The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 386: mission accomplished

  Chapter 386 The mission is completed, cross the sea

  The main gate of Shinjuku Gyoen was already in ruins. The Seventh Patriarch stood naked in the thick smoke, his perfect body like jade was covered with cracks, like cracked lines of lava, and thick steam came out.

The majestic Longwei spread, and the siren of the police car sounded on the long street opposite, and the fire trucks also surrounded the entrance. The fog filled the air, accompanied by the choking burning smell, which made people cry.

   After all, it is a national park, and Yingzhou officials still attach great importance to it.

  The Seventh Patriarch looked at these ants with cold eyes, and inadvertently clenched his palms.

  Like trying to kill them all.

  Because He was extremely angry.

   This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and that weird woman is right in front of him, weaker than ever before.

  Weak to the fifth level at most.

  It's a pity that He failed to seize this opportunity, watched the prey escape from the palm, and left traces of humiliation on his body, which were the wounds left by the ancient divine language, and he couldn't bear to live.

  This is not the scariest thing yet, that freak seems to have broken through his inner demons, and for the first time performed ancient deification in the real world, releasing such a high-level power, and even that taboo language.

  This time it is ancient deification and ancient language.

  No one dares to think about what the next time will be.

   She gets weaker, but also stronger.

  The level has become weaker, but the will has become stronger, and it seems to have evolved into the most perfect life.

   "Please calm down, respected Lord Dragon Warrior."

Jiang Chuge came out of the mist, and said in a deep voice: "There are so many people here, there is no guarantee that there will be experts from other forces mixed in. Don't act rashly in the public eye. You are still alive, which proves that she is indeed very weak. Here It's Tokyo, it's our territory, we have a way to find her."

   "Just leave this matter to the Jiang family. We have locked down several suspects."

  He whispered: "The most important thing is that the secret of the old house may have been leaked out, which may lead to the failure of our plan. At that time, the ancestor of the Canglong will not be able to explain it."

  A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Seventh Patriarch, and he slowly let go of his clenched hands.

  The sound of knives in time and space gradually disappeared.

He took a deep breath, and the cold vertical pupils flickered: "We must find her as soon as possible, and we cannot let her continue to recover her strength. You don't know how far she has evolved. If this continues, she will really become that Supreme. All those related to her must not be let go, even if they dig three feet, they must find her!"

  The Seventh Patriarch said coldly: "Master Skylark still has helpers."

  Jiang Chuge received the mission to appease this violent dragon attendant, and not let Bu Zhoushan make a big fuss in Tokyo at this critical juncture, otherwise all the plans of both sides over the years will be in vain.

   "I did think of a person, and he just came to the old house today."

  A strange light flashed in his pupils, and the sword case trembled slightly behind his back.


   There was a violent roar in the depths of the silent imperial garden, and time and space became turbulent.

   That is the direction of the old house, and there seems to be something in the dark that is about to wake up.

  The Seventh Patriarch glanced at the young man beside him, said with a sneer, "So he wanted me to help him comfort him."

  Jiang Chuge nodded slightly, and said calmly: "I hope you will take the initiative to transfer Ni Longkan. I will take someone to thoroughly investigate the traces of the eldest lady, and try to solve this matter before the dimensional gate of Qilin Fairy Palace opens."



  Late at night, it was still raining in the brightly lit Shinjuku area.

  No. 1 walked across the street holding an umbrella, and the dim street lights cast a slender shadow.

   "The task is over, thank you everyone."

Carrying a heavy weapon box, she walked into a convenience store, picked up a magazine casually and opened it, and whispered, "Number Four is right, he is really too powerful, we can only cooperate with him, It's not that he's coming with us. He's going to do it in his own way...and, yes, overachieve."

  Some people are born this way.

   It doesn’t matter what rank you are in. When you first see him, you will feel that he is very powerful.

  Especially super agents like them, they don’t meet too many people.

  Some people do know at a glance that it is best not to provoke them.

   There was silence in the communication channel, only the faint echo of knocking.

   That was Number Three's voice, indicating that he had slipped through tonight, and no one found him.

  As a shadow that has been dormant in Tokyo for many years, No. 1 is not worried about this guy's safety.

  Because Number Three hides very deeply and knows how to protect himself.

   What No. 1 is really worried about is No. 5.

  That little girl put in a lot of effort tonight. It seemed that she simply turned off or activated the alchemy matrix hidden in Shinjuku Gyoen, but the price she paid was huge, and it was an unimaginable burden for her.

  Because that is the alchemy matrix of Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden, covering an area of ​​fifty-six hectares.

   And that is the alchemy matrix left by the Red King.

   There was a breathless voice coming from the communication channel, it was Wu Hao's breathing.

   "It's fine, thank you, baby."

  No.1 was silent for a moment, then said softly: "If there is a chance, I will visit you again."

  I thought that there would be no echo, but there was a light knocking sound in the earphone.

  Wu Hao: "Is Qilin okay?"

  No.1 knew that he couldn't hide it from her, so he said in a low voice: "I don't know. If I have time, I will check it out. His avatar should have dissipated. As for whether it will affect his body, no one can say for sure."

   It is indeed a proud record.

  Breaked into Jiang's territory alone, and even escaped from the most dangerous place.

   Not even the dead Red King could keep him.

  Finally, he managed to escape with precious materials in front of a sanctuary-level ancient ancestor.

  The ultra-dimensional class escaped under the hands of the sanctuary class. Whose glory or shame is it?

   "Do you still care about others?"

  No. 1's voice is rare and gentle.

  No. 5 tapped and replied: "It's just following the president's instructions, not to mention that he can help me avenge."

   After a long silence.

   Wu Hao asked again: "Have you found the information?"

   Number One lowered his head and found a yellowed diary in the last mezzanine of the magazine column.

   "Well, I found it."

  She said softly: "Just don't worry."



  Under the warm light, the head in the shower room is sprinkled with water.

  Gu Jianlin raised his head and drenched in the rain. The warm water flowed down along the cold and hard muscle lines, washing away the thick blood.

  Dragon marrow fluid flowed in his body, repairing his battered body.

   This is Lark's gift, which brought him back from the brink of death for the second time.

  Tonight is undoubtedly a thrilling battle for him. Fortunately, the main body has always been in a safe place, so no matter how much the clone takes risks, it will not lead to his real death. This is the advantage brought by the Qilin curse. He can take risks that others dare not take while ensuring his own safety.

   I have to say that the seventh ancestor of Buzhou Mountain is really strong.

   It's definitely not the crooked melon and cracked date he encountered before.

  Unfortunately, for him, it is only strong in rank.

   After all, the battle of sublimators is not just based on rank.


  An ancient forbidden curse.

  The original forbidden curse.

   There are also matching mythical weapons.

  Even your race is the key to victory or defeat.

   Except for his rank, he is a top match without exception.

   Therefore, at the same level, he can easily crush anyone.

  Even if it was the president when he was young, he couldn't be his opponent.

  The King of Red and the King of Blue also have to weigh it carefully.

   This is his confidence.

  The only person who can fight with him at the same level should be bad women.

   Speaking of bad women.

  He touched his lips lightly, thinking of the embrace in the locker room of the mall, it was cruel and charming.

  Never thought that he would have such a brutal side.

   One day he would hug a woman and **** blood.

  If this goes on, I will become a vampire.

  Dragon marrow liquid is indeed not something that can be produced casually.

  The villain is in a very bad state, like a sleeping beauty.

  After Skylark donated the dragon marrow liquid, she returned to sleep in his body again, and didn't even ask him what he found out, which shows that she has been holding on all along.

  In the sea of ​​eternal life, she was seriously injured.

   I don't know what was hurt.

   Even she needs serious cultivation.

   "Boom boom."

   Someone stood at the door of the bathroom with a clear and calm voice: "If I don't wash well, I'm about to come in."

   That was Tsukihime's voice.

  Gu Jianlin turned off the faucet, grabbed a towel to dry himself, and put on a bathrobe: "How is it?"

Yueji snorted softly: "No one noticed the abnormality. I also guarded you when you entered the locker room. Mrs. Si didn't even know what you were doing in there. Tell me, are you using your shadow to do things?" ?”

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment, she really couldn't hide anything from her.

   "One mind and two purposes, the main body and the avatar are active at the same time."

  Yueji yin and yang said angrily: "So you can talk about two girlfriends?"

  Gu Jianlin wondered what nonsense this girl was talking about.

  He opened the door of the bathroom, and mist filled the air.

   His change of clothes were already placed on the bed, neatly folded together.

   There should be a servant of the Si family to do this kind of thing.

   It's just that after Yue Ji came, she was extremely possessive and didn't allow others to touch her boyfriend's private affairs.

   Therefore, she did everything by herself.

  Yueji sat on the edge of the bed with her hands crossed over her chest, a pair of slender legs folded up, up and down.

  She didn't wear a mask, her pretty face was as white as snow without any expression, her eyes were like a piece of clear ice.

   Obviously, Gu Jianlin's recent series of abnormalities have made her suspicious.

  Whether it was being kidnapped by the eldest lady, or the deal with the Jiang family ghost.

   When it came to the anomaly after leaving Shinjuku Gyoen, she was keenly aware that the other party had something to hide from her.

   And it's a big deal.

  Gu Jianlin didn't want to hide anything from her, and said in a low voice, "I found out the coordinates."

  Yue Ji was slightly taken aback, her beautiful eyes suddenly turned cold: "What did you say?"

Gu Jianlin lowered his voice, as if he was telling a great secret: "The Scarlet King is not completely dead. The members of the Jiang family have been studying his body, and even want to send him to the Shenxu... Let him die resurrection!"

   This news was tantamount to thunder, even Yue Ji's beautiful eyes widened, her delicate body stiffened.

   At the critical moment, the roar of the engine sounded outside the window.

  The door of the room was knocked, and Si Ruowei said respectfully at the door: "Master, Miss."

  She paused: "Jiang Chuge brought someone to visit, and I want to see the two of you."

  (end of this chapter)

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