The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 452: Blood Ritual

   After half a time zone, a resort island in the Pacific Ocean fell into silence.

  No. 3 stared at the computer screen, his eyes became horrified, and he murmured softly: "My God, the former No. 0 is also the owner of the third law. How many years has he been hiding?"

  No. 1 folded his hands on his chest, his charming face turned pale against the light of the screen, and his voice trembled unprecedentedly: "No, take a closer look, do you find anything wrong?"

   Without any operation, the computer automatically paused and zoomed in on this video. The man in the video opened his eyes and his whole body was bathed in the light of heaven and man. Behind him was a vermilion phoenix bird!

   It doesn't matter if you don't read it, but you are shocked when you see it.

  No.1 and No.3 are senior shadows. They have performed missions with the man in the video before, but they never realized that he has such a great power, even enough to make the whole world crazy!

  Gu Ci'an is more than just the owner of the third law.

   At least on the road of the third method, he is the first person in all ages!

  Because Gu Ci'an is the only person who can perform the two laws of Candlelight and Shadow Shadow at the same time, even the skylark and unicorn can't do it temporarily, let alone the thunder that evolved from the human side.

"It turns out that the world of order knew from the very beginning that Gu Ci'an is not a fallen person at all, and there is no possibility of his mental problems, because he is the owner of the third law, and such a person cannot fall no matter what. Order The reason why the world issued an arrest warrant is because of...greed!"

  No. 3 murmured softly: "Gu Ci'an has hidden the secret of the third method for many years. It is very likely that it has something to do with the curse of the Suzaku clan. He shouldn't expose this forbidden power."

  No.1 said quietly: "There is only one possibility, he was cornered."

  They looked at each other and felt shuddering.

  The Bai Ze clan is the best at observing and predicting. It is very likely that they found the secret of the third law from No. 0, and then blocked the news from the outside world, and secretly issued a wanted order.

   "Why don't we know about such an important command?"

No. 3 slumped on the chair, his fox-like smile froze, and murmured: "I'm a little confused now, who is the master of the world of order. Was the president's seizure of power really successful? ? Has she really become the ruler of this world? Does the world of order really obey her?"

  No. 1 shook his head expressionlessly: "Perhaps the ruler of this world has always been Taiqing."

   Whether he is dead or alive.

   At least his will has shrouded this world so far.

   At this moment, the computer screen flickered, and the pale girl replaced the man in the video.

"bad news."

  No. 2 suddenly said: "No. 2 lost contact."



  Kurosaki crossed his arms, enjoying the video.

  In the storm, Gu Ci'an's eyes and pupils were as bright as the sunrise, and the vermilion bird behind him seemed to break through the shackles of darkness, soaring to the sky with its burning wings, and its loud and clear cry pierced through the sky.

  In the end, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and the brilliant golden light went out in his pupils.

  The soaring bird also crashed into pieces.

"It's a pity that the third method is not perfectly integrated because something crucial is missing, but it is already very remarkable to be able to get to this point anyway. If it is not for the study of the third method, I am afraid that he has already entered the half-way God's domain." Kurosaki Ichidou pressed the pause button and carefully observed the content of the video.

   "This is why the Gu family clearly bears such a strange curse, but has never been taken seriously. Because the truth of this curse did not begin to appear until this man."

He raised a finger and said with a smile: "I can tell you responsibly that the curse that Gu Ci'an faced is unprecedented. The reason why he has been investigating alone all these years is that he dare not disclose what happened to him. Get out. Even the president doesn't know, he hides so deeply."

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a long time, staring at the man in the video without saying a word.

  Yueji raised her beautiful eyes and asked coldly, "Why didn't he become a demigod?"

Herosaki shrugged his shoulders and said: "First of all, Gu Ci'an should also be afraid. I have seen him before, and even fought against him. Gu Ci'an is definitely not a fallen person, but he should be trying to resist something. He His state was very abnormal, and it was at that time that I began to have a strong interest in him."

   "Gu Ci'an has always been resisting promotion. He has been reluctant to set foot on the sanctuary level for a long time, just to guard against some terrible things happening. And I want to emphasize that he is the strongest super-dimensional level in history."

He put his hands behind his head, and said slowly: "That is the super fighting power that can only be burst out by honing the skills to the extreme. Whether it is blue and red, or skylark and unicorn, it is impossible to be his opponent. It’s not the difference between rank and talent, but that he has turned fighting into his instinct.”

  Gu Jianlin was in a state of confusion, thinking that no wonder he was selected.

  The original unicorn mask must be inextricably linked with that man.

   "Since Gu Ci'an was not the maker of the blood moon massacre, who is the real murderer?"

   he asked suddenly.

  It looks like a question sentence, but it is unusually calm.

  Yueji stared at his side face, probably knowing that he already had the answer in his heart.

   "If there is no blood moon massacre, how can we mobilize the power of the orderly world to hunt down Gu Ci'an?"

  Kurosaki sneered and said, "They are really used to this trick."

  At this point, the ins and outs of this matter are finally clear. The so-called blood moon massacre incident was originally a cover-up, that is, to mobilize the power of the orderly world through out-of-the-box slander, and to eliminate dissidents internally.

  Perhaps Gu Ci'an's secret had been discovered long ago, and that's why the blood moon massacre occurred.

   This is an extremely shameless framing and framing.

  Gu Jianlin had countless guesses about the truth of the blood moon massacre, but he never thought about this one.

"I met him once in the Qilin Fairy Palace. Back then he was betrayed by the dive team for no reason. In a team of more than ten people, at least five sanctuary-levels besieged him. It's a pity that he He escaped. The blood moon massacre happened because of this, just to force him to nowhere."

Herosaki turned around with a single knife, stared at the boy and girl in front of him, spread his hands and said, "I know that Gu Ci'an is a very important person to you. The world of order is obviously unfair to him. It's not clear whether the president knew about it. But if you really want to say she didn't know, I don't believe it."

   "Of course I'm not trying to sow discord."

  He quickly explained: "If the president really knows, then she either has something to hide, or she has other deep meanings. The water of the Baize clan is very deep, and it is impossible for others to tell you these things."

  Yueji stared into his eyes and paused word by word: "Your identity."

  Gu Jianlin savored the other party's words carefully, his eyes suddenly became a little dazed.

  Kurosaki smiled slightly, and tapped lightly on his forehead.

  His appearance changed like a reflection in water, and he turned into a white-haired boy in an instant.

  An immature and handsome outline, eyes as deep as the night, a high nose bridge, and slightly raised lips.

   King of Red, Jiang Yanli.

   "It really is you."

   Gu Jianlin stared into his eyes and said softly.

  Yue Ji never expected that the young man in front of her was her uncle whom she had never met, one of the most terrifying legends in human history, and also a peerless lunatic who once planned to destroy the world.

  Her heart was beating wildly, and she almost drew the knife under the violent trembling.

  Some people may be hors de combat in situations of extreme fear.

   But she is different, she only has instinctive attack in a stressful state.

  Gu Jianlin raised his hand and pressed her right hand that was about to draw the knife, shaking his head as a signal.

   "Sure enough, it's a girl who doesn't want to stay. I don't even say "dear uncle". I really love you for nothing."

Jiang Yanli resentfully said: "Your mother said you are a love brain, and it is true. You will inherit my throne in the future, why do you only have men in your mind all day long? This is how you pick men. Well, when I knew you had a sweetheart at the beginning, I was so angry, I thought what kind of toad would want to eat my swan meat. Later I found out that you were looking for Gu Ci'an's son, which made me so happy."

  Yueji was completely confused by him, because the legendary Red King looked more and more like a funny character.

  Compared to the devil-like man in the legend, the gap is not small.

   Gu Jianlin narrowed his pupils, and heard the man in front of him speak again.

"My dear little unicorn, don't look at me like that. I know you can't let go of what happened in the Shenxu, but I can only be regarded as an accomplice at best, right? In this world, Who has the right to influence Skylark's decision? Obviously, not at all."

Jiang Yanli spread his hands and said with an innocent face: "This is all the decision of that bad woman. She is not a person with feelings. It is normal to throw you away when you are no longer useful. Including I was also ruthlessly abandoned by her when my cooperation with her ended."

  Gu Jianlin suddenly heard a whisper in his ear, and he was sure that he was the only one who could hear it.

   "You can't blame others for the breakup, can you?"

  Hearing such a playful voice, his pupils surged up and down, even turning a fierce golden color.


  The glass curtain wall was cracked like a spider web, and Jiang Yanli raised his hands and was pressed firmly against the wall.

  Gu Jianlin grabbed his throat with his left hand, as if there were phantoms of Qilin and Zhulong in his cruel eyes!

   For a moment, Jiang Yanli even felt that he saw a furious Ancient Supreme Being.

  The overwhelming killing intent almost made his heart stop instantly.

  Yueji silently stared at the boy's back, she had never seen him so furious in more than ten years.

   "That's awesome, that's the attitude I want."

Jiang Yanli didn't get angry at all, instead he clapped his hands lightly, and exclaimed: "Look, this world treats you so unfairly, why don't you use your anger to ignite him? It is true that we were not in the same camp before this." , but I am your uncle no matter what, this is an undeniable fact."

  Gu Jianlin took a deep breath, as if an ancient beast was grinding its teeth and sucking blood, and silently let go of his right hand.

Jiang Yanli didn't straighten his collar, but patted him on the shoulder vigorously, and bewitched him like a devil: "If my senior brother can give you, of course I can give you. What's more, you will always marry me in the future." For my niece, we are still close. Compared with my senior brother, I think we are more destined."

  Yueji said coldly: "Don't use me to coerce him, what he decides is his business."

  This petite and slim girl raised her head stubbornly, her beautiful eyes were full of daunting pride.

   "Okay, my dear little niece."

  Jiang Yanli spread his hands: "Now that you know the truth, what should you do?"

  The man picked up the coffee on the table and drank it down. He slammed the cup to the ground, as if throwing the cup as a sign: "Are we going to get revenge next? Or is it revenge? Or is it revenge?"

  He bent down and picked up a sharp shard, cutting his palm with force.


  The blood-stained palm left shocking bloodstains on the glass that was on the verge of breaking.

   "The Ritual of Blood."

  Jiang Yanli turned around and said with a smile: "You two, the ceremony to advance to the sixth level, why not finish it here. Let me, the most powerful way of killing ghosts in the past and present, guide you, how to kill!"

  The Breath of the Ancient Gods went into a riot.

  His white hair was windless and automatic, stained with blood-like scarlet, his deep eye pupils also turned into blood-red vertical pupils, and the corners of his smiling mouth seemed to have sharp dragon teeth reflecting the cold light, so wanton and wild.

  Jiang Yanli had blood-red dragon horns sprouting from the top of his head, and monstrous mandala lines bloomed on his cheeks.

not only that.

  The majestic black shadow enveloped the city under the night, and the hustle and bustle of traffic went away silently.

  Even passers-by on the street raised their heads subconsciously, looking at the phantom of the stalwart entrenched deep in the dark clouds.

   "Swastika solution."

  Jiang Yanli clasped his hands together and said softly, "The original returns."

  There was a faint thunder, and the blood-red pupils lit up in the deepest part of the darkness, forbidding and terrifying.

   "—Zhu Jiuyin."

The silent deep space science and technology building played solemn mass music, and the deep space network was completely invaded, whether it was the host computer or mobile communication equipment, or the huge display screens on the commercial street, and even the central coffin courtyard was lit up A huge projection was cast, and a strange and handsome face was reflected one after another.

  The sublimators of the world of order looked down at their mobile phones, or sat in front of the computer in a daze.

  Fear quietly grew in their bodies.

  Jiang Yanli overlooked the whole world through the Internet, opened his arms, and said intoxicated.

   "Order, war is on!"

  He paused: "This is the first act, the blood sacrifice!"



   The basement floor of the Deep Space Science and Technology Building.

  Mu Qingyou led the monsters in white robes to stand at the door of the cold storage, silent.

  Because there was no one in the three coffins.

   "It seems that he is right."

  She picked up the walkie-talkie and said softly, "Senior Ji, Ying Changsheng really has a problem."

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