The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 542: Venerable Candle Dragon, Su Xiang

  Chapter 542 Venerable Candle Dragon, Su Xiang

Skylark has been planning for so many years and has been waiting for this moment. She is the most beautiful woman in the world, especially under the light of the candle shining on the sacred tree, that coquettish and holy beauty is almost inflated to the extreme. There is a howling wind under the tree. The hem of her skirt fluttered in the wind.

  Dragon blood spilled from the palm, leaving **** marks on the cracked tree trunk.

  The totems of dragon and phoenix spread alternately on the ancient trees.

  An overwhelming hallucination appeared in front of her eyes, and the sound of dragon chant echoed in her ears.

In the ancient and desolate city, the afterglow of the setting sun shrouded a majestic golden sacred tree like fire. This ancient tree stood at the highest point of the altar. Under the tree stood god-like men and women. They cut their palms and swore with blood. There are hundreds of millions of fanatical believers under their feet!

  The phantoms of Zhulong and Suzaku are entrenched in the sky, overlooking the world indifferently.

  The crown of the ancient golden tree burned like the sun, casting a noble shadow on the ground, and a strange human face appeared on the trunk, as if smiling silently.

  At this moment, great pain hit her mind, she felt as if she was being eroded by another soul in her body, and countless memories that did not belong to her came to her mind.

  Boundless snow, footprints disappeared in the snow, empty rooms and family members who never seemed to appear. The flower withered in the yard, the old tree withered in the wind and snow, she was the only one in the cold world. Everything she could see was burning, it was the roar of war, the smell of blood wafted from the wind, and the century-old loneliness came like a tide.

  Dragon roar.

  The dragon chant that resounds through the soul.

  The little girl with the deepest memory covers her ears, but there is nowhere to escape.

   This is Lark's nightmare, a nightmare that has haunted him all his life.

   That fear has never been so intense.

   “In the beginning, we were all such fragile human beings.”

Venerable Suzaku's voice sounded from behind her: "We experienced life and abandoned our humanity to become a god. That is a great rebirth. Unfortunately, because of the design of Father God and Mother God, we were born cursed and suffered from incomplete Pain. The third method is the answer we found, and the process of practicing this supreme law is also a greater rebirth."

   Skylark covered his forehead and glanced back. This guy has indeed been reborn from Nirvana again, and he just stood behind him without any intention of making a move.

   "Actually, you don't need to attack me at all, because I won't stop you."

   Venerable Suzaku said blankly: "To awaken Father God, we need the strength of the two of us. As for the issue of dominance, I am already ahead of you."

  The Zhuzhao Divine Tree vibrated loudly, and the crown of the tree, which was as bright as the sun, was radiant. The light pierced through the emptiness of the mist, and cast a noble silhouette on the barren land!

   That seems to be a person.

   Skylark seemed to be able to feel the gaze from the top of the tree looking down on him.

   "Hundreds of millions of years ago, Father God should have died at our hands, but in that tragic war, my sister and I both felt the call from somewhere."

Venerable Suzaku said indifferently: "That is the call of the Father God. We are all the supreme beings of the Zhuzhao family. In the mother planet where we were born, it is He who plays the role of the father. The Father God does not want to be annihilated under the anger of the unicorn. We have opened up a whole new evolutionary path."

Blood-red lightning flashed in Yunque's closed eyes, and her long ink-stained hair fluttered in the wind. Even if she had a splitting headache, she was by no means the kind of person who would show weakness to the enemy, but felt that this scene was not part of her memory. They seem to have known each other, as if they had stood side by side under the tree hundreds of millions of years ago.

   "Stellar life."

   she said softly.

  She didn't know how she knew it. She felt that since she came under this ancient tree, her body seemed to have become uncontrollable, and there was an illusion of infinite overlapping in front of her eyes.

  She could even see a woman exactly like herself staring at her.

  Those pupils filled with lightning and thunder are so cruel and cold.

There was a hint of emotion in Venerable Suzaku's indifferent eyes, and he spread his hands: "Yes, after completing the third method, you will be promoted to a truly eternal life, omniscient and omnipotent, beyond fate. Of course, we cannot fail to see that this is God the Father." conspiracy, or his expedient measure, what he wants to do in the end is to make up for himself, or even devour us."

   "But we don't care, both my sister and I are sure to win him."

  He paused: "But before that, we have to win Qilin first."

   There was a snap.

   Venerable Suzaku snapped his fingers.

Skylark forced himself to recover from the hallucination, and saw that the sky-penetrating golden sacred tree above his head lit up with complicated light, and the sunlight was reversed and refracted in the mist, as if he had constructed the most profound and complex lines in the world. Hidden truths of the universe.

  The fierce sunlight is like countless curved branches, spreading to every corner of this dead star in just a moment, and billions of light cocoons hang under the branches.

   There is a sleeping soul in every light cocoon!

  They include men and women, old and young, some with monster-like deformed faces, some as handsome as heaven, some in ragged clothes, and some in royal robes!

  This is the essence of the inheritance path.

  It turns out that the power of the ancient gods can be transmitted because of the original power.

   No, it is not an inheritance at all.

   But an outright lie!

  The power of the ancient gods was not inherited, but was given by the original initiative.

  It's like the original people created the ancient gods when the universe first opened.

  The original gave people the possibility of awakening, but also took their souls into their pockets.

The so-called inheritance path itself is a mysterious alchemy matrix that is beyond comprehension. It has been running on the earth from the beginning to the end, watching every soul that has the qualification for evolution, endowing it with spiritual power to make it mature, and killing it when it dies. take away.

  The purpose is for today!

  Skylark turned around and looked, the moment the candle illuminated the divine tree and the inheritance path appeared, Wei'an's torso cracked again, and blood gushed out like a tide like magma, mighty and mighty.

  Under the interference of the power of the third law, the Zhuzhao Divine Tree has reached a state of near-death.

  But the matrix of the inheritance path has already manifested, and hundreds of millions of souls opened their eyes at this moment, tearing the illusory light cocoon with their bare hands, like a newborn baby.

  The pupils of their eyes are facing Mount Kailash, their eyes are empty and pious.

This is a ceremony for the awakening of the Great God of Candlelight. Hundreds of millions of souls are sacrifices. The world of the ancestor star will be completely integrated with the earth. At that time, the civilization established by humans on that land will be wiped out, and all life will be destroyed Be enslaved and dominated, become nourishment!

  At this very moment, the emptiness of the fog vibrated again, and a golden sun seemed to light up in the deepest part of the fog, counterattacking and charging into the sky like a meteorite, shaking the void.

   There is a faint burning shadow rising into the sky!

   "That kid is really stubborn."

   Venerable Suzaku sensed the extremely cruel meaning, and there was a hint of shock in his eyes that were always calm: "Even if everything is destroyed, don't let me get my wish?"

  The reason why he was shocked was because he felt the source of that power.

   It turned out to be the power of candlelight!

   Sure enough, sadness and anger are the best nourishment!

  Gu Jianlin comprehended the most powerful mystery in the world in just a moment.

  Candles illuminate the ancient divine language of the Great God!

   With a bang, the mist was broken, and the flaming juvenile supreme soared into the sky, as if holding a burning sun in his palm, burning away all obstacles, and storming towards him!

  The blazing foehn blows towards the face, and Venerable Suzaku's long hair was scorched.

Skylark saw the burning boy even more clearly, those dark eyes were gone, and he could no longer see the clean world from his pupils, including his loneliness and sadness. Nothing but burning rage.

  In such a short period of time, he seemed to have completely become another person!

   This world failed all his expectations.

   So the last trace of his humanity is gone.

  Strictly speaking, Gu Jianlin has disappeared from this world.

   Only Venerable Qilin was left.

   And the murderer who killed the boy with his own hands was precisely them!

   "I think we can save the fight between us until after he is dealt with."

   Venerable Suzaku said indifferently: "This is our common enemy."

   He raised his right hand against the hot Foehn, and raised a finger.

   Skylark's pupils flashed with strange lights, and he did the same action as him!

   Tens of thousands of souls turned around and stared at the boy soaring into the sky, and uttered a syllable together. It was an ancient and profound language, just like Sanskrit!


  In front of the Zhuzhao God Tree, a barrier that penetrates the sky and the earth is condensed, like countless twisted and twisted branches intertwined, isolating the burning Qilin Venerable!

   Venerable Qilin was suspended in mid-air, and spit out a strange syllable from his throat. His right hand slowly clenched into a fist, and his five fingers pierced through the illusory sun, and billions of sunlight poured out!


   With a punch, a crack was blown out of the heaven-penetrating barrier!

   Hundreds of millions of souls were shocked for a moment, their eyes were empty and indifferent.

   At this moment, Venerable Qilin's body was burned into coke, and the scorched flesh and blood dispersed like ashes, just like the blue king who had passed away!

   His life was passing.

   But the power of this punch shook the whole world, even the two strongest beings under the golden tree felt the violent shock, and their faces turned pale!

   Venerable Suzaku covered his chest, feeling the pain of the violent blow to his soul, he raised his hand and touched the corner of his mouth, golden blood flowed out, so hot.

   "Have you completely abandoned reason?"

  He said softly: "Kirin."

   "Seventh-level spirituality is simply not enough to support such a powerful force."

   Skylark raised his hand to wipe off the dragon blood overflowing from his vermilion lips, raised his right hand again and clenched his fist into a fist, leveraging the power of the Candle God Tree: "Give up, if you continue like this, you will die."

   Venerable Suzaku raised his eyes and glanced at her with surprise.

  Because this woman forcibly changed his control over the power of candlelight!

   With a bang, hundreds of millions of souls spit out a syllable again.

  The branches of the Zhuzhao God Tree are twisted and reversed, like a cage that can imprison the world. No matter where Venerable Qilin escapes, it has no meaning, he can only be trapped in it!

   Seeing this, Venerable Suzaku could only put his palms together and spit out another syllable.

  Blood oozes from Skylark's clenched right hand, and the prison domain collapses violently!

  With the cooperation of the two Supreme Levels, Venerable Qilin is about to be engulfed by endless light!

   However, in the dark, an indifferent voice sounded.

   "I don't need your pity."


   Another punch was thrown out, and the cage illuminated by the candle was blasted with a punch!

   Venerable Qilin's punch was like the roar of an ancient bell, echoing in the silent and desolate world, and the hundreds of millions of souls in the inheritance path felt this shock, and it turned out to be illusory!

  In the shattered light, the burning young man swooped down, determined to kill.

  It seems to be going to burn jade and stone together.

  The Zhuzhaoshen Tree instinctively sensed the threat, and released extremely intense sunlight, gushing towards the falling boy in the sky, and the whole world was shrouded in endless light.

  Amidst the violent roar, Venerable Qilin used light to tear apart the light. Even though his body was burned to ashes, he didn't give in at all. The terrible rage was brewing in the burning eye hole!

  Skylark raised her head to look at that familiar yet unfamiliar figure, the howling Foehn scorched her forehead hair, and even she had to be moved by the downright murderous intent.

   That is the killing intent to destroy everything, to destroy everything.

   towards her.

  To Suzaku.

   is also towards this world.

   Vent anger.

  Even if the price is death.

   Even so, she didn't mean to back down, but just stared at him.

  As if to remember his appearance until death.

   "Then burn the jade and stone together."

   Venerable Suzaku had a smile on his lips, and raised his right hand again.

  The light of the candle illuminating the sacred tree was on, but suddenly went out.

  He felt that he was being deprived of the original control, turned around and looked at the woman who raised her hand, without saying a word.

   "Are you still unable to kill the killer?"

   He asked softly.

   Skylark ignored him, knowing that this was a critical moment of life and death, and the best way to deal with it was to use all the power of the Candlelight God Tree to prevent the angry **** from descending.

  But the power that Venerable Suzaku tried to mobilize was stopped by her.

  They jointly dominate the original power, even if they are strong or weak, they can influence each other after all.

   Skylark didn't know what she was thinking, she had decided to let go of all the past with that boy, but in the end she still couldn't do it, her clenched palm was full of blood.

   "I didn't expect that hundreds of millions of years later, you are still the same girl as before. It seems that the time has come for everything to be revealed."

   Venerable Suzaku stared at her beautiful side face, and paused every word: "The time is up."


  The collapsed earth stopped roaring at this moment.

   Venerable Xuanming actually stopped destroying the Zhuzhao Sacred Tree.

   And in the sky, a sigh sounded.

  Above the endless mist, Venerable Bai Ze used his illusory wings to resist the sunlight falling from the sky, but at this moment, his body cracked inch by inch and turned into ashes.

  At this moment, there was no pain or despair in His eyes.

   Only peace.

  Calmly accepted all this.

   "Sure enough, this road won't work."

   There was a faint wind blowing, and the body of Venerable Bai Ze was annihilated in the void!

  Everything has been revealed.

Venerable Suzaku said indifferently: "If you want to adapt to the third method, you can only experience a greater new life again. It's like returning to the time when we were human beings, possessing humanity and then losing it. Brothers' attempts are nothing but Just a stupid move against the rules."

   "We are the ultimate answer."

  He paused: "Sister, you used my child to complete your life, but that should not be your bondage. should wake up from your life."

   At this moment, Skylark finally felt that he was being swallowed by another soul.

   No, not Devour.

   But awakening.

  Just like Gu Ci'an who woke up in that storm back then.

  (end of this chapter)

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