The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 535: he disappeared

  Chapter 535 He who disappeared

  The stars shining in the sky at night are the killing intent from God.

  The strategic weapon that should have descended on the earth in a destructive manner, hovered outside the atmosphere at this moment, only the terrifying heat was transpiring and permeating, as if it could burn the night sky brightly.

  For Cheng Youyu, the battle in the demigod domain is definitely not something he can participate in. He is very clear about his position, just a fifth-level little Karami, and if he doesn't run away, there may not even be a whole body left.

Especially Xia Zhi's situation is very bad. At this moment, this poor girl from a poor family is lying on his back weakly, her face soaked by rain is pale and bloodless, her eyes are between panic and confusion, and she repeats her words. Muttering something, like having a nightmare, or being possessed by an evil spirit.

  There were roars everywhere in the Central Spiritual Pivot Academy. The nano-soldiers in the dawn battle sequence were clearing out the demon hunters of the Inquisition Court, and the teachers and students in the academy were evacuating to the air-raid shelter.

   Burning everywhere in the heavy rain, he wiped the rainwater from his face, not knowing what to do.

There was a roar of destruction in that monastery. The golden and silver sword lights shot up to the sky, but were cut off by the fleeting knife marks. The steep mountain was suddenly flattened, and the huge gravel suddenly rolled down. .

Cheng Youyu's eyes widened, and he ran wildly without hesitation, but he still couldn't run away from the boulder that fell like a meteorite. He could even hear the howling wind, and he and the girl behind him were about to be smashed into meatloaf !

   "The stars are moving!"

   At the critical moment, Mrs. Si rushed out in a classic car and used his ability.

  The falling trajectory of the boulder deviated strangely, and crashed into a laboratory building.

   "Damn, old man, you are finally here!"

   When Cheng Youyu saw the old guy, he was overjoyed immediately: "Quick, let's see what's going on with this girl."

  Unexpectedly, the door of the back seat of the car opened. Su Youxia came out wearing sunglasses and carrying a heavy weapon case. His noble and glamorous temperament pierced the little fat man's heart like a blade, making him speechless.

   "Shut up and hand her over."

   There is no need for identity connection, nor any words.

  Su Youxia confirmed her dominant position with just one sentence.

  With a bang, the rain curtain was forcibly broken, and Jiang Ziye appeared behind the little fat man with a smile, and stabbed a tranquilizer into the girl's **** with lightning speed.

   Few people know why Professor Cheng favored this ordinary girl, not only because she was also a victim of the third law experiment back then, but most importantly, she can vaguely remember some things.

  During her four years in college, she once visited a psychiatrist.

  In that psychological consultation, she once revealed that there was a red devil in her dream.

   It was that counseling session that made Professor Cheng take her seriously.

"According to No. 0's information, the reason why the experiment was able to be carried out so secretly was due to the authority of Venerable Qiongqi. They did not leave traces, but they were erased by that supreme power Now that Venerable Qiongqi's authority is loose, some things will surface."

  Jiang Ziye took the girl over, hugged her by the waist and stuffed her into the back seat of the car: "It's not easy."

  Su Youxia turned on the flashlight and took a photo of the girl's eyes. After confirming that there was no problem, she called up two photos from her phone and switched back and forth: "Come on, take a look, who is the red devil in your memory?"

  Cheng Youyu was stunned, because the two people shown in the photo were the two vice presidents of the Aether Association!

  Rhine, winter!

  Mr. Solomon's identity is still a mystery so far, but now more and more clues are pointing to the two vice presidents, because they are both in high positions, both are ninth-level taixushen, and the time of their appearance also coincides!

  Xia Zhi huddled in the back seat and shivered, her eyes wandering between the two photos.

   "Tell me, who is it?"



  No. 24 Pusong Road, the former site of Huayan Temple was shrouded in violent wind and rain.

  This is a national-level cultural protection heritage. It is an ancient Buddhist temple built in the Ming Dynasty. It is the beginning of the famous Golden Age. Four hundred years ago, Taiqing and Taihua studied here, and Buddhism was also popular because of this.

  Now this Buddhist temple has been abandoned for many years. After Taiqing died two hundred years ago in the rebellion of the ancient gods that was recorded in the annals of history, Taihua seldom returned here. Not long ago, there was another turmoil in the world of order. Rhine of the Judgment Division took power, and Winter of the Night Watcher line was imprisoned here.

  The old land that should have been forgotten by people has finally reappeared in the eyes of the world.

   With a new look.

   "After all, it's still a step late."

  Commander Lu was riding a motorcycle, and he took off his helmet to reveal a lion-like calm face. His pupils reflected the brightly lit Buddhist temple at the end of the long street, and there was a little emotion in his eyes.

  Because the street was cut by stern sword marks, a decayed old man sat at the end of the street bench.

  Platinum, like a corpse crawling out of a grave, leaned on a cane-like iron sword with both hands, and said hoarsely: "You are indeed late, my son has already entered, and that is their fateful battle."

  The street is littered with charred corpses, residential buildings have collapsed into broken walls, broken advertising signs exposed electric sparks, and the destroyed fire hydrants are still spraying water.

   "Old guy, I've been fighting you for half my life."

Commander Lu moved his wrist and looked at him coldly: "I thought you were too ambitious back then. You were not a natural disaster but you gave yourself such a code name. In fact, you have never obeyed your brothers and sisters, including me. I By accepting Lingdong as a adopted son, you have cultivated Rhine as your successor. When I devoted myself to the battlefield, you were playing tricks, and Rinwinter and Rhine also inherited our will, and finally succeeded in splitting the world of order."

  Bai Jinpi smiled but said: "I don't care."

   Commander Lu said coldly, "Even if someone takes advantage of you, don't you care?"

  Bai Jin stood up holding the iron sword, was drenched by the heavy rain, his eyes were like a ghost, and he growled ferociously: "I am the one chosen by the teacher, how can I be used by others?"

   Commander Lu shouted loudly: "You still don't believe in the existence of the Priory?"

   Unexpectedly, Bai Jin's eyes became darker: "Of course I believe it."

  Commander Lu's eyes were stunned, obviously froze.

"I used to think that I just inherited the teacher's will, but it was only later that I discovered that I could not practice the law of Zhuzhao. The person chosen by the Zhuzhao God was not me, so I raised my son. But later I discovered that even It’s my son, and he can’t get real recognition.”

   Platinum licked his lips, and said with a sneer: "At that time, I thought it was because of the existence of the teacher's wife that blocked the will of the candle to illuminate the sacred tree, so I had to kill her regardless of the cost."

   Commander Lu was furious when he heard the words, bloodshot eyes appeared in his eyes: "Bastard!"

"if not?"

   Platinum's horrified face was illuminated by electric light: "Is it really to avenge the teacher?"

   "Master, that is to protect the inheritance of heaven and man!"

   Commander Lu scolded: "You deserve death!"

"It's a pity that I haven't figured it out. Before she died, the teacher's wife solved the original curse, and the believers of Zhuzhao couldn't be transformed. Forced by helplessness, I can only think of another way, which is usurpation. According to my The true leader of Candle believers, his power is cursed."

  Platinum smiled strangely: "As long as the curse is transferred, I can still inherit the mantle of the teacher."

  It was only then that Commander Lu realized that the guy in front of him was not stupid, but completely crazy to the point of going astray.

  What the world avoids, but he wants to pursue madly at all costs!

   "Because my talent is not enough, I want to catch up with them, there is no other way!"

   Platinum roared: "I can only pursue the original power and become an existence beyond history!"

  The sword intent trembled, tore through the heavy rain, and the broken streets and alleys were pierced by sharp sword marks.

   "We've been friends for two hundred years, let's be a little more sensible."

  He said softly: "Fulfill me."

   Commander Lu was taken aback, frowned and said, "What are you talking about?"

   "Are you still pretending to be stupid? The real Candlelight believers are you."

  Platinum said quietly: "Who else is there besides Lin Dong?"



  Nine quaint Buddha statues lit up with the golden light of the swastika, and the floor tiles of the temple flowed with gilded brilliance, spreading like thick magma, like a golden ocean gestating the sun.

  Lin Dong knelt on the futon, reciting ancient Buddhist scriptures, as if communicating with nature.

  After the first battle in Shenxu, he wanted to lead his troops to fight the rebels to the death, but at a critical moment, he received a secret letter from the Deep Space Network, which recorded the last will of the president.

   That was a secret mission, and only he could do it.

  Because of this, he made that weak move and exchanged himself for peace by imprisoning himself.

  In fact, he has been in the Huayan Temple, trying to wake up the sleeping wedge of heaven and man.

   Not only that, he also always tries to communicate with the outside world, using the unique way of the night watchman.

  Now he hasn’t heard from his subordinates for a long time, and he probably knows what happened. The internal struggle in the world of order finally broke out, and everyone, whether guilty or innocent, was involved in the meat grinder called war.

  As a ninth-level Taixu God, he can even foresee that his companions are going through a life-and-death crisis.

  Especially not long ago, he had a premonition that his two closest subordinates would be brutally killed.

   That piercing pain almost penetrated his soul.

  Sometimes he even wanted to give up awakening the Wedge of Heaven and Man, rush out of this Buddhist temple and join the battlefield, killing all directions.

   It's a pity that reason stopped him.

  He can't do that.

   Otherwise, everything will fall short.

  He suppressed his sadness and anger, and continued to chant the ancient Buddhist scriptures, and the alchemy matrix suddenly started to rotate.

  At this very moment, Lin Dong heard the sound of Jianfeng piercing through the air, and familiar footsteps sounded behind him.

finally come.

   Once Lin Dong and Rhine were close partners when they were young, and they were also comrades-in-arms who shared the ambition to protect the real world. However, fate tricked people, and they didn't know when it started, but they gradually embarked on completely different paths, divergent ideas and beliefs, and finally parted ways.

  So many things happened later, and the world of order fell apart.

   "Long time no see, Lin Dong."

  Rhein's indifferent voice sounded from behind: "Sure enough, you haven't given up yet."

  Lin Dong is trying to wake up the Wedge of Heaven and Man, which of course shows that he has not conceded defeat, he is still fighting.

   "How could I admit defeat?"

  Rin Dong turned around, his eyes were determined like stones: "So many comrades in the Night Watcher Department died because of this, if even I give up, their sacrifices will be in vain, won't they?"

   When he said this, his voice was trembling, and the iron sword on his right hand hummed loudly.

  Line raised his hand to call up the iron sword, and said coldly, "Is it really because of them?"

   Lin Dong frowned, puzzled.

   "I think there is a more important reason that you didn't say."

  Rhein hooked his fingers, and the iron sword pierced through the Buddha's light like a rainbow, and the sword energy roared out.

   "Because you are Mr. Solomon!"

  In the exploding sword energy, Lin Dong felt the sharp sword intent, and his pupils shrank suddenly.



  Before dawn, Gu Jianlin finally found the person he was looking for under the broken street lamp.

  Unfortunately, it was late.

  The ancient temples lit up with Buddha lights, illuminating the dark and long and narrow street. The cold corpses of men and women fell in the ruins of the pedestrian street, with stern sword marks all over their bodies, and blood mixed with rainwater.

   Those are Han Jing and Fu Qingxuan.

  Even if it was the avatar of Qilin Forbidden Curse, Gu Jianlin felt a piercing pain, and his mind went blank.

Han Jing's whole body was covered with ice crystal frost, and the hollow pupils reflected the hazy sky. At first, he didn't have a good impression of this cold and beautiful woman, because she acted too strong and snobbish. It wasn't until later that she realized that she was actually his own. My little mother, the not-so-pleasant conversation back then was just to better protect him.

  Gu Jianlin didn't meet her many times after joining the Ether Association.

   But every time she takes care of herself.

   Now when we meet again, life and death are already separated.

  The same is true for Fu Qingxuan. When they met in the forbidden area of ​​Xigang in Fengcheng, it was the testimony of this man that allowed Uncle Mu and the others to reverse the case, and even launched a new investigation into the truth of the blood moon massacre.

   But he died.

   Gu Jianlin didn't even know how to explain to his son when he went back.

   There was faint sound of soft footsteps.

  A man wearing a red skull hood stands at the door of McDonald's, holding a cup of hot latte, calm and elegant.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

   he said softly.

  Gu Jianlin stretched out his hands, silently helped the two seniors close their eyes, looked up at the man across the street, his pupils were bloodshot.



  Xia Zhi stared in horror at the two photos switching back and forth on her phone, and finally shook her head.

   "Neither, is it?"

  Su Youxia put away her phone, her delicate face under the sunglasses showed no joy or sorrow.

   "Then, let me show you another picture."

  Jiang Ziye took out a yellowed photo from his pocket, and asked with a smile, "Is that him?"

  When Xia Zhi saw the man in the photo clearly, the pupils of his eyes finally showed great panic.

   "It's really him."

  Su Youxia said softly: "He who disappeared."

  Jiang Ziye stopped laughing and paused every word: "Second Senior Brother Zero..."

  (end of this chapter)

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