The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 391: He is coming back

  Chapter 391 He is coming back

  The ancient temple is shrouded in inexhaustible twilight. The Buddha statues in the temple are holding flowers with their fingers, their eyes are so compassionate and silent, as if they are praying for the world, and the bells are long and lonely.

"From the beginning of the birth of mankind, whether it is religious prophecies or myths and legends, all have confirmed the possibility of the end of the world. Zweig's "Queen of the Dead" once said that all the gifts of fate have already been secretly priced. The early sages of mankind also believed that the gods would never save the world for no reason."

  Ji Zhou burned a stick of incense in front of the Buddha statue, and said softly: "What's more, the early ancestors didn't regard the ancient gods as real gods...children, you need to remember one thing."

  Gu Jianlin looked at her back with a look in his eyes asking for advice.

   "You were not born to look up to or be in awe of anyone."

   With his hands behind his back, Ji Zhou's indifferent voice sounded like an ancient bell, echoing in this world: "If there is really a **** in this world, how can you bear that the **** is not you?"

  Bells were ringing endlessly, and a gust of wind blew up inside the Zenith Temple. The hem of her windbreaker fluttered. It was so slender and thin, but it seemed to be able to bear the weight of the whole world.

   That is the arrogance of an emperor, the majesty of an emperor, and the atmosphere of an emperor.

   It's hard to imagine how domineering this woman was when she was young. You can't use the word beauty to describe her. Even if her appearance is really beautiful, her sharpness is enough to overwhelm her beauty.

  You can't treat her as a woman either.

  In the deepest part of the ancient shrine, outside the coffin wrapped with white iron chains.


  You paused: "You are always in awe."

   "It's over."

   "It seems that you recovered very wrongly."


  Omega's communication channel fell into dead silence.

  Maybe it was before I was a teenager that I realized how important the man in front of me had taught me.

  The small half of the red king's legacy is out of my hands, and the rise of the dark world has nothing to do with me.

  Jiang Chunyang suppressed his voice and said loudly: "And now he has not successfully degenerated. Many people are staring at him, wanting to see him inherit this position. Especially, this person has less time."

   Tang Zixuan couldn't help asking.

   "The members of the Ghost Group are your allies, but we are not trustworthy."

   "Whether he is interested or not, others are not. If he becomes a god, others will become gods, and few people will die on the road to becoming a god. It cannot be the people around him, nor can it be him."

Ji Zhou turned around and touched my hair, smiled loudly, and said, "After you came to Tokyo, I asked Lin Zhengchun from Laojun Mountain to make a fortune. The old man said that when people are about to die, they are always used to go away." The road I have traveled, the people I have met... So this so-called old man is not me."

   Ji Zhou said indifferently: "The reason why no one is afraid of death? Because I died on my knees."

   Tang Zixuan said in a heavy voice, "The Scarlet King is not completely dead."

   At that time I noticed one thing.

   Ji Zhou turned around and took a deep look at me: "Time difference."

   "Looking forward to the coming of the real god."

   "That's the president's husband."

   "Worried, you have no more reliable candidates."

  There is no research boat under the small white sea, and there is no looming figure in a white suit under the boat.

Tokyo is sunny and sunny, which is a refreshing sunny day, but under the sea of ​​whales in the western Pacific Ocean, it is covered with dark clouds, thick white clouds entangled together, vaguely blazing lightning criss-crossing, accompanied by rolling thunder, bad It's like blasting a hole in the sky.

Jiang Chunyang sighed and said: "He is still a long way from being promoted to a demigod. Once this man goes west, who can protect him? There are too few people who think about him. The natural disasters are all It's dependable, the King of Silver is too close to Lishan Tianyan Pavilion, what they want to cultivate is a puppet."

Ji Zhou said fiercely: "That's the case in theory, but it's the opposite in the outer universe. From your point of view, Qing and Chi are just one year behind in the deep space of the universe, but a hundred years have passed beyond the time we perceive. Year."

   Ashamed to be the pillar of the human world, he didn't react in an instant.


   Tang Zixuan was taken aback.

   Tang Zixuan said truthfully.

   No one smiled outside of sleep.

Ji Zhou was always staring at a spiritual tablet behind the Buddha statue.

   Li Jie's evaluation of the vice president was bad, mainly because of the style of the trial court.

  The military division stood behind the gazebo and said with a smile: "The things this big guy gave are really useless."

  "After generations of heavenly beings have perfected the law of candle lighting, the heavenly beings in the previous life have also become weaker and weaker. You have gradually lost the ability to explore the ancient **** world and trace the secrets of the gods."

  The military division sighed: "Actually, your relationship with your father is also bad, which is very understandable."

  The sea breeze was blowing towards Tang Ling's forehead, half covering her beautiful eyes, which suddenly became darker.

  Including the dark net, there is no undercurrent yet. Sublimation organizations all over the world are preparing to retreat into the world of the seventh floor. These people who have no keys are ordinary people, scrambling to seize the treasure.

  Destroying that planet may only require a snap of the fingers.

   Ji Zhou hummed.

  What the Scarlet King really wants to do is to replace it.

Ji Zhou stared at the wooden sign and said in a heavy voice: "This is a plan formulated by Taiqing. You have arranged an alchemy matrix under the spaceship to open up the barren universe with the power of the realm of heaven and man. He may know that the outer universe The breath of the ancient gods is everywhere, and the moment someone sets foot, they will be deformed."

   It is certain that this thing is guarded by the monastery.

   "Are you interested in becoming a god?"

  My eyes are dark and hot, with a hint of madness hidden.

   "Why blue and red?"

   "Am I still bad?"

Ji Zhou said in a heavy voice: "As early as 7,800 years later, humans discovered the existence of the Wedge of Heaven and Man outside the ancient ruins. The exact time and place are still unknown. The study of the wedge of heaven and man reproduced the power of the law of candlelight, and the heaven and man were born."

   Tang Zixuan thought about this crazy old man and shook his head.

   "He has just recovered, and he is going to perform tasks again. Parents are always worried."

   Ji Zhou said surprisingly: "Taiqing, the president of the next generation."

   Tang Ling was silent for a moment: "Dad, what did he want to say?"

   "The ancient gods should have mentioned the starry sky project to him. This is not the most important step in human history. Only those who have not sublimated can go to the outer universe and witness the most authentic appearance of that world."

  I said hoarsely: "If you drag it up, that thing will come out. For the past year, you can hear my voice outside your dreams. My laughter is getting more and more crazy. The alchemy matrix can't hold me back."

   But I don't have my principles either.


  Taihua walked to the temple with his hands behind his back, looked at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, and said in a heavy voice: "Of course this child wants to cut off the inheritance path, and all I want to do is one thing from the beginning to the end."

  That is also the reason why human beings can fight Gu Jianlin to this day.

   In line with the style of this White Supreme.

Ji Zhou's voice was like the roar of swords, with a murderous air: "He lives in that world, and he will be pushed away by that world after all. Few things are left to him. There is always a relationship between people. It is possible to understand each other, and war and conflict are also one of the laws of nature."

   Tang Zixuan hummed: "The Scarlet King may be resurrected."

   Ji Zhou's eyes were dark: "In other words, the soul can only be created, but it can be transformed."

  Rhein is indeed a person who chooses the means to achieve the goal.


   Tang Zixuan said quietly.

  That means that Qilin Asgard takes a step back and merges with reality.

  Liao Jingbang also read some materials. In ancient times, the war between humans and Gu Jianlin was extremely tragic.


   Various countries also ordered their troops to stay away from that sea area to avoid the Bermuda incident from happening again.

  It's like a person inhales oxygen and exhales carbon seven oxide.

   This is a tablet with characters, the mahogany has been mottled, and there are traces of time.

   Ji Zhou asked suddenly.

  It’s the same but the military division is too weird, it’s really hard to kill or kill, I’ve died a long time ago.

   The dusky twilight falls on your face, but you always have no expression.

  Of course, the military division did not have real materials.

   Sure enough, it is a horror story.

   "Even if he knows the existence of the end of the world, he still needs to be afraid. People will never die. Birth, old age, sickness and death are eternal and changing laws. He must learn to be magnanimous and let go of death."

   As for the military adviser, I hate that he is slow before getting rid of him.

  Liao Jingbang really agrees with that truth, he must be in awe of someone, and this will never surpass me.

   Tang Ling said in a heavy voice.

   Tang Zixuan suddenly said: "It's right, the end of the world happened in that century, and we must really stop this thing from coming, no matter what, we should cut off the inheritance path!"

  Liao Jingbang thought that you would suddenly ask about that, so he nodded slightly.

   Therefore, the land reclamation of the Kylin Asgard is not a war, but an exploration.

  The mission is about to start, but we don't even know the specific mission content.

   Ji Zhou said indifferently: "After all, he is a child taught by the president. If there is really no lowest **** in that world, how can I bear that I am this god?"

   Mainly the military division will threaten my dominance.

  Countries along the entire Pacific Ocean can see that huge Kirin Island.

  Liao Jingbang didn't think about it: "The Priory wants us to discover that secret."

   "In your opinion, the successor after him is Lin Dong, not Rhine. The latter is a little younger, so he fits him well, while the former just broke."

  A self-deprecating smile appeared on your lips: "The ancient gods, has he seen it?"

  Tang Ling stood on the shore looking at the small white sea, put on the binoculars silently, and said in a heavy voice: "The small door of the dimension is about to open, parents and the others should go back first, you have something to do."

   This is Rhine.

  He only needs to know that such a small soul power can do anything.

   "Well, he reacted."

Ji Zhou laughed hotly and said, "At this time, we both claimed to be at the sanctuary level, but actually reached the same level and reached the realm of demigods. You didn't realize what was going on until Einstein's theory of relativity was officially announced. Therefore, we have survived several assassinations, and based on the clues we got from the depths of the universe, we have cracked the ultimate secret that has plagued mankind for thousands of years on Earth.”

  I said seriously: "Marriage is more reliable than alliance. Ever since Qing and Chi started this, the internal turmoil in the Ether Association has never stopped for even a day. He needs no backer."

   "Yes, from this time on, Qing and Chi haven't escaped your control. What's interesting is that we were assassinated countless times before we returned to Earth."

   Tang Zixuan was taken aback for a moment, and understood.

   That is indeed a rare case.

  The real safe places of Qilin Asgard are extremely secretive.

  Tang Zixuan was shocked: "How many thousands of years have you swallowed?"

   Usurping the unified will to plan the treasure for thousands of years!

   This is naturally the President.

  Military division shrugged: "You are my father, you also use that thing to describe me?"

   "You knew it at the time, but you found the two children according to the ancient prophecy, and you realized one thing before we came back from the depths of the universe."

   "The so-called assassination was also done by the monastery?"

  Under the scientific research ship in the small sea in the distance, Rhine silently supported the earphones, his face sinking like water.

  The soul can only be created, but it can be transformed.

   "The weak who can stand on top of the world, in one case, don't have a single trait."

   "That's why the Red King decided to kill the sublimators all over the world?"

   Tang Zixuan's blood was hot all over, and it turned out that was the real reason why the Red King went crazy.

  The wind blows your white hair, and the white skirt is also fluttering in the wind.

"At this time, Einstein was still born, and there is no such thing as the theory of relativity in the world. Through observations, you have found that the physical laws of the surface universe and the outer universe are the same, ignoring the difference in time flow. When an object becomes slower and slower When it reaches the speed of light, the time under it will become faster and faster. When it reaches the speed of light, it will stop passing. When it exceeds the speed of light, time will run backwards."

  For example, Lei Ting hates me, so I never approach him.

   "Who can be less reliable than Vice President Rhine?"

   "Surely the observations are there, which means that there is nothing... devouring those souls?"

  Ji Zhou said lightly: "Emperor Tianqi is your elder brother in name. You are busy dealing with Gu Jianlin who came out of Guixu at this time. You have a lot of time to return to the present world, and you are as leisure as them."

  The words just came to his lips, but they stopped abruptly.

  Liao Jingbang frowned: "There is a precedent in the history of the cooperative mission between the Ether Association and the Youying Group, but you even know what we are planning in secret, that is too different."

   "Is that so?"

   Booming, the barrier of time and space trembled.

  Tang Zixuan suddenly realized: "No wonder the old ghost of the Jiang family said that Qing and Chi have become extremely familiar."

   "Are you really the emperor after seven hundred years?"

  Jiang Chunyang is the head of the Tang family. He is naturally a very dignified person in front of the insiders, but unfortunately he is a male slave. I am afraid of the male's eyes, so I can only shake my head helplessly.

   Then, only a few people's earphones sounded the first paragraph.

   Tang Zixuan instinctively wanted to ask, the coming of the gods is not harmful to me.

  Now I am still in a bad state, my pupils are bloodshot with anger and scarlet, and my eyes are as terrifying as ghosts. I am still haunted by curses, as if I will drown in hallucinations at any time.

  I picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Notify Dr. Aaron that the operation is over."

  That kind of discovery may seem trivial, but it is enough to become a thunderbolt that shocked the entire world.

  The purpose of the Red King is to hasten the arrival of the end!

  A huge floating island loomed out of the dark sky, resembling a white unicorn.

The ancient gods laughed and said: "Someone would regard this kind of thing as their own son. You know why I chose him to be my spokesperson. But if you advise him to be big-hearted, I am the one who will subvert everything. There is no humanity at all. Compared to Qing, Chi is the craziest monster."

  He always needs to know what this thing is.

   "Dear Omega Sequence, mission update."

   This is epic and fabulous war.

   Tang Ling glanced at me warmly.

  It’s just that compared to what happened afterwards, I did recover a little, at most I would suddenly go crazy.

"Qing and Chi discovered a crucial law. This is not that spirituality itself is a kind of energy, but a kind of energy guided by the spirit, and also the law of energy conservation. In addition, the existence of the soul is also energy. One is a known quality, which is not something that can be transformed."

   Taixu’s voice sounded outside the earphones, echoing outside the earphones of every Omega sequence.

  In the deepest part of Shinjuku Gyoen, the ancient shrine has not been demolished. The priests carried the old alchemy equipment and threw them all outside the fire to burn. The smoke filled the air and floated into the sky.

Taixu said solemnly: "Their task is to go through the Dragon Burial Valley on the seventh floor of the Qilin Immortal Palace, and explore an upside-down pyramid called Shenxu. Outside of that mission, they may encounter people from inside or outside. Obstacles, no one can guarantee their danger, please be careful."

   must exist in nature, so it cannot be observed under the theory.

  Nowadays, the Qilin Immortal Palace is not so safe, mainly because the two small clans Zhulong and Qilin will go to war two thousand years later, Gu Jianlin has fewer deaths, and those who survive are also sleeping.

  The ancient protoss wore a white kimono, with their hands behind their backs, and silence was the language.

  You paused: "They need to be vigilant against us all the time, and do everything prevent the resurrection of the Red King!"

   "Your identity in this world is a princess."

  The sublimators have not blocked the distant sea area, but allow any fishing boat or merchant ship to approach.

  There is only one word in this world that is suitable to describe you.

  Ji Zhou was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "The characteristics of Youying law?"

   Tang Zixuan vaguely realized that the conversation today would play an important role in enlightening my life, but my experience is still too shallow to comprehend the full meaning.

  "In addition to protecting the order of the human world, the most important mission of each generation of President is not to find a way to fight against Liao Jingbang, and to study the specific meaning of the end of the world."

  This means that the souls of sublimated people who have not existed since ancient times still exist.

  Tang Zixuan said in a heavy voice, "The doomsday prophecy."

   At the same time, the roar of the helicopter sounded, and the Omega sequences had not yet landed on the distant coast.

  (end of this chapter)

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