Chapter 548 Doomsday

Venerable Suzaku looked up at the sky. The newly born Candlelight Sacred Tree had already covered the sky. The golden fallen leaves were flying and floating in the air like butterflies, but they never fell to the ground.

Like a golden sea.

The Supreme Being sat under the collapsing glacier, with the burning wings on his back folded and scattered. He reached out to pick up the melted ice water and brought it to his lips, as if he was sipping sweet wine: "Everyone is trapped. My own prison, whether it’s my sister, me, or my child.”

Venerable Xihe corrected him: "It's my child."

Venerable Suzaku was silent for a moment and laughed dumbly: "Okay, your child, but that is also your prison. Including this world, it is nothing you can let go of."

“The difference is that the things you want to protect are still there, and you still have a chance.”

His smile was so weak: "But I don't have it anymore."

It is true that Taihua's life is like the past when the Ancient Supreme was born. He was bound by the fate called responsibility. He struggled in a cage all his life and finally died under the betrayal of the world. The only one he could not let go of was her. Silly child, so she stayed.

It was precisely because of that child who killed the Zhuzhao Sacred Tree by chance that the rules of the earth were corrected and the conditions for the birth of the Ancient Supreme were created.

 Taihua also broke through his limits because of his sadness and anger and became a new god.

 Her life has been full of ups and downs.

So what has Master Zhulong experienced?

Where is Venerable Suzaku?

   How miserable the displacement was to be able to achieve such a great life.

No one knows.

 “You could have been his father.”

Venerable Xihe said softly: "If you are willing to confess everything to him, his character will not hate you, he will just try his best to save his mother. In fact, his original intention of entering the extraordinary world was to You and that poor woman."

Venerable Suzaku did not deny it, and said in a calm voice: "Even now, I have to admit that this is one of the few wrong things I have done in my long life."

He is so open and without any covering up.

 But this is also the terrible thing about Him.

 “But I have no other choice. If I were given another chance, I would do it again.”

He said seriously: "I can't give him false fatherly love. Maybe I can try to weave a beautiful dream for him with lies, but he will realize it one day."

 The only thing in the world that cannot be faked is emotion.

 Not even God can forge it.

There is a hint of sadness in the burning red phoenix eyes of Venerable Xi He. This is the impermanence and helplessness of worldly affairs, no matter humans or gods are exceptions. Uncontrollability and unknowability are the essence of the universe, and what has happened cannot be changed. , but some people want to go against the will of heaven.

"Gu Cian is me. I used to be the most confused and helpless, the person I hate the most in my heart, and the most naive long-cherished wish I ever had. Billions of years ago, before I became a god, I also used to Had a family, had a wife and kids.”

Venerable Suzaku said with emotion: "That is my first memory, just like the color a newborn sees for the first time when he opens his eyes. My wife is simple, kind and innocent. She is the most beautiful girl in the tribe, and everyone loves her. Love her. My son is smart and more lively than Xiao Gu."

Venerable Xihe said calmly: "They are all gone."

 “Yes, die because of me.”

Lord Suzaku smiled and said: "I hate this fate. When the end came, I embarked on the journey to save their lives. But when I reached the end of the journey, I discovered that the source of the disaster turned out to be myself. . My wish to save them has become the key to triggering the end of the world. I personally created the disaster and swallowed them up."

 “How sad, this is Gu Cian’s life.”



“Of course I regret it, of course I hate it.”

“Now you want to repeat this tragedy on them?”

"I said, I can't stop. If I don't change, then I will suffer in pain and regret all my life. My life is endless, and I can't even find the meaning and value of existence. Only this Something that means something to me.”

 “How sad.”

"Yes, this is God. In the world known to mortals, God should be omnipotent, neither sad nor upset, easily destroying the universe, creating countless parallel time and space, and also emphasizes a certain strange Internet term called... Really? But the so-called God is just a name, and its definition is just an existence that you cannot understand, or a life in your imagination."

“That’s right, whether it is the joys and sorrows of life or the quality of the story, it has nothing to do with the strength of the power. It is meaningless. And existence requires meaning.”

“When I was most active on this planet, I had two old friends, one named Zhuangzi and the other named Huizi. They had a very interesting conversation.”

 “You are not a fish, how can you know the happiness of fish?”

Venerable Xihe probably understood what he was talking about.

Venerable Suzaku smiled slightly: "You are not a god, how can you understand the suffering of a god?"

 You are not a fish, so you don’t know how happy fish are.

 You are not God, so you don’t know how painful God is.

Venerable Xihe glanced at him.

“Did you foresee this outcome before you decided to experience this new life?”

 However, this time, Venerable Suzaku did not answer.

  “There’s no point in saying too much.”

He said softly: "How many millions of years ago was the last time the Zhuzhao Divine Tree revived a corpse? I can't remember it clearly, but I clearly remember the suffering that this planet endured. It was a terrible species extinction, and the ecological chain was almost Destroyed and devastated."

As the supreme being born on earth, Venerable Xihe can also sense what kind of backlash this planet is suffering, and a terrible natural disaster is quietly brewing.

"The earth is different after all. Once Zhuzhao revives here, you will be erased by the rules bit by bit. Your power will be fed back to this planet. There are only two choices before you now, either you Destroy this planet with your own hands and avoid future troubles. Or you can bypass me and destroy your children. I know you still have the energy to do so."

Venerable Suzaku showed an interesting smile: "I said, that child is also your prison. The process of your birth is not over yet. How do you choose?"

No matter what he chooses, Gu Jianlin will die.

The Supreme Being closed his eyes and spread his hands.

  Took off all defenses.

"If you want to kill him, I won't stop you."

 He said calmly: "I can't stop you."

 In other words, you still have a chance to win.

Venerable Xihe’s answer was only one word.


I don’t know how long it took before Venerable Suzaku opened his eyes, his eyes burning with fire.

 “Even if the earth you protect is destroyed?”

He asked: "Even if your existence will disappear?"

Venerable Xihe’s answer was still concise and concise.


The glacier is collapsing, and the woman is bathing in the strong sunlight, her eyes calm.

Venerable Suzaku asked again: "Why?"

“I am no longer too gorgeous. Whether the world is destroyed or not has nothing to do with me. I am just an old man who protects my shortcomings. What responsibility and destiny do you talk to me about?”

Venerable Xihe once again showed the domineering and majestic nature of an emperor: "The throne of the Order lineage now rests on him, and it is his responsibility to protect the world. And he was taught by me."

Venerable Suzaku frowned: "So?"

Venerable Xihe said indifferently: "Of course my students are invincible in the world."



The J-89 fighter jet broke through the burning clouds and passed over the land burning with sky fire.

Tang Ling silently held the steering column. The huge centrifugal force made her pretty face pale as paper. The strong electromagnetic phenomenon and dimensional turbulence were already interfering with her brain, and blood flowed from her seven orifices.

 “Are you afraid?”

 She said softly: "Hold on a little longer and don't throw up on the plane."

Su Youzhu in the co-pilot was also uncomfortable. She had never experienced such violent acceleration and chaotic centrifugal force. Compared with the roller coaster or the big pendulum in the amusement park, they were just baby's toys. Of course, the most deadly thing was the dimensional turbulence. It makes her feel like she is traveling between two worlds.

"I'm just afraid that if you die in the driver's seat, the plane will crash on the spot."

 It was rare that they could still joke around in this situation.

 In fact, these are not the most deadly.

 What really makes them feel death is the golden tree that covers the sky and the sun.

Their spirituality is passing away strangely, and their souls are on the verge of exhaustion.

 “That’s because of the power of Qilin.”

In the narrow cockpit, Jiang Yanli huddled behind the two seats. Because the space was too small, he was forced to make exaggerated yoga-like movements. He suppressed the feeling of vomiting and said: "The supreme power of the third power is to swallow power. , the purpose is to let the original devour the spirituality of the whole world."

 Actually, there was a third seat in the driver's seat, but he didn't take it.

 In the golden sky, the twisted branches extend to the end of the sky.

 You can feel the endless spirituality rising into the sky.

 Finally, he was swallowed by the Zhuzhao Sacred Tree.

"More than that, the roots of the Candlelight Tree will also take root into the core of the earth. The initial disaster will be the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano in Wyoming, causing huge vibrations at the junction of the Pacific Plate and the Columbia Plate. Then volcanoes around the world will erupt from It wakes up from its slumber, erupts with all its strength, and earthquakes spread across the world. Next, the global temperature drops, and the earth enters an ice age. The shock wave runs through two dimensions, and tsunamis will subvert 90% of the continent."

Jiang Yanli complained: "Next, the atmosphere will disappear, the oxygen on the earth will disappear, the earth will lose its air and become silent, everyone will be exposed to severe high temperatures, the water on the surface will evaporate, and human beings will no longer be able to survive." The Ice Age went into a scorching hell.”

“The golden ancient tree will swallow up the spirituality of every ascendant on the earth, use their flesh and blood as the body, and breed new tree species, and the earth will become a new ancestral planet.”

 In the world outside the cockpit, there is thick black smoke rising into the sky in the distance, and huge waves can be seen rising from the sea level. No sound can be heard, but it makes people tremble.

Nowadays, the strong electromagnetic phenomenon has disabled all communication equipment. It is impossible to calculate how far away it is, but judging from such a terrifying momentum, it is enough to subvert an island country.

"The news I got before taking off is that Yingzhou was the first to be affected by Zhuzhao's resurrection. All the ascendants in the territory have lost their spirituality, and the demigods of the Baqi Society have fallen into a deep sleep. Judea in Northern Europe has also lost contact, and may have already He was swallowed up by the tsunami in his sleep. As for Egypt, it was also covered by endless sandstorms, and the Ascendant network in the country was completely paralyzed."

Jiang Yanli counted the numbers on his fingers: "A strange tree transformation phenomenon is spreading around the world. There is no news about Lin Zhengchun from Laojun Mountain because he ran away early, but his disciples have all transformed into trees. Demon hunters and night watchmen They are also unable to fight anymore due to illness, including the soldiers of the dawn combat sequence."

The only thing that can resist may be the power of the third method.


Tang Ling said softly: "Is he... afraid?"

Su Youzhu thought for a while: "According to his character, maybe not."

“After all, he is the one who is about to destroy the world?”

 “No, the real murderers are the bad guys.”

"That's right. If we fail, what are your plans?"

"If I die, I have no plans. If I can survive, I will try my best to advance to the ninth level, and then kill those so-called gods to avenge him."

 “That’s great, I think so too.”

 The girls fell silent again.

 After a long time.

Tang Ling suddenly asked: "How long have you been with him?"

Su Youzhu replied softly: "Eleven years."

Tang Ling asked again: "How long have you liked him?"

Su Youzhu replied: "It's been eleven years, how about you?"

Tang Ling shook her head: "It's been less than a year. I'm very envious of you."

Su Youzhu glanced at her and said indifferently: "I envy you too. I have been with him for eleven years and have never done anything like that. You are really bold."

I don’t know how she saw it.

Tang Ling was stunned and turned to look at her.

“It’s my business that I like him. It’s his business who he likes and what he does with whom. At first I hated you, especially when you came to my house, but then I didn’t hate you anymore.”

Su Youzhu's voice was cold: "Because I think... you seem to be similar to me."

Tang Ling suddenly smiled, like a glacier thawing and a stream gurgling.

"Is it?"

She said seriously: "I have known about your existence from the beginning to the end, but I still like him. Maybe I was very unhappy at first... but now I feel that it would be nice to have one more person love him."

Su Youzhu's eyes reflected the ocean of gold, so blurred and deep, and she said quietly: "But now there may not even be a chance to continue to love him."

Whether it is Lei Ting or Yue Ji, they are both extremely proud girls.

 It is never possible to share the same person.

 But why don’t they fight now?

 Because they all know that they are about to lose that person.

“Don’t think so, let’s go get him back.”


At an altitude of 10,000 meters, Shi Jing sat in the third driver's seat, listening to the girl's conversation.

 Her eyes were neither sad nor happy.

This chapter is based on the words of Suzaku. We need to have a framework for discussing the issue. It is meaningless to compare the combat power of different books because the settings and ideas are different. There are always people who say that your expressiveness is like a low-key **** about a cosmic planet, or that gods are originally human beings and their personalities are so low-key that it’s nonsense. Then I wonder why you bother yourself when I write like this. The author is a bus, isn’t it? Private car, I will not change the outline to write a cosmic battle for you... What's more, even the core of Cthulhu's expression is not the expressive combat power of God.



 (End of this chapter)

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