The Old Knight of a Frontier District

Lesson 4: Sinkai's Ambition


I dreamed of Idra.

I did have a dream, but I can't remember what it was like.

I feel like I was taught something important in my dreams.

I woke up, but I can't open my eyelids.

But something warm wraps my body gently.

Some juice poured into my mouth.

Delicious and nourishing.

As I tasted it, I fell asleep again.


There's someone here.

Who is it?

It's Jurchaga.

Was I saved?

Bardo tried to speak up.

But my throat seems crushed, I can't speak out.

My body doesn't move either.

As if it were in a gold bondage.

A splash of water was inserted into his mouth and the water was soaked in his mouth.

No, it's not water.

The wine is divided by plenty of well water.

It feels so good in my mouth with heat.

If you're alive, there's something I need to ask you right away.

Bardo tried desperately to get the word down.

At the end of that effort, his throat uttered a squeaky, voiceless voice.

How many people are dead?

That's what Baldo wants to know most right now.

Jurchaga listened to this question without passing, looked a little sad and answered something.

But the tinnitus is so severe that I can't hear it.

You guessed it, Jurchaga put his mouth to Bardo's ear and said:

"A lot of them survived."

Comforted by the words, Bardo fell asleep again.


Then a few days later, Bardo managed to recover enough to have a conversation.

I still can't stand and walk.

My hands and legs are burning all over my body and I'm losing strength.

It's hard to believe, but today, it's the seventh of March.

It was on the seventeenth day of January that a large group of warcraft pushed over, and it was about the dawn of the eighteenth that Bardo fell.

Seventy-two days will have passed.

Bardo has been asleep for almost two months.

Jurchaga and Cars accompany them alternately, giving them a sip of water, cow's milk or fruit juice or vegetables, at their mouth of smoke.

He wipes away the sweat, takes his eyes off, lets him change his underwear and even takes care of him downstairs.

I guess that's been the case for the past two months.

What the hell happened then?

Why am I alive?

From Jurchaga, and from Zaifert, Bardo heard it.

At that time.

The light flooded out of Baldo, he said, was visible to everyone who was outdoors.

The running of light ran the horizon of dawn and reached a large swarm of warcraft of river bears approaching from afar.

For a moment, the warcraft exposed to a blast of light, but when the light subsided, seemed to stand perfectly fine.

But at that time, the eyes of the river bear, which was supposed to be a warcraft, were losing the red demon light.

The river bears began to move in variance, as the controlled movements until then were a lie, and eventually walked away in the direction where they originally came from.

Even weirder were the manoonos.

Far north of the North Gate were fifty or seventy manunos.

About twenty more were approaching with the warcraft of the river bear.

The manunos, who were with the warcraft of the river bear, bathed in the running of light.

The Manunos, who were on the north side of the North Gate, were also receiving the light that was overflowing, he said.

After Bardo lost his mind, all the manunos went back north.

Take the Warcraft of Ohana.

No one understood what had happened.

The only thing we all knew was that the miracle Bardo performed saved Castle Rhode Van and prevented the Warcraft from marching further west than here.

The damage was immense.

The Pharren family knight seconded by the Goriola Empire killed twelve out of thirty and wounded eleven.

Of the thirty, twenty-four were actually killed and six wounded.

Graduates who bravely fought as archers also suffered a lot of damage, with 31 of the sixty killed and 22 wounded.

Troops dispatched by the Guinelian State killed nineteen of the seventy-two knights and injured forty-one.

Two of the eighteen non-combatant graduates were killed and eight injured.

Twenty-six of the sixty-nine knights were killed and thirty-eight wounded, the Knights of the Borders of the State of Parzam.

Among the dead is also Deputy Commander Maitalp Yagan.

Seventeen out of eighty subordinate knights were killed and 52 wounded.

The knights of the Arkeios family killed one of the nine and injured eight.

Three of the fifteen subordinate knights were killed and six wounded.

Two of the six subordinate knights borrowed in Mithra were killed and one wounded.

Knight of the House of Toad (Nose Bend) Nid Euil and Husban Thierta both died.

He said he died in battle after the North Gate collapsed, covering Bardo, who was about to be killed by Shilozno.

Bardo himself cannot recall the scene.

In addition, eight of the non-combatant graduates and residents died and about twenty were injured.

Knight Nutz Kajnell, borrowed from the Argoride family, said he was wounded and temporarily unconscious, but got up in two days, and then ran around fine for post-war treatment.

He consulted with Zaifert and awarded bounty and sight money to the participants from the Kingdom of Parzam.

The Knights of Mithra, to whom there was no reward from the Knights to whom they belonged, were given a little grace, and the bounty to the dead was entrusted to the surviving Knights of the Knights of the Knights, along with a letter of condolence and explanation.

Those letters were written in the name of the Knight Nuts Kajnell, Deputy General Bard Lowen.

After about two weeks of completing these processing, I sent Baldo a report on what I had done and what I had not done.

Then he entrusted the rest to Cars and Jurchaga, and deposited a report from Zaifert to the king, and departed for the king's capital.

Someone has to report it to the King and to the Argorides, and there is no more fitting than nuts.

There are circumstances where the thinner Rhode Van Castle didn't want to lose one manpower.

The swordsmith Zendatta and his disciples also turned to the king's capital.

It goes without saying that I have been given a reward worthy of my work.

Bardo read the nut letter.

And I wrote to the family of Knight Nid and Knight Fusban.

Even though I wrote it, it was very unpleasant on hand, so I made Cars write an oral.

They both hear their mothers are alive and well.

How will I read this news?

And with grace and condolences, he entrusted it to Zaifert.

He wants me to give it to him the next time a messenger from the Borderline Marquis arrives.

And Bardo made a report to the king.

At the end of the report, he signed and pressed the General's imprint, and when wrapped in thick leather paper, he sealed it with Coinensilly's sap and pressed the imprint.

Then he carefully sealed the engraved dagger of the king's seal and the general's imprint and entrusted it to Zaifert.

At the end of the letter he wrote that he wanted me to resign as general.

First of all, we have to take responsibility for making so many sacrifices.

Of a total of three hundred and seventy-eight combatants, including up to the rank of Commander, one hundred and thirty-seven were killed and one hundred and eighty-five injured.

This injury, of course, is a serious injury that cannot return to the front for at least ten days and does not include minor injuries.

In fact, the wear rate is 80%, five minutes.

It is a great damage that I have never seen or heard of in Baldo's long history of war.


The proportion of deaths and injuries is not the problem.

It's not about numbers.

There must have been a better fight.

The gods have given you plenty of time.

But Bardo couldn't keep it alive and ready.

If you do this over there, if you do that in advance, you can't even cut it.

The fact that the dead and wounded were created by Bardo's stupidity blames Bardo.

I couldn't have struck out.

If I had done that, I would have wiped it out.

But even if we were to intercept him, we could have been a little more prepared.


The power of the ancient sword.

That strange power.

If I had used it in the first stage.

No, no.

I know that's later wisdom.

At the time it happened, there was no choice.

Still, Bardo thinks.

Didn't the ancient sword inform me?

That now is the time to use yourself.

If I'd paid a little more attention to that tiny feeling.

Cars and Jurchaga watched over Baldo's troubles.


I had news of how heavy Bardo's heart would be.

It is the total annihilation of the Knights of the Goriola Border, which was packed in Castle Mayrao.

It was the same M.O.

Keep your attention with an ear long wolf, and at night an owl breaks in from the other side.

The door was opened from the inside, the ear longwolf jumped into the castle, and when he realized it was so damaged that he could not regain his posture.

The Knights Commander at least escaped the young colleagues.

But on the way out, one ear long wolf after another struck him, and only three boys eventually reached Rhodvan Castle.

All but two of the chiefs, the vice-chiefs, thirty knights, fifteen obedient knights, and ten of the graduates, who came first and three later, were hung on the claw teeth of the warcraft, and lost their lives.

Tide Norwinge, chief of the Knights, was an interesting man: an oligarchy, honest old strong man.

Deputy Commander Caba Kohou, a hectic young man, laughed that he would like to see Gordon Zarkos because he would use a battlehammer himself.

They're not in the world anymore.


Zaifert mentioned something strange.

May we also offer our swords to the General?

I was surprised to hear about it.

Arflaburn returned to the Imperial Capital when it became clear that the raids of the Warcraft had ended.

He said an order had come to return as soon as possible.

Before that, he came to Bardo, lying asleep, offering his sword.

Since Bardo himself is unconscious and has neither received nor returned the sword, it is not possible that the sword ritual has been completed.

But I gave my feelings, Arfraburn said, and asked Cars and Jurchaga to give me a message.

And the knights of the Pharren family, who heard it, pressed me and myself against Baldo, and in the end all gave their swords, and made their rosters, and left them.

There was really a roster, so Bardo was stunned.

The sword that a knight dedicates to a knight is sometimes seen as an act of glorifying subordination and employment relations, but in its very nature it is the covenant of the soul.

I see that the nobles give their swords to the monarchs, hired knights give their swords to the payers of their salaries, but the meaning of "my sword is sifted by thy command" captures only its surface.

The sword is the soul of a knight.

Dedicating it is a sign of gratitude that my soul has come to a more sublime dimension, guided by the brilliance of the soul held by the knight of the other, a statement of determination to claim the other as the guide of the soul.

Chivalry is nothing short of royal life, it is said.

The command of chivalry must take precedence over the laws of the kingdom, and over the commands of the king, and over all the glitches that knights must bear in this world.

No knight can actually live such a beautiful way anywhere, but that's why knights always want to meet true knights who embody true chivalry.

A knight has the right to give his sword to a knight who decides to do so regardless of his or her status.

Just because you gave your sword to a knight you recognized as the master of your soul, doesn't mean that the sword you gave to your king or lord will be nullified.

Nevertheless, it is also true that if you give your sword to knights of other countries or knights belonging to hostile forces, you will be suspected of infidelity and betrayal.

So it follows that the knights who give their swords to Baldo were so impressed as to be the knights of Baldo that they were not to be misunderstood.

Besides, the Gynelian knights who saw it seemed to want to do the same, says Zaifert.

Although it could not be executed because Jog Ward did not allow it.

Such an idiot.

And I think Bardo.

How can I misunderstand such a filthy, stupid, useless commander?

The purity of the knights of the Pharren family is honorable, but you cannot take the sword of the people on this roster.

Zaifert approaches the troubled Baldo.

Take the sword of the knights of Goliola, and wonder if you will accept the sword of the knights of the Parzam Border Knights.

No, Bardo said back that he didn't take it all, but Zaifert cried when he refused, saying he didn't have a face as the Knights Commander.

Instead, Bardo made me tell him that he cannot return his sword because he is ill, but only receives feelings.

The knights just kept packing into the room and giving their swords away.

And Baldo was left with a second book.


Sinkai's storm of aggression was raging in the Middle Plains.

It followed a development no one had expected and seemed to reach an extremely serious phase.

Sinkai sent messengers to the countries of Parzam, Tula, Seion, Gaineria and Goriola to announce the opening of the war.

It is Sinkai's righteousness to build the world of the Pacific with the incompetence and incompetence of the kings of war-torn nations.

What a direct hit on the capital of Teula, the Sinkai army, which was thought to invade Parzam, fell in just one day.

In other words, it circled around the north side of the Mount Mordos system.

They suddenly stormed the capital and captured kings and high-ranking officials, without engaging at all with the city of Teula outside the capital.

After that, Shinkai's actions are hard to believe.

Oh, my God, after staying in the capital of Tula for only three days, this time raiding the capital of Seion three days later, and still letting it fall in one day.

From the capital of Teula to the capital of Seion, it's about thirty minutes away.

If you moved your troops in just three days, it's just a divine invasion.

If you call the way Sinkai fought so far a marvel, then the next thing you did, you don't even have to call it madness.

What a master general, General Appetite, divided the army into three parts.

One of them was led by the General of Appetite himself, who proceeded to Parzam.

One of them was led by other leading generals, who proceeded to Gainelia.

The last one was led by other leading generals, who proceeded to Goriola.

In other words, he had just attacked the capitals of the two countries and deployed a tripartite operation without any comfort at all in the land.

There is no such ridiculous story.

It is a very suspicious story to hear properly.

Electrically dropped the capital of Teula, which means that the leading cities around it remain untouched.

Naturally, the nearby knights come to reclaim the capital and help the king.

Beginning by destroying this and subjugating the knights, the fact of victory becomes certain.

And that's not all.

Conquest shall not be conquered unless the people of the land are made to understand the virtues of a new ruler.

Failure there will be a succession of rebellions and disobedience, and in the end they will not be able to make their country ours.

Nonetheless, the General of Appetite immediately proceeded to Seion without even a short time.

How much power did you leave in Teula?

Without considerable force, the Sinkai army generals, who are still just invaders, will all be killed as they are.

It is brilliant to have even plucked the capital of Seion in such a state, but this prevents us from proceeding with our military journey for months or years.

It should be.

Yet, divided the army into three parts, Guideria, relatively close by, originally reached out to even the Goriola Empire and the Kingdom of Parzam, which separated them by a considerable distance.

No matter how powerful a military journey is, if it is divided and sent far away, individual forces will be weakened.

If we do that without the comfort of the occupied districts or their preparation for the rebellion, the supply lines will be meagre, and the rest and replacement of the generals will not be spared, except to be snubbed by each one and exposed only to springs in the field.

But betraying all common sense, Sinkai says the war is going on in favor of the Three Kingdoms.

There is no way this stupid thing can happen, and I suspect that in the Royal Palace of Gainelia, Tula and Seion have been bonding with the General of Appetite since the beginning.

But then, at this point in time, there's not much need to keep a secret, and it's odd that there's no such thing as a mix of Teula and Saion knights in the invading army in the first place.

Because it doesn't create the right to demand a share if you don't make a deal.

This kind of information was actually brought mostly from Jog Ward.

Jog is dealing with an emergency report from King Gainelia and is immediately returning it to the capital to fight the Sinkai army.

For some reason, he sent orders to Rhode Van Castle to tell us what was going on during the war.

Nevertheless, Gainelia does not even know the details of Teula or Seion.

Not least the state of war in Parzam and Goriola has only yielded very fragmented information and uncertain hearsay.

So the truth is, I'm not sure what's going on right now.

The king's capital of Parzam seems to have been held up far away and by the Sinkai army on the north side of the street, a situation in which the messenger cannot come and go without Via Mithra and cannot be picked up very often.


Bardo's health recovered visibly.

Even so, eating like a young man doesn't mean your muscles will return as soon as possible.

I let my reluctant body loose on Yuetan's back, and on March 18th, I traveled north.

The destination is the Great Tree Sea, which stretches far at the foot of the Fusa.

According to the materials examined in the Wang capital, the Queen of Manuno lives there.

Why did the Manunos manipulate the Warcraft to attack humans?

That's why Bardo thought he had to know.

Cars and Jurchaga, too, heard Bardo ready and just nodded without disagreeing.

I don't know exactly how far it is from Rhode Van Castle to the Tree Sea, but it is said to be about a hundred and fifty minutes.

It's a journey to the end of a land where you can't trample from the feeling of living on the border.

But if you think about it, even Mithra to Rhodovan Castle is a hundred and fifty minutes away.

Bardo continued his journey, thinking that places that he just thought were out of reach were something he could wear if he went outside.

Cars Lowen is the only one with the offering.

The goal is the Great Tree Sea, an enchantment where people who have stepped in are said not to be able to return alive.

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