The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 520: Come the sword!

The man wearing the red bird mask stepped on the snowfield, the illusory golden tree roots roared and grew and spread, crystal clear deep lotus flowers grew out of the snow, the golden rhizomes and dark vines weaved into the supreme throne, there was chaotic mist in the wind and snow Spreading out, the world is as silent as if the universe had just opened.

  He sat on the divine throne, and the wind blew his moon-white robe, making a sound of hunting.

   Snowflakes fell on His palm and were gently crushed by Him.

  The supreme **** admired such a vast snow scene, showing a long-lost expression.

  It's like revisiting a long-lost tourist.

  This scene is so sacred and noble. The ancient gods hang high on the throne in the sky, and the snow field of thousands of miles shakes loudly. The vermilion flames burn the sky and the earth, as if the gate of the kingdom of God has been opened.

   There is no monstrous reputation.

   There is no roaring and roaring that pierces the sky.

   Not to mention the huge body that covers the sky and the sun as described in the myth.

   There is only a distant sense of awe.

  The **** is of ordinary stature, but he looks down on the whole world like an indomitable giant.

   "Venerable Suzaku, we meet again."

   Huaiyin put her hands behind her back, but her toes were slightly lifted off the ground, floating in the sky: "Are you back to your peak this time?"

  He doesn't like to look up, whether facing anyone.

  Jiang Yanli has already disappeared without a trace, it's not that he is really that cowardly, but the overall situation is the most important thing. After all, today's division of labor is different. He really wanted to see how strong the Ancient Supreme Being who has completed the third method is, but if he didn't leave immediately, he might not be able to leave.

   Only sanctuary-level sublimators can feel that the thousands of miles of snowfield centered on Mount Kailash has been blocked, time and space have completely become riots, and the turbulence of dimensions is surging.

   Venerable Suzaku had sealed off the snowfield the moment he arrived.

   To ensure that the person He wants to kill dies here.

   Venerable Suzaku raised his pupils, his pupils danced with vermilion flames, reflecting the tiny human being who had leapt into the sky, and broke the silence: "After's your turn today."

  The voice of the **** is like the roar of an ancient bell, so indifferent that there is no emotion.

"Heh, you used the third method to usurp the Candle Illuminating Divine Tree, enslaved the teacher's will with the unified will, and indirectly planned the chaos of the ancient gods two hundred years ago, trying to get rid of our brothers. It's a pity that you miscalculated The ability of the teacher's wife, so that she failed to kill our two brothers, and also buried so many chess pieces."

   Huaiyin smiled slightly: "Even let the teacher's wife lead people into the Fusang Shrine."

  Across the distant wind and snow, Venerable Suzaku showed a trace of emotion in his pupils, and nodded slightly: "That was the first time I fought against you, but unfortunately you were already old at that time."

   One thing happened in the 1970s.

  Taihua led the entire world of order and forcibly invaded the Fusang Shrine. After a year-long battle, he paid an extremely tragic price and barely exiled an ancient supreme, Venerable Suzaku.

  This is the first time recorded in history that humans fought back to the ancient gods.

   It is also the most tragic and glorious victory in history.

  Most of Taihua's fame and infamy came from that time.

   "In that battle fifty years ago, you were exiled on purpose, right?"

Huaiyin smiled and said: "Because you can completely dissolve your exiled body in the turbulent flow of time and space. As long as you leave even a drop of blood on the earth, you can be reborn from nirvana. All these years, you have always been in the human world Complete the research of the third method, otherwise it is impossible to be faster than the two venerables Zhulong and Qilin."

Venerable Suzaku rested his chin on his hand, and tapped the armrest of the throne with his slender fingers. The rhythm was soothing and beautiful: "For thousands of years, many powerful beings have been born in the human world. The guardians of the world of order in the past are very good. Qingdu gave me a headache, especially Taihua... and you two annoying brothers."

   This is the approval from the ancient supreme.

   It is also the highest evaluation of order orthodoxy.


   Venerable Suzaku raised a finger and said emphatically, "Except for your youngest junior."

   Huaiyin sneered and said, "Platinum? I'm curious, why don't you assimilate him."

   Venerable Suzaku raised his hand, and the snow floated up, changing ever-changingly in his palm.

   "First, because Tai Hua stared at him too closely, he was worried that he would show his feet."

  He mocked and said: "Secondly, although Platinum is a demigod, he has no talent in the practice of the supreme law. I think you should understand very well that there are some low-level lives in the universe that even gods cannot save."

Huaiyin suddenly said: "So, even if you want to convert believers at the beginning, you need to have a certain amount of practice in the highest law. As for the method of forcibly converting believers through rituals in the monastery, it cannot affect the sanctuary. Or the sublimation of the demigod takes effect. Heh, if I knew this earlier, I could have killed a lot of people back then."

   Venerable Suzaku played with the snow ball in his hand, and said casually: "Even if you can't kill you back then, you have to split the world of order, otherwise you won't be able to complete the plan to destroy them one by one."

   Huaiyin was silent for a moment, and then suddenly said: "When the teacher was obsessed, he once said that we are all turkeys in a farm, and everything in this world is carefully designed."

   Venerable Suzaku raised his pupils and glanced at him: "If you can realize this, you are not a turkey."

   Huaiyin smiled and said, "I'll take this as a compliment."

   "A compliment, of course."

   Venerable Suzaku gently crushed the snow ball in his hand, and said indifferently: "If you hadn't been in the way, I wouldn't have been forced to be so restrained that the colorless jade... was lost."

   This ancient supreme has appeared four times in the real world.

   The first time was on the Haitian Expressway in Fengcheng.

  The second time was in the Penglai Fairy Island on the first floor of the Kylin Fairy Palace.

  The third time was when he attacked the president on the first floor of the Qilin Immortal Palace.

  As for the fourth time, it was at the God Market on the second floor of the Qilin Immortal Palace, trying to **** the colorless jade.

   "You have appeared so many times with only one purpose."

   Huaiyin laughed and said, "It's a pity that I couldn't kill my student."

   Venerable Suzaku showed an inexplicable smile on his lips, as if he was laughing at himself: "Perhaps this is the greatest tragedy of our family. We can see the direction of our destiny, but we still cannot control it."

   This is a disguised acknowledgment of His purpose.

   Venerable Suzaku has one and only one goal from beginning to end.

  Gu Jianlin.

   "Although our brothers and sisters are opposites, we can maintain the basic resonance of the same frequency in certain things."

  Huaiyin said with emotion: "Including the teacher's wife."

  On that stormy highway, Gu Jianlin should have been directly killed by the Suzaku clan.

  But because of the existence of Huaiyin, the Suzaku clan had to retreat.

   Later, the appearance of Jiang Yanli also formed a kind of potential protection for the boy.

  If the Suzaku Clan wants to fight, they have to go past Qing and Chi.

  Of course, even if Qing and Chi join forces, it is not safe, so Taihua will appear.

As for the reason why the Order lineage took so much effort to save him from death, it is the same reason why the Suzaku Clan set up bureaus to kill him again and again. I don't know your purpose, but I will fight against you .

   "My lord."

   Huaiyin asked with a half-smile, "Why are you so afraid of my student?"

   Venerable Suzaku did not answer this question, but said indifferently: "Is there any point in procrastinating?"

   Huaiyin raised her eyebrows.

   "After your senior brother dies, who can protect him?"

  When Venerable Suzaku raised his pupils, the wind and snow suddenly became violent.

  Now Suzaku descends with the strongest posture, of course to sweep away all obstacles.

  The green king is mortal, and the red king is also doomed.

  As long as Qing and Chi die, the human world will come to an end.

   "There is indeed no one."

  The smile on Huaiyin's lips is mysterious and deep: "It's just that you really want me?"

Venerable Suzaku rested his chin on his hand, gently shook off the snow water on his hand, and said in a confused voice, "If it's because my sister fought with you when she was very bored, you miscalculated the power of the Supreme, then I will replace you." She apologizes to you."

  Obviously, the ancient supreme could not understand the self-confidence of the old man in front of him.

   "It can be seen that you have learned some humor in the human world."

   Huaiyin stopped smiling suddenly, and said with a blank face: "But I'm not kidding, if you can really see the past and the future, then you know that I have a chance to escape."

  He paused every word: "But I didn't."

   Venerable Suzaku was silent for a moment, his eyes seemed to become serious.

"Master's wife left a mystery before her death. Everyone knew that you were the one who attacked her, but why did she hide it from anyone? It took me a long time to figure this out. That's the one At that time, I decided that I must kill you everything on me." Huaiyin raised a finger.

  The vast sky became dimmed, and it seemed like eternal night shrouded the barren snowfield, as if facing a ghost.

  Dark Realm Curtain!

   This is the ability of the ninth-level Taiyi God.

  A dark will-o’-the-wisp glowed on the old man’s forehead, and his pupils suddenly became as deep as an abyss. The strange flame burned his flesh and blood, standing in the endless snowstorm like a ghost like a god.

  The strange phenomenon of his spontaneous combustion comes from another ability.

   Spirit and I are one.

   This is the ability of the eighth-level Donghuang.

  Finally, there was the howling of hundreds of millions of dead souls, like purgatory-like terrifying formations spreading in the snow, and the tormented souls squirmed and crawled like a hundred ghosts at night, dripping dark energy like magma.

  This is the ability of the seventh-level Dongjun.

  A cyan unicorn loomed in the darkness, roaring loudly.

  Primitive Return · Worship the God of God!

   This is the power of the strongest priest in the past and present, and the snowy field fell into the silence of the polar night.

  Even Venerable Suzaku was deeply immersed in the endless dark energy. Suzaku's mask was reflected in pitch black. He felt such an astonishing coercion, and commented indifferently: "It's good, but it's a pity..."


   A crisp finger snap.

   Clusters of vermilion flames ignited in the darkness, and the eternal night-like world was burned into holes.

   A faint roar sounded.

It was a dusty snowmobile. The woman in the driver's seat took off her sunglasses, and her seductive face twisted violently, as if a terrifying monster was roaring and about to burst out. It collapsed like melted steel, replaced by a ferocious skeleton and dense wings.

  He roared up to the sky, as if the scorching sun was bred in his body!

   Huaiyin stared at the terrifying monster, as if smelling the burning sun.

  He is very familiar with that smell.

  In the Fusang Shrine fifty years ago, he had seen that glorious **** with his own eyes.

  The Suzaku clan, the ancestor of the Phoenix.

   There were rustling footsteps in Zhuhuo, and someone came through the wind and snow.

  It was a man with flames flowing all over his body. The climber's attire had been turned into ashes in the high temperature. He was clearly naked but almost transparent. Behind him was a red sun disc, with a three-legged Golden Crow entrenched!

  The Suzaku Clan, the ancestor of the Golden Crow.

  The young pilgrims came in worn-out monk robes, leaving behind burning footprints. With the flames igniting the wilderness, the single-legged ancient crane fluttered its wings in the fire, setting off a scorching solar storm.

  The Suzaku clan, the ancestor of Bi Fang.

  The dark world is as bright as day, and the ancient corpses in black robes seem to have climbed out of the dead tombs, bathed in flames and reborn, their faces are as perfect as jade, and as ferocious as monsters.

  In the eternal night, they drank the fire and sang songs, as many as the sand on the sea.

   "You are old, Qing."

   Venerable Suzaku was condescending, with regretful eyes: "Why is this so?"

  The darkness in front of him seems nothing to him, and the majestic dark energy can be burned at any time.

  As long as He wants.

  Seeing that the flames of the Suzaku Clan are getting brighter and brighter, almost burning the darkness.

   Huaiyin sighed, shook his head and said, "Your Honor, you should know who I'm working with, right?"

   Venerable Suzaku's eyes changed slightly.

   "The person who understands you best in this world is your younger brother, Venerable Qilin."

Huai Yin was suspended in mid-air, looking around at the phantoms of monsters soaring into the sky in all directions. The scorching flames reflected the darkness like a lava hell, and also illuminated his ghost-like back: "In the past year, the archaeological teams of the whole world Everyone is wondering about one question...where are the Qilin clan in the Qilin Immortal Palace?"

   Venerable Suzaku stopped holding his hand on the armrest of the throne, and stood up stepping on the void.

   "Although I don't have the ability to command the Qilin clan, unfortunately I have a good student."

  The will-o'-the-wisp in Huaiyin's eyes suddenly ignited, erratic: "So, are you ready?"

  He stretched out his flaming right hand and raised it high into the air.




  The third floor of the Kylin Fairy Palace, deep in the lonely mausoleum.

  Gu Jianlin stood at the entrance of the pyramid-like mausoleum, overlooking the desolate and silent world. What was reflected in his pupils were endless coffins. They were hung by chains made of gold, as if they had been sealed for thousands of years.

  He felt the vibration of the unicorn wedge, and temporarily gave up absolute control.


  He was silent for a moment, then spoke softly.


  The Qilin Asgard trembled loudly, and the jet-black Qilin wedge pierced through the void and went away suddenly!

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