The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 507: Phoenix!

  Chapter 507 Nine-headed bird!

  Gu Jianlin stopped at the corner of the corridor, because this mysterious tomb twisted like a whirlpool in his eyes, trying to swallow him like a prey-eating monster.

  He felt a bone-chilling chill.

The secret art of spiritual fusion is a very crucial thing. It first appeared on Penglai Xiandao on the first floor of the Qilin Immortal Palace. It was born after at least two thousand years of gestation. Emerging from the intertwined golden tree roots, complex and weird spells like petals emerged.

  In a sense, it was also in Penglai Xiandao that the skylark and the unicorn met for the first time.

   That is the ultimate created by the three ancient supreme beings.

  It is also a necessary secret technique to reconcile the two supreme laws.

   "At the beginning, I sent people to Penglai Xiandao for the purpose of spiritual fusion."

Skylark's voice rang in his ears, cold to the bone: "In that kind of weird place, the higher the rank, the less people can enter, it is likely to cause some bad reactions. At Chi's suggestion, I just sent The family member went to find the secret technique of spiritual fusion. I hid the Candle Dragon Wedge on the body of the family member, so that after obtaining the secret technique of spiritual fusion, I would destroy the alchemy matrix that bred it, so as to prevent this thing from leaking out."

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "The secret art of spiritual fusion, ordinary people can't understand it, right?"

  Skylark hummed: "People who are not qualified can't see it. According to my speculation, only humans at the level of Taihua or Qinghechi can see its mysteries. The premise is that it must be deciphered by us."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback.

   "Of course, you can also have spiritual contact."

   Skylark sneered.

Gu Jianlin instinctively avoided this topic, and said in a deep voice: "Silver and Gold completed the third method, definitely earlier than the teacher and uncle. And the people who appeared on Penglai Xiandao back then, except you and me ..."

  Skylark understood what he meant, and paused every word: "Supreme."

   They've been ignoring one point.

  The world of order, to be precise, is silver and gold, how did they complete the third law.

  Spiritual fusion secret technique is an essential part.

   The answer is of course given by someone.

   And Penglai Xiandao is the handwriting of three supreme beings.

   Venerable Qilin, Venerable Candle Dragon, Venerable Suzaku.

  In addition to Qilin, Suzaku and Torch Dragon are both ancient supreme beings of the Candlelight series.

  Even a unicorn can become a series of candles.

  The three ancient supreme beings can all become primordial, and they all have reasonable motives.

  The secret art of spiritual fusion must have been handed down by one of them. That mysterious **** has been hiding in secret from beginning to end and guiding everything, even secretly supporting today's world of order.

  "Poor, Platinum is worthy of the title of King of Stupidity. He thinks he has discovered the inheritance from ancient times, and even thinks that as long as he cracks this secret, he can lead mankind to the future."

   Skylark said softly: "Idiot."

  Gu Jianlin's thoughts are like a storm, because he is very likely to be close to the truth.

  Since ancient times, the Baize clan belonging to the Youying family is the closest to the human world, because the Supreme has divided himself into two parts, divinity and humanity, and walks in reality in the special form of a pseudo-ancestor.

  Including the Xuanming clan that has never appeared so far, it also belongs to the Youying family. There are few records of them in history. The ancient **** world named Guixu seems to have no record of invading the human world.

  Thinking about it carefully, could this be a coincidence?

  Why did the emperors who have been around the world in human history cooperate with the ancient **** clan?

  Arrogant people like the president have accepted their existence.

  The reason may be... the ancient gods of the Youying family are not the enemy of human beings!

   They cannot be original!

  Because of this, the president will rest assured that he will never be wary of the two big clans of Bai Ze and Xuan Ming!

  Why didn't Venerable Xuanming, who has never appeared so far, pursue the third method, because he knew he couldn't do it.

That being the case, how could Venerable Bai Ze, who has the power to understand the past and the future, not know this? The reason why he went against the sky to forcibly create the life of the third law may not be to make himself the original, but to explore the mystery This unknown process to find a way to stop something.

  They cannot be original, nor do they want their own kind to be original!

  Including the Baize clan's implementation of the human eradication plan, it is also an extreme method used under unavoidable circumstances. They want to establish that they can rule the world of order to prevent the invasion of the same kind.

   If you guessed correctly, the Xuanming clan might also be secretly on guard against something.

   And now, the president is gone.

  The Bai Ze clan's plan failed.

  Even if the Xuanming clan is prepared, it may be powerless.

  The experiments on the third method here are too advanced.

   Advanced to creepy.

  The existence closest to the original is about to appear.

  At this very moment, this silent tomb suddenly became flickering, with bright red blood flowing from the mottled stone walls, as if smeared into **** murals, and the ghosts in the paintings woke up from their deep sleep.

   They saw fire.

  The light of the fire illuminated Gu Jianlin's pupils.

   Deja vu.



  Sitting in the ancient tomb, Bai Jin stared up. On the dome, there was actually a star map condensed from light shards. A bright star became dimmed and finally disappeared into the depths of darkness.

   This is the technology of the ancient gods, and it is also the control center of this tomb.

   "The secret of heaven has missed."

  A flash of fleeting anger flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "It seems that the person who was able to break into this tomb really had an extraordinary method. Dr. Zhou, can you confirm who is here?"

  Even though he maintained his composure on the surface, his face was extremely ugly.

  Like a corpse just dug out of the grave.

   After all, his son, one of his most valuable possessions, was hit hard at a critical point in his evolution.

Dr. Zhou ordered his subordinates to prepare for first aid through the walkie-talkie, turned around and said, "Don't worry, this is a taboo area created based on your teacher's consciousness. As long as we have the key, no matter who breaks in, You can’t even escape. You don’t need to do it yourself, I can lead the people to wipe out the intruders.”

  He put down the tablet, and Rhine's mental wave chart was still displayed on the screen.

  After the rescue, the mental fluctuations have gradually stabilized, but the heart rate is still stopped.

   "Whoever hurts Vice President Rhine, we will make him pay the price."

   he said with a smile.


  Bai Jin silently turned his head to look at him, with a trace of confusion in his eyes, and frowned, "I'm afraid that you will be killed, what level are you? I remember you are not a combatant?"

I don't know if he is getting old, but the old man looked at the young doctor in front of him, feeling a little strange: "Dr. Zhou, you are one of my most precious possessions. Back then, your great-grandfather was the most powerful under the teacher's hands. Researcher, unfortunately died in the chaos of the ancient gods two hundred years ago. Mr. Zhou devoted his whole life to academic research, and I didn’t even hear of any heirs left by him until I discovered you..."

Dr. Zhou bowed slightly, and said with a smile: "Of course I know, you are my Bole. Back then, I was depressed under the hands of your teacher's wife. You promoted me and gave me a chance. Let's study together. The legacy of this place finally opened the door here and discovered all the secrets, didn’t you?”

   "You can rest assured that although I am a researcher, my rank is very high."

He corrected: "Have you forgotten? In the underwater tomb under the Qilin Fairy Palace, I was the one who caused the blood moon massacre. I am your most capable general. If you make a move here, Then the outside world can easily perceive the existence of this taboo area. But I am different, I have special abilities."

   Platinum was taken aback, slightly held his forehead, and said in a low voice: "I'm a little forgetful in my old age, and I almost forgot your skills. In this case, you have to be more careful, and don't let the secrets here be leaked."

  He emphasized: "Especially, don't let them get close, the teacher's corpse!"

   At this time, Platinum really couldn't leave, because he still had to look after his son.

   This is when Rhine is at his weakest, and he is easily assassinated.

  Dr. Zhou raised his head, the smile on his lips was mysterious and deep, and his voice became deep: "Don't worry, if it's the person I guessed, then I have dealt with him before, and I know him well."

   After finishing speaking, he turned and left, commanding: "Take care of Vice President Rhine."

  At this moment, the researchers all stopped their movements and bowed slightly to show their respect.

   Platinum hummed, and seemed to enjoy the feeling of being worshiped by others.

  However, the strange thing is that these researchers didn't seem to be looking at him, but at the departing doctor.

   This is quite a strange thing. Today's Platinum is the person who holds the greatest authority in the human world. No matter how much these humble researchers respect their superiors, they shouldn't know who is the real authority.

  However, they didn't even look at the old man from the beginning to the end.

   "Goodbye, respected Lord Platinum, may the world always be under our rule."

  Under the illumination of the candlelight, Dr. Zhou took off his white protective clothing, revealing a handsome face, especially a pair of feminine red phoenix eyes that seemed enchanting. His shadow reflected on the stone wall twisted like a demon.

   Like a... nine-headed bird.



   "Time-space fluctuations have been detected, the inner courtyard may be attacked by enemies, all departments please be prepared."

  Old Professor Cheng lowered his head and glanced at his phone. The Deep Space Network issued a warning sixty seconds ago, and the detected space-time fluctuation source was just on this back mountain, but he didn't see anything.

  But according to his intelligence network, a huge amount of energy fell in the sea fifty kilometers away.

   Sure enough, there is something wrong with Houshan!

  According to Gu Jianlin's plan, he should be in the back mountain at this moment preparing to rob the grave and dig the grave of his master.

   Such a change made him nervous.

"No, I have to think of a way. That is the child entrusted to me by the president. Who can save him in this situation? Qing and Chi don't know where they are so far. Are they going to find Lin Dong who has been imprisoned by himself? This shouldn't be, this should never be, this is different from my plan, they lied to me..." The late old man became furious for some reason, his phone was pinched with cracks, and he threw it on the road side.

  At this time, he saw the dim yellow sunset sinking into the horizon, the twilight passing through the canopy dimmed and disappeared, darkness and shadows spread like a tide, and the surroundings suddenly fell into a dead silence.

  The accompanying Patriarchs all stood under the shade of the trees, as deep and terrifying as ghosts.

  They raised their heads and showed mysterious and deep smiles at the same time.

  Old Professor Cheng was stunned, there was faint light and heat on the dark mountain path, and the vermilion fire flickered.


   Here they come!

  He has seen this scene many times, but it has never been so sudden.

  Old Professor Cheng took a deep breath, knelt down tremblingly, showing an expression of reverence and awe.

  In the scarlet flames, someone came out vaguely.

  Professor Cheng heard soft and slow footsteps.

  It was a man wearing a red skull cap. The dark and straight suit seemed to be gilded, and the expensive watch reflected the eye-catching fire, and behind him was a fluttering flame.

   "Meet you again, old professor."

  The man smiled and said, "You don't need to be so humble, the existence you fear has not yet come."

  Old Professor Cheng was silent for a moment, then slowly raised his head, and said hoarsely, "Solomon, you lied to me."

   Solomon tilted his head, smiled and said, "Where did you start?"

Professor Cheng raised his cloudy eyes, stared at him firmly, and said in a deep voice: "It shouldn't be like this, that child shouldn't have entered that mausoleum. I have already explained it to him according to what you said. His doubts. According to the agreement, Qilin can fall into a long sleep, but you should not appear in front of him!"

  Solomon looked down at the old man and said with emotion, "He's not your child, why bother?"

  Professor Cheng's eyes were full of anger, and he said every word: "This is the entrustment of the president!"

"Did a momentary depravity lead to lifelong regret? For a betrayer like you, can you really redeem yourself by keeping the bottom line once? Well, I respect your choice. But I know, you said something wrong. Things that should be said imply things that shouldn't be implied." Solomon sighed.

  Old Professor Cheng didn't change his face, and responded: "That kid is proficient in profiling, and he is too smart. If I lie to him, it will be easy for him to see the flaws. I just follow what you taught, nine truths and one falsehood."

   Solomon glanced at him and said lightly, "But you shouldn't hint my identity to him."

  Old Professor Cheng's complexion changed suddenly, because a slender hand was approaching his chest.

Solomon lowered his head, took out a dull golden feather from his pocket, and said with emotion: "Jinluan Fengyu, it's really a good thing. At the beginning, the power of President Taihua could stop us from continuing to expand our faith, which was enough to surprise me Unexpectedly, she can even bring our believers back to their senses."

   "Fortunately, we discovered it early, otherwise something might really happen."

  The mysterious man smiled and raised a finger.

   There was a faint roar of sword energy, and he pointed at the old man's head.

  Old Professor Cheng knelt on the ground, but couldn't move anyway, and could only stare at him angrily.

  Like a dying old lion.

  However, at this moment, Solomon's eyes changed suddenly.

  Because a brilliant golden light suddenly burst out from the gloomy Jinluan Phoenix Feather, piercing his heart!

  (end of this chapter)

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