The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 517: too clear wake up

  Chapter 517 Taiqing's Awakening

   It is hard for Gu Jianlin to imagine that there is a Buddhist temple in this dead and silent tomb. Perhaps it is because Taiqing and Taihua were orphans who grew up in temples in their early years, and their inheritance has strong Buddhist elements. He walked through the mist silently, and the compassionate Buddha light became brighter and brighter, as if he had stepped into another world.

  The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, or the other shore of rebirth.

He kept vigilance all the time, raised his hand and plunged into the void, and the unicorn wedge was pulled out inch by inch. The hilt of the sword was like a cross from hell, and the seven-foot-long pitch-black sword had strange and deep lines, flowing with illusory flames. .

  The colorless jade glows faintly.

  When he walked out of the thick fog, his expression became confused.

  Because he heard the children playing.

  There are nine stone pagodas in the Buddhist temple, with a golden ginkgo tree in the center.

  The child in retro clothes ran past him laughingly, his cuffs were still covered with mud, his little face was also dirty, his fleshy little hands were covered in dust, and he didn’t know where he had rolled.

  The fallen leaves of the ginkgo tree are like heavy snow, making a rustling sound when stepped on.

  The top of the head is no longer pitch black, but a dim yellow twilight.

  Twilight shrouded the temple, burning candles in the temple formed a sea of ​​light, and there was a crooked figure in the light.

   "Son, come here."

  The rickety old man paid homage to the Buddha statue and said softly.

   Even though he had expected it, Gu Jianlin still felt suffocated.

  Because the old man in front of me is Taiqing!

   "Whose kid are you calling?"

  Gu Jianlin stared at his back and said expressionlessly.

   "All human beings are our children."

  The old man replied softly: "What's more, you are still the inheritor of order."

   Gu Jianlin felt inexplicable resistance, frowned and said, "I am not the inheritor of order in this generation."

With his back facing him, the old man was still kneeling on the ground, keeping his palms together: "A descendant of the Tang family, that girl is very talented, she looks exactly like my wife when she was young, and her future achievements will not be low. For us. What's more, in the eyes of our generation, there is no difference between you and her, and there is no separation between husband and wife."

  He paused: "Unless you become like us."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback.

  The old man in front of him is obviously dead, but he seems to know everything about this world.

The old man smiled gently and said: "Don't be surprised, many people have come to my grave to talk about it over the years. Although my wife is powerful, she is really lonely. For more than two hundred years, no one has been able to say much to her. In a word. Fortunately, you showed up, but it's a pity that you showed up too late... If it had been a few years earlier, everything would have been different."

  Gu Jianlin stared at his back and paused every word: "Are you really dead?"

  The old man hummed: "Yes, it's just that the Law of Candlelight and the Law of Youying are the same.

  That is to say, after the sublime person who practiced the supreme law reached a certain level, his body would undergo strange changes. It was almost immortal like a god, and his consciousness would also be highly active.

   "So all these years, your consciousness has been active."

  Gu Jianlin said every word: "The reason why Platinum and the others rebelled is also because of you."

Facing the questioning, the old man replied calmly: "It wasn't like that at the beginning. After all, no one knew back then that such a situation would appear in the end of the practice of the Supreme Law. When I was buried here two hundred years ago, my consciousness was still in a state of chaos. , It’s a bit like having a high fever when you were a child, you can hear someone talking, but you can’t answer.”

   "That feeling is terrible, as if you are trapped in endless darkness, the deepest part of despair is only yourself, no matter how you call others, you can't hear it, it's like death."

  He paused: "You clearly know that you are still alive, but you can only be trapped in the darkness."

  Gu Jianlin fell into silence, of course he could feel this feeling, just now when he glimpsed a corner of fate through the authority of the ancient gods, he had felt this suffocating despair.

The old man talked eloquently: "After a few years, my consciousness became more and more clear, and I was able to make a sound. I tried to call my students and prayed for them to liberate me from this hell. It is ridiculous to say, the world Everyone thinks that Platinum is stupid, but he is actually quite smart, and at first he refused to believe that I was his teacher."

  Gu Jianlin said indifferently: "Later he still believed it."

   "Well, after my earnest persuasion. It's a pity that it is not so easy to convince gold and silver. Until I got someone to find that video tape from the old ghost of the Jiang family."

  The old man couldn't help laughing: "I was killed by the video tape of my wife."

"your people?"

  Gu Jianlin asked coldly: "That Solomon who hides his head and shows his tail?"

  The old man did not answer, it was a default.

   "But you just said that you can't even convince your own students."

  Gu Jianlin caught the logical loophole: "How can you convince him?"

  At this time, he vaguely guessed that Solomon's real identity might not be gold and silver.

The old man snorted: "I don't need to convince him, because he is also a believer in Zhuzhao. Solomon is the person who is closest to the God of Zhuzhao after me. It is true that Taihua has supreme power and can bear the curse instead of her children." But if you take the initiative to approach the Candlelight God, her protection will be invalid."

  He emphasized: "This is the rule."

  Gu Jianlin still felt that something was wrong: "With my grandmother's ability, why didn't I find out?"

"Taihua has fought with me for most of her life, so she will be careful to guard against me, even if I die. Just in case, she buried me here so that she can keep an eye on me all the time. It's a pity that she didn't After all, there was a weird ritual that took place on Earth in ancient times."

  The old man shook his head and said: "After that ceremony, the Candlelight God has undergone subtle changes."

  Gu Jianlin was puzzled.

   "The Divine Candle Tree possesses hidden power, or cognitive correction."

  The old man explained patiently: "Your senior brother's Yemengade's pupil came from here. This is not an illusion, but a modification based on the world. Venerable Qiongqi used this power to make himself disappear."

  Gu Jianlin woke up like a dream, and suddenly realized: "The ancient divine language of Venerable Qiongqi!"

The old man's tone was filled with relief, and he nodded and said, "Yes, the Zhuzhao Divine Tree also has hidden characteristics, so even if it is so huge, it is difficult to find it in the past billions of years. And I am a believer in Zhuzhao, so naturally It also has similar abilities. Because of this, Taihua did not notice my abnormality."

   It turned out to be like this.

   Gu Jianlin finally understood why the president kept the old man's body.

  Including her own corpse, she was unwilling to hand it over to the Bai Ze clan.

   This is the most fundamental reason.

   "Of course, my situation is different from Chi's."

The old man smiled and said: "The curse of the ghostly lotus has been solved hundreds of millions of years ago, so the ancient gods can have a primitive posture, and even liberate the ancient gods. They can swallow the breath of the ancient gods, and they can Can live forever and look down on the world. You may not know that before the curse of the ghostly lotus is resolved, there is almost no difference between gods and humans. They have great power, but they cannot be freed because of the curse."

   It was as if a thunder had struck out of nowhere.

  The chaos in Gu Jianlin's mind was split by a thunderbolt, and the veins in the mist finally became clear. Those unsolvable mysteries were answered immediately, and inspiration came out like a spring.

  Before, he had been wondering what the curse of the ancient gods was.

  What kind of disaster did Zhuzhao and Youying bring to this race.

  Now he understands.

  Civilization needs progress, and the ancient gods were not what they are today when they were born hundreds of millions of years ago!

   "The way of inheritance is not the first to appear on Earth."

  The old man said lightly: "As early as the birth of the ancient gods, it has existed."

  Gu Jianlin was not surprised when he heard this. All the clues point to the two primordials. The ancient ruins left in the Qilin Immortal Palace also prove that the ancient gods also had a primitive age of ignorance.

  The ancient protoss also needed to live. They had grouped tribes and religious beliefs. They had hunting or eating tools, palace-like habitats, and brilliant civilization achievements.

  The ancient gods are the livestock they raise in captivity, and the strange and extraordinary materials are the crops they grow.

  They also looked up at the starry sky to formulate calendars, explored the laws and mysteries of the universe, and named it alchemy.

  They too, like to evolve!

  "The ancient gods were a cursed race, until the birth of a supreme ended all of this."

  The old man said with emotion: "Sovereign Qilin...not you, but the one before you."

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a moment, then asked calmly, "What did he do?"

  The old man thought for a while, and came to a conclusion: "It may be to kill the two originals."

  Love is not without a reason, and hate is not without a point.

   Only Zhuzhao and Youying can make that black supreme hate so much.

   "If you want to ask, why Venerable Qilin hates the two originals so much, then I can't answer you. This may be related to the birth of Venerable Qilin. You can only find the answer when you really see him."

  The old man also said calmly: "Including why He chose you."

   Gu Jianlin's eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly asked, "Is he still alive?"

  The old man smiled and said, "Am I alive?"

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback.

   "The ancient gods are a race with infinite possibilities. You may be able to see him in the future, or you may go back to the past to see him. If he wants to see you, there is always a way."

The old man's laughter suddenly became weird: "Do you know why Qilin turned against Suzaku and Torch Dragon? Back then, the ancient supremes teamed up to kill the Great God Youying, which can also be said to be their mother god. Supreme They are the only blood relatives in the universe, so why do they turn against each other when they arrive on Earth?"

   "I mentioned to you just now that a mysterious ceremony once took place on Earth."

  He sighed: "It was that ceremony that changed the views of Venerable Zhulong and Venerable Suzaku."

  Gu Jianlin instinctively grasped the unicorn wedge tightly, vaguely thinking of a terrifying possibility.

   "Professor Cheng may have told you that you can also become a primitive."

The old man's back was flickering in the candlelight, and he said softly: "That mysterious ceremony was precisely prepared by Venerable Qiongqi to usurp Yuanyuan. It is a pity that Venerable Qiongqi failed. On the contrary, he has not really awakened yet. The God of Candlelight completely suppressed the body of that supreme being and used his authority."

  Gu Jianlin said quietly: "Zhulong and Suzaku also realized what happened in that ceremony, so they had different ideas and wanted to continue...the ceremony of Venerable Qiongqi!"

   No wonder, Qilin will never reveal the secret of the third method, but Zhulong and Suzaku can also practice this secret technique. It turns out that they sorted out the clues from Qiongqi's inheritance.

  The old man acquiesced.

   "Where did that ritual take place?"

  Gu Jianlin raised his eyes and stared at his back.

   "Kang Rinpoche."

  The old man replied lightly.

  Gu Jianlin took a deep breath and murmured in a low voice: "That's why Qilin turned against Zhulong and Suzaku. In a sense, Bai Ze and Xuan Ming are Qilin's allies, and they have already..."

   "Honor Bai Ze was once forced to fall into a deep sleep by Venerable Zhulong, and Venerable Xuanming was sealed by Venerable Suzaku."

The old man said faintly: "Only Venerable Qilin is still alive, but it is a pity that he is alone. More than two thousand years ago, Venerable Qilin was suppressed and killed on the sea, declaring that the supremes of the Zhuzhao line ruled the world. Zhulong and Suzaku, started the experiment of the third method separately. Now it seems that Suzaku has the last laugh."

  The old guy kept talking nonchalantly, and said indifferently: "Someone met me before you, and got the answer from me. She is in a very bad state, and she can hardly tell who she is."

   Gu Jianlin was horrified, and turned to look at the woman behind the shadow.

  Taiqing is definitely not referring to this divine attendant, but her master.


   "Skylark came here earlier?"

   Gu Jianlin lost his voice, it seems that he still underestimated that bad woman.

   When she was attacked in the laboratory, she was only one step ahead of herself.

   Unexpectedly, Skylark returned after exploring the entire tomb.

   "What do you mean she can't tell who she is?"

  Gu Jianlin asked coldly, "Answer me."

  The last three words do not have any warmth, but they are as terrifying as the roar of a monster.

  The candlelight was flickering, and the Buddhist temple shook.

  The old man said with a half-smile, "You care about her?"

  Gu Jianlin didn't speak.

   "Has anyone ever told you that when you profile others, you have to learn to cover yourself."

  The old man said indifferently: "You are my disciple and grandson, of course I have studied you. For a bland person like you, if you really like someone, it would be too obvious."

  Gu Jianlin avoided the question and stared at him coldly.

"Skylark's memory and emotions have become disordered. In today's terms, it is probably... fine. The main purpose of her coming to see me this time is to confirm how Venerable Suzaku has corroded the Candlelight God Tree. Of course, she also wants to find a way for the Jedi to fight back and stop Suzaku."

  The old man laughed and said, "Even if I knew, how could I tell her?"

  Gu Jianlin supported the unicorn wedge with both hands, carefully looked at the hunched back in the candlelight, and suddenly asked: "Master, are you now a believer in Zhuzhao, or... a follower of Suzaku?"

  (end of this chapter)

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