The Old Knight of a Frontier District

Episode 9: Mountain Warfare (Part I)


The following day, on May 35, Bardo was appointed Marshal of the Union (Wazid Entrante).

Although it was a graciously day-long appointment ceremony, Bardo became a United Marshal while Bunwu Hundred and Wang Army Elite and Imperial Special Envoys of Goriola watched.

After this, the heavy ministers pack fine conditions with the Goriola Imperial Envoys.

The military alliance itself has only decided on a general framework, and the details are to be discussed each time according to the situation.

In this case, it will take the form of Goriola sending reinforcements against Parzam.

Still, the heavy ministers focused on the participation of the Knights of Goriola.

Because the emphasis was on creating a track record of actually forming a joint front to conduct military operations.

The content of the consultation is expected to be extensive.

In addition to the fact that the Orthodox Angel is the First Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, the Second Secretary of State for Military Affairs and the Second Secretary of Commerce have also come as deputy ambassadors.

That means I'm serious over there, too.

It will take the right number of days to settle.


Bardo first tried to meet General Buntai.

He is the General of Sinkai, captured by Zaifert in the Battle of Obas Castle Siege.

It's been two months since I captured him, but he says he's in the dungeon of the Royal Palace because he doesn't speak anything but his name.

When I went to the dungeon, where it was dim and unclean, the prisoners were all-you-can-dirt and not in a very talkative condition.

Bardo ordered the prisoner's room to be transformed into a well-ventilated room on the ground, bathed in hot water and fed a decent meal.

He also ordered that clean things be prepared for both haircuts and clothes.

The next thing I know, I called in Chantillion and a military officer to hear about the war.

It was on April 26th that there was the battle of the so-called Great Plains of Cassese, which the King's army had defeated greatly.

As always, the Sinkai army fought to kill the knights without trying to capture them.

In the city of Casse, which had conquered before it, he said he had killed his lord and banished his clan, as well as not doing anything atrocious.

We are trying to reassure the inhabitants and make them better in control.

I mean, we're seriously going to invade this time.

He said reinforcements have also arrived from his home country.

I guess he's calming Casse down now, as well as resting his soldiers and restructuring his army.

If so, there is still some time before the Sinkai army attacks the King's capital.

The strength of General Appetite is unusual.

If we can't defeat the General of Appetite even if we can beat the Sinkai army, this war will lose.

Chantillion was ordered to work with the General of the Ancient Ginseng to invest in the resupply and restructuring of the King's Army.

At the workshop of the Engineering Bachelor Auro, he requested the production of an improved crossbow.

There was some kind of fire burning in Auro's eyes when he heard the explanation.

Human beings of this kind show tremendous power when they are motivated.

Spear modifications were also discussed.

Zendatta just arrived and thought with me.

"The general seems to think of making this with a template, but the bond between the part that became this ring and the calved part becomes weaker.

This is faster to make with a punch.

Bring me a spear, and I'll put it in here.

Let's do it in a way that folds and secures, not a wheel.

Besides, I think the shape and strength of the contorted part will be the deciding factor.

The Leather Armor of the Warcraft will slip out of sight.

The surface is stiff, so the cuttings don't come in.

You can still leave it to your blacksmith moves to make it eat into this.


What has a clear purpose is easy to make.

Collect ten blacksmiths with me once.

You can count 300 in thirty days.

And not parts, but the complete armor of the enemy. "

I asked him to make the blacksmith in fifteen days because I could collect as many people as I wanted.

I don't know how much time I have left.


On the third day after ordering him to leave the dungeon, he met General Buntai.

I let Azuma in the royal palace garden bring him here.

The watch turned away.

It's got cars on it, and you don't have to be scared of every human being in your round hips.

The face, whose beard was shaved and adjusted, was astonishingly young.

"You're the one who came to the dungeon last time."

I answered, "How old are you?"

The answer came back that it was twenty-six.

"I could wash my body, cut my hair and beard and refreshed myself.

Best of all, I'm glad I ate good food.

Am I under sentence of death?

We don't pay ransom in our country. "

I don't intend to put him to death, but I asked him if he didn't pay the ransom because his family had no money.

"No, I'm not rich, but I'm not poor either.

Since I became a general, my salary has gone up a lot.

In our country, it's a disgrace to be caught by the enemy.

If my wife pays the ransom and tries to help me, she won't sell me anything at any store. "

Bardo let him carry his tea and talked as he drank with him.

Buntai, who was not supposed to say anything but his name, replied to everything that was asked.

I could have known a lot about the Sinkai country, which was said to be a mystery.

Among them, what surprised Bardo was the existence of a place called the Valley of Wrath.

How dare there be as many warcraft gushing out there.

While fighting that warcraft, Sinkai's generals polish their martial arts.

When Bardo said he was a knight on the eastern border of the River Ova, and he had spent his whole life fighting warcraft coming from beyond the Great Barrier, he let his eyes shine.


People live there, too, and there's a country.

The world is huge. "

I was impressed.

Buntai had sincere respect for General Lugurgoa Geskas.

He is a samurai-like samurai who has lived and defended his country for hundreds of years and has also been revered as a former medal of his country by kings of history.

It was also General Luglugoa who brought out Buntai, who was a poor little prick.

It's not just Buntai.

All the warlords today have been found and raised by General Luglugoa.

General Lugurgoa said he would win the world.

That's why we fight.

There is no fragrance of fanaticism in Buntai's eyes or in the way he talks.

I couldn't smell anything but a young, hectic samurai.

Then, the General of Appetite, who now leads the Sinkai army, is still that Lugurgoa Geskus.

Bardo asked.

Who the hell is Lugurgoa Geskas?

I don't know, Buntai replied.

General Luglgoa is General Luglgoa, nothing else.

I don't know exactly how old I am, and I don't know the secrets of that strength.

Even if Sinkai's samurai are all bundled together, they can't beat General Lugurgoa.

Whoever you are in the world, you can't beat General Luglugoa.

He said if I only knew that, it would be a long time.

He also asked about Sinkai's methods of fighting weapons.

Then he said that he had not fought the way he did now for a long time, but that from a certain point in time he began to fight with long-held weapons swinging and using them at the behest of General Lugurgoa.

When did you ask about that, it was a decade ago?

Ten years and a little while ago, General Luglugoa declared he would win the world, building weapons and protective equipment like the one he is now, and teaching him how to fight.

That's not all.

He said he had increased his population, promoted industry, produced food and weapons, and prepared for the day.

Then again, I asked about the invasion of the Warcraft.

As for that, General Luglugoa said he knew it was going to happen and started a war with it.

The invasion of the Warcraft itself was not caused by General Luglugoa, but I do not know whose intent it is.

As for King Kerdebaj's spear, it seems that General Luglugoa really needed that spear and the user.

Whatever it was for, it failed.

The knight of the user killed.

Although it was just a failure, it seems that General Luglugoa had a great deal to gain.

It's a mysterious story, but General Buntai didn't even know anything more.

This event was long before the birth of General Buntai, but he said it was a famous story for the knights of Sinkai.

As for the invasion of the Principality of Zarban, the objective was to obtain the Devil's Sword Van Fleur.

Apparently, the general who stood at the time had been clearly told about it.

After all, we didn't get it, but four or five years after the destruction of the Principality of Zarban, General Luglugoa told us that he knew if there was a Van Fleur.

Buntai asked General Bakou, a senior.

He is a general who is currently defending the Goriola Empire by dropping its key Kobusi Castle.

He is the leader among General Lugurgoa's men and is considered the Sanjie of the Sinkai army along with his younger brother General Baen and General Batutsu.

If you found out if you had Van Fleur, why didn't you go and take it?

I don't know that either, General Buntai said.

When General Bakou asked General Lugurgoa about it, he said he had the answer that that was enough.

Cars listened to this conversation without changing his expression as he stood still.

At the end of the question from Bardo, General Buntai said, you look strong.

The man behind me is stronger, Bardo replied.

And I added:

I thought I'd try to fight.

I said to General Buntai, who looked happy.

When I looked at Cars and gave him one nod, Cars also narrowed his eyes and indicated his intention of understanding.

He moved to the Nebukudo and made him bring General Buntai's armor and weapons.

Cars took the practice sword.

That's okay, I'm going to kill you, General Buntai said.

Of course that's fine, if you can kill this man, I'll give him food and a horse to free him, Bardo said.

Buntai just looked surprised,

"This is amazing.

What am I gonna do if I lose? "

I've been asking.

Bardo replied, "You can do nothing about it."

Buntai was a warrior to fear.

I swung the great axe spear with a sagging speed and moves.

Cars sent this, or was judging, but ended the battle by slashing his opponent's weapon in two.

When he was returned to prison, General Buntai looked back and asked.

How's the knight with the conceited beard who took me down and captured me?

Bardo replied that the man would have died fighting General Lugurgoa.

General Buntai went back to jail, saying yes.

After General Buntai left, Bardo asked Cars what happened.

"Excellent arm strength and suppleness.

My inner thigh muscles (kings) are a lot stronger.

If you fight on horses, they'll make you struggle. "

When I heard this answer, I wondered if you would struggle.

"It's tough to be targeted with weapons with a large radius of attack that have so much power and speed from multiple enemies.

Besides, if it's that attack, they might come after the horse if they have to.

Quite a troublesome enemy. "

Not many knights deliberately target enemy horses.

If you're the one who doesn't hesitate to go after a horse, it's certainly troublesome.

More than that, you can't decently bump into someone that makes Cars say it's troublesome.

Then again, the place to fight becomes a problem.

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