The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 539: so-called father

   After a year, Su Youzhu returned to the stormy highway again, the icy rain fell on her face, the flames shot up into the sky in front of her eyes, and the willow trees swayed in the wind.

  Yes, that desperate highway is her nightmare.

Memories that had been forgotten came back like a tide, and the fragmented images were reconstructed again. She clearly remembered that she crossed the burning sea of ​​fire, picked up the dying boy from the collapsed car, and poured blood into his mouth desperately. Drinking the life medicine, calling his name.

   But even so, she still couldn't save his life, only feeling unprecedented helplessness and despair. She can still remember the **** face and the eyes that were struggling to open.

  She could only hold him tightly in her arms, trying to warm him with the softness of her chest.

   "Hey, close your eyes, we won't look, don't look, okay?"

  Su Youzhu turned his back to the burning flames, hugged him tightly as if he was afraid that someone would take him away, and gently covered his eyes: "He doesn't love you anymore, but you still have me..."

   But when she said this, tears filled her eyes.

  Because the scarlet flame soared into the sky.

  On that burning highway, the ghost car covered in bruises and bruises sat on the asphalt road, raised its hands to the sky as if to sacrifice itself, and shouted the coming of the gods.

   No, not Advent.

   Instead, wake up.

  The man named Gu Ci'an raised his head in a pool of blood, and gave birth to flaming wings.

  Block out the sky and block out the sun.

  For Su Youzhu, this is a memory that she never wants to recall.

   It is said that the human body has a potential protection mechanism. When your pain exceeds the limit that you can bear, your brain will automatically forget those memories.

  The reason why the girl can't remember these things is not only because of Qiongqi's authority, but also because she doesn't want to remember. She used to think that she was the only witness, as long as she didn't remember that scene, she could pretend it never happened, and she could hide it for the rest of her life with peace of mind.

   This is her only selfishness.

  No one in this world can face such a cruel reality.

  Gu Jianlin couldn't do either.

   That was her boy, she just wanted to protect him well.

  This world is cruel enough, why bother to extinguish the last light in his heart.

   It was that rainy night that Su Youzhu realized a truth.

   It turns out that death does not mean loss.

  Sometimes, living is the real farewell.


  The laboratory vibrated, and the **** the quaint throne suddenly opened her eyes. Dark red lines spread across her delicate skin, like a totem of an ancient dragon.

  In the vertical pupils of the ancient dragon, there was a golden glow flowing.

  In an instant, the dimension fluctuated violently, and the girl disappeared without a trace.

   "Did it work?"

  Su Youxia looked at this scene and said softly, "She almost died."

  Jiang Ziye shook his head: "Integrating the third method is not so easy. Fortunately, she survived, and what supports her love for him, right?"

  The saints guarded the door of the laboratory, and breathed a sigh of relief.

  Fusing the third method is of course a very dangerous thing. Even if they have perfect equipment, it is difficult for them inexperienced rookies to forcibly promote the fusion in such a short period of time.

   The one who really helped a lot was someone else.

   "Thank you, No. 4."

   Ying Changchang let out a sigh of relief and said, "You hide really deep."

Deacon Nie scratched his head and let out a hey: "The president asked me to lurk in the trial court so that one day I will need their research results. But it's not time to relax yet, I just opened a suicide note left by the president , it records the secret of Venerable Suzaku..."



  In the desolate and silent world, the sacred tree of candlelight that runs through the sky and the earth burns silently.

  The man under the golden tree stood in front of the throne, his eyes reminiscing.

   This is Gu Ci'an, also the legendary Venerable Suzaku. His appearance is not even different from that of the past, but it has become more dignified and majestic, and there is no emotion in his eyes.

   Facing this lofty god, Gu Jianlin raised his hand to touch his heart, feeling that his chest seemed to be empty, and he fell from the sky to the ground in a daze, a little dazed.

   It was rare for him to be able to maintain his sanity, and he figured out the ins and outs of the whole thing in just a split second. All the fog that shrouded that stormy night dissipated, and the truth surfaced.

  The so-called curse of the Gu clan may not have existed from the beginning, because it was the setup of the Suzaku clan to complete the third method. Those clansmen who disappeared were not killed, but awakened. Transformed from a human state to a **** again.

   It's like what happened on Suzaku's home planet.

   Venerable Suzaku is no exception.

   Rather, the previous curses were all his experiments.

  His own fusion did not begin until thousands of years later.

In the 1970s, during the war at the Fuso Shrine, He was not exiled into the turbulent flow of dimensions, but began to complete the integration of the third law, and returned to His enlightened state hundreds of millions of years ago, in the form of a human being. When I came to the real world, I experienced the joys and sorrows of a person again.

  He grew up like an ordinary person, learned everything about human society, struggled for many years, became a consultant in criminal cases, married a wife and had children, and started a family.

  Gu Jianlin, a paradox that should not have existed, was thus born.

  Because he is the product of the combination of ancient gods and humans.

  Looking at the entire universe, there may be only one case.

   Venerable Suzaku, whose alias was Gu Ci'an, became the first life that was close to perfection.

  Until the ancestor of the ghost car and the ancient **** of the Suzaku clan came to him.

  The gods have awakened.

"your child?"

  Gu Jianlin felt the sunshine on his face, but there was no warmth.

"This is a fact."

   Venerable Suzaku said calmly: "I didn't expect you to be born either."

  Perhaps when Gu Ci'an awakened and became a god, even he was surprised by this miracle of life. The appearance of this child was undoubtedly the biggest omission in his plan.

   "But you want to kill me."

  Gu Jianlin paused every word: "Why?"

  This question is actually not important at all, but it must be asked.

  If Venerable Suzaku didn't want to kill him but took him away, everything would be different now. He will never choose to take this path, but will become a member of the Suzaku clan, even if he knows everything now, he absolutely does not accept this kind of life, but this possibility exists.

"Since it was a mistake I created, it is up to me to end it myself. Your birth was wrong. You are indeed my blood, with the supreme genetic structure, but without the support of planetary power. Except for Qilin, No one can save you."

Venerable Suzaku stared at his face: "Even if you survived by chance, you will still become my enemy. No one in this world knows you better than me, and you will hate me no matter what, because your mother gave birth to you, a monster. Baby, there's not much time left."

   With a bang, Gu Jianlin's mind went blank.

  So... so it is!

  This is the truth about mother being cursed!

  Youju was cursed because she saw something she shouldn't see.

   And the mother will be cursed because she gave birth to him.

  Once the mother dies, the cause of her death must be found out.

  At that time, what the Suzaku Clan did will be exposed!

   "I know what you want to ask, you want to know why I am so cruel?"

   Venerable Suzaku put his hands behind his back and replied indifferently: "Because you are not important to me."

  Life has measures, but God has almost none.

For His almost infinitely long life, Gu Ci’an’s mere decades of life may be like a few seconds spent by human beings, and the so-called wife and son are just His passers-by, just like you walk away. Passers-by who met by chance on the road looked at each other and left in a hurry.

  Are passers-by important?

   Not important.

  Will you give up your plan that has been planned for hundreds of millions of years for passers-by?

of course not.

  Gu Jianlin understood and accepted all this rationally.

  But he wished he wasn't so rational.

  Whether it's hysterical or roaring, it's much better than it is now.

   At this moment, many pictures flashed in his mind.

The man who let him ride around on his shoulders when he was a child, the man who drove a car at the school gate and laughed at him with ice cream, the man who drove him passionately in a bumper car at the playground, and the man who carried takeaways when it rained heavily The man who ran wild with him under an umbrella.

  The man's face became more and more blurred.

   In the end, it turned into that noble and indifferent appearance.

  It really hurts.

  Gu Jianlin's life began when he lost his father.

  When he went all the way to this end, he lost his father again.

   Losing the same person twice in a row.

   What was that feeling like?

  Gu Jianlin didn't know how he was feeling.

   I don't know when the barren land has been soaked in golden blood, and the blood reflects his expressionless face, the emptiness and despair that have never been seen before.

   It turned out that it was his blood and tears.

   Faint ashes fell on his face, the familiar warmth.

  It seemed to comfort his broken heart.


  Gu Jianlin raised his head in confusion, and asked softly, "I don't have a father anymore."

  The old man who disappeared like ashes turned around and looked at the poor child. Even though the darkness was overwhelming, he could still see that sad figure.

   "The teacher knows."

   Huaiyin replied: "The teacher failed to stop all this."

  The blood and tears in Gu Jianlin's eyes became more and more intense, and he didn't know whether he was crying or laughing at this moment: "If you hadn't stopped him back then, I would have died long ago, right?"

   It is self-evident who He refers to here.

  A smile appeared on Huaiyin's ashesed face: "You are my chosen student, so of course you can't die. Whether it's a man or a god, whoever wants to kill you, I'll kill him."

  Gu Jianlin's voice trembled slightly: "Why?"

   Huaiyin's eyes fell on his face: "Because of guilt."

  Gu Jianlin was puzzled.

"Once upon a time, I just wanted to use you as a tool, because I saw your potential, but I don't know how a life like you was born. But I think, when the end comes, you can inherit my will .Yes, I have thought about using you."

Huaiyin said with emotion: "But when I got closer to the truth, I realized what happened to you. It is true that I am not a good person, but my pride does not allow me to continue to use you. It is my choice, personally Pushing you on this road, making you face such a cruel reality that life is worse than death. It shouldn't be, let are a good boy."

  So, here he is.

  He didn't want this child to lose his father for the second time.

   So he risked his life.

  Unfortunately, I still lack a little bit of luck and time.

   Gu Jianlin thought to himself that this is the case.

"When I asked if you wanted to be my student, when you pushed my wheelchair to face the entire world of order, and when you handed over the immortal bone to my hand, I was very pleased to have you as a student. You It is the inheritance of my will, and you are my proudest work."

Huaiyin stared into his eyes: "Whether you hate me or not, the teacher will watch over you. There is a saying? A teacher for one day and a father for life. I don't have children, so I don't know what being a father is." Feeling, but I want to... make up for your life as much as possible."

  He paused: "I'm sorry, but I didn't do it after all."

  The king's body was scattered in the wind, leaving only a blurred face in the end.

Time is up.

  Gu Jianlin suppressed the sadness in his heart, and said softly, "Teacher."

   Huaiyin's eyes were gentle: "I'm here."

   “Being your student is a very proud thing.”

   Gu Jianlin clenched his palms tightly and said seriously: "I don't regret it, I thank you."

  Thank you teacher for your protection and teaching during this time.

  Thank you for choosing this path for me.

   Actually, Huaiyin is not a qualified teacher.

  His first student was unloved, and his second student gave himself up.

  When Gu Jianlin appeared, the proud king became cautious.

  He didn't dare to get close to this student, and all he could do was guard secretly.

   Even when teaching the real skills, I let another student of my own take the place.

   For this reason, Huaiyin recruited his teacher's wife to teach the student instead of himself.

   reached a cooperation with his junior brother.

   Guided Lei Ting and Yue Ji to his side step by step, she was the best girl in the world.

  Although Huaiyin sacrificed herself, she couldn't prevent that ending, but this child has already had so much along the way, and when he is saddest, there will be someone to protect him.


   Huaiyin said softly: "In the future, the teacher will not be able to guard you."

   Gu Jianlin's palm oozes blood, bit his lip and hummed.

   "Remember, you are my student, a member of our lineage."

   Huaiyin's voice was far away in the sky, yet close to his ears: "Now that you've grown up, don't be bullied anymore, whether it's clenching a rock or... clenching your fist."

  Gu Jianlin hummed again.

   Huaiyin looked up at the sky, and the burning ashes fell into the barren land. He recalled the joys and sorrows of the past two hundred years, and finally looked up to the sky and laughed three times, and the laughter echoed in the silence.

  However, when Gu Jianlin raised his head again, the teacher had turned into ashes all over the sky, like a flurry of snow, his soul was plunged into the night, and no one woke him up.

  The King of Blue, left this world.

  Even with the power of life and death, Gu Jianlin couldn't sense the existence of the teacher.

  Suddenly, he seemed to come to his senses.

  It turns out that the teacher has always been playing the role of father.

  Although it is a bit clumsy, the old man has been working hard to do it.

   to make up for his broken life.

  The teacher taught him how to clench his fists, gave him authority and strength, and also endowed him with family affection and love, taught him the principles of guardianship, and made him bravely face this cruel world.

   Isn’t this really a qualified teacher?

   Well, it doesn't count.

  Because this is the father.

   The real father.

  The pain that Gu Jianlin feels now is no longer because of Suzaku.

   But because of the loss of a teacher.

   Today he completely lost his father, but got a new father.

  Although parting in a hurry, it is enough to remember in my heart.

   "Brother, let's go."

  Jiang Yanli looked at the falling ashes and murmured softly.

  Warm ashes fell on Gu Jianlin's face, he bent down silently, and collapsed inch by inch, his hands deeply embedded in the ground, and the scorching sun illuminated his back.

   It's like being crushed by the unbearable weight of life.

   Tang Ling felt more confused than ever.

She is the kind of girl who is born cold and proud. She has protected herself well with a hard and indifferent shell for many years, but she doesn't know how to protect others. This is the first time in her life that she wants to love someone with her life. , but there is a kind of confusion at a loss.

  Whether it’s a hug or a kiss or whatever.

  As long as it can make him feel less sad, she can pay any price.

   But she can't do anything.

  Looking at his sad back, her heart will also be broken.

   Accompanied by the shock of the dimension, someone came out of the void, with hurried steps.

  Su Youzhu finally broke through the boundaries of dimensions, and entered this barren world in the form of the third method. A second ago, she was still thinking of luck in her heart, and hoped that everything would be in time.

  But when the sun fell on her face, when she saw the lofty **** and the sad back that was holding on to prevent herself from falling, she heard the sound of the world collapsing.

   It was too late after all.

   "Let's go home... shall we?"

  Su Youzhu knelt beside the boy, raised her hand and stroked his hair, as if she wanted to hold him in her arms a year ago.

  Tang Ling came to the other side silently without saying a word. The two of them actually didn't know what else they could do. They could only accompany them silently like last time in Shenxu.

   After an unknown amount of time, Venerable Suzaku watched this scene and took a step forward.

"Can not go back."

   Gu Jianlin lowered his head and said softly.

this moment.

   What emerged in his mind were the faces of his teacher and his grandmother, his mother's painful sleeping face when she was cursed, the scar on Lei Ting's forehead, and the flame on Yue Ji's chest.

  The last one is the man who hugged him tightly when the truck hit him head-on.

   There was a click.

  The frozen frame shattered like a mirror.

  In the dark, phantoms of Lian and Wang appeared in his mind, and ignited the flame.

  The monstrous hatred and anger burned, and the barren land embedded in his hands suddenly shattered, and the criss-crossing and criss-crossing fissures actually penetrated the entire ancestral star at this moment!

  Boom, Venerable Suzaku's index finger fell down, as if it was about to penetrate his head.

   At this moment, Gu Jianlin raised his head and grabbed his wrist.

  The boy's pupils lit up with endless blazing light, and the shadow behind him trembled loudly!

   And then...split!

  Amidst the heavenly and earth-piercing dragon chant, Suzaku's chirping sounded!

  In the barren world, a pitch-black unicorn soars into the sky!

  Sometimes it's the Zhulong who flies into the sky, and sometimes it's the Suzaku reborn from nirvana!

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