The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 403: hideout of the priory

  Chapter 403 The hiding place of the Priory

  Gu Jianlin almost held his breath, he couldn't believe what he saw, because when the valley was blown apart by what could be called a nuclear explosion, a city suddenly appeared in the wind and sand.

  A deserted city.

The appearance of cities in the ruins of the ancient **** world is nothing new, and it may not even be regarded as archaeological news. There are corpses that have been sleeping since ancient times, usually ancestors.

  Real treasures are often accompanied by endless crises.

  The problem is that he actually saw modern buildings belonging to humans in this city!

"This is impossible."

  Tang Ling put on a monocle, and after a simple divination, she concluded: "This ruin has been buried by wind and sand for many years. It is impossible for such a modern building to exist in that era."

The desolate ruins seem to be abandoned at the end of the world, the wind and sand are like mottled paint smeared on an old scroll, and the broken bronze tower is full of stern cracks, as if it has been executed like a thousand swords. Scarlet blood can be seen, there is no doubt that it is the blood of the ancient gods, and it is still fresh after thousands of years.

   Rather than saying that this is a city, it is better to say that it is the ruins after the war. The huge keel is winding in the desert, the spine is broken by the black iron stele, and the protruding spikes penetrate the surface.

  The wind blows away the dust, and there are such skeletons everywhere as far as the eye can see.

  The dilapidated temple was eroded to the point where only the skeleton remained. A black statue of a giant **** seemed to stand at the end of time, with flying clouds and beasts engraved all over his body. Mountains of bones piled up under his feet, like the tombs of dragons.

  In the sound of the wind, there is the faint roar of an ancient clock.

  The ancient altar was sealed with black iron chains, and the ancient bell rang in the wind, like the roar of a giant beast.

  The size of the ruins in this ruin is unimaginably large. Only ancient gods with huge bodies are eligible to enjoy such high-standard buildings. Gods should be high above and overlook all living beings.

  If ordinary people came to this ruin, they would definitely be shocked beyond measure.

   And for sublimators, they won't be so shocked.

  It is just such a solemn and solemn relic, but there are extremely discordant factors.

   That is the trace of human beings.

Steel scaffolding covers this stalwart sculpture, artificial sheds are erected beside the dense keel pile, burial pits have been artificially reclaimed in the ruins, huge excavators have been corroded and rusted, and there are even huge trucks Parked next to the sand pile, you can still see the leftover mineral water bottles on the car.

   In the depths of the ruins, there is actually a deserted research institute, the whole body is made of iron sheets, and it is crumbling.

   This is a strange thing.

  The bombardment of blood mist and black mist was like a nuclear explosion, razing the sand dunes to the ground.

  The ruins are intact.

   Not even anything in the ruins was damaged.


Supporting his exhausted body, Gu Jianlin walked through the barren ruins in confusion, profiled the remaining clues, and murmured softly: "This was once a battlefield. If nothing else, it is the place where the Qilin and Zhulong clans fought. Maybe Two thousand and five hundred years ago, the dragons crossed the Sea of ​​Immortality, half of the ancient dragons were buried in the bottom of the sea, and the other half of the ancient dragons rushed to the sky, they broke the boundaries of time and space, and came to this barren desert."

   "No, this place was never a desert before, but a vibrant ocean. This is the world of Venerable Qilin. If I'm not mistaken, he seems to like the sea very much."

  He closed his eyes and murmured softly: "This black supreme actually likes to look at the sea."

  Tang Ling knew that he was doing something very important, and she would never disturb him. She just held his hand and led him through the ruins, using the divination effect of the mythical weapon to provide him with clues.

  The mournful dragon chant, the boiling sea, and the glorious temple sank to the bottom of the sea.

  Forcibly swallowed sea area, dry and weathered seabed.

  The angry and roaring unicorn, blood infested the parched earth.

   "This is a city on the sea. It sank to the bottom of the sea because of the war, and it didn't appear until the sea water evaporated. You can see that these buildings have sea erosion, which proves that they have been soaked in the sea for a period of time."

Gu Jianlin said softly: "The black supreme will probably come to this city often before the endless years. The ancient gods in this city will come out to meet their gods and kill them on the ancient altar. the prettiest maiden of the clan, to please the moody king."

  The huge altar building was run through by black crosses, with a length of ten kilometers in length and width, and countless iron chains intertwined. Wind chimes were hung from the chains, playing mournful music in the wind.

  This altar is covered with weird and mysterious lines, as if it is full of magic.

   It makes people afraid to look more.

Tang Ling raised her beautiful eyes and saw a beautiful young girl pierced through her heart by an iron sword. Her death posture was as poignant as flowers falling from a branch. Her blood flowed like a waterfall, infecting the deep soul. the sea.

   There were roaring cheers vaguely, it was the Qilin clan's carnival.

   This is the phenomenon of spiritual vision.

  It seems to have traveled across tens of thousands of time and space, and came to that distant, god-like era.

   "Based on our understanding of the Black Supreme, this kind of brutal sacrifice is indeed his favorite."

Tang Ling raised her pretty face that was pale due to the heavy injuries, and said softly: "According to the religious tradition of the ancient gods, the highest place in the ancient gods is the territory of the gods, and no one of his people can set foot here. The ancient gods are divided into classes, It is harsher than human feudal dynasties. The coming of the gods is a gift to his people."

  She paused: "The supreme gift."

  Gu Jianlin had exactly the same spiritual vision as her, except that he saw more hallucinations.

  Because he vaguely saw a stalwart black figure looking towards the direction of the sea.

  His people shouted for joy, and their eyes fell on the same place.

   "The coming of Venerable Qilin should not be just a gift, but an order to his people to do."

  Gu Jianlin pointed thoughtfully at the huge skeleton in the distance, and said: "Before this matter was completed, the Zhulong clan had already broken through the dimensional gate of the Qilin Fairy Palace, and started a war."

   "The **** of the Candle Dragon Clan is naturally the Scarlet Supreme."

He whispered: "The two major clans of Qilin and Zhulong fought a decisive battle here. This should be an indisputable fact. The strange thing is that I didn't see Qilin's bones, not a single one." .”

  The unicorn mentioned here certainly does not refer to the black Supreme.

   It refers to the people of the Qilin clan.

   "Based on the results, the Qilin clan should have lost this war."

  Tang Ling raised her blood-stained eyelashes and said seriously, "They chose to retreat?"

   "Even if it is a retreat, there shouldn't be a single corpse left behind."

  Gu Jianlin shook his head and denied, "Since the Qilin Immortal Palace came into existence, there have been very few clues about this mysterious clan. In the entire first floor, no Qilin clan has been encountered."

  Even what happened on Penglai Xiandao was later proved to be an illusory phantom.

   That's not a real thing.

  At that time in Penglai Xiandao, he once fought with an ancestor of the Qilin clan, and the fight was quite thrilling.

  The final result was that he contained it with the Qilin Wedge.

  Afterwards, he went to check the Qilin Wedge, and the corpse disappeared inexplicably.

"If I'm not wrong, the Qilin clan was indeed at a disadvantage in the decisive battle 2,500 years ago. They gave up the territory of the first floor, so most of what was left there was left by the Zhulong clan. Yes. I didn’t expect this to be the case on the second floor, so where did the Qilin clan go?”

  Gu Jianlin looked around the barren ruins, and whispered: "The most important thing is, who has been here?"

  He firmly believes in a logic.

  Any unexplainable thing in the world is actually a hidden internal cause that you don't know.

   This ancient city was buried for at least 2,500 years.

   It is absolutely impossible for human traces to appear.

   "The city was excavated very early."

  Tang Ling squinted her beautiful eyes, held her sword and walked under the huge steel frame, and said quietly: "Before this group of people left, they re-filled the ruins with sand to prevent anyone from seeing these things."

   "A fraud sealer, and a very capable fraud sealer."

   Gu Jianlin said firmly.

  If the Ancient God Realm is compared to an ancient tomb, then the fraudsters are tomb robbers.

  Before the gate of the dimension was really opened, someone had already used secret means to get in.

   It's just such a large-scale project, obviously not an ordinary person.

   These traces are well inferred.

  Gu Jianlin is a person with profiling ability, and Tang Ling also has a mythical weapon with a divination effect.

  They have even deduced the approximate time when the group of people left.

   About fifteen years or so.

   They looked at each other and walked towards the collapsing research institute tacitly.

  The secrets hidden in this research institute may be able to answer all doubts.

Since they are all sublimators, they don’t have to worry about the collapse of dilapidated houses. The gate of the research institute is engraved with an incomplete alchemy matrix. The people who built it should have wanted to set up an enchantment, but in the end they left in a hurry and didn’t have time After completion, many projects were abandoned halfway.

  Many traces in this ruins show that the group of people left in a hurry.

  Gu Jianlin pushed open the heavy iron door, and dust rushed in.

   Tang Ling took out a burning stick from the backpack and threw it in. The crimson flame illuminated the dark laboratory.

  Parrots circled above their heads with wary eyes.

  With the bright firelight, the darkness cannot hide.

  This dark research institute is more like a morgue.

  Because on the operating table lay a series of sprawling white bones, all of which had been completely deformed, showing the characteristics of insects or animals, some of which had hideous jointed limbs, hard and sharp fangs, and cracked jaws.

   It can be vaguely seen that they were all human beings during their lifetime.

   When Gu Jianlin looked at the skeletons, his expression changed slightly.

  He quickly walked around the row of operating tables, his eyes became extremely solemn.

  Because of the bones on the operating table, there is a fine crack on the forehead.

   Without exception.

  The desks in the laboratory were scattered with folders, buried in thick ash.

   Before leaving, the owner of the research institute burned most of the documents.

   It's just that they left in too much haste, so there were some broken paper materials left behind.

  Even if there are remaining materials, they are all written in cipher text.

  Gu Jianlin couldn't understand a single word, but he knew the handwriting on the materials.

   That's Dr. Aaron's handwriting.

   What flashed back to Gu Jianlin's mind was the company he investigated in Tokyo at the beginning. There were so many experimental subjects under the jurisdiction of Youying Group, but they didn't notice it at all.

   This matter has always seemed strange to him.

  Even with the size of the Priory, it is too risky to do this kind of thing, and it is easy to show flaws.

   Therefore, there is only one answer.

"I see."

  At this moment, he finally groped for the thread of the truth in the mist, as if he saw the light through the clouds and mists.

   "Those so-called experimental subjects were actually created by the dark world. Their fraud sealers arrived here first, and started ten years of research in the Burial Dragon Valley."

Gu Jianlin stared at a skull, looked at the crack on his forehead, and explained, "Did Order World investigate that company back then, right? I think the reason why Youying Group was surprised and angry, and why Not because of the discovery of such things as experimental subjects, but because their research results have been stolen!"

   "That's why the Youying Group dare not go to war, but negotiate with the Ether Association."

  He paused: "In the name of jointly dealing with the Priory, we started the plan ahead of schedule."

  Ethereum Association was furious because they naturally would not tolerate this kind of technology existing in the world.

  The reason why the Youying Group is angry is because the things they failed to produce were preempted by others!

  Because the purpose of the Aether Association is to create an ultimate monster.

   Only pursue the strongest one.

   That person is Tang Ling.

  As for the Youying Group, they probably want to create an army of experimental subjects to invade the world.

   No wonder they were able to give out many reports about the experimental subjects so quickly.

  Because that group of people knew early on what was going on!

   "Are you serious?"

   Tang Ling raised her head in astonishment, because she found that he had taken her hand.

  Even after practicing sword all the year round, her hands are still soft and delicate.

  If he wants to touch, of course he can let him touch, even if she is a little embarrassed.

  The problem is that Gu Jianlin is holding her hand hard, as if he is afraid that she will fly away.

  Gu Jianlin's mood at this moment has indeed fallen to the bottom.

  Because he thought of a chilling thing.

  When did Frieda’s schizophrenia first appear in the world of order?

   That was long before the plan for Lishan Tianyan Pavilion started.

  The world of darkness began to look for patients with Frieda's schizophrenia even later. It was after the attack on Tianyan Pavilion in Lishan that they knew what their problem was.

  Ether Association is earlier than Youying Group.

   Which involves the Priory.

  Combining the above two points, he vaguely had a guess that made his hair stand on end.



  Line lowered his head silently, staring at the explosion that soared into the sky in the distance.

  The violent roar seemed to shatter his eardrums, but it was not as shocking as the words he heard just now.

   "Why were Qing and Chi so crazy back then?"

The military master took a sip of water slowly. He was still nailed to the stone pillar, but he said calmly, "Because both Qing and Chi believe in one thing, the mysterious monastery is hidden in the world of order. Because of this, Qing and Chi teamed up to make a round and killed the real culprit they believed to be behind the scenes."

  He smiled and said, "That person is Taiqing."

  (end of this chapter)

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