The Old Knight of a Frontier District

Episode 5: Blessed Land (Part I)


Baldo had concerns.

This place is a good place to make a village.

Too good.

On the south side of the village there is a vast green plain, further beyond which the mountain range extends from south to east.

On the north side of the village this also spreads vast forests, all the way up to the great barrier.

To the east of the village there is a fresh stream, and a little to the west, there is a much larger river.

The plain will also be rich and will grow crops well.

It is also suitable for grazing.

There will also be a wide variety of animals.

This means that there are also many giant beasts that catch and eat them.

On the way south of the Tree Sea now, I saw many beasts, and they attacked me.

I can't prevent it.

I can't prevent it in a place like this.

Now that they are solidified in small numbers, they can also be repelled with Baldo and Cars.

But you can't follow everyone the whole time.

It is very impossible to create human settlements here.

It's as strange as there's ever been a village.

In this place, the trees, the grass, the beasts, the earth are too strong.

People live somewhere, so to speak, fighting the nature of the land and continuing to win.

Living is fighting nature.

In a land where nature is strong enough to protect you, men are eroded and ravaged.

The slight opening is crushed before nature tries to regain me.

Weak humans are considered the food of beasts, birds and worms.

Without enough quality and quantity of people to push back the forces of nature, villages and so on would just disappear in time.

Even if not, the periphery is a place of strong natural power, but this is also exceptional.

Creating a village or something like that in a place like this cannot be done, such as maintaining it for a long time.

Zaria asked why when she saw Bardo look so difficult.

Bardo spoke frankly of his concerns.

Zaria went to the corner of the cabin and grabbed what was loaded there to show Baldo.

That's some kind of vegetable that's burnt.

"Don't you see?

It's Egalsocia. "


Bardo remembered.

This old woman taught me about her qualities.

I've actually seen it since, I've eaten it, and I've felt different about its potency.

Three years ago.

Leaving for Fuzza from Linz, his beloved horse Stabolos died in the mountains.

I got an ancient sword in a village a little north of it and had it stayed in a house with a knight-volunteer boy a little further north of it.

And the place of the house was a native of Egarthosia.

Around there, Egalsocia was called the Blue Roll Vegetable.

It is a vegetable that can be eaten and tasted and cooked in many ways, but it is actually nourishing and highly effective as a herb.

That's not all.

The beasts are nowhere near where this is growing.

Simply applying stem broth to a cape or carriage can be beastly.

The certainty of its efficacy was something Bardo himself felt using.

However, a vegetable called Egarsocia chooses very soil.

Instead, I don't grow up anywhere I take it, except where I'm native.

It is extremely difficult to grow more vegetables.

"One of the purposes of my journey was to find a land where I could raise this.

Only slightly native during this forest.

I built a cabin here and tried everything.

Both this plain and forest were found to grow Egalsocia as far away as they tried.

That's why.

You can make a village that won't be attacked by beasts, no, even in the country, right here.

Look, look at this bag.

Everyone in this is an Egarthosian species.

After burning, the crop often grows.

In three months, there will be fine Egarthosias everywhere. "

Oh, my God.

This was just a blessed land.


The first thing Jurchaga, who became village chief, did was bury the dead.

It was a snug fire, so the house, which was crude built, was completely burned down and without a trace.

Moreover, it is flushed by heavy rain after that, so it is all the more so.

The body has also been burned and flushed, but when I soaked the mud, a little bone appeared.

Put this in a bag, bring it to the ground with a horse, hang it with soil and make it a cemetery.

Jurchaga dared to let the children help with this.

The little children trembled and cried.

said Jurchaga, being gentle with the scared children.


If you're scared.

You should worship.

There you go.

This is how you worship together, and I'll talk to you.

Did it hurt?

Was it hot?

Was it painful?

It's all right now.

If you go to God's garden, you'll have fun.

I'll pray for you properly so you can get to God's garden without getting lost.

Then the mistress will hear the words of prayer and pick you up.

If you say that and worship it, you won't be afraid.

What really scared me was that the hard part was the dead one.

So worship him like this. "

Eventually the children stopped crying and began worshipping the villagers who had died so hard.

I guess some of them are fathers and mothers.

Bardo also joined hands with the dead.


I sent Cars to Tsu in Himaya.

Himaya is on the eastern bank of the Ova River, a city that has flourished quite well as a periphery.

Before, I met Doriatesa, defeated the Warcraft and trained, and then stayed with the Arflaburns when they crossed the Ova.

Anyway, I need salt first.

I have a lot of building tools, farm tools, clothing, and other things I want to buy.

I have money.

Aside from the cost of the Great Red Bear and the travel expenses received from the Marquis of Farren, Bardo, Cars and Jurchaga also received considerable bounty for their achievements in national wars.

Bardo and others can't get all of it for much money, and the majority of it is left in the royal palace of Parzam.

Use what you can use.

It is a great advantage not to be unfettered by funds in building a foundation for life in Fusarion.

Few humans should have flown around here before, but here it was completely impossible, such as pioneering alone, and had to disappear before the forest outrage.

The Fusarion shall not tread on its feet.

Making a solid departure.

That is what matters.

While Cars was away, he repaired the cabin and cleaned up around it.

There are as many burnt trees as there are.

And because the burnt tree is resistant to rot, it has the disadvantage that it is difficult to process, but it is a treasure for the repair of the seat.

A small field was built around the cabin and Egarsocia was planted.

I caught a lot of fish.

Dried food must also be made in preparation for winter.

Everyone was circling their eyes when they saw Bardo shoot the fish swimming with his bow.

And we wanted to do it ourselves, I said.

Bardo was able to do this when he was ten years old or not.

Maybe Quinta is just around that age.

Seto is a little younger.

Bardo made them bows and taught them this one.

Quinta was amazingly good looking.

Muscle strength is also strong.

Isn't this child suitable for knights?

The idea came to mind, and I laughed at myself as if I was an idiot.

It is good to remember to the extent that we can defend ourselves.

but I don't like to teach killer moves.

Because there is so much more that needs to be done in this village.


Cars came home in twenty-eight days.

He said it took him five days to get there, two days to shop, and 21 days to get home.

It's not a very easy distance to come and go because it took Cars five days to drive his beloved horse Satra.

Shopping is luggage for a horse and a full load of cars that let the horse pull it.

He said the salt was not in one place, but turned everywhere.

One man in a neighboring city bought a lot of shopping, so he asked if it was new or even made in the village.

They didn't seem to reply much, so they wouldn't expect to have a village here.

Fortunately, Cars doesn't look like a peasant or pioneer no matter what he sees.

But if you go shopping again and again, they'll know about this place.

The bandits I heard about will be here in time.

This place is far from people.

If you don't get caught doing evil, the villains think.

But that's okay.

If you're aiming to steal things, you won't be shooting fire arrows in either, and with Bardo and Cars, you can handle it.

The problem is the exchange of things.

I heard about Cars' report, and it looks like he got a lot of reluctance to sell.

Bardo did not consider that there was such a problem.

But naturally it's a problem that should happen, a headache problem.

In a village without a back shield, you will want to be seen and bought to sell things, and there will be restrictions and high taxes on buying things.

Sometimes they stop selling me more than a certain amount, or they refuse to interact at all.


For bordering cities and villages, it is only a matter of fear and vigilance that there will be large numbers of nearby villages, that is, uninformed people.

Because it could be a village that will be a bunch of bandits just like that one night.

Or it could be a mob that comes starving and robbing food.

Good feathering is also subject to vigilance.

There's no way those who can make a fortune can live on the edge of the border.

And the gold is a treacherous gold; and those with it are seen as treacherous.

If you're going to settle in with a clear back shield from the start, the story is completely different.

Even in villages where sinners have been gathered and made, they can get along quite well if their origins are clear.

But Fusarion is a village made by unidentified humans who came from nowhere.

It makes no sense where Bardo named himself a knight from Pakla and a man who even served as Union Marshal in Nakahara.

That's terribly hard to prove, because it's too remote from the local people.

What can I do to get you to recognize it as a decent village?


Baldo was quickly noticed to have shrugged something called forest resilience.

And the green that seeth is resurrected.

I was also fortunate that it started raining before the cores and roots of the trees burned.

The animals are back, too.

We built a new house near Zaria's cabin, and we all lived there.

Zaria gave me one important piece of information about salt.

When he cured a traveler's illness, as he had done before, he told me that there was a valley made of salt in the mountains of the northeast.

It's a visible place, and in any case, I need to get an idea of what's going on around me, so I just let Cars go.

Cars came home in just three days.

Fill the bag with plenty of rock salt.

There is as much salt as there is, but don't let those who can't fight go pick it up because there are so many beasts on the road, Cars reported.

They also said there were signs of warcraft in distant places.

Cars is still a strange man because warcraft can sense warcraft from further away than it can sense humans.

People came pompous.

Many of them lived nearby at the time of this forest.

Those who are burned out without being adventured by the fruits of the devil, or who are temporarily separated and no longer have a place to return.

Those who flow into places like this at the end of the earth, they are dull and have little wealth.

In Fusarion, they build houses that can't be built without proper tools, so that's all that stands out.

There must be a lot of things there, I think those who see them.

Food, of course.

It had more power to attract people than the Balds thought.

Those who recognised Jurchaga as village chief and vowed to do what they could for this village accepted.

I did not accept those who did not.

Those who tried to work abusively did not hesitate to beat them.

One of the three men suddenly hit Bardo in the middle of the conversation.

Pull out your crude sword.

Bardo punched the three noses with his fist (bush).

The three fell bleeding out of their noses.

He put the three on top of each other and threw them on the Uytan, dumping them a long way from the village.

I may have woken up and run, or the beast may have eaten me to death.

They had no choice but to do so.

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