stay here.

  Jiang Chunyang has clearly expressed his intention to see off the guests.

   Trying to do something again will inevitably arouse his suspicion.

   After a long silence.

   "I see, since you feel uncomfortable, you can leave first."

  He looked around with deep eyes: "Today's goal has also been achieved."

  The night wind blew over the cherry blossom trees, and the petals fell on the lakeside. The backs of the boy and the girl gradually disappeared in the tree-lined path, as if they were swallowed by darkness, and there was no more sound.

  In the silent shrine, the talisman paper fluttered, and countless wind chimes swayed with the wind, as if watching them go.



  In the meeting room of the virtual network, the boy and girl under the camera drove away from Shinjuku Gyoen.

  No.1 breathed a sigh of relief: "The task is completed."

"It seems that number four is right. This master really likes people who deviate from the plan. He is naturally suitable for completing tasks in the dark world in the strongest and most direct way. He has understood the rules of survival here. .For the dark world, you cannot show weakness. Once you show weakness, someone will eat you."

  No. 3 said quietly: "It's like God can't bleed, otherwise he will be swallowed by hundreds of millions of believers."

No. 4 was silent for a long time, and whispered: "It seems that the president sent him to us because he wanted him to be a variable, right? Every shadow has its own way of doing things, as long as it can complete the task. With his ability, we should cooperate with him, not him to cooperate with us."

  The plan of the shadows was to use his spiritual immunity to successfully pass the test of the awakening bell.

   Thus winning the trust of the Jiang family.

   Unexpectedly, Gu Jianlin gave a solution in his own way.

  This world does not need trust, as long as there are interests.

   Half a sound.

Wu Hao's voice sounded: "Later I will summarize the information I got this time and upload it to the think tank for analysis. We need to know what is in that mysterious tomb, including what is strange about the corpse of the Red King. This is the ultimate The two crucial variables, once there is a difference, the conclusions drawn will be very different."

  Today's intelligence is a huge shock to every shadow.

   They are not at peace.

   "In short, the mission is over, and we recognize his ability."

  Just as the shadows breathed a sigh of relief, Number One said suddenly.


  No. 1 voice trembled slightly, and said: "The shadow of Qilin is gone!"

   It was no secret to them that Gu Jianlin had mastered the Qilin forbidden spell.

  Using avatars to deliver messages was also something they didn't think of.

  However, under the surveillance camera, that ghostly shadow disappeared strangely in place.

   "Since the mission is over, it is normal to take back the shadow, right?"

   "Having said that, I have a bad feeling."

   "When Qilin drove away, he glanced into the depths of Shinjuku Gyoen."

   "Is there a possibility that he will make a big deal?"

   "No need to guess, Qilin has sent a message asking us to cooperate with his next move."



  In the quiet old house, the cherry blossoms spreading like a tide cover the lake.

  Someone by the lake raised his eyes and stared at the silent shrine.

   That was Gu Jianlin's shadow.

  His body had already left, but before he left, he took back the shadow and left it here.

  Shadow's wrist is lingering with a silver-white lock of inexistence. Like a ghost, he walks through the tree-lined path and walks into the silent shrine without a sound. Numerous swaying talismans and wind chimes seem to welcome his arrival.

  (end of this chapter)

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