The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 396: The betrayal of Youying Group, the reunion of Qilin and Thunder

  Chapter 396 The betrayal of Youying Group, the reunion of Qilin and Thunder

  The scorching sun is in the sky, the barren desert is buried by the wind and sand, and the sound of the wind is like the whimper of the dead.

  Tang Ling held the brim of the sun hat, her pretty face under the shadow of the brim of the hat was flawless, she put on sunglasses expressionlessly, and pulled up the scarf to cover half of her face to prevent the wind and sand from entering her mouth and nose.

This is the desert on the second floor of Qilin Fairy Palace. The land reclamation team has long reminded that the environment here is quite harsh. The temperature difference between day and night is 30 to 60 degrees Celsius. During the day, the solar energy dehydrates you, while at night it is enough to freeze you When the temperature is lost, sandstorms will blow up from time to time around the clock, accompanied by the shaking of the earth and mountains.

  According to the netizens who came back from the dark web, it’s like Gaara released the desert burial.

  Carrying a huge guitar case on her back, she walks through the long street paved with gravel. The street is desolate but still popular. The convoys transporting supplies come and go, and the temporary military sheds are full of antiques.

   On the mottled walls, there are advertisements for expedition recruitment, and vendors are selling information.

   There were even faint cheers from the underground of the ancient palace, and the reverberation of explosive music.

  Occasionally, a black team with tattoos all over the face walked by the street, staring at her with a kind of cold eyes, probably to examine whether she is a fat sheep, hesitating whether to attack her.

  According to the ancient tradition, people often choose a relatively safe place to build a gathering place, so that the ascensionists from all over the world can have a place to stay, and can also be used to trade resources and information.

  When necessary, it can also be used to deal with the recovery of the ancient gods.

  Here you can see people from all over the world, and you can also feel the cultural customs from all over the world.

  The Egyptians were the first to discover the habitat this time. They were good at surviving in the desert terrain, and finally found an ancient city ruins in the desert, and ignited the fire of human civilization on the ruins.

   And the town was named Sado Town.

"You are late."

   A harsh voice sounded from the wireless headset.

   There was a faint tremor of the blade, and a pool of blood sprayed out in the old alley. The gang just now had been beheaded silently, and the corpse fell to the ground with a dull sound.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Tang Ling caught a glimpse of a low-key silhouette standing in the alley, blood dripping from his iron sword.

   "You don't have to kill them."

  She said indifferently: "This group of people poses no threat to me."

"It's me, not you, who judges whether this group of people is a threat. My duty is to protect your safety. If it's not for keeping a low profile, I'd rather wipe out this town." Rhine responded in the communication channel, from beginning to end The style of this vice president is so cruel and blunt.

  In order to achieve his goal, he can use any means and sacrifice many innocent people.

  If eradicating the sublimators in this base would ensure safety, he wouldn't even hesitate for a second.

"what ever."

  Tang Ling never liked this style of killing people, so naturally she wouldn't give them any good looks.

"I will protect you personally because you are the future of the world of order, not because you are the girl I watched and grew up with. Even if you don't like me, or even think of me as your brother, what you have to do is still Do it. After all, this is what the world owes you." Rhine said in the communication channel.

  The faction that Rhine belongs to dominates the cooperation with Lishan Tianyan Pavilion, so he naturally knows the whole process of the plan to transfer flowers to trees. He knows exactly what this lonely and indifferent girl has suffered.

"The people of Youying Group are obviously playing tricks. The Yueji in the team is a fake, and her real body is not here at all. The so-called fiancé is probably a counterfeit. Lin Dong will keep an eye on You Ming, but there is no guarantee that she will not appear What else is wrong. Once there is a super combat power, I will personally deal with it, and you should be careful."

   Before cutting off the communication, Rhine said: "Our purpose is to explore the ruins of the gods and find a way to extend the life of the president. We will never stop until this goal is achieved. Many people can be sacrificed for this."

   This is the strategy of the Ethereum Association. They dispatched two vice presidents at once.

  Rin Winter and Nether check and balance each other.

  Rhein played by ear in the dark.

   It is still the usual double insurance, and the emergency plan is very sufficient.

  Tang Ling walked through the noisy long street and came to the sacrificial ground outside the small town. This is obviously the civilization site of the ancient gods. The members of the expedition gathered under the huge dilapidated sculpture, and they all chose to keep a low profile.

   Since the second layer is full of unknown dangers, no one will take the fanfare approach. On the contrary, the lower the profile, the better, because the danger here can no longer be settled by massive resources and manpower. Once there is any problem, the head will be handed over collectively, and the loss outweighs the gain if too many people come.

   After discussion, the Ether Association and the Youying Group unanimously decided to disguise themselves as an expedition team.

   There is a black coffin in the center of this altar. Inside the coffin lies a young man bound by iron chains. His complexion is as white and terrifying as lime, covered with restraints used to suppress spirituality.

Jiang Ziye looked at the person in the coffin with a smile, and introduced: "This person is called Jiang Xu. In theory, he should be my cousin. I don't know when he became a senior cadre of the Priory. It's ridiculous, I I thought he was on a mission abroad, but turned into the so-called Barr."

  He turned his head and smiled, "Isn't that right, Brother Xingye?"

  The fake Si Xingye wore a golden mask and said nothing, because this person was replaced by a ghost-slaying method randomly found by the Jiang family from the family, so he kept silent in order not to expose his flaws.

  Similarly, Yue Ji was also replaced by members of the Jiang family, and the process was quite troublesome.

  Because the real Yue Ji has a good figure, even though her height is indeed limited, she still has a slender and slim beauty. That kind of natural symmetry of flesh and blood is difficult to cultivate the day after tomorrow, so she also used a lot of drugs.

   "A member of the Priory?"

  Nightmare looked at the person in the coffin and felt a little tingling. He was also a person who had experienced the Burial Forest operation. God knows how many comrades around him were instigated. The experience of being betrayed was very uncomfortable.

"Although I am very reluctant, I can only try. The road leading to the Burial Dragon Valley is always shrouded in sandstorms. There are nine out of ten ancient ancestors revived in it, even super-dimensional sublimators In the absence of supplies, going in is also death, we can only choose to avoid it and take a detour."

  He stretched out his hand to touch the forehead of the person in the coffin, his fingertips released a dim light, and muttered: "Once there are useful clues in divination, I will notify you immediately."

  Dawn just stood by his side, looking around vigilantly.

   With a bang, Ji Xiaoyu picked up a dilapidated throne with a fierce expression on his face.

  She is imitating the killing method of the chair killer. Since she was promoted to the fifth level, she has mastered a new forbidden spell, and her strength has improved to a higher level, which is almost three times that of the same level.

   When she first came to Yingzhou two days ago, she met a moron who had a penchant for little girls. As a result, her brains burst out after being hit by her, and the airport staff was scared to the point of bleeding.

  In the cooperation between Youying Group and the Ethereum Association, neither party trusts the other.

  At present, a team is sent out to explore the way, but unfortunately lost in the boundless desert.

  The two sides stared at each other, there was a vague smell of gunpowder, and the atmosphere of hostility was oppressive and strong.

   "Take me as the center, seven o'clock direction."

   After a while, a voice broke the silence.

"Set off!"

  Shu Guang waved his hands to signal his teammates to follow, and said in a low voice, "I hope Miss Lu and the others are all right."

  Jiang Ziye smiled all over his face, and led the Twilight candidates to follow: "Pay attention to leading the camels. This is a very precious property. Once these camels are gone, we will be cripples with broken legs."

  Because there is no way to drive in the desert, camels have become the most precious means of transportation, used to store all their supplies, especially fresh water resources and precious secret medicines.

   Tang Ling followed far behind the team. Because of her special status, no one came to strike up a conversation with her. Given her strength, no one thought she would cause problems, so she was allowed to act freely.

  The leader of the Omega sequence this time is Dawn, and the leader of the Dusk sequence is Jiang Ziye.

  Young people are certainly not the point.

   The two demigods who are really responsible for the finale on the bright side are Winter and Nether.

  Even if you need to suppress yourself to the seventh-level strength due to the limitation of dimensions, you are still the absolute strongest.

   "How is your aunt's health?"

   Someone said softly.

  You Ming stood on the dome of the dilapidated palace, overlooking the city where the yellow sand roared, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth.

   "Do you still care about her health?"

Lin Dong also lit a cigarette, looked at the convoy that was drifting away, and said indifferently: "Are you thinking about when she will leave? Or do you think she will take you, a traitor, with her before she leaves? ?”

You Ming smiled silently, his black hair fluttering in the wind, and his smile was quite evil: "There is no need to play this game between us, right? Speaking of which, you are still my junior, and I am also in your position You have stayed for a few years. You are a heavenly being, and you should be clear about the characteristics of Zhuzhao's law. If my aunt is not dead, how do you get ahead?"

  In the history of our country, someone once said that there is no prince in the world for forty years.

  A prince in an island country on the far side of the ocean refused to accept it, claiming that he still had 70 years of princes.

   Judging from the situation in the world of order, if the president does not die for a day, it is impossible for the next generation of celestial beings to win.

  The problem is that she is too old, too old to do anything she wants.

  In this case, why are you still not dead?

  Rin Dong remained expressionless, as if he would never waver on this kind of issue.

"I guess you think so too. Those ancient families, including the two natural disasters of gold and silver, and even Lishan Tianyan Pavilion should have different voices. Especially for you two vice presidents, Do the ancient supporters behind you really have no idea?"

  You Ming took off the cigarette from the corner of his mouth, and threw it into the wind: "Why don't I help you?"

  Lin Dong narrowed his eyes, and the whistling wind and snow flashed in his pupils: "What do you want to do?"



  A huge corpse collapsed on the desert mound, the flowing blood corroded the sand and dust, exuding a scorching breath like burning lava, choking people so hard that they couldn't open their eyes.

Lu Qingqing was kneeling on the ground, her guns were emitting thick gunpowder smoke, and burning blood was everywhere around her. This time, the enemy she was facing was a deformed ancient god, like a prehistoric giant crocodile, who could explode eggs .

  The twilight candidates of Youying Group decomposed the corpse of the ancient **** species to prevent eggs from hatching in its body. They did not make small moves during the battle, after all, everyone was a grasshopper on a rope.

   "Hey, here!"

   A psychic from the Ghost Group beckoned, and he saw the expedition team walking in the dust.

  Menggong knew his teammate was coming after counting his fingers, and he waved excitedly: "We have found another way to the Dragon Burial Valley. There are deformed ancient gods everywhere here, and they have infected the characteristics of dragons!"

  The camels marched against the wind and sand, and these extraordinary creatures with spirituality suddenly stepped on their hooves uncomfortably and snorted, which proved that they were extraordinarily frightened at the moment, and seemed to feel the breath of uneasiness.

  The shrill screams suddenly sounded in the wind.

   Nightmare's seven orifices bleed and let out a frightened scream.

  His right hand was grabbed, and with just a slight force, the wrist bone was pinched and broken.

   "Not good, enemy attack!"

  Dawn pulled him back, put one hand on his chest, and injected the power of the Holy Light.

   This was an unexpected change, but Ji Xiaoyu reacted the fastest because she was always vigilant. She raised the huge throne with both hands, and roared and smashed it at the black coffin!

  With a bang, this heavy throne was smashed to pieces by countless sword lights.

  The man in the coffin easily broke free from the chains that bound him, and the talisman paper that sealed his spirituality was blown away by the strong wind. The sand in his hand seemed to condense into a golden quicksand ancient knife!

  He opened his eyes, and there were scarlet vertical pupils in the depths of his pupils!

  The Omegas immediately realized that this was not a so-called member of the Priory at all.

   But a false ancestor!

   "Pseudo-ancestor, everyone be careful!"

  The voice of the call was overwhelmed by the terrifying dragon roar.

   "Honorable Lord Dragon Attendant, enjoy killing to your heart's content."

  Jiang Ziye smiled and bent down to salute. This awakened pseudo-ancestor seemed to be the seventh ancestor from Mount Buzhou!

  Accompanied by the thunderous dragon chant, the Seventh Patriarch slashed out a gloomy sword light, and the dust in the desert swept away like a sea tide, engulfing the members of the Omega sequence in an instant.

   Not only that, the desert trembled suddenly, and a huge quicksand vortex appeared in an instant, as if a giant beast in the abyss opened its **** mouth and swallowed them all!

   This buys Him enough time.

  He turned around, a strange smile appeared on his handsome face.

  In the howling wind and sand in the distance, Tang Ling stopped and stared at him from a distance of one kilometer.

   "I don't know why, the order I got was to kill you at all costs."

  The Seventh Patriarch said hoarsely: "Let me see, what is special about you?"

  Jiang Ziye waved with a smile, and the dusk candidates clustered behind him. They all displayed their evolutionary postures, and the shadows in the sun seemed to be distorted, growing sharp dragon horns.

  Pairs of cold vertical pupils seemed to be burning in the dark night.

   "A pair of twelve?"

  Tang Ling silently unloaded the guitar case, thinking about how many enemies she would face next.

   No, the strongest is the false ancestor, and the rest can be ignored.

  That is a sanctuary level, the rank is in the seventh stage, probably from Buzhou Mountain.

  The sky is full of yellow sand, and the murderous intent is getting stronger.

Tang Ling silently took out the Great Thunder Sword from the guitar case. As soon as she raised her head, she saw a gleam of cold blood flashing by, and the shrill sound of piercing the air rushed towards her face. hurt her cheek.

  The Seventh Patriarch has already approached him with a big smile on his face.

  The killing intent was fleeting, but the saber momentum he had accumulated stopped abruptly.

  Because he seemed to see something incredible.

   Well, right behind the girl.



  In the sunlight under the strong sunset, there are faint people walking forward against the wind and sand.

   This is a very strange person. He walked through the desert alone without any teammates. It would be a very scary thing to be isolated in such a harsh environment.

   means that you will not get any help and will feel lonely abandoned by the world.

  Not only did he not bring his teammates, he didn't even bring supplies.

  This kind of behavior is undoubtedly suicide, and I probably can't live for two days in the desert.

   Of course, the reason is because he is not really human.

   It is the avatar condensed from the Qilin forbidden curse.

   "I have clearly passed the information to you, why didn't I inform the Omegas?"

  Gu Jianlin held the blood-red ghost knife, walked forward against the howling wind and sand, and said calmly: "With their quality, they shouldn't be calculated so easily, did they do it on purpose?"

  An immature and indifferent voice came from the earphone: "This is not something you have to consider."

  Before the mission started, Gu Jianlin had already used the Qilin curse to condense the clone again, and then mixed into the teams of the Ether Association and Youying Group, and became a stalking idiot for a while.

  The news from the main body, he will naturally give back to his teammates.

  Unfortunately, an accident still happened.

   Well, it’s more of an expected variable than an accident.

  Everyone knows that it is impossible for the Ether Association and the Youying Group to really cooperate.

   I just didn't expect to turn my face so quickly.

   "Okay, I'll take care of that."

  Gu Jianlin said expressionlessly, "Speaking of which, how did you appear in the Ancient God Realm?"

Wu Hao said calmly: "It is not my body that is talking to you now, but the virtual personality I created. I implanted the personality on a person's mobile phone, as long as he connects to the network in Saduo Town, then I can Take over the network system of the entire town. Of course, Taixu can do the same thing, but she is my partner."

  Gu Jianlin was thoughtful, and asked softly, "Is your body okay?"

  No. Wu did not answer this question.

   "If this operation goes well, I will rescue you from that sanatorium."

  Gu Jianlin took a deep breath, and he heard the dragon chant resounding like thunder.

   "Don't talk big, that's the seventh patriarch. Not long ago, your clone was defeated by him."

  Wu Hao said calmly: "His combat power is very powerful."

Gu Jianlin shook his head and said, "The situation is different this time. First, I am in the Ancient God Realm, so I can use my full strength. Second, I still have my comrades this time. Third... I also have a new helper." .”

  (end of this chapter)

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