The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 524: I am, Kirin!

  The man laughed.

  He didn't smile very happily, but there was a trace of loneliness and relief, as if he was freed from an eternal nightmare: "Qing and Chi didn't misunderstand you. Since you have made up your mind, let's go and do it."

  The hoarse voice became weaker and weaker, and his phantom became more and more transparent.

  Since Gu Jianlin was promoted to the sanctuary, his profile has the ability to penetrate the past and the future. The man in front of him is just a trace of soul left by the former Supreme, existing based on the alchemy matrix.

  It is similar to the consciousness uploading that humans are trying to overcome today.

   Unexpectedly, in the world of the ancient gods, there would be an answer already.

  Hoping that the remaining power has been almost consumed, and most of the remaining power has been used on the battlefield of Mount Kailash. What is left now is like a candle in the wind, and will be annihilated at any time.

  The Ancient Supreme is immortal, but he is no longer an ancient god.

   "What happens if we fail?"

  He hesitated again and again, but still asked this question.

"The original will be born on this planet, and the spirituality accumulated in the inheritance path will be swallowed by him. It will be difficult for ordinary human beings to survive here. If the original is willing, he can enslave all the sublimated people on the earth. As for the ancient supreme, the original It can even put you into... deep sleep."

  The man stared into his eyes: "The Suzaku who controls the original will become the strongest ever."

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly: "I understand."

  The man glanced at him: "Suzaku is powerful, but not without weaknesses."

  Gu Jianlin frowned and said, "Me?"

The man hummed: "Understanding the curse of the Suzaku clan is the key to defeating him. Why did we choose you, why did he insist on killing you, because only you can solve this mystery. As I said, your existence is also a paradox. Now that you understand the nature of profiling, you might as well think about when it came about."

  Gu Jianlin woke up suddenly, cold sweat dripping from his back.

  When he mastered profiling, he hadn't inherited the character of Qilin yet.

   "After thinking about the answer, go to Suzaku."

  The man raised his hand, and a yellowed ancient book materialized out of thin air and was handed to him.

"What's this?"

   "The spiritual genetic code of the Qilin clan."

"What's the meaning?"

"The ancient gods are immortal beings, and the ancient supreme is almost irreplaceable. Throughout the ages, only she and I have broken through this shackle. This is a miracle that cannot be replicated. If she made me, I made you. But For the ancient ancestors, they can be replaced, even if the soul dies, it doesn't matter, because the marrow can be recreated according to the code of the spiritual gene, and only the bones and blood of the supreme are needed."

   "I remember that the ancestor of the Kui bird was completely dead, right?"

   "Yes, but the marrow can create new Kui birds."

   "The same goes for the ghost car ancestor."

   "The ghost car's soul was burnt by you, and there is no **** left. There is no more him in this world."

   "You mean, I can create a new ancestor?"

   "The premise is that the traitors brought by Qing are dead...Of course, you can also kill them."

   "Is this your punishment for them?"

   "No, this is your compensation."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback.

  The man's eyes were pitiful, looking at the young man in front of him, it was like seeing himself billions of years ago.


"If someone around you dies, you can try to resurrect them as the ancestor. But don't try to resurrect Qing and Chi, they have no way of turning back and will not accept it. You have to learn how to use the authority of the ancient gods, It can be done with a deeper understanding of the soul."

   "I see, why should I be compensated?"

   "You should have seen your end."

  Gu Jianlin's pupils trembled slightly, the lonely ending in the dream made even himself feel fear and despair, he raised his hand to touch his heart, it seemed empty there: "Is it inevitable?"

The man shook his head: "This is the greatest sorrow of the ancient gods. From the moment you really open your eyes, you can see the final ending, just like the established starting point and ending point. You start from the starting point, no matter how far you go. , No matter how much ups and downs you have experienced, the end point will not change in any way.”

   "I bestow this power upon you, and this curse upon you."

  He paused: "You will be as strong as me, and you will be as lonely as me."

  Gu Jianlin took the yellowed ancient book and said softly, "Will I die?"

  The man smiled silently: "That is the eternal and lonely sleep... Will you regret it?"

  Gu Jianlin thought for a while, then shook his head.

   "It's okay, as long as you can protect them well."




  The door of this ancient palace was closed with a bang, and the darkness spread silently. Candles lit up in all corners, illuminating the noble golden ancient coffin, and the girl in the coffin was still sleeping.

   "The kid is gone."

The man bent down, stroked the girl's golden mask, and said softly: "He is going to meet his own destiny, just like me back then. After so many years, I thought I had already changed beyond recognition, but what happened just now At that moment, I couldn't bear it... Heh, speaking of it, it's not that I have no contact with him. "

  He said to himself: "Well, it's like he has that kind of connection with you."

  Of course Lian couldn't answer him, she had already been left behind by the world at the end of time.

   It was just forced to stay by the power of Qilin.

   "When Qingqing and Chi conspired with me to take revenge on the world for you, I never came here to tell you. If you knew, you would probably blame me, right?"

  The man said in a low voice: "Who would have thought that the child would suffer in the end. I couldn't bear it, let alone them. The reason why Qing went all out is because he wanted to atone for his sins?"

  In the silence, Lian was still sleeping, with faint tears of blood dripping on her golden mask.

   Those are the tears of men.

  It is also the relief of loneliness and hatred for hundreds of millions of years.

   "Now I have to pay the price for my actions and leave this world forever."

  The man took one last look at the girl, and gently kissed the forehead of the golden mask.

The power left by the former Black Supreme finally dissipated, and the last trace of his soul dimmed like a candle that was about to go out. The feeling of death swallowed him like a tide, but he didn't show any fear, just calm Accepting this kind of punishment is like returning to the unicorn mother star hundreds of millions of years ago.

  When He thought he was going to die, he was so calm.

   He never feared death.

   Just fear of separation.

  However, in the end, he and her separated.

   Master the supreme being of life and death, but cannot break the boundary between life and death.

  They are doomed to experience pain and despair, and even farewell.

   Looking back now, the reason why Lian saved him regardless of the cost was because he entrusted all the good things in the past to him. Their blood is fused and their souls are united.

  She wants him to enjoy the freedom and beauty of this universe instead of her.

  Enjoy the beauty of being alive.

   It's a pity that he was so dazzled by anger and hatred that he didn't see anything.

The man murmured softly, allowing himself to be swallowed by the darkness. The memories of hundreds of millions of years flashed back in his mind, and finally collapsed into a majestic dust. He was released from the cage of despair and hatred, and his exhaustion surged like a tide Coming up, it seems to have returned to the age of human beings in a trance, weak but real.

   This is what death feels like.

  The price that must be paid for abandoning the Supreme Person.

   This is also the feeling that Lian experienced back then.

very nice.

   As if still with her.

   I just don't know if it's an illusion.

   At the last moment when his consciousness sank, he felt that someone pushed him from behind, and the roar of the unicorn sounded in the silence, piercing the boundary between life and death, and echoing in the depths of the universe.

  The man opened his eyes, and the light pierced the darkness.

  The sound of the tide rang again in my ears, and the sea under the sun was sparkling, warm and distant.

  On the sea, it seemed that someone was waving to him, and her smile was also like the tide.


  The man's call was drowned in the tide.

  The ancient palace burning with candles finally fell into dead silence.

  In the gilded ancient coffin lay a pair of men and women wearing gold masks.

  They slept side by side, holding hands tightly.

  Until…the end of time.



  Late at night, it began to rain in the sky.

  The solitary peak was drenched by rain, and the empty cemetery was silent, only the rain reverberated.

  Tianji stood in the rain in bewilderment, his simple simple knife stuck obliquely in the soil, a moment ago he was still rushing in that dark tomb, but when he turned a corner, he heard the sound of the world collapsing, and the dimension shattered in front of him.

   "President Taiqing's consciousness has collapsed."

  Ye Dao hugged Tang Hengdao in his arms, and said in a deep voice, "Qilin completely ruined him."

   Tianshu's lips were pale, his body was drenched by rain, and he murmured, "How can he be so strong?"

  Now President Taiqing's consciousness has disappeared, and the existence of the taboo area has also collapsed.

  They looked at each other, not even knowing what they were going to do.


  Electric light crossed the sky, and the night seemed to be torn apart by a huge crack.

   Someone came out of the crack. He looked like a demon, and his golden pupils were as bright as the sun.

The celestial secrets were frightening, but the realm of heaven and man that was about to be used suddenly collapsed, and the clenched simple knife broke in an instant, and even his tiger's mouth was cut, and the realm of qi protecting the body was broken on the spot !

  He dodged instinctively, a sharp knife mark was torn on his chest, and blood splashed out.


  Yatao drew his sword at the critical moment to block the fleeting light of the sword, but the hard blade shattered, and the broken blade fragments shot out, scratching his old face.

So fast!

Only Tianshu's eagle eyes caught the ghostly black figure. When his hands pulled out the gun at his waist, the muzzle of the gun was neatly cut off, and even the sniper rifle behind him shattered. .

  His matrix domain doesn't seem to exist at all!

   In such a short round, the three strongest saints of the Inquisition Chamber were all at a disadvantage!

  Tianji finally punched out a punch, but what was shattered was the afterimage left in the void.

  At this moment, Yato dodged behind him, and the broken knife drew a cold arc in the air, finally blocking the knife falling from the sky. The sound of the blade colliding was like thunder, and the void was shaken!

   "Get out of the way!"

  Tianshu's hands aroused the airflow, condensed into an invisible giant bow, and took the bow and set the arrow!


   Virtual Dog Cannon!

  The boy who came out of the rift in the void raised his eyes, and his outstretched right hand abruptly caught the heavy cannon!

  The peak shook violently, and the rain-drenched tombstones were trembling.

  The saints realized that what they were fighting with just now was just a illusory and beautiful phantom, and the only real thing was the dark red Tang knife named Jiuyin, and the blood flowing around the knife was like ink.

   Gu Jianlin tightened his right hand, crushing the cannonball in his palm.

   Rather than crushing it, it would be better to say it was swallowed up with majestic dark energy.

"too weak."

Gu Jianlin wore a pitch-black black jade mask, and his golden pupils seemed to reflect the light of the sun, which could also reflect the sad death of the three saints in front of him: "I didn't realize until you were promoted to the sanctuary that you are so weak. "

   There is no doubt that this is a huge insult.

  However, the saints were completely powerless to refute. It is true that they withstood the pressure of the first round just now and would not be wiped out on the spot, but if they continue to fight, death is the only ending.

  What's more, just now, the other party was just fighting them with the avatar of the Qilin forbidden curse.

   What is even more unbelievable is that it is clearly the Qilin forbidden curse, why is it the ability of the ghost-slaying path.

  After Gu Jianlin killed the ghost car, he was still in a very weak state, but after one night he returned to his peak posture again, and the two supreme laws of Candlelight and Ghost Shadow appeared in his body.

   And of course, the power of evolution!

  Tianji is very aware that his body is decaying, and his gene chain is collapsing and breaking.

  He endured the severe pain, but the blood mist leaked from the pores, the bones shattered inch by inch, and the internal organs in the body were also aging and shrinking. It was like a reverse evolution, and the soul struggled and screamed.

  Including Yato and Tianshu also felt the same pain, and could hardly stop their desperate screams.

   "Can't bear it anymore?"

  Gu Jianlin raised his hand, and a deep black hole emerged in the palm of his hand. Now he seems to be swallowing the world with every breath, and that kind of overwhelming power makes people so intoxicated.

  Even if the Qilin Wedge has been sent away by him, he can still exert the power of swallowing.

  The rhythm of everything in the world echoed in his ears.

  Can swallow all sounds if he wants to.


  In the dark sky, the turbulent clouds and mist seem to condense into the posture of Qilin and Candle Dragon, overlooking the earth.

  The majestic coercion almost crushed the entire mountain.


  Finally, the saints couldn't withstand the desperate pain and pressure, and fell to their knees with a bang.

   "Did Platinum ask you to wait for me here? I have to say, you dare to come to see me, you are very brave."

  Gu Jianlin turned his left hand over, and three golden blood of the ancient gods appeared in his palm.

   "Now, make a choice."

  The saints raised their heads with difficulty, but the young man in front of him seemed to be as high as a god, and the coercion came from the vast ancient times.

  This is... Venerable Qilin.

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